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Food and nutr雪t雪on

l。 Nutrition

We need food, Water and oxygen in order


Nut「ition inciudes a= the processes invoIved

in ingesting food substances, t「anSforming

them fo「 their ut冊zation, and e看iminating

WaSte ,

Nut「ition incIudes aIimentation, digestion,

breathing, CircuIation, and excretion.固


Alimentation is the process of obtaining,

P「eParing and eating food,

Food contains essentiaI nut「ients,丁hese

are the substances that the body needs

to grow and function weII"

Food is either animal or plant in origin,

and is cIassified into five groups.圏

丁he five food g「oups

3。 A healthy diet

A diet is a= the food we eat over a period

Of time.
e Ou「diet shouid be compIete: We ShouId

eat foods from a= the groups,

e Our diet shouid be balanced: We Shouid
eat the right amount of each food type,

Diets vary depending on how old a person

is, and the amount of physical exe「cise they

do, For example, While our bodies are

growing, it is important to have a diet rich
in caicium to ensu「e st「ong, heaithy bones,

A diet rich in fruits, VegetabIes, meat

and fish is importantata= ages,掛

4, Food safety
It is impo「tant thatthe food that we eat be

in good condition" Hygiene and the expi「y

date help us make sure food meets this


○ Hygiene is important when handiing food,

For example, food should be sto「ed

PrOPeriy so that it does not spoii, We

Should wash our hands befo「e preparing

food, and aiso before we eat,

㊧ The expjry date indicates the iast date

When it is safe to eat a food, Afterthat

date, the food couId be ha「mfui to our

heaith. The expiry date is written on ali

PaCkaged foods,也

1" Look at picture固, Name the systems invoIved in nutritjon.

2" Look at the foods in photo鼠Name one food from each g「oup,

3。 Expiain what these words mean: nut「ition, diet.

Name: ________________________________ Class: 5 _____

Read the comprehension and answer the questions given.

1. Match each word to the correct definition.

Precipitation Water stored in lakes and oceans.

Evaporation Rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
Accumulation Water vapor cools and returns to liquid.
Condensation The sun heats up water and it becomes
water vapor.
Transpiration Water evaporated from a plant.

2. Select “True” or “False”.

a) The Earth always has the same amount of water.

b) The moon is important to the water cycle.
c) Oceans hold most of the Earth’s water.
d) Water cycle is a continuous cycle.

3. Drag and drop the four stages of water cycle on the correct place according to
the comprehension.

Precipitation Evaporation Accumulation Condensation

a) ___________________________

b) ____________________________

c) ____________________________

d) ____________________________
What is the water cycle?

Earth has a limited amount of water. So, that water …(1)… going around. We
call it the water cycle. The water cycle begins …(2)… evaporation. Evaporation
is …(3)… the sun heats up water in rivers, lakes or the ocean, then …(4)… it
into water vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the body of
water …(5)… goes into the air. Transpiration is the process by …(6)… plants
lose water out of their leaves. Condensation is when water vapor in the air
gets cold and changes back into water to …(7)… clouds. Think of it this way.
When you open a cold soda on a hot summer day, your soda will start …(8)… as
water droplets form on the outside of the can. Precipitation occurs when so
much water has condensed that the air can't hold …(9)… anymore. This is
…(10)… we get rain or snow. Collection happens when the precipitation falls
and …(11)…back in the oceans, lakes and rivers. When it falls to the ground, it
will soak into the earth and …(12)… ground water. This is the water cycle and
it just keeps repeating.

1) a. grows b. keeps c. takes d. makes

2) a. on b. at c. by d. with

3) a. when b. why c. what d. where

4) a. pulls b. turns c. builds d. gives

5) a. or b. so c. and d. but

6) a. whose b. whom c. what d. which

7) a. form b. follow c. find d. feel

8) a. sweated b. sweat c. to sweat d. sweats

9) a. them b. it c. they d. there

10) a. what b. who c. which d. how

11) a. collects b. is collected c. collected d. was collected

12) a. become b. change c. cover d. pick

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