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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation is the head director of the organization got fired and was replaced with a
new head director. The new director had no previous knowledge of what exactly our
organization was about or how it was run. The new director is causing problems with
current staff because they are making decisions and changes without consulting with the
current staff. They are also causing problems because they do not want to learn the
structure of the organization and are doing it their own way. My role is the special event
director of the organization.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

The symbolic frame is “focused on how myth and symbols help humans to make sense of
the chaotic, ambiguous world in which we live in” (Bolman, 2021). The symbols and
symbolic frame of the Academic Alumni Alliance (AAA) play a significant role in
influencing the situation within the organization. As an organization focused on college
campus spirit, pride, and tradition, the symbols associated with AAA carry deep meaning
and significance for its members and stakeholders. These symbols include the
organization's logo, motto, traditions, and events that symbolize its values and identity.
The replacement of the main director has disrupted the symbolic frame of the
organization. The director serves as a symbolic figurehead, representing the leadership,
values, and direction of AAA. With the introduction of a new director who has a different
management style and approach, there is a shift in the symbolic representation of
leadership within the organization. This change creates a sense of uncertainty, confusion,
and resistance among the staff as they struggle to adapt to the new director's leadership
style with the established symbols and traditions of AAA.
The lack of understanding and appreciation for the organization's symbols and traditions
by the new director makes the situation worse. Their one person decision-making and
disregard for input from the existing staff compromise the symbolic significance of
AAA's values and traditions. This can lead to a breakdown in trust and unity within the
organization because staff members feel disconnected from the core identity and purpose
of AAA. The symbols and symbolic frame of the organization serve as a guiding force
that shapes attitudes, behaviors, and interactions within AAA. The disruption of this
symbolic frame by the replacement director contributes to the challenges and conflicts
observed in the situation. Reestablishing alignment between leadership, symbols, and
organizational values is crucial for restoring harmony and effectiveness within the
Academic Alumni Alliance.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative

course of action regarding your case.

An organization’s culture is key in creating alternative courses of action within the

symbolic frame because “an organization’s culture is revealed and communicated through
its symbols” (Bolman, 2021). Organizational symbols can serve as a valuable tool for
creating an alternative course of action in the current situation within the Academic
Alumni Alliance (AAA). By tapping into the meanings and values associated with AAA's
symbols, the organization can navigate the challenges created by the replacement director
and restore cohesion and effectiveness. One approach to maintaining the core values of
AAA (spirit, pride, and tradition) is by using its symbols as guiding principles for
decision-making and actions. Communication and education are essential in this process
and efforts should be made to educate the new director about the significance of AAA's
symbols and traditions. Having open communication is important to ensure the director
understands the values and expectations of the organization's members and stakeholders.
Encouraging a collaborative approach to decision-making that respects the input and
perspectives of the entire staff is crucial as well.

It's important to align the director's actions and decisions with the symbols and symbolic
frame of AAA, ensuring that any changes or initiatives introduced are in harmony with
the organization's values and traditions. Additionally, empowering staff members by
recognizing and celebrating their contributions to AAA's mission and objectives can help
create a positive organizational culture. Lastly, encouraging adaptation and innovation
within the framework of AAA's symbols and traditions can lead to new ways to enhance
spirit, pride, and tradition while staying true to the organization's identity. Through these
efforts, AAA can navigate the challenges presented by the replacement director and come
out stronger and more coordinated, ensuring its long lasting impact and relevance on the
college campus.
4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have
learned about this frame.

Looking back on what I have learned about this frame, I would make sure that every
event that was created and put on by the organization went along with AAA’s values
which are spirit, pride, and tradition. This way the organization could restore cohesion
and effectiveness that was brought on by the new director. I would also make sure that
there was communication and education about said values and symbols of the
organization. This way the new director would be educated on what is important to the
organization's members and stakeholders. It would also allow the director to not be afraid
to ask questions especially when there is open communication.

I would also make sure that when hiring a new director in the future of this organization
that their values align with the values of AAA. This would ensure that all changes that
need to be made or any thoughts of change would be aligned with the traditions and
values of the organization. With that, I would make sure that the organization would be
open to innovative ideas from the new director and be able to adapt to said ideas. This
way the current staff and new director cna navigate the changes together. Overall, there
also needs to be more of a collaborative approach.
Reference or References
(Choose appropriate Title if Applicable and Delete the Rest)

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and
leadership. Jossey-Bass.

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