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Project tiếng anh của tổ 2

UNIT 3:The Green Moverment

MC/Host: (1 người)
(Bắt đầu thuyết trình)
Good morning everyone,my name’s Linh and in today english class,us group 2 will be presenting
about the subject of the unit 3 which is The Green Movement.
Our presentation today about the green moverment will be consist of 3 part and in the end we
will have a small gameshow ,I hope you stay engaged till then.Now lets us begin our
(mở đầu phần 1)
Miss … and Miss … you may come up.
(Kết thúc phần 1)
Thanks to Miss … and Miss …,we now know … is one of the difficult problem the world is
facing,but what can we do to fix or reduce it.Now let switch it
(mở đầu phần 2)
Miss … and Miss … you may come up.
(mở đầu phần 3)
Miss … and Miss … you may come up.
In conclusion.
We have reach the end of our presentation.We hope you all have a nice day and thank you for

Part 1:The world situation(3 Người)

1:In the twenty-first century,we now have the best living standards that we ever got throughout
the history of mankind
2:Innovation in technology keep happening,making our lives easier but not to say,We do
encounter a lot of Problems which was left unresovle.
1:And in one of those problems,the one that the world keep an eye on ,are pollution in general
1.Hello everyone ,my name is…
2.And name is…, in today news,we re going to discuss about the topic of pollution around the
1.Pollution is a phenomenal which can dated back to the prehistoric,it can found in natural state
such as volcano ash, sea salt particles, products of forest fibres,etc.All of which can be called
pollutants .
1.But ever since the appearance of human,pollution have slowly risen because man-made
pollutants.After the industrial revolution,the pollution rate around the world sky rocketed.
2:Take example,fossil fuel,can make the air and water pollution.can have some severe effect on
human health,it is the form of energy that human use the most on daily basis.Another example is
plastic,a material that human use to wrap,preserve,carry food on daily basis too and plastic is
easily malleable thefore it can be turn into any thing.But the down side of it is it’s long-lasting
effect,making it very hard to decompose which can be very bad for the natural.
1:In conclusion,there are lots of pollutant come from human and they all have negative effects on
the nature and human
2.To show you how serious the situation is,we sent ms… come to a nearby village to investigate
about the report of it badly polluted environment. and now we ll ask a native bout it
4.Hello everyone,I am … and im now standing In a village which is known for it’s enviroment
being severely polluted.Come with me,lets ask a native about it
4:Hey you,what is your name?
3:Oh,my name’s …Is there any problem?
4:Good morning ms..,my name is …
4:Im a reporter come from the BBC news,I got quite curious after i heard of the condition of this
village environment which was seriously polluted and I suspect if it was true,so I wondered if
you mind answer some question from us
3:oh I don’t mind at all,go ahead
4:Glad to hear that,FirstlyThere’s a rumor about the bad sense of smell around the village
3:Oh it not a rumour it a fact,everone who live or pass through this village will notice that there
is an odly smell,not just in one place but the smell almost cover up everywhere,for us villager,we
have always been dealing with this faint smell all year’s not that stink or dense enough
to make us sick but having to live with it kinda irritated me.
4.Since you say that,I do have a sense over it now and its indeed really annoying,but I wonder
where does the scent come from?
3:Well,maybe you seen that there a lots of small factories and ware house all over the village
which is packed with worker,there’s a big chance that they are making glass noodle,its our
village specialty,to make it,it not that hard but problem come from it ingredient.Glass noodle is
specialy made using galangal flour.There are many factory around the village make this type of
flour and the smell come from it processing.But realisticly,the main source of smell actually
come from the excesses after,combine with the fact that the owner doesn’t dispose it
properly.Doubling the smell.
4.Second question,is there any proper landfills?
3.We do have one over there but because of the overwhelming amount of trash from everyhouse
hold make the garabage piles stack up really high,making it surrounding polluted.
3.Oh another thing,eventhough there are landfills but still,people keep throwing trash everywhere
but a trash can,making it hard to clean up.They keep tossing cans,plastics bag and other thing to
the sideline and river,making the soil and water to be polluted.
4.Oh have ran out of questio,thank you for answering us.
3.No problems,im gonna head out now,see you next time.
2.So to wrap thing up,pollution,which effect awfully to people,to natural,everything on earth,is
growing more and more significant,scienctist have a feeling it might be out of control in the
1. So to save the situation,what can we do to solve it.But for now, our presentation end here.
1+2:Thank you for listening and goodbye.

Part 2:The Green Movement

1.Good morning everyone,my name is …
2.And my name is …
1.We are members who come from the tgm campaign,which is in short term of the green movement
and our campaign slogan is to “go green”
2.As our main slogan suggests,our main goal is to promote a green lifestyle to everyone,a lifestyle to
help the environment.
1.Why,As you can see from the last part,pollution have some poorly effects,pollution can cause
diseases,can make human go sick,can also affect the animals and plants.Basically everything on earth
are affected by pollution.

2.Since the industrial revolution and the human population keep increase,the percentage of pollution
is growing and spread worldwide m

1.In order to potentially reduce or stop the pollution effect,we have thought over it and have come up
with some solutions to aid the situation.

2.Firstly,we tend to use a lot of plastic bag,plastic wraper ,etc which depend how you use it,most of
them will be one-time usage,after using them we would throw it away,but because of it
essence,plastic will not go away for a long time and will likely cause soil pollution.So to fix that
problem,we encourage you to use products made from eco-friendly material like
plastic,fiber,cotton,especialy Biodegradable plastics which take only three to six months to
1.Secondly,We should volunteer for cleanups,participate in planting more tree around where you
live.if there arent any,you should organize it yourself or maybe with your friends.As you do that,you
will contribute to raise people awareness about the environment,help them understand the
importance and value of our natural resources

1.And lastly,We should learn how to reduce,resuse and recycle.Cut down what you throw away and
know how to smartly get the best out of the products.Follow these three “r” to conserve natural

2.In conclusion,We hope that you had followed what we said and we hope you would keep in mind
our idea and implement it to your daily life

1.Remember that,Us alone cant do much but with each of your help,we would be one step closer to
have a more healthy life for ourself and other.Open the bright future for future generation.

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