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WORLD REL 2nd Sem 4th Quarter

LAS Creative Retrieval Chart


Illustrate the Symbol:

Word Bank (10):

1. Allah- the one and only God in Islam. Allah is the pivot of the Muslim faith.

2. Mosque- it is a structure for Muslims to worship Allah. They consider it a sacred place.

3. The Qur’an- it is the Muslims’ sacred scripture. It serves as a guide for them that they must follow in
their everyday life.

4. Salat (Salah)- it is a ritual prayer of Muslims to Allah. They are allowed to say this 5 times a day.

5. Monotheism- it is the belief that there is only one God, deity, or spiritual being. In the Islamic religion,
they only believe in Allah.

6. Religion- it is the relationship of human beings to a God, deity, or spiritual being. It is also a set of
organized beliefs, ceremonies, and rules to worship a God/ Gods that unite numerous people around the
world or in a particular region only.

7. Ramadan- it is a holy month in Islam. Muslims worship, pray, implement fasting, and study the Qur’an
during this period.

8. Five Pillars- it is the constitution of basic norms of Islamic practice. It includes the declaration of their
faith, prayer, alms-giving, fasting, and pilgrimage.

9. Belief- it is the feeling of being certain that something or someone exists.

10. Sunnah- it is the traditions and practices in an Islamic community or an act of worship.

Name of Religion: Islam (came from the word “al-silm” and “istaslama” which means peace and

Place of Origin: Its roots go back further in time to Mecca—now called Saudi Arabia in the modern day.

Major Deity/ies: Their one and only God in Islam is “Allah” since Muslims are monotheistic. The Qur'an
(Islam’s sacred scripture) refers to Allah as the Lord of the Worlds.

Important Figures: Various important figures in the Islamic civilization have contributed to its
development and creation, including its spirituality, leadership, culture, and more throughout its history.
Firstly, Prophet Muhammad formed the foundation of Islamic faith and practices and proclaimed the
Qur’an. Secondly, Abu Bakr was the first male to convert to Islam and the closest companion of Prophet
Muhammad. He played a major role in bringing the Muslim community (Ummah) together following
Muhammad’s death; he was the first caliph. Thirdly, Umar ibn al-Khattab and Uthman ibn Affan are the
second and third caliphs in Islam respectively. Lastly, Ali ibn Abi Talib established the written version of
the Qur’an. These five figures are not the only prominent figures in Islam; others have also made
significant contributions.

Sacred Places: Islam has several sacred places around the world. It has profound spiritual significance for
Muslims. Firstly, the Kaaba is considered the most sacred place on Earth for Muslims around the world. It
is also observed as Adam's original site of worship. Secondly, the Masjid al-Nabawi is a historic mosque
and was originally built by Prophet Muhammad. Thirdly, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is believed to be the
location from which Prophet Muhammad rose to Jannah (heaven) on the Night Journey. Lastly, Mount
Arafat is where Prophet Muhammad stood and delivered his Farewell Sermon to the Muslims during his
last pilgrimage.

Religious Leaders: There are several notable religious leaders of Islam and each has varied levels of
influence and authority depending on their sect and locality. Firstly, the Imam is the one who leads the
Muslim worshippers in prayer and the head of the Muslim community. Secondly, the Caliph is the
successor of Prophet Muhammad following his death and the ruler of the Muslim community. These are
only a few examples; there are many more religious leaders across the world's different Islamic

What are the teachings of this religion that are similar to us Christians (3):

1. Monotheism- both Islam and Christianity are monotheistic religions where they believe in one
God only.
2. Sacred Scriptures- both Islam and Christianity have sacred scriptures that serve as a guide for
their followers. Muslims have the Qur’an as God's revelation delivered to Muhammad. On the
other hand, Christians have the Bible, which includes both the Old and New Testaments.
3. Judgement Day- both Islam and Christianity believe in Judgment Day where all followers will be
liable for all their actions here on Earth.

Views of the faithful about their deity: The faithful followers of Islam, Muslims, view Allah as the sole
God. They see and believe him as the creator, provider, sustainer, and restorer of the world. Thus, he is
viewed as an all-knowing (omniscient) and an all-powerful (omnipotent) being. Being a monotheistic
religion, Muslims see Allah as the one and only deity that emphasizes his unity and oneness.
Furthermore, they believe that Allah is fair and just in giving justice to all of his creations.

Things that I have learned (Historical/Geographical Context): The Islamic religion is rich in knowledge and
faith. It is fascinating that Islam is the youngest religion among the world's major religions. I’ve learned
that before the Islamic religion was established, it went through so many things. Polytheism was
prevalent at that time, but later on, they embraced the influence of Christianity and Judaism.
Furthermore, I learned about the dedication and faith of Prophet Muhammad in this particular religion.
Islam Religion started in 630 CE in the city of Mecca—it is now considered the holiest city in Islam. He
was almost persecuted because of numerous oppositions to his belief, but to avoid it, he flew to Medina,
where he gained numerous supporters, converted 10,000 people, and became a noble leader. But it all
started when he worked as a caravan worker and many Jewish, Christian, and Zoroastrian people. This is
the time when he started questioning the faith of the people. I’ve also learned that he retreated to
Mount Hira near Mecca in search of the true God. As time went by, it rapidly spread throughout North
Africa and the Middle East. Now, Islam is a global religion with over a billion followers worldwide, and it
is practiced in various cultures and languages. It has significant Muslim populations in regions such as
the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and parts of Europe and the Americas.

Things that I have realized and appreciated (Core Values/Morals): While learning the Islam Religion, I
gained an appreciation for Muslims' Core Values and Morals. I learned that they, like Christians,
celebrate and praise their God and Prophet/s. They put in effort and passion, and they devote their time
to planning for these many festivities and festivals. They also cherish the importance of family in the
society they live in. They respect personal accountability as a reminder that they will be judged based on
their behavior on Judgment Day. This teaches individuals (Muslims) to be responsible for their acts.
Furthermore, they emphasize spiritual growth, which is necessary for all religious followers. I've learned
to respect how they strengthen their connection with Allah through prayer, worship, reflection, and other
means. In terms of Islam’s governance, it is remarkable how they emphasize justice, service (khidma),
public welfare (maslaha), rule of law, unity, and equality. With these essential values upheld, a strong
society and a good nation will continue to flourish and thrive. In light of this, it's amusing to see how
Muslims thoughtfully connect with nature to take a holistic and sustainable approach to environmental
issues. They are taught that nature reflects the beauty and strength of their Creator, Allah. Therefore,
they fulfill their duty as stewards of nature by caring for and connecting with it.

Things that I have discovered (Culture/Social Milieu): The cultural milieu of Islam is astonishingly diverse
and rich. It involves their festivals and celebrations, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha to commemorate the end
of Ramadan and Hajj respectively. These are done by feasting, acts of charity, and prayers. Their classic
fashion and clothing such as hijab, burqa, and niqab for women, while thawb for men. In addition,
Islam’s art and architecture are also breathtaking with their renowned decorative elements, geometric
patterns, and calligraphy. Islam’s cuisine also varies in different regions but it is always incorporated with
its common elements, such as halal food, spice, and other communal eating practices. Their language is
also predominant in most Islamic culture countries. As well as their music and dance, and literature and
poetry that deeply intertwined with Islamic cultures and resonate with diverse cultures. In terms of the
social milieu, I’ve discovered that they give an emphasis and importance to family. They’ve also
established their social etiquette, like other religions, such as hospitality, greetings, and more. Moreover,
Islam is also working on gender relations. Some communities of Islam are still sticking to traditional
gender roles but others are stepping out of the boundary and are giving equal opportunities for both

Contemporary Issues and Challenges Encountered: To this day, there are still issues and challenges
Muslims experience. One of them is they are constantly connected with terrorist attacks, even though the
majority of them are harmless. Women's rights are also an ongoing concern. They have limited access to
education, legal rights, employment, and other resources related to their equality, rights, and
representation. Moreover, Muslims also experience Islamophobia from other people. They often get
discriminated against, negative stereotyping, hate crimes, and more. An issue called Jihad also exists.
Islam’s sacred scripture has been used and abused throughout history, where it has been interpreted and
misinterpreted. Lastly, the Shari ‘a, where debate continues over its place in the world, concerning
criminal punishment, social equality, and democracy. Different nations have various applications
regarding Shari ‘a, some are guided in spiritual and worldly matters, while others use cruel criminal
punishments and more.

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