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Good afternoon everyone, my name is Veronika Romaniuk.

I’m a student of
10th grade and I would like to welcome you to my presentation on
"Abbreviations in Modern English as a Component of Youth Internet Slang". In
this presentation, I will explore the various abbreviations used in modern
English and how they have become an integral part of youth internet slang. I
will also examine the reasons behind the use of such abbreviations and their
impact on modern communication. Thank you for joining me today and I hope
you will find this presentation informative and engaging.

The aim of this work is to analyze the abbreviations of youth internet slang in
the English language at the current stage of their development, to systematize
and summarize the knowledge of the structural features of abbreviations as a
component of modern English, and to clarify, based on the analysis of factual
material of scientists, the processes of truncation and shortening.

The tasks of the work were:

 To consider the formation and structural features of abbreviation units

in modern English;

 To define the concepts of abbreviation and slang;

 To investigate and classify the main types of abbreviations according

to their structure;

 To identify the sources of online slang formation based on popular

online platforms.

Research object: abbreviations in the English language, linguistic and

extralinguistic factors of their appearance in modern English.

Research subject: peculiarities of using abbreviations in modern English

internet slang.

I used such methods as:….

Research methods: theoretical analysis of literature, method of complete

selection, descriptive method, systemic analysis, comparison, and generalization

The theoretical significance of the obtained results lies in the following

development of issues related to the study of abbreviations as a component of
modern English Internet slang.
The practical significance of the research is the use of the results at
study of a course in linguistics, research can constitute a certain
interest for those who are interested in the processes of the appearance of
abbreviations in modern English and their influence on Internet slang.

Slang is a colloquial version of professional speech. There are many different

variants of Internet slang - youth, computer, professional, etc. based on the
combination of lexical units of different languages.

Slang is a vital aspect of contemporary English, reflecting the language's

dynamism and constantly evolving nature. It is a type of informal language that
is used by certain groups of people or in particular situations. Slang can be
found in all areas of English communication, including social media, music,
movies, and television. Slang terms often originate from subcultures, such as the
hip-hop or skateboard communities, and then spread to the mainstream. In some
cases, slang terms can even become part of standard English, as seen with
words like "cool" and "nerd." However, many slang terms remain exclusive to
certain groups and can be difficult for outsiders to understand.
One of the defining characteristics of slang is its use of unconventional
language and grammar. Slang is often used to establish group identity and can
serve as a means of social bonding. For example, using slang words that are
unique to a particular subculture can signal to others that you belong to that
group. Conversely, not understanding or using slang can mark someone as an
It is important to note, however, that not all slang is appropriate for all
situations. Using slang in formal contexts, such as in academic or professional
settings, can be seen as inappropriate or unprofessional. Therefore, it is essential
to have an understanding of the appropriate context in which to use slang.

My work allows us to conclude that abbreviations are a significant component

of contemporary English, particularly among young people and in internet
slang. Abbreviations are used to save time and space in online communication
and can convey a wide range of emotions and meanings. While some
abbreviations have become widely adopted and are now considered part of
standard English, many others remain exclusive to certain online communities
or subcultures. Understanding and using abbreviations can be essential for
effective communication in these contexts, but it is also important to be aware
of the appropriate usage and potential misunderstandings that may arise.
Overall, abbreviations are a fascinating aspect of modern language and are
likely to continue evolving and proliferating in the future.

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