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f (A)altar ( = place for offering to gods) n.祭壇
t (B)alter [ 'olta] ( = change) v. t.改變-> alteration n.
〔慣用語〕lead a woman to the altar 娶某女爲妻

alter '[勺 10]畋變;更改一>意謂特殊方面之改變,但並非整體之改變。
change [t/endj]使改變;變更 T 由調一個人或一件物之本質上之基本 或前後完
convert [kan^vyt]改變;轉變;皈依者指從一狀態或情況轉變爲他者。 modify
transform[tr3ens^f3rm]使變形;改觀指使人或物在性質或形態上發生 徹底的變
vary ["veri]改變;變換;交替變換

(A)alteration[□!ts*'reJan] ( = change) n.改變

(BJaltercationfolty^efan] ( = dispute) n.爭辯
(C)alternaticm[31t3, ,nejan] ( = coming by turns)n.交替
G^alternateCort^nit] v. adj. n.輪流;更迭;交替
(E)altemative[o 1znativ] adj. & n.二者任擇其一的;變通辦法;選擇餘地
〔慣用法〕(l)have no alternative ( choice) but + to+V. R (不得不)
二 can not choose but + V. R (原式)
二 can not help but 4-V.R
二 can not but + V.R
二 can not help+Ving
=be obi iged to + V.R
(2) alternate in 4- Ving 輪流
=alternately = by turns = take turns 4-Ving
⑶on alternate days (隔日;每兩天)
二 every other day 二 every second day = every two days
(A) altitude [ ^Itit jud] ( = height above sea level) n.高度
(B) attitude [ ^tit jud] ( = opinion ) n.態度
(C) aptitude [ zaeptitjud] ( = natural ability ) n.才能
(I® latitude [ ^aetitjud] ( = imaginary 1 ine or distance paral lei to the equator ) n,緯度
(E)gratitude[ "flraetitjud] n.感激
(Fjfortitudepfortitjud] n.剛毅;耐勞;不屈不撓
.連鎖記法 ' ~
(1) longitude [,landsitjud]經度⑵ altitude 高度->指超過地面或海面等已知 latitude
[ ' laetitjud]緯度 平面之高度。
equator [i^weta] v.赤道 elevation [el^vejanjn.高度;海拔 horizon [ha^raizn] n.地
平線;height [hait] n.高度;頂點 T 旨從底量 海平線 到頂的高度
mercdian [nwn.子午線 stature [ ^taetja] n.身高;身長
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 15

e 診
1 Please read the story________________.
B (A) aloud (B) loud (C) loudly
2 The bomb exploded_______________.(二 with a loud noise )
(A) aloud (B) loud (C) loudly
3. I can't hear you, please read__________________.
(A) aloud (B) loud (C) loudly (D) alouder (E) louder
KIEEJIEC 4. The___________ surroundings may make one depressed.(沮喪)
EI (A) alone (B) lone (B) lonely (D) lonesome
KIEEIEE 5 In order to keep healthy, you must__________________ your way of
(A) alter (B) altar
囚囱可回 6. He has__________a great deal since I saw him a year ago.,
[E (A) altered (BJaltared
El 7. The airplane was flying at a(n) _________________of 1,000 feet.
(A) altitude (B) aptitude (C)multitude (D) fortitude (E)attitude
KIE] 回 回 & Edison had a great ______________for inventing new things.
EE (A) appetite (B) aptitude (C) amendment (功 annals (E) altitude
9. I wonder why her_____________toward us has changed so greatly
in these few days.
(A) altitude (B) attitude (C) latitude (D) longitude
10.The antonym of longitude is________________.
(A) gratitude (B) aptitude (C) latitude (D) fortitude
fAmfcrgu 11. I had no alternative ( = choice) but__________________ the cost.
n 二 I could not choose but pay the cost.
(A) pay (B) to pay (C) paying (DJpaid
lALBj£]LDjL 12.The boys had an_____________over the umpire's decision.
(A) alteration (B) alternation (C) altercation (I» alternative
KIEEIIE 13.The__________ of the seasons makes it more interesting to
LE] 1 ive around the year.
(A) alteration (B) alternation (jC) al tercation (D) alternative
KIEEmEl 14He canzt speak his own native language well, let alone French.

(A) still less (B)much less (C) not to mention (D) not to speak of

1(A) 2(C) 1(E) 4.(D) 5(A) 6. (A) 7. (A) & (B) 9. (A) 1O.(C)
1__ 1L(B) 12(G) 13.(B) 14.(A)(B)(C)(D)

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