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UChicago Social Sciences Leadership Lab The Craft of Writing Effectively

Speaker: Larry McEnerney

 Expert writers use writing to help themselves think at a complex level, different from the
traditional separation of thinking and writing processes taught in schools.
 Writing challenges arise when expert writers use language patterns for thinking that differ
from patterns readers, even other experts, use when reading.
 Readers may stop, misunderstand, or skip content when faced with writing that doesn't
align with their reading patterns, leading to frustration and potential disengagement.
 The most critical aspect of academic writing is its value to readers. Clarity, organization,
and persuasion are secondary; without value, the writing becomes useless.
 Professional writing is not about conveying your ideas. It’s about changing your
readers’ ideas.
o Why should I think that? Instead of Why do you think that? (teacherly question)

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