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PCA – Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Kevin Miranda

OGL 481: Organizational Leadership Pro-Seminar I

Dr. Joy D’Angelo

February 11, 2024

OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:
PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet
Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

In 2020, during the pandemic, we faced challenges in maintaining equipment

while adhering to COVID-19 restrictions and FAA regulations. We couldn't have all the
people at the same time on the office floor and for this, the Section Chief carried out a
virtual meeting for ideas on how to tackle this challenge. The first idea to work in small
teams during outages was dismissed for uncertainty of restraints duration. I suggested a
5-team organization, each being headed by a supervisor, who would work at the office
once per week, also making sure to balance skills and experience within each team. In the
beginning, there were issues with team composition but after some discussion, we all
agreed. The system I developed allowed efficient maintenance and training to improve
our performance. However, once the restriction was lifted our efficiency went down
because of a lack of motivation and other non-essential responsibilities.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

The symbols of the organization, like the structural reorganization of small teams
to the compliance with the guidelines of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
played a critical role in impacting the approach and the morale of the team. It sent a
powerful message about adaptability and resilience in the division of its workforce into
small, more agile teams with a supervisor leading. Such structural change was to adapt to
the social distancing needs but it was also a symbolic representation of the sustainable
dedication of the organization to maintain its mission throughout such unprecedented
challenges. There was a shift towards flexibility, autonomy, and trust in the abilities of
individual teams to carry out their duties without constant supervision. This
reorganization also reflected a symbolic breaking down of the traditional hierarchical
barriers in terms of fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose between team members
(Bolman & Deal, 2021). The value was ascribed to this new structure symbolically and it

became an absolute motivator of the team in encouraging their creativity, engagement,
and productivity to high heights despite the constraints imposed by the pandemic.

The organization always followed a strictly respectful approach to the

requirements laid down by the FAA. These regulations, added to the organization's firm
adhesion to them, constituted a very fundamental value system based on responsibility,
reliability, and public safety. The regulations somehow became constitutive guiding
principles that drove the team's efforts toward proper prioritization and exact observance
of the deadlines for maintenance. This enabled the organizational identification as an
organization that is disciplined and mission-oriented; in this respect, such adherence to
the externally imposed standard reinforced the view and made it a source of pride and
duty among the staff (Bolman & Deal, 2021). The organization even managed to fulfill
the symbolic importance the regulations entailed in creative ways by showing how it was
sophisticatedly maneuvering regulatory constraints.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

Taking the power of organizational symbols one step ahead to leverage it for an
alternative course of action, one innovative way could be the introduction of a symbolic
badge or certification system for individuals and teams that will show an exceptionally
high level of adaptability, teamwork, and efficiency under the externally imposed
conditions like that of a pandemic. Whether called on the core values of the organization
or perhaps named to represent historical figures who showed extraordinary contributions,
these badges would be a tangible representation of the appreciation an organization holds
for this extra contribution to the cause. This would not only support individual and group
accomplishments but also engage the spirit of being seen and celebrated. Besides, the
badges could be displayed in the workplace or part of digital signatures such that it was
always in the face and serve as a continual reminder of the organizational commitment to
excellence in its mission and the positive change made by the efforts of the employees.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

The symbolic frame becomes more interesting and significant when one reflects
on this more deeply because the nuanced use of symbols within an organization can have
a deep impact on the culture, morale, and operational effectiveness of an organization,
especially at a time of crisis or transition. Against the backdrop of the pandemic and the
newness of everything, I realized that every action, structure, and communication is not
just functional in its purpose but also symbolic, giving out messages on values, priorities,
and expectations (Bolman & Deal, 2021). I could have clarified right from the start what

the symbolic value of rebalancing the teams and I would not have perceived it just as an
answer to an externally imposed constraint but as proof of our adaptability, innovation,
and commitment to keeping our mission alive without ever letting safety and quality
decay. This approach could have fostered a stronger sense of purpose and unity,
reinforcing the idea that we were not just adapting to survive but seizing an opportunity
to evolve and improve. Moreover, the introduction of symbols of recognition and the
symbolic acts of leadership could have been leveraged more strategically to build a
resilient and inclusive culture, emphasizing the importance of every team member's
contribution to navigating the crisis.
The symbolic frame also brought to light what I would have done differently in
communication and engagement. Given the symbolic power to shape perception and
behavior, I would have been more intentional concerning the use of symbolic
communication to positively express the values of the organization and the value of each
person in such a context. For instance, they could have been powerful symbols of the
leadership's commitment to openness, respect, and common goals, such as consistent,
authentic updates that went beyond being mere vessels of information but also
acknowledging challenges, celebrating successes, and genuinely appreciative of the
team's hard work and flexibility.

Reference or References

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership.
Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand.

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