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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:IM-ENGDRAW-2NDSEM-2020-2021

College of Engineering
Bayombong Campus




Geometric Construction and Engineering Curves


Geometric Construction


1. Scaling and Dimensioning

2. Polygons


• To draw different basic geometric shapes



Drawing of small object can be prepared of the same size as the objects they represent. A 150 mm long
pencil may be shown by a drawing of 150 mm length. Drawings drawn of the same size as the objects,
are called full-size drawings. The ordinary full-size scales are used for such drawings

It is not possible always to make drawing of an object to its actual size. Objects which are very big in size
cannot be represented in a drawing to full size. (Ex. Drawing of a 100 m building on an A3 piece of paper).

Sample Problem:

On a survey map the distance between two places 1km apart is 5 cm. Construct the scale to read 4.6

Therefore, x = 25 cm

If 4.6 km itself to be taken, x = 23 cm.

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:IM-ENGDRAW-2NDSEM-2020-2021


Dimension line is a thin continuous line. It is terminated by arrowhead touching the outlines, extension
lines or center lines.

Extension line is also a thin continuous line drawn in extension of an outline. With a length 1-3 mm,
beyond the dimension line.

Arrowhead is placed at each end of a dimension line. Its pointed end touches the outline, an extension
line and/or center line. The size of an arrowhead should be proportional to the thickness of the outlines.
The length of the arrowhead should be about three times it maximum width. It is drawn freehand.

Leader or a pointer is a thin continuous line connecting a note or a dimension figure with the feature to
which it applies.

Placing Dimensions

The two systems of placing dimensions are:

1. Aligned system

Aligned system, the dimension is placed PERPENDICULAR to the dimension line in such way that it
may be read from the bottom edge or the right-hand edge of the drawing sheet. The dimensions
should be placed near the middle and above, but clear of the dimension lines. (Figure 3-12)

2. Unidirectional System

In Unidirectional system all dimensions are so placed that they can be read from the bottom edge of
the drawing sheet. The dimension lines are broken near the middle for inserting dimensions. This
system is mainly used on large drawings. (Figure 3-13).

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Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:IM-ENGDRAW-2NDSEM-2020-2021

Unit of Dimensioning

As far as possible all dimension should be in millimeters, omitting the abbreviation mm. Even when it is
not convenient to give dimensions in millimeters and another unit is used, only the dimension figures are
written. But a foot note such as “ALL DIMENSION ARE IN CENTIMETERS” is inserted in a prominent
place near the title blocks. The height of the dimension figures should be from 3 -5 mm. The decimal
point in a dimension should be quite distinct (Very visible). A zero must always precede the decimal point
when the dimension is less than 1.

General Rules for Dimensioning

1. Dimensioning should be done so completely that further calculation or assumption of any dimension,
or direct measurement from the drawing is not necessary.
2. Every dimension must be given, but none should be given more than once.
3. A dimension should be placed on the view where its use is shown more clearly.
4. Dimensions should be placed outside the views, unless they are clearer and more easily read inside.
5. Mutual crossing of dimension lines and dimensioning between hidden lines should be avoided.
Dimension lines should not cross any other line of the drawing.
6. An outline or a center line should be never used as a dimension line.
7. Aligned system of dimensioning is recommended.

Practical Hints on Dimensioning

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:IM-ENGDRAW-2NDSEM-2020-2021

Geometric Constructions

Many of the construction used in

technical design drawing are based
upon plane geometry, and every
draftsman or engineer should be
sufficiently familiar with them to be
able to apply them to the solutions of
problems. Pure geometry problems
may be solved only with compass or
straightedge, and in some cases these
methods may be used to advantage in
technical drawing. In drawing, these
geometric constructions, accuracy is
most important.


A quadrilateral is a plane figure

bounded by for straight lines.


A polygon is any plane figure bounded

by straight lines. If the polygon has
equal angles and equal sides, it can be
inscribed in or circumscribed around a
circle, and is called a regular polygon.


An Involute is the path of a point on a string, as the string unwinds from a line, a polygon, or a circle. The
involute is used in the design of gear teeth or machine design.

Spiral of Archimedes

The spiral is a plane curve generated at a point moving uniformly along a straight line while the line
revolves about a fixed point with uniform angular velocity.


1. Construct a Regular Pentagon with a Circle.

Draw a horizontal line with a length of 140 mm. Label endpoints as A and B. Bisect line AB and locate
point O on the line. With the use of the compass and with point O as the center, draw a circle with a
radius equal to radius OA and OB. Using the set-squares, draw a line perpendicular to line AB passing
through point O. Locate point C at the intersection between the line and the circle. Bisect radius OB
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:IM-ENGDRAW-2NDSEM-2020-2021

and locate point D on the line. With point D as the center and distance DC as the radius, swing an
arc by using the compass until it intersects radius OA. Locate point E on radius OA. With point C as
the center and distance CE as the radius, swing another arc until it intersects arc AC. Draw line CF
using the triangles, using the compass, step off distances CF around the circumference of the circle.
Strike arcs to determine the points of the pentagon. Connect the points to create the pentagon.

2. Construct a Regular Octagon Inscribed in a Square.

Draw a horizontal line with a length of 140 mm. Bisect this line and draw the perpendicular bisector
through the point of intersection. Locate point O at the point of intersection. To construct the square,
draw the lines parallel to the perpendicular bisector formed and passing through the endpoints A and
B. With the use of a 45-deg triangle, draw a 45-deg line passing to point O until it intersects the two
vertical lines at point A and B. Draw horizontal lines on the intersections closing the square and label
the endpoints of the square clockwise starting from the upper left point as point A to D. Using the
compass and with points A, B, C, and D as centers, swing arcs until it intersects the side of the square.
Use radius OA, OB, OC and OD respectively. The intersections between the arcs and the sides of
the square form the eight points of the figure. Connect these points using a triangle to form the eight
sides of the octagon.

3. Construct an Involute of a Triangle.

Using a set-square, construct an equilateral triangle with a length of one side equivalent to 30 mm.
Label the points counterclockwise as points A, B, and C. Extend the lines AB, BC, and CA. With the
use of a drawing compass and with point C as the center, swing an arc using radius CA until it
intersects the extended line of BC. Locate point D at its intersection. With the use of a drawing
compass and with point B as the center, swing an arc using radius BD until it intersects the extended
line of AB. Locate point E at its intersection. With the use of a drawing compass and with point A as
the center, swing an arc using radius AE until it intersects the extended line of CA. Locate point F at
its intersection.

4. Construct a Parabola Given a Rectangle.

Draw an 80 mm horizontal line. Label the endpoints A and B. From point B, draw a vertical line
downward with a length of 120 mm and label the endpoint as C. Repeat the process in Point A, and
label the endpoint as D. Connect points D and C to create the rectangle. Draw the perpendicular
bisector of line AD, and locate point E at the point of intersection. Label point O at the intersection
with line BC. Divide lines AB and CD into 4 equal divisions. Mark the points of divisions and label
starting from points A and D as points 1,2, and 3. Divide the lines OB and OC into four divisions. Mark
the point of divisions and label it starting from point O as points 1, 2, and 3. To locate the points of
the parabola, draw lines from point E to points 1,2, and 3 on lines AB and CD. The using set-square,
draw a horizontal line starting from points 1 on lines OB and OC, until it intersects the line E1. Mark
the points of intersection. draw a horizontal line starting from points 2 on lines OB and OC, until it
intersects the line E2. Mark the points of intersection. Draw a horizontal line starting from points 3 on
lines OB and OC, until it intersects the line E3. Mark the points of intersection. To form the parabola,
connect the points of intersection using a French curve.

5. Draw a Parallelogram Ellipse

Construct the major axis, draw a horizontal line of 120 mm. Label the end points A and B. Draw the
perpendicular bisector of the major axis, with a length of 70 mm and locate point O at the intersection.
Label the endpoints of the line as C and D. Line CD is the minor axis of the ellipse. TO construct the
parallelogram, draw line parallel to both axes and passing through endpoints A, B, C and D. Label
the endpoints E, F, G, and H. Divide the line OA and AE into five divisions and label the division points
starting from points A as points 1,2,3 and 4 on line AE. Draw lines starting from point D and passing
through points 1,2,3 and 4 on line OA until intersects the lines drawn from points C to points on line
AE. The points of intersection are the points on the ellipse. Follow the procedure above to locate the
points on the other three quadrants Draw the required ellipse by connecting the points using a French

6. Draw the following figures and write their corresponding dimensions. All units are in millimeters. Pick
1 one.

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:IM-ENGDRAW-2NDSEM-2020-2021


1. Construct a Regular Hexagon within a Circle.

Draw a horizontal line with a length of 140 mm. Label endpoints as A and B. Bisect line AB and locate
point O on the line. With the use of the compass and with point O as the center, draw a circle with a
radius equal to radius OA and OB. Using A and B as centers, swing arcs with radius OA or OB until
it intersects the circle. Connect the intersections to form the hexagon.

2. Construct a Regular Polygon of any number of sides within a Circle

Draw a horizontal line with length of 140 mm. label endpoints as A and B. Divide the line AB into any
number of equal parts (say 10 equal parts). Label the divisions from 0 (zero) at point A to 10 to point
B. With the use of the compass with point A as center and AB as radius strike an arc outside of the
circle. Correspondingly, with point B as center and BA as radius strike an arc until it intersects the
first arc. Label the intersection as C. With the use of a triangle, join point C and point 2 on the line AB
until it intersects the circle at the other side. Label said intersection as Point D. Using the compass
step off distance AD around the circumference of the circle. Connect the points to create the decagon.

3. Construct an Involute of a Square.

Using the set squares, construct a square with the side length of 25 mm. Label the points
counterclockwise as points A, B, C, and D. Extend the lines AB, BC, CD, and DA. With the use of a
drawing compass and with point D as the center, swing an arc using radius DA until it intersects the
extended line of CD. Locate point E at its intersection. With the use of a drawing compass and with
point C as the center, swing an arc using radius CE until it intersects the extended line of BC. Locate
point F at its intersection. With the use of a drawing compass and with point B as the center, swing
an arc using radius BF until it intersects the extended line of AB. Locate point G at its intersection.
With the use of a drawing compass and with point A as the center, swing an arc using radius AG until
it intersects the extended line of DA. Locate point H at its intersection.

4. Draw an Ellipse using the Four Circle Method.

Construct the major axis, draw a horizontal line of 120 mm. Label the end points A and B. Draw the
perpendicular bisector of the major axis, with a length of 70 mm and locate point O at the intersection.
Label the endpoints of the line as C and D. Line CD is the minor axis of the ellipse. Connect points
A-C, A-D, C-B, and D-B. With O as the center strike an arc with radius as OC until it intersects line
OA. Label the intersection as E. With C as center, strike an arc with radius as AE until it intersects
lines AC and BC. Label intersections as F ang G. With D as center and with AE as the radius, strike
arc until it intersects the lines AD and BD. Label intersections as H and J. Bisect lines AF, AH, BG
and BJ. The intersection of these bisectors with the major axis AB and the minor axis CD, shall be
labeled as points L, N, K, and M, respectively. With K and M as centers draw arcs with radius KD and
MC until it intersects the bisectors. With L and N as centers strike arcs connecting the previous arc,
thus drawing the required ellipse.

5. Construct the Spiral of Archimedes

With the use of the compass, draw concentric circles starting from a radius of 5 mm to a radius 70
mm. adding 5 mm for every previous radius. Label the center as point O. Divide the circles into twelve
equal sectors Label the points of the intersection at the outermost circle from A to L. Starting the
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:IM-ENGDRAW-2NDSEM-2020-2021

radial line OA, locate a point on the intersection between this line and the innermost (1st) circle. To
find the points of the spiral, follow the preceding procedure using the given table below. Use a French
curve to create the spiral.

Radial line Circle Sample of the Spiral of Archimedes:

OB 2nd
OC 3rd
OD 4th
OE 5th
OF 6th
OG 7th
OH 8th
OI 9th
OJ 10th
OK 11th
OL 12th
OA 13th
OB 14th


1. N.D. Bhatt, “Engineering Drawing (Plane and Solid Geometry) 15th ed.”, 2011.
2. K.V. Reddy, “Textbook of Engineering Drawing 2nd ed.” 2008
3. DPWH, “National Building Code of the Philippines”
4. ASEP, “National Structural Code of the Philippines 7th ed.” 2016

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