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10, OCTOBER 2019

Physical Layer Security in Wireless Sensor

Networks Using Distributed Co-Phasing
Ribhu Chopra , Member, IEEE, Chandra R. Murthy , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Ramesh Annavajjala, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— In this paper, we consider physical layer security the assumption of the SNs sensing a common field is used
in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) using distributed co-phasing to achieve reliable data fusion [7]. Due to the common data
(DCP)-based transmissions. For this protocol, we first analyze the being transmitted, the multiple SNs in DCP act as a distributed
achievable ergodic secrecy rate of a single stream DCP system
in the presence of one or more eavesdroppers. We show that the antenna array, resulting in both diversity gain and coherent
coherent combining gain offered by DCP leads to the signal- combining gain at the FC. Also, since DCP signals are pre-
to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) over the main channel coded to coherently combine at the FC, they naturally combine
increasing as the square of the number of SNs N and that over incoherently at any unintended location, thereby making DCP
the eavesdropper channel increasing linearly with N. This results inherently secure. In this paper, we quantify this inherent
in a strictly positive ergodic secrecy rate that increases as log N.
We then analyze the performance of multi-stream DCP and show security of DCP systems in terms of the achievable ergodic
that using K data streams in DCP leads to a K-fold increase secrecy rates in the presence of eavesdroppers.
in the achievable secrecy rate at high SNRs. We also discuss During the first stage of the two stage DCP, the FC transmits
an alternative power allocation scheme for multi-stream DCP, known pilot symbols to the SNs. The SNs use these pilots
such as distributed maximal ratio transmission with a per-user to estimate the respective channels to the FC. In the second
power constraint and show that this improves the achievable
secrecy rates as compared to standard multi-stream DCP. Finally, stage, the SNs synchronously transmit their data symbols to
we analyze the role of artificial noise in improving the achievable the FC. The data symbols are pre-rotated to compensate for
secrecy rates. We validate the accuracy of these derived results the estimated channel phase, resulting in coherent combining
and illustrate the efficacy of DCP in ensuring secure data fusion of the signals at the FC. The reverse link training of the SNs
in WSNs using Monte Carlo simulations. by the FC offers several benefits. Firstly, the FC is connected
Index Terms— Distributed co-phasing, data fusion, physical to the mains and can transmit at higher power compared to
layer security, artificial noise, maximal ratio transmission. the power starved SNs, resulting in better channel estimates.
I. I NTRODUCTION Secondly, reverse link training requires a smaller training
overhead compared to forward link training, where the training
T HERE has been a renewed research interest in wire-
less sensor networks (WSNs) due to the emergence of
the internet of things (IoT) [1], [2]. Traditionally, a WSN
duration is proportional to the number of SNs. Thirdly, and
most relevant to this paper, by initiating the training from the
FC, the channel states from the SNs remain unknown at the
comprises a set of spatially distributed sensor nodes (SNs)
eavesdroppers’ locations.
observing a physical phenomenon of interest, and report-
DCP works under the assumption that the channel is
ing the observed data to a fusion center (FC) [3]. Secure
quasi static and reciprocal [8], [9]. The feasibility of DCP
communication of the observed data from the SNs to the
in practical implementations, as well as its resilience to
FC is a challenging problem mainly due to the constraints
channel estimation errors has been well established in the
on the capabilities of the SNs [4]–[6]. The goal in secure
literature [8], [10]. However, while DCP ensures that the sym-
communications is to ensure that the transmissions by the SNs
bols transmitted by the SNs can be recovered at the FC with
can be decoded only at the FC. Distributed Co-Phasing (DCP)
high fidelity, their ability to secure the transmission against
is a form of distributed transmit beamforming (DTB), where
reception by an eavesdropper is yet to be studied. In a practical
Manuscript received September 20, 2018; revised January 22, 2019 and setting, an eavesdropper may exist in the network, and may
February 26, 2019; accepted March 8, 2019. Date of publication March 18, attempt to access sensitive private information intended for
2019; date of current version June 14, 2019. The work of R. Chopra was
supported by a Startup Grant from IIT Guwahati. The work of C. R. Murthy the FC. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the conditions
was supported by the Young Faculty Research Fellowship from the Ministry under which secrecy of the transmitted data can be ensured.
of Information Technology, Government of India. The associate editor coor- In this work, our main focus is to analyze the maximum rates
dinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was
Prof. Tobias Oechtering. (Corresponding author: Ribhu Chopra.) at which the SNs can transmit to the FC, while ensuring
R. Chopra is with the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, secrecy in the presence of one or more eavesdroppers within
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, India (e-mail: the network.
C. R. Murthy is with the Department of Electrical Communication
Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560012, India (e-mail: A. Related Work
R. Annavajjala is with the College of Computer and Information The basic model for DCP, i.e., a DTB system involv-
Science, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 USA (e-mail: ing multiple SNs transmitting coherently to an FC, was
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIFS.2019.2905759 first discussed in [4] using a master slave architecture.
1556-6013 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Following this, the experimental feasibility of achieving carrier B. Contributions

frequency synchronization among multiple distributed SNs In this paper, we consider distributed transmission from
was demonstrated in [8] and [11]. Since DTB schemes involve the SNs to an FC using the co-phasing approach, as opposed
a phase compensation operation at the SNs, accurate channel to centralized beamforming considered in the past literature,
state information (CSI) is required. The effects of inaccurate for secure communications. Our analysis accounts for channel
CSI on the performance of DTB systems was investigated estimation errors at the SNs and the resulting phase errors.
in [12]. Various CSI acquisition approaches, such as reverse We derive the achievable ergodic secrecy rates of both single
link training [10], and feedback based approaches [9], [13], and multistream DCP systems in the presence of one or more
[14] have also been discussed in the literature. In [15], eavesdroppers. Our contributions are as follows:
asymptotic results are used to evaluate the performance of a
1) We derive the ergodic secrecy rates for a single antenna
WSN system with an multi-antenna FC, under both full and
DCP system with N SNs, with a single eavesdropper,
phase only CSI at the SNs.
and under both ideal and practical DCP. (See Section II)
The BER performance of DCP is compared against dis-
2) We extend the results derived in Section II to L eaves-
tributed maximal ratio transmission, censored transmission
dropper, and observe that, under conditions stated later,
and truncated channel inversion in [10] for constant modulus
positive secrecy rates can be achieved using single
constellations under generalized fading channels. The spec-
stream DCP, even with multiple colluding eavesdrop-
tral efficiency of non-constant modulus constellations along
pers. (See Section III.)
with an associated blind channel estimation technique was
3) We then consider the more general case of multi-stream
discussed in [16]. The spectral efficiency of DCP systems
DCP with K streams, and show that it results in a
was further enhanced in [17], wherein it is proposed that
K -fold increase in the achievable ergodic secrecy rates.
the SNs can simultaneously transmit multiple data streams
(See Section IV.)
to a multiantenna FC. Further, the channel gain information
4) We consider an MRT-like transmission scheme for
available at the SNs has been used in [18] to provide unequal
multi-stream DCP with a per antenna power constraint.
error protection to different data bits using autonomous con-
We show that the use of this scheme further increases
stellation selection at the SNs. However, these works disregard
the achievable rates over the main channel, and, con-
the physical layer security requirements of WSNs. In many
sequently, the secrecy rate of multi-stream DCP, in the
applications, it is important to consider the performance of
presence of multiple eavesdroppers. (See Section V.)
DCP systems in the presence of one or more eavesdroppers
5) We consider the addition of artificial Gaussian noise to
in the network. As we will show, DCP natively supports
the proposed system. We derive an expression for the
information theoretically secure communications between
optimal fraction of power to be transmitted from the SNs
the SNs and the FC.
as artificial noise for maximizing the secrecy rate.
Since DCP is essentially a multi-antenna technique, the met-
(See Section VI).
rics used for quantifying its security performance need to
6) Via detailed simulations, we validate the derived theory
be similar to those for other multi-antenna systems. The
and evaluate the achievable ergodic secrecy rates under
issue of physical layer security for multiantenna systems
finite constellations. (See Section VII.)
was first discussed in [19], wherein, the secrecy performance
of a 2 × 2 MIMO channel in the presence of a single The take-away from this study is that DCP can be used to
antenna eavesdropper was evaluated. A comprehensive survey provide secure physical layer communication for a wireless
on multi-antenna techniques for physical layer security can sensor network under practical channel estimation at the SNs,
be found in [20]. Similar to the standard wiretap channel and in both single stream and multi-stream setups.
model, the security performance of a MIMO wiretap channel Notation: Boldface lowercase and uppercase letters repre-
is also measured in terms of the secrecy rate [21] when sent vectors and matrices, respectively. The kth column of the
all the channel coefficients are known. However, practical matrix A is denoted by ak . (·) H represents the Hermitian of a
systems need to work with estimated CSI, which makes vector or a matrix. ·2 and · F respectively represent the
the assumption of perfect knowledge of CSI at the SNs/FC 2 norm of a vector and the Frobenius norm of a matrix.
untenable. {.} and {.} represent the real and imaginary parts of a
Recently, physical layer security for MISO systems has been complex number respectively. [x]+ is defined as max(x, 0).
studied in terms of the secrecy outage probability [22]–[25], E[·] and var(·) represent the mean and variance of a random
lower bound on the sum secrecy rate [26], ergodic secrecy variable.
rate [27], [28], and secrecy energy efficiency [25], [29], [30]. In the next section, we derive the achievable ergodic
However, all these works focus exclusively on the phys- secrecy rate of single stream DCP in the presence of a single
ical layer security aspects of centralized MISO systems. eavesdropper.
To the best of our knowledge, the secrecy performance
of a DTB system has not been analyzed till date. II. S INGLE S TREAM DCP W ITH A S INGLE E AVESDROPPER
In this work, we use the ergodic secrecy rate [31], [32] We consider a WSN consisting of N single-antenna SNs
as a metric of the secrecy performance of DCP. Further, communicating with a single antenna FC, with an eaves-
we account for channel estimation errors in our performance dropper (EVE) in the vicinity of this network. In DCP,
analysis. the SNs first estimate the channels to the FC using training

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signals broadcast by the latter. Then, the nodes transmit A. Achievable Ergodic Secrecy Rate Under Ideal DCP
their data symbols simultaneously by pre-rotating them using
the estimated channel phase, such that they combine coher- Under ideal DCP, we assume that accurate CSI is available
ently at the receiver. For the data detection at the FC, the at all the SNs, and therefore, θ̂1,i = θ1,i . Consequently, the
FC can perform blind channel estimation using the data signal received by the FC at the nth instant can be expressed
symbols transmitted by the SNs [16]. Note that, for con- as
stant envelop modulation schemes, data can be detected even

without blind channel estimation, albeit with a small loss y1 [n] = α1,i e j θ1,i x i [n] + w1 [n]
of performance. Throughout this paper, we assume that the i=1
communication takes place over a quasi-static block fading 
narrowband channel [33]. That is, we assume that the chan- = N Es h 1 s[n] + w1 [n] (5)
nel coefficients remain constant over a block consisting of
M channel uses. The channel coefficients vary in an indepen- with w1 [n] ∼ CN (0, N0 ), and h 1  N1 i=1 α1,i .
dent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) fashion across blocks. To obtain the achievable ergodic secrecy rates for this
Out of the M channel uses within a block, the first M p instants system, we need to separately determine the achievable ergodic
are used for reverse link training The next Md = M − M p secrecy rates for the main channel and the eavesdroppers
channel uses are used for data transmission from the SNs to channel [21]. These rates are given in Lemmas 1 and 2
the FC. below.
The received signal
 at the i th SN during the downlink Lemma 1: For the single antenna DCP system with non
training stage (n ∈ 1, 2, . . . , M p ) is identically distributed channels, the achievable rate over the
  main channel satisfies
qi [n] = a1,i E p + wi [n] = α1,i e j θ1,i E p + wi [n] (1)   
π Es   
with a1,i being the zero mean circularly symmetric com- Rm ≥ η p log2 Ω1,i Ωm,i
4 N0
plex Gaussian (ZMCSCG) distributed channel coefficient for i=1 m=1
the channel between the FC and the i th SN with a mean E[ψ 2 ] 3
squared channel power Ω1,i , denoted as a1,i = α1,i e j θ1,i ∼ + log2 (e) 2E[ψ] − − (6)
2 2
CN (0, Ω1,i ). Also, wi [n] ∼ CN (0, N0 ) is the additive white
Gaussian noise (AWGN) at the SN. with E[ψ] defined in (8), shown at the top of the next page,
Conditioned on yi [n], n = 1, . . . , M p , the MMSE estimate E[ψ 2 ] defined in (9), shown at the top of the next page, and
of the channel coefficient a1,i at the i th SN can be shown to M−M p
ηp = M , for non identically distributed channels, and
M p E p Ω1,i  π N 2 Es 0.3944 4.24
â1,i = qi [n], (2) Rm ≥ η p log2 Ω − − 2 . (7)
N0 + M p E p Ω1,i 4N0 N N

with E p denoting the pilot power. Therefore, the channel for identically distributed channels, with Ω1,i = Ω for
magnitude and phase estimates can be written respectively as i = 1 . . . N.
α̂1,i = |â1,i | and Proof: See Appendix A.
We now turn our attention to the eavesdropper’s chan-
nel. Letting b1,i ∼ CN (0, Δ1,i ) be the channel coefficients
 −1  â1,i 
θ1,i = tan . (3) between the i th SN and the EVE,
 â1,i √ we can write the signal
received by √ the EVE as z[n] = Es s[n] i=1N
b1,i e− j θ1,i +
The modulation symbol common to all the SNs is denoted v[n] = N Es g1 s[n] + v[n], where v[n] ∼ CN (0, N0 )
by s[n]. To coherently align s[n] at the FC, the i th SN is the AWGN at the EVE, and g1 = N1 i=1 N
b1,i e− j θ1,i .
pre-rotates s[n] to compensate for the estimated phase and Since g1 is the sum of independent ZMCSCG r.v.s, it is
transmits the symbol x i [n] such that also ZMCSCG.
Lemma 2: The achievable rate over the EVE’s channel in
x i [n] = Es e− j θ1,i s[n] n = M p + 1, . . . , M, (4) case of a block fading channel is upper bounded as

with Es denoting the symbol energy. In the following subsec- NEs

Re ≤ η p log2 1 + Δ . (10)
tions, we derive expressions for the achievable ergodic secrecy N0
rates with both ideal and practical DCP. For the derivation, we
assume that the EVE has perfect knowledge of its channels with Δ = N1 i=1 Δ1,i .
to the SNs, although no explicit training signals are sent by Proof: See Appendix B.
the SNs. This results in a lower bound on the achievable Using these results, a lower bound on the achievable
secrecy rate, and is a commonly used assumption in physical ergodic secrecy rate of the DCP system can be obtained
layer security related studies. using Theorem 1.

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4N 2 4 i=1 Ω1,i
E[ψ] =  E[|h 1 |2 ] = 1 + −1  (8)
π N
i,m=1 Ω Ω
1,i m,i π N
i,m=1 Ω1,i Ωm,i
16N 4 E[|h 1 |4 ] 16 
3/2 1/2
E[ψ 2 ] =  2
=  2
2 Ω1,i + 3 Ω1,i Ω1,k
π2 i,m=1 Ω1,i Ωm,i π2 i,m=1 Ω1,i Ωm,i i=1 i=1 k=1
k =i

1/2 1/2

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
+3 Ω1,i Ω1,k + 6 Ω1,i Ω1,k Ω1,l + Ω1,i Ω1,k Ω1,l Ω1,m . (9)
i=1 k=1 i=1 k=1 l=1 i=1 k=1 l=1 m=1
k =i k =i l =i,k k =i l =i,k m =i,k,l

Theorem 1: The achievable ergodic secrecy rate of the DCP a1,i , can be expressed in terms of its MMSE estimate at
system can be lower bounded as the SN, â1,i , as
⎛ ⎞
π E

Rs ≥ η p log2 ⎝ Ω1,i Ω1,m ⎠ + log2 (e)
ξ Ω1,i Ω1,i
4 N0 a1,i = â1,i + ã1,i (15)
i,m=1 1 + ξ Ω1,i 1 + ξ Ω1,i
E[ψ 2 ] 3 NEs
× 2E[ψ] − − −log2 1 + Δ . MpEp
2 2 N0 where ξ = N0 is the pilot SNR, and ã1,i ∼ CN (0, 1), such
(11) that ∗ ] = 0 due to the MMSE estimation. Here it is
E[â1,i ã1,i
for non identically distributed channels, and important to note that this decomposition is applicable only
 for ZMCSCG rvs.
πEs 2 0.3944 In this case, we present lower bounds on the achievable rate
Rs ≥ η p log2 N Ω −
4N0 N over the main channel, and on the achievable secrecy rate,
+ as Lemma 3 and Theorem 2, respectively.
4.24 NEs
− 2 − log2 1 + Δ . (12) Lemma 3: The achievable rate over the main channel for
N N0
practical DCP is bounded as
for identically distributed channels.
Proof: We know that, for memoryless AWGN channels, ⎛ ⎛  ⎞
ξ Ω1,i
2 ξ Ω1,k
the achievable secrecy rate can be expressed in terms of the Rm ≥ η p ⎝log2 ⎝ ⎠
achievable rates over the main and the wiretap channels as [21] 4N0 1 + ξ Ω1,i 1 + ξ Ω1,k
Rs = [Rm − Re ]+ . (13) 1 E[ψ̄ 2 ] 3
− 2E[ψ̄] − − , (16)
Therefore, (12) can be obtained by plugging the expressions N 2 2
for Rm and Re into (13).
N 2 Es π ξ Ω 2
Note that the argument inside the logarithm of the first term Rm ≥ η p log2
of (12) scales as N 2 , and that of the third term scales linearly N0 4 1 + ξ Ω
with N. Therefore, for large enough N, DCP can ensure secure 0.3944 4.24
communication at a nonzero rate between the SNs and the FC − − 2 (17)
even when the channels from the SNs to the FC are weaker
than the channels from the SNs to the EVE. Under high SNR, for independent and non-identically distributed (i.n.d.) and
we can approximate the lower bound on the achievable ergodic i.i.d. channels, respectively.
secrecy rate for identically distributed channels as Proof: See Appendix C
πΩ 0.3944 4.24 + Since the channels between the EVE and the SNs are
Rs ≈ η p log2 N − − 2 . (14) independent of the CSI at the SNs, the channel statistics for
4 Δ N N
the the EVE’s channel remain unaltered under practical DCP.
In other words, as the SNR increases, the secure commu- Theorem 2: The ergodic secrecy rates for DCP based on
nication rate saturates to a value that depends only on the estimated channels can be approximated as
number of SNs participating in the DCP, and is independent of
the SNR. ⎛  ⎞

πEs  ξ Ω1,i ξ Ω1,k
N 2 2
Rs ≥ η p log2 ⎝ ⎠
B. Practical DCP 4N0 1 + ξ Ω1,i 1 + ξ Ω1,k
In practice, the SNs need to estimate the CSI using pilot   +
3 E s

symbols transmitted by the FC. In this section, we analyze − 2E[ψ̄]+ E[ψ̄ 2 ]− − log2 1 + Δ1,i ,
the effect of channel estimation errors on the secrecy rates of 2 N0
DCP systems. The actual channel from the i th SN to the FC, (18)

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and Proof: The vector signal received by the EVEs is

π N2E s ξΩ2 0.3944 4.24
Rs ≥ η p log2 − − 2 z[n] = N Es gs[n] + v[n], (24)
4N0 1 + ξ Ω N N
+ with g = [g1, . . . , g L ]T . The achievable ergodic rate of the
− log2 1+ Δ η p , (19) wiretap channel can therefore be given as
for i.n.d. and i.i.d. channels, respectively. N 2 Es
Re = η p E log2 1 + g22
At high SNR, the ergodic secrecy rate for i.i.d. channels can N0
be approximated as  
N 2 Es   
 + ≤ η p log2 1 + E |gl,i | 2
π N ξΩ2 0.3944 4.24 N0
Rs ≈ η p log2 − − 2 . (20) l=1
4 Δ 1 + ξΩ N N  
Compared to the ideal DCP case in (14), we see that the = η p log2 1 + Δl,i (25)
effect of imperfect channel estimation at the SNs manifests N0
i=1 l=1
as the ξ Ω/(1 + ξ Ω) term inside the logarithm. The loss in
rate compared to (14) thus depends on the pilot SNR, ξ . Letting Δ = N1L i=1 l=1 Δl,i , be the average eavesdropper
We next extend the above analysis to derive the achiev- channel power, we can write
able ergodic secrecy rates in the presence of L colluding Es
eavesdroppers. Re ≤ η p log2 1 + N LΔ . (26)
Substituting this in (11) and (12) completes the proof.
Under high data SNRs, this can be approximated as
The system model for the WSN in this case is the same  
as the one considered in Section II, consisting of N single N Ω π ξΩ 0.3944 4.24 +
Rs ≈ η p log2 − − 2 . (27)
antenna SNs communicating with a single antenna FC. How- L Δ 4 1 + ξΩ N N
ever, there are now L ≥ 1 colluding EVEs in proximity of the
WSN with accurate information about the channels between Thus, L colluding eavesdroppers can reduce the achievable
themselves and the SNs. We also assume that the EVEs can secrecy rate of a DCP system. We next analyze the perfor-
share their observations over an error free communication mance of multi-stream DCP in the presence of L colluding
channel, such that the EVE network can be viewed as a single eavesdroppers. Multi-stream DCP is possible when the FC is
EVE with L antennas. equipped with K > 1 antennas.
Letting bl,i ∼ CN (0, Δl,i ) be the channel between the
lth EVE and the i th SN, the signal received at the lth EVE IV. S ECRECY R ATE OF C ONVENTIONAL
can be expressed as M ULTI -S TREAM DCP

z l [n] = N Es gl s[n] + vl [n] (21) A. System Model
with vl [n] ∼ CN (0, N0 ) and gl  1 N − j θ̂1,i ∼ We consider N single antenna SNs reporting to an
N i=1 bl,i e
CN 0, 1 N
Δl,i , as shown in Section II. FC equipped with K receive antennas. Each SN simultane-
N2 i=1
The achievable ergodic secrecy rate in this case can be lower ously transmits data over K streams with equal power. It is
bounded according to Theorem 3. assumed that there are L colluding EVEs, having accurate
CSI for all the channels from the SNs. We also assume that
Theorem 3: With L colluding eavesdroppers, the achiev-
able ergodic secrecy rate under i.n.d. and i.i.d. channels can all the channels remain static over one DCP frame duration
be lower bounded as comprising M channel uses. During the first K M p channel
⎛  ⎞ uses, the FC transmits M p pilot symbols from each of its
ξ Ω1,i
2 ξ Ω1,k
K antennas. These pilots are used by the SNs to estimate
Rs ≥ η p log2 ⎝ ⎠
4N0 1 + ξ Ω1,i 1 + ξ Ω1,k the channels to the respective FC antennas. Following this,
+ the SNs simultaneously transmit K streams of data to each
NEs 3 of the FC antennas during the next Md = M − K M p
− log2 1 + LΔ − 2E[ψ̄] + E[ψ̄ ] − 2
N0 2 channel uses.
(22) Letting ak,i = αk,i e j θk,i ∼ CN (0, Ωki ) denote the chan-
nel between the kth FC antenna and the i th SN, the sig-
 nal received
 at the i th SN during
 the nth training instant
N 2 Es π ξ Ω 2 0.3944 4.24 (n ∈ (k − 1)M p + 1, . . . , k M p ) is
Rs ≥ log2 − − 2
N0 4 1 + ξ Ω N N  
+ qi [n] = ak,i E p + wi [n] = αk,i e j θk,i E p + wi [n] (28)
− log2 1+ LΔ ηp, (23)
N0 with wi [n] ∼ CN (0, 1) being the ZMCSCG AWGN at the
respectively. i th SN. The MMSE estimate of the channel coefficient

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between the i th SN and the kth FC antenna is computed at Lemma 4: The achievable rate over the main channel can
the i th SN as be lower bounded as
 ⎛ ⎞
M p E p Ωki  K
âk,i = qi [n]. (29) Rm ≥ η p,K log2 ⎝ Ωki Ωkm ⎠
N0 + M p E p Ωki 4K N0
n=(k−1)M p +1 k=1 i,m=1

This is used to obtain the gain and phase estimates for the  
+ E log2 (det (Ψ )) . (36)
corresponding channel as α̂k,i = |âk,i | and
 âk,i where
θ̂k,i = tan−1   , (30)
 âk,i Ψ  D−1 H H H. (37)
respectively. Compensating for the estimated phase to each of and
the FC antennas, the i th SN then transmits the symbol x i [n] ⎛⎡ ⎤K ⎞
given as π ⎜ 

 D= 2
diag ⎝⎣ Ωki Ωkm ⎦ ⎠, (38)
x i [n] = sk [n]e− j θ̂k,i , n = K M p +1, . . . , M, (31) k=1
k=1 Proof: See Appendix D
Note that the transmit energy is normalized w.r.t. the number Now, the diagonal entries of H correspond to weighted sums
of streams being used. In the following subsections, we discuss of Rayleigh random variables, and the off-diagonal entries
the received signal model and the achievable ergodic secrecy correspond to ZMCSCG random variables. Therefore, it is
rates for the ideal and practical DCP cases. not possible to determine the distribution of log2 (det(Ψ )) in
closed form. Hence, this term is evaluated for i.i.d. channels
using Monte Carlo simulations as
B. Ergodic Secrecy Rate With Ideal DCP
We first calculate the ergodic secrecy achievable rate over E log2 (det (Ψ )) ≈ − 2.2K 2 − 1.8K (39)
the main channel, for which the signal received by the kth FC N
antenna is It is observed that the variances of both the diagonal and off-
diagonal entries of H decay as N1 , and therefore the entries

yk [n] = ak,i x i [n] + wk [n] of H concentrate around their expected values as N increases,
resulting in the functions of H, Ψ and log2 (det (Ψ )) concen-
 trating around their means. This is evident in the behavior of
= sm [n] αk,i e j (θk,i −θm,i ) + wk [n]. (32) the simulated lower bound on log2 (det (Ψ )). Therefore, the
K achievable rate over the main channel, for i.i.d. channels can
m=1 i=1
be evaluated as
Letting h km = 1
αk,i e j (θk,i −θm,i ) denote the effective
N i=1 N 2 Es π 1
channel coefficient between the kth FC antenna and the Rm ≥ K η p,K log2 Ω − (2.2K −1.8) . (40)
mth stream of data, we can write (32) as K N0 4 N
  A comparison of the behavior of the achievable rates over
Es the main channel with the derived bound for different values
yk [n] = N h kk sk [n] + N h km sm [n] + wk [n].
m=1;m =k
of K and N for NEs0 = 1 is plotted in Fig. 1. The plot
(33) illustrates that the achievable rate increases linearly in K
and logarithmically in N, as expected from (40). It is also
Equivalently, the vector signal received at the FC, y[n]  interesting that for K = 1 and moderately large values
[y1 [n], y2 [n], . . . , y K [n]]T , can be written as of N, this bound closely approximates the bound derived for
the single stream case.
y[n] = NHs[n] + w[n], (34) Considering the EVE’s channel, we can write the received
where H is the effective channel matrix with its (k, m)th entry signal at the lth EVE antenna as
equal to h km , and s[n]  [s1 [n], s2 [n], . . . , s K [n]]T is the 
data vector. Assuming the data across different streams to be z l [n] = N glk sk [n] + vl [n] (41)
independent, i.e., E[s[n]s H [n]] = I K , the ergodic achievable K
rate over the main channel is given by [33] N − j θk,i
  where glk  1
N is ZMCSCG with E[|glk |2 ] =
i=1 bl,i e
N 2 Es H N
i=1 Δli .
Rm = η p,K E H log2 det I K + H H , (35) N2
K N0 The signal received at the EVE’s channel can be written as

with η p,K = p
. A lower bound on (35) can be Es
M z[n] = N Gs[n] + v[n], (42)
obtained using Lemma 4. K

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N ξ Ωki
where ĥ kk = 1
N i=1 1+ξ Ωki α̂ki , h̃ kk = 1
i=1 1+ξ Ωki ãki e− j θ̂ki , h̄ kk = ĥ kk + h̃ kk and h̄ km =
1 N − j θ̂mi ,
N i=1 aki e and equivalently, the received signal
vector can be written as,

y[n] = H̄s[n] + w[n]. (48)
The rate achievable over the channel described by (48) can be
lower bounded using Lemma 6.
Lemma 6: The achievable rate on the main channel is
Rm ≥ η p,K E log2 (det (Ψ ))
⎛  ⎞
πE  N
Ω 2 Ω 2
log2 ⎝ ⎠
s ki km
4K N0 1 + ξ Ωki 1 + ξ Ωkm
Fig. 1. The Achievable data rates for the main multi-stream DCP channel k=1 i,m=1
for different numbers of SNs and FC antennas. (49)
where G denotes the effective channel with (l, k)th entry glk . for i.n.d. channels, and
Lemma 5 presents an upper bound on the achievable rate over
the channel described in (42). N 2 Es π Ω 2 1
Rm ≥ K η p,K × log2 − (2.2K −1.8) .
Lemma 5: The achievable rate over the EVE’s channel can K N0 4 1+ξ Ω N
be upper bounded as (50)
N LEs Δ for i.i.d. channels, with
Re ≤ K log2 1 + , (43)
K N0 ⎛⎡  ⎤K ⎞
where Δ  N1L l=1 L N π N
2 Ωkm
i=1 Δli . D=

diag ⎝⎣ ⎦ ⎟⎠ (51)
Proof: See Appendix E 4N 2 1 + ξ Ωki 1 + ξ Ωkm
i,m=1 k=1
Theorem 4: The achievable ergodic secrecy rate for multi-
stream DCP with perfect CSI at the SNs, and a K antenna and
FC is given by
 Ψ  D−1 H̄ H H̄ (52)
N 2 Es π
Rs ≥ η p,K K log2 Ω
K N0 4 Proof: See Appendix F
+ Therefore, the achievable secrecy rate of multistream
NEs 1
− log2 1 + LΔ − (2.2K − 1.8) . (44) DCP under estimated channels can be lower bounded using
K N0 N
Theorem 5.
Under high SNRs, this can be approximated as Theorem 5: The achievable ergodic secrecy rates for i.n.d
ΩNπ 1 and i.i.d. channels with practical multi-stream DCP are given
Rs ≈ η p,K K log2 − (2.2K −1.8) . (45) by
Δ L 4 N
Therefore, multi-stream DCP with K FC antennas can achieve Rs ≥ η p,K
is approximately K times the ergodic secrecy achievable rate ⎛  ⎞
 K N
by single stream DCP in the presence of the same number of πE Ωki
2 Ωkm
log2 ⎝ ⎠
eavesdroppers. 4K N0 1 + ξ Ωki 1 + ξ Ωkm
k=1 i,m=1
C. Ergodic Secrecy Rate With Estimated Channels  NEs
+ E log2 (det (Ψ )) − K log2 1 + LΔ (53)
The channel coefficient between the kth antenna at the FC K N0
and the i th SN is given as and
ξ Ωki j (θˆki ) Ωki N 2 Es π Ω 2
ak,i = α̂ki e + ãki (46) Rs ≥ K η p,K log2
1 + ξ Ωki 1 + ξ Ωki K N0 4 1 + ξ Ω
with ãki ∼ CN (0, 1). The signal received at the kth FC 1 NEs
− (2.2K −1.8)−log2 1+ LΔ , (54)
antenna is therefore given as N K N0
K respectively.
yk [n] = N h̄ kk sk [n] + N h̄ km sm [n] + wk [n], Therefore, by using K antennas at the FC and transmitting K
m =k
data streams, the achievable secrecy rate over a DCP channel
(47) can be scaled up approximately K times.

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V. M ULTI -S TREAM DCP W ITH C ONSTRAINED Therefore, the achievable rate over the main channel can be
⎛  2 ⎞
In the previous section, we considered the case where each N ΩEs
2 Γ (K + 1
SN allocates equal power, Es /K , to each of the transmitted Rm ≥ η p,K K log2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
N0 Γ (K + 1)
streams. However, from the initial training phase, the nodes
have an estimate of the magnitude of the channel to each of the K −2 K
FC antennas. They can potentially use this knowledge to allot − − (1.11K − 1.28) . (59)
2 N
power across the K data streams, while meeting an overall
transmit per-node power constraint, and thereby improve their For the wiretap channel, the signal received by the lth
data rates. In this section, we evaluate the achievable ergodic EVE can be written as
secrecy rates with maximal ratio transmission based power   K
allocation across the streams. z l [n] = N Es glm sm [n] + wk [n] (60)
We again consider N single antenna SNs reporting to a m=1
K antenna FC. If the average energy expended per symbol N bli αmi j (−θmi )
with glm = N1 i=1
per node is Es , and the estimated channel gains at the i th α i 2 e .
Lemma 8: The achievable rate over the eavesdroppers
SN are represented using the vector α̂ i = [α̂1i , . . . , α̂ K i ]T , channel with maximal ratio beam-forming is given as
then the energy allocated by the i th node for the kth stream
α̂ 2 N L Es
is Es α̂ ki2 . Therefore, the symbol transmitted by the i th node Re ≤ η p,K K log2 1 + Δ . (61)
i 2 K N0
can be expressed as
Proof: ]
E[glm = 0, and E[|glm |2 ] =
α̂ki αmi
2 αmi
sk [n]e− j θ̂ki .
i=1 E[|bli | ]E α i 2 . Since α i 2 is a beta distributed
1 2
x i [n] = Es (55) N2
α̂ i 2 


Note that, as in the previous sections, each SN still transmits random variable, E = K1 , hence, E[|glm |2 ] = KΔN ,
2α i 2
its data with a total power Es across the K streams. Here, where Δ is as defined earlier.
we limit the discussion to the case of i.i.d. channels. The case Theorems 6 and 7 can be used to obtain bounds on the
of i.n.d. channels is analytically intractable due to the form achievable secrecy rates with and without CSI estimation
of the random variables involved, and is beyond the scope of errors in this case.
this paper. Theorem 6: The achievable secrecy rate for ideal DCP with
With ideal DCP, the signal received at the kth FC antenna maximal ratio transmission is
⎛ ⎛  2 ⎞
is given by 
N 2 ΩE Γ (K + 12 )
Rs ≥ K ⎝log2 ⎝ ⎠
N0 Γ (K + 1)
yk [n] = N Es h kk sk [n] + N Es h km sm [n]+wk [n] (56)
m=1 1
m =k − (1.11K − 1.28)
N α2 N αki αmi j (θki −θmi ) N L Es K −2
where h kk = N1 i=1 α i 2 , h km = N
ki 1
i=1 α i 2 e . − log2 1 + Δ − η p,K . (62)
K N0 2
We can use Lemma 7 to lower bound the achievable rate
over the main channel. Theorem 7: The achievable secrecy rate for practical DCP
Lemma 7: The achievable rate over the main channel can with maximal ratio transmission is
⎛ ⎛  2 ⎞
be lower bounded as 
⎛ N Es ξ Ω
2 2 Γ (K + 1
 2 ⎞ Rs ≥ K ⎝log2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
N 2 ΩE Γ (K + 12 ) N0 1 + ξ Ω Γ (K + 1)
Rm ≥ K log2 ⎝ ⎠ +log2 (det(Ψ )) η p,K ,
N0 Γ (K +1) 1
− (1.11K − 1.28)
(57) N
N L Es K −2
Γ (K +1)
2 − log2 1 + Δ − η p,K . (63)
where Ψ = 1
Ω H H H, and H is the effective K N0 2
Γ (K + 21 )
channel matrix with (k, m)th entry h km .
It is not possible to determine the distribution or the A DDED A RTIFICIAL N OISE
moments of log2 (det(Ψ )) in closed form. Using Monte Carlo In the previous sections, we have considered the achievable
simulations similar to the previous section, we evaluate this secrecy rates of a DCP system that is unaware of the existence
term as of eavesdroppers in the network. However, in case the presence
K −2 K of an eavesdropper is known, then the SNs can use additional
log2 (det(Ψ )) ≥ − − (1.11K − 1.28) . (58)
2 N physical layer security techniques with the transmitted data to

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further improve the achievable secrecy rates for the DCP chan-
nel. One such technique is the addition of artificial noise to the
transmitted signal [34]–[36]. Here, the nodes transmit artificial
noise using a fraction of the transmitted power, to reduce
the achievable rate at the eavesdropper. It is conventional to
assume that the artificial noise is transmitted in the null space
of the effective channel matrix. This beam alignment is not
possible for DCP due to the unavailability of receive degrees
of freedom.
However, if the SNs generate and add independent noise
samples to their transmitted signals using a fraction of the
transmitted power, then the artificial noise does not have the
same array gain as the intended signal, limiting its detrimental
effects at the FC. Also, since the eavesdroppers do not achieve
the DCP array gain, as discussed in the preceding sections,
the use of artificial noise affects the eavesdroppers more than
the FC. In this case, determining the fraction of power to Fig. 2. Achievable secrecy rates for a single antenna, single eavesdropper
system, with N = 50 SNs.
be transmitted as artificial noise becomes important. In this
section, we determine the optimal fraction of power to be used !! " "
with p!! = "(ΩΔEs2 + ΩEs N0 )! NKL −"1 ΩΔE"s2 −
for transmitting artificial noise for an i.i.d. channel. We omit
ΩΔEs2 NKL − 2 ΩΔEs2 − ΩEs N0 + NKL − 1 ΔEs N0 , q =
the similar case of i.n.d. channels for brevity.
2ΩΔEs2 (ΩΔEs2 + ΩEs N0 + ΔEs N0 + N02 ), r =
Now, in general, the achievable secrecy rate of a K stream
(ΩΔEs2 ΩEs N0 )(ΩΔEs2 + ΩEs N0 + ΔEs N0 + N02 ). Out
MS-DCP system with L colluding eavesdroppers, without any
of the two solutions of (68), the one satisfying 0 ≤ μ ≤ 1,
artificial noise being added, can be expressed as
 optimizes the achievable secrecy rate of the DCP system in
N 2 Es the presence of eavesdroppers.
Rs ≥ η p,K K log2 λm Ω
K N0
− log2 1 + Δ − f c (K ) , (64)
K N0 In this section, we substantiate the results derived in the
where λm is a scale factor depending on the scheme and previous sections using Monte Carlo simulation experiments.
channel conditions, and f c (K ) is a function of the number We also use these results to compare the secrecy rate perfor-
of streams. Letting a fraction 1 − μ of the total power be mance of the different multi-stream DCP techniques discussed
allotted to artificial Gaussian noise, the signal transmitted by in the paper.
the i th SN at the nth instant can be written as We assume that the FC transmits training symbols at an
 SNR of 10 dB, followed by data transmission from the
SNs to the FC using DCP. We assume a frame length (M)
x i [n] = sk [n]e− j θ̂k,i + (1 − μ)Es νi [n]. (65)
K of 100 channel uses and M p = 1 pilot per stream. Simulations
are then carried out for different values of data SNRs, num-
where νi [n] is the artificial noise generated by the i th SN. It ber of eavesdroppers, etc. The achievable rate performances
can be shown that achievable secrecy rate over the channel is are obtained by averaging over 10, 000 independent channel
given as, realizations.

N2 μΩEs In Fig. 2, we plot the achievable secrecy rates for a single
Rs ≥ η p,K K log2 λm stream DCP system with N = 50 SNs in the presence of a
K (1 − μ)Ω + N0
+ single eavesdropper, against the per node SNR, for different
− f c (K )− log2 1+ . (66) ratios of Ω and Δ. It is observed that a DCP system is able
K (1−μ)ΔEs + N0 to deliver nonnegative rates, even when the EVEs channel
Since λm and f c (K ) are independent of μ, the achievable is 10 dB stronger than the main users’ channel, and the
secrecy rate can be maximized by maximizing the fraction simulated results closely follow the derived bounds.
μΩ Es In Fig. 3, we plot the achievable secrecy rates for a three
(1−μ)Ω Es +N0 stream (K = 3) DCP system with N = 20 against the
T (μ) = μΔEs
. (67)
1 + NKL (1−μ)Δ Es +N0
number of eavesdroppers in the system, for different SNRs,
such that Ω = 10Δ. The system performance is observed
in terms of μ. It can be observed that for N > L > K and
to decay with an increase in the number of eavesdroppers,
Ω > Δ, this is a monotonically increasing function of μ,
under all cases, which is in accordance with the derived results.
and is therefore maximized for μ = 1. On the other hand,
Again, the simulated results are observed to follow the derived
for Δ > Ω, it can be shown that the optimal μ can be obtained
by solving the quadratic equation
In Fig. 4, we plot the achievable secrecy rates for a multi-
pμ2 + qμ + r = 0, (68) stream DCP system with different numbers of streams, in the

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Fig. 3. Achievable secrecy rates for three stream DCP system for different Fig. 5. Achievable secrecy rates for an MRT multi-stream DCP system for
numbers of eavesdroppers, with N = 20 SNs. N = 50 and 5 eavesdroppers at different SNRs.

Fig. 6. Achievable secrecy rates for a single user two eavesdropper system
Fig. 4. Achievable secrecy rates for a multi-stream DCP system for different for different amounts of added artificial noise.
numbers of SNs at a data SNR of 0 dB, with 10 eavesdroppers and Ω = 10Δ.

Thus, the simulation results illustrate that the use of

presence of 10 eavesdroppers against the number of SNs for DCP provides secure communication between a set of SNs
Ω = 10Δ and a data SNR of 0 dB. The achievable secrecy and an FC, without the requirement of any additional signal
rate is observed to increase with both the number of SNs, and processing at the SNs, when the main channel is stronger than
the number of streams, which is as expected. the eavesdropper channel. It is also shown that the use of DCP
In Fig. 5, we plot the achievable secrecy rates for an MRT enables a nonnegative secrecy rate between the SNs and the
multi-stream DCP system with N = 20 SNs against the FC even when the eavesdropper channel is weaker than the
data SNR, for different number of streams in the presence main channel, and in this case the achievable secrecy rate can
of L = 5 eavesdroppers. The achievable secrecy rates grows be further improved by adding artificial noise to the signals
almost linearly with the number of streams, as predicted by transmitted by the SNs.
the derived bounds.
In Fig. 6, we illustrate the effect of adding artificial noise VIII. C ONCLUSIONS
to a DCP system for enhancing physical layer security. We In this work, we showed that DCP is inherently secure in
consider a single stream DCP system with N = 20 SNs, and the presence of eavesdroppers. Specifically, the SINR over
L = 2 eavesdroppers. When the main channel is stronger than the main channel increases as the square of the number
the eavesdroppers channel, the achievable secrecy rate shows of SNs N, while that for the eavesdropper channel increases
a steep increase near μ = 1, indicating that no artificial noise linearly with N, leading to an achievable rate that grows
should be added to the system, which is as per the discussion as log N. We extended the analysis to multi-stream DCP,
in Section VI. It is also shown in the figure that the use of and showed that the secrecy rates increases roughly linearly
artificial noise is necessitated when the eavesdropper’s channel with the number of streams. We then considered the secrecy
is stronger than the main channel. performance of multi-stream DCP with constrained maximal

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!4 "
ratio transmission, and showed that this can further improve E[ψ] = 1 + 1
N π − 1 and
the secrecy rates achievable by mutlistream DCP. We also
1 24 1 72 24
studied the effect of adding artificial noise. We found that E[ψ 2 ] = 1 + − 6 + 2 29 − + 2
artificial noise can improve the secrecy rates of a DCP system N π N π π
1 48 48
if the eavesdroppers’ channel is stronger than the main chan- − 3 24 − − 2 . (76)
nel. Finally, via simulation experiments, we illustrated that the N π π
simulated achievable rates closely follow the derived bounds. Consequently,
−1 4 1
A PPENDIX A E[log2 (ψ)] ≥ log2 (e) − 1 − 2 log2 (e)
N π N
P ROOF OF L EMMA 1 72 24 −0.3944 4.24
× 29 − + 2 ≈ − 2 . (77)
From (5) we note that, π π N N

E[h 1 ] = Ω1,i , (69) P ROOF OF L EMMA 2
N 4
By the definition of g1 ,
var(h 1 ) = 2 1 − Ω1,i , (70) 1 
N 4 E[|g1|2 ] = E[b 2
] = Δ1,i . (78)
i=1 1,i
N2 N2
when the channels are non identically distributed and E[h 1 ] = i=1 i=1
! " ! "
π π Ω
4 Ω; var(h 1 ) = 1 − 4 N , when the channels are identi-
Defining Δ  N1 i=1 N
Δ1,i , we have g1 ∼ CN 0, Δ N , and
cally distributed. the ergodic achievable rate of EVE’s channel can be calculated
The ergodic achievable rate over the main channel under as [33]
the assumptions of the channel being memoryless, and the  
M − Mp N 2 Es
additive noise being Gaussian, can be calculated as [33], [37] Re = E g1 log2 1 + |g1|2 . (79)
M N0
M − Mp N 2 Es Using Jensen’s inequality [37], we get
Rm = E h 1 log2 1 + |h 1 |2
M N0 M − Mp N 2 Es
  Re ≤ log2 1 + E[|g1|2 ] ,
M − Mp N Es
2 (80)
≥ E h 1 log2 |h 1 |2 . (71) M N0
M N0
leading to (10).
4N 2√
Defining ψ  N N |h 1 |2 , A PPENDIX C
π i=1 m=1 Ω1,i Ωm,i
π Es   
M − Mp The signal received at the FC can be written as
Rm ≥ × log2 Ω1,i Ωm,i  
M 4 N0
i=1 m=1 y[n] = N Es ĥ 1 s[n] + N Es h̃ 1 s[n] + w[n], (81)
+ E[log2 (ψ)] . (72) where ĥ 1 = 1 N ξ Ω1,i
α̂1,i and h̃ 1 = 1 N
N i=1 1+ξ Ω1,i N i=1
Since ψ is the square of a weighted combination of 1+ξ Ω1,i ã1,i e− j θ̂1,i .
Rayleigh random variables its distribution is not obtainable in N Ω1,i
Now, E[h̃ 1 ] = 0, E[|h̃ 1 |2 ] = 1
i=1 1+ξ Ω1,i , E[ĥ 1 ] =
a closed form for N > 2. Therefore, the term E[log2 (ψ)] can-  N2
π ξ Ω1,i
not be computed in a closed form. However, since log2 (ψ) ≥ 1
i=1 4 1+ξ Ω1,i , and
log2 (e) (ψ − 1) − (ψ−1)
2 ,
1  ξ Ω1,i
N 2

E[ψ 2 ] 3 E[|ĥ 1 |2 ] =
E[log2 (ψ)] ≥ log2 (e) 2E[ψ] − − . (73) N2 1 + ξ Ω1,i  
2 2
ξ Ω1,i
2 ξ Ω1,k

Now, + (82)
4N 2 1+ξ Ω1,i 1+ξ Ω1,k
i=1 k=1;k =i
4N 2
E[ψ] = N N  E[|h 1 |2 ] (74) for non identically distributed channels. When the channels
π i=1 m=1 Ω1,i Ωm,i are i.i.d.,
π ξΩ2
E[ĥ 1 ] = , (83)
16N 4 4 1 + ξΩ
E[ψ 2 ] =  2
E[|h 1 |4 ] (75) 1 π N −1 ξΩ 2
π2 N N
Ω1,i Ωm,i E[|ĥ 1 |2 ] = + . (84)
i=1 m=1 N 4 N 1 + ξΩ
that can be simplified to (8) and (9) respectively. For identi- At the FC, an accurate estimate of the effective DCP channel
cally distributed channels, these can further be simplified as, h̄ 1 = ĥ 1 + h̃ 1 is required for data decoding. Using the fact

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that the h̄ 1 has a positive real part with high probability, it has A PPENDIX E
been shown in [16] that it can be accurately estimated at the P ROOF OF L EMMA 5
FC using the data symbols transmitted by the SNs. That is, The vector signal received across all the eavesdroppers is
the channel estimation at the FC is blind, i.e., it does not
z[n] = N EKs Gs[n] + v[n], where G denotes the effective
require transmission of pilot symbols from the SNs. Defining
channel with (l, k)th entry glk . The achievable rate over the
4 N2 EVEs’ channel becomes [33]
ψ̄ =   |h̄|2 , (85)  
π N N ξ Ω1,i
2 ξ Ω1,k
N 2 Es H
i=1 k=1 1+ξ Ω1,i 1+ξ Ω1,k Re = E log2 det I K + G G
K N0
# K $
we can use an approach similar to the one discussed in  N Es
Appendix A to obtain (16) and (17). (a) E
≤ log2 1 + gk 2
K N0
≤ log2 1 + E gk 2
K N0
The diagonal and off diagonal entries of H follow different k=1
distributions, and their individual statistics are required to 
= log2 1 + Δli
evaluate (35). Looking at diagonal entries first, we have K N0
k=1 l=1 i=1
h kk = αk,i , (86) = K log2 1 + . (95)
N K N0
In the above, inequality (a) is the result of the upper bound
consequently, on the log det(.) function [38], and the inequality (b) is due

N to Jensen’s inequality [37].
E[h kk ] = Ωki , (87)
N 4
1 N
E[h 2kk ] = Ωki + Ωkm Ωki , (88)
N2 4N 2 It can be shown that
i=1 m=1;m =i 
and 1  π ξ Ωki
E[ĥ kk ] = Ωki , (96)
N 4 1 + ξ Ωki
N i=1
var(h kk ) = 1− Ωki (89) 1 N
ξ Ωki
N2 4 E[|ĥ kk |2 ] =
N 1 + ξ Ωki
for i.n.d. channels, and i=1  

π ξ Ωki
2 ξ Ωkm
E[h kk ] = Ω, (90) + ,
4 4N 2 1 + ξ Ωki 1 + ξ Ωkm
i=1 m=1;m =i
π 1 π (97)
E[h 2kk ] = Ω+ 1− Ω, (91)
1  Ωki
4 N 4 N

and E[h̃ kk ] = 0, E[|h̃|2 ] = 2 . (98)

N 1 + ξ Ωki
1 π i=1
var(h kk ) = 1− Ω (92) Therefore,
N 4

for i.i.d. channels.
1  π ξ Ωk,i
N 2
Also, the off-diagonal entries of H, h km , k = m, are the E[h̄ kk ] = , (99)
sum of ZMCSCG r.v.s and therefore are ZMCSCG, such N 4 1 + ξ Ωki
that, E[|h k,m |2 ] = N1 i=1 Ωki , for i.n.d. channels, and
E[|h̄ kk |2 ] = 2 Ωki
E[|h km |2 ] = N1 Ω. for i.i.d. channels. N
Since the matrix H H H is positive semidefinite, we can lower
bound (35) as, ξ Ωki
2 ξ Ωkm
  4N 2 1 + ξ Ωki 1 + ξ Ωkm
M − K Mp N 2 Es H i=1 m=1;m =i
Rm ≥ E log2 det H H . (93) (100)
M K N0
Defining the matrices, Ψ and D as (37) and (38), we can write for i.n.d. channels, and

M − K Mp π ξΩ2
Rm ≥ E[h̄ kk ] = , (101)
M 4 1 + ξΩ
N 2 Es   Ω π N − 1 ξΩ2
× log2 det D + E log2 (det (Ψ )) . (94) E[|h̄ kk |2 ] = + (102)
K N0 N 4 N 1 + ξΩ
This can be simplified as (36). for i.i.d. channels.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology. Downloaded on November 08,2022 at 11:30:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[31] J. Li and A. P. Petropulu, “On ergodic secrecy rate for Gaussian MISO Chandra R. Murthy (S’03–M’06–SM’11) received
wiretap channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 10, no. 4, the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from
pp. 1176–1187, Apr. 2011. IIT Madras, India, in 1998 and the M.S. and Ph.D.
[32] J. Li and A. P. Petropulu, “Ergodic secrecy rate for multiple-antenna degrees in electrical and computer engineering from
wiretap channels with Rician fading,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secu- Purdue University and the University of California,
rity, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 861–867, Sep. 2011. San Diego, CA, USA, in 2000 and 2006, respec-
[33] D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. tively.
New York, NY, USA: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. From 2000 to 2002, he was an Engineer at Qual-
[34] E. Tekin and A. Yener, “The general Gaussian multiple-access and two- comm Inc., where he worked on WCDMA baseband
way wiretap channels: Achievable rates and cooperative jamming,” IEEE transceiver design and 802.11b baseband receivers.
Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2735–2751, Jun. 2008. From 2006 to 2007, he was a Staff Engineer at
[35] S. Goel and R. Negi, “Guaranteeing secrecy using artificial noise,” IEEE Beceem Communications Inc., where he was involved on advanced receiver
Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 2180–2189, Jun. 2008. architectures for the 802.16e Mobile WiMAX standard. In 2007, he joined
[36] W. Wang, K. C. Teh, and K. Li, “Artificial noise aided physical the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of
layer security in multi-antenna small-cell networks,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Science, Bengaluru, India, where he is currently a Professor. His research
Forensics Security, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1470–1482, Jun. 2017. interests are in the areas of energy harvesting communications, multiuser
[37] T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory (Wiley MIMO systems, and sparse signal recovery techniques applied to wireless
Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing). Hoboken, NJ, communications. His paper won the Best Paper Award in the Communications
USA: Wiley, 2006. Track at NCC 2014, and a paper co-authored with his student won the
[38] A. F. Molisch, M. Z. Win, Y.-S. Choi, and J. H. Winters, “Capacity of Student Best Paper Award at the IEEE ICASSP 2018. He has over 50 journal
MIMO systems with antenna selection,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., papers and over 80 conference papers to his credit. He was an Associate
vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1759–1772, Jul. 2005. Editor of the IEEE S IGNAL P ROCESSING L ETTERS (2012–2016) and of
[39] C. Feng and Y. Jing, “Modified mrt and outage probability analysis the Sadhana Journal (2016–2018). He is an Elected Member of the IEEE
for massive MIMO downlink under per-antenna power constraint,” SPCOM Technical Committee (2014–2016) and has been re-elected for the
in Proc. IEEE 17th Int. Workshop Signal Process. Adv. Wireless 2017–2019 term. He is the Past Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society,
Commun. (SPAWC), Jul. 2016, pp. 1–6. Bangalore Chapter. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
[40] M. O. Hasna and M. S. Alouini, “End-to-end performance of transmis- T RANSACTIONS ON S IGNAL P ROCESSING and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS
sion systems with relays over Rayleigh-fading channels,” IEEE Trans. ON I NFORMATION T HEORY , as an Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
Wireless Commun., vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 1126–1131, Nov. 2003. C OMMUNICATIONS, and as a Guest Editor for the IEEE JSAC S PECIAL
[41] M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions: I SSUE ON M ACHINE L EARNING FOR W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS.
With Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables (Dover Books on
Mathematics). New York, NY, USA: Dover, 1964. Ramesh Annavajjala (S’03–M’06–SM’10) rec-
eived the bachelor’s degree in electronics and com-
munication engineering from the National Institute
of Technology (NIT), Warangal, India, in 1998,
the master’s degree in telecommunications from the
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, India,
in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineer-
ing from the University of California at San Diego
(UCSD), La Jolla, CA, USA, in 2006.
He is currently an affiliated Research Associate
Professor with the College of Computer and Infor-
mation Science, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. He is also
Ribhu Chopra (S’11–M’17) received the B.E. affiliated with Draper, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA, an independent and non-
degree in electronics and communication engineer- profit organization. Earlier, he has served as the Distinguished Member of
ing from Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, Technical Staff at Altiostar Networks Inc., a Tewksbury, MA-based start-up
in 2009 and the M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees in company developing cloud-RAN optimized 4G LTE base-station products.
electronics and communication engineering from IIT Prior to that, he was a Principal Member of Research Staff at the Mitsubishi
Roorkee, India, in 2011 and 2016, respectively. He Electric Research Labs (MERL), Cambridge, MA, USA. He has also held
was a Project Associate at the Department of Electri- industry positions at ArrayComm LLC, San Jose, CA, USA; Synopsys Inc.,
cal Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Bengaluru, India; and CMC R&D Center, Hyderabad, India. He has published
Science (IISc), Bengaluru, India, from 2015 to 2016. over 60 papers in international journals and conferences, made numerous
From 2016 to 2017, he was an Institute Research contributions to commercial wireless standards, and is a co-inventor of 10 U.S.
Associate at the Department of Electrical Commu- patents (granted). He was a recipient of the Purkayastha/TimeLine Ventures
nication Engineering, IISc, Bengaluru. In 2017, he joined the Department Graduate Fellowship (2002–2003) and a co-recipient of the Best Paper Award
of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, India. His research from the IEEE WPMC 2009 conference. He was a Guest Editor of the
interests include statistical and adaptive signal processing, massive MIMO special issue on Wireless Cooperative Networks of the EURASIP Journal
communications, and cognitive communications. on Advanced Signal Processing. He was nominated for the MIT TR-35.

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