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Name: Jamal Ahmad

Reg #: BSP201016
Date: 30-March-2020
Course: Intro to Psychology
Section: (1)
Activity: Case Study: The Wild Boy of Aveyron
Description: Summary

Submitted to: Dr. Ishrat Yousaf

Capital University of Science &

Case Study: The Wild Boy of Aveyron
In this case study “The Wild Boy of Aveyron” a 12-year boy victor
founded in the woods of the Aveyron. He was naked and totally
behaving like an animal. The scholars estimated that he spent his
childhood in the woods. When they captured him for a research, the
researchers found him deaf & dumb and not eating cooked things. He
was not showing any reaction towards the society because he lived in
isolation for many years. His sensation & perception wasn’t working
properly. He was not feeling the temperature, even that he spent a lot
of time naked in a cold temperature. One more thing happened that he
took boiled potato and didn’t feel the fire and warm temperature of a

A young doctor Dr Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard, started training of

this boy but he didn’t achieve complete success in his training. When he
started his training he saw that the victor was not responding to him
instead of some of his actions. He responded to the sound of cracking
of walnut and the word “O” that is why Dr Itard named him victor
because the word “O” was included in victor and he gave reaction to
him every time he called him by his name Victor.

Dr Itard believed that Empathy & Language are the things that
differentiate humans from animals. He started teaching him language
but he learnt few words. With a passage of time he started showing
empathy but he didn’t socialized himself completely. The modern
scholars said that he was autistic. (Autism is a disorder in which a
human cannot maintain a social contact with people due to
environment and some isolation factors, this disease mainly occurs in
the early age of 1 to 3). So victor socialized little bit not completely, he
spent his rest of life partially socialized and died in the age of 40. This
case study was basically related to sensation & perception and study
showed that a specific age & time is required for humans to learn their
socialization skills.

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