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Dropping out of school menace

Recently a seminar was held in agadir by the ministry of

education, about students who drop out of school at a
young age. Lots of students, teachers, and parents were
invited to attend. The ministry started the event by
mentioning the importance of education. and moves on
directly to why students drop out school. Are there any
reasons for that, besides how we can fix that by
ourselves.the ministry listed some causes which are family
problems that could have a bad impact, lack of motivation
which is a common cause for students to face, child labour
when kids work in a young age,besides this is a global
problem, not only this but also distant schools can be a
major issue where students have to walk miles and miles
to reach school. On the other hand, the ministry proposed
few solutions that could help overcome this menace
starting with encourage students skills and abilities so they
can believe in themselves.moreover, what could be best
than making school an enjoyable environment to study.
apart from this, parents should communicate more with
their kids. and much more solutions to live by. By the end
of the seminar most students seemed happy about
discussing their problems and offering solutions. in
addition, teachers confirmed that these solutions could
make their jobs much easier.

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