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I. Objectives:
1. Identify the figures of speech used in the sentence ( Simile, Metaphor, and
2. Construct sentences using different types of figurative language (Simile,
Metaphor, and Personification).
3. Appreciate Mother nature.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Identifying Figures of Speech ( Simile, Metaphor, and Personification)
English For All Times, Reading 6, pp. 144- 147
Fun in English, Reading 6, pp. 136-139
C. Materials: Picture of a cloud, charts, flaglets,
D. Values: Love for nature


A. Preparatory Activities:

 Good afternoon class.  Good afternoon ma’am.

 Who are absent this afternoon?
 ( The pupils will report the absents).
 Are you now ready for our lesson
this afternoon?  Yes ma’am.

1. Stretching Drill
Lip Stretching – 16 counts
Tongue Stretching – 16 counts
( The pupils will do the stretching ).
Jaw Stretching – 16 counts
Kiss your palm

2. Review:
 Before we proceed to our lesson
this afternoon, let’s have a short
review of your previous lesson,
about prepositional phrase.
 Again, what is a prepositional
 A prepositional phrase is a group of
phrase, class?
words that begins with a preposition and
ends with a noun or a pronoun which is
the object of preposition.
 Very good.
 I have here sentences. What
you’re going to do is to underline
the prepositional phrases, and
draw a circle around each
1. The girl in the red costume won first
1. The girl in the red costume won
first place.
2. I came before you did.
2. I came before you did.
3. The stranger disappeared through the
3. The stranger disappeared
through the woods. woods.
4. The boy climbed over the wall.
4. The boy climbed over the wall.
5. People went out during the
5. People went out during the

4. Motivation:
 Have you looked up the sky this  Yes, ma’am.
morning, class?
 What did you see?
 I will show you a picture.  Clouds, birds,etc.....
 What can you see in the picture?
 Picture of a cloud.
 What can you say about the
picture? How would you describe  The cloud is white, soft and beautiful.
a cloud?
 I have here a poem entitled,

5. Motive Question:

 After reading the poem, be

able to answer this question.
 “To what are clouds being
compared to in the poem”?

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:

 One of your classmate will read

the poem for us.

 While your classmate is

 Listen attentively.
reading the poem, what will
you do?  Understand what is being read.
 Do not talk with your seatmates.


Clouds all like silver lambs

On low green hills,
Feeding on blue meadows
Watered by rills.
Clouds are like snowy dawn
Playing with winds;
Clouds are small, willful clues
With playful minds.

Clouds are huge butterflies

Radiant with rays;
Clouds are beasts of the wilds
On stormy days.
Clouds are the sky giants
Their tears are rain
Dropping on leafy plants
Down the plain.

C. Comprehension Check up:

 Clouds are compared to silver lambs,

 To what are clouds being
compared to in the poem? snowy dawn, small, willful clues,
beasts of the wilds, huge butterflies,
sky giants.
 In the first two lines of the poem,
what are clouds being compared  To a silver lamb.
 Have you seen a lamb, class?
 How does it look like?  Yes, ma’am.
 What characteristics of a clouds
 It’s fur or skin covering is white in
make them silver lambs?
 Give the similarities of the clouds color.
and the lamb.
 Their colors are both white.
 Very good. Clouds are being
compared to a silver lamb
because of its white color.

 To what are clouds being

compared to in the 9th line of the
 To a huge butterfly.

 Why is cloud being compared to

a huge butterfly? What common
characteristics of a cloud is also  They are both colorful and give life
present to a butterfly?
and beauty to our dull nature.

2. Discussion:
 What are the unlike things
compared to clouds in the
poem?  Lambs, dawn, clues, butterflies, beasts
and giants.
 What did we do just a while ago?
 We compare two things.
 Very good. What did we
 We compare two different things.
 What do you call to the  Figures of Speech.
comparison made between two
unlike things?

 Ok. What is again a figure of

speech?  The comparison between two unlike
 Alright. A figure of speech is a things.
group of words that expresses a
comparison between two unlike
 There are different types of
figurative language.
Study the following lines taken from
the poem.

1. Clouds are like silver lambs.

2. Clouds are like snowy dawn.
3. Clouds are huge butterflies.
4. Clouds are beasts of the wilds.
5. The cloud is feeding on the
6. The cloud is playing with the

 Examine lines 1 and 2.

 Clouds are being compared to
 Are they unlike/ different things?  Lamb and a dawn.
 What word is used to compare  Yes, ma’am.
the two things?  The word like.
 What other words are used in
making a comparison?  The word as.
 What do you now call to the
comparison made in these lines?
 What is a simile?
 Very good. Simile is a figure of  Simile
speech that expresses a  It is the comparison of two unlike
comparison between two unlike things with the use of like and as.
objects having similar
characteristics with the use of “
like “ or “ as “.
 Who can give me a sentence
using simile?
 She sings sweetly like a bird.
 Examine lines 3 and 4.  Her skin is as smooth as silk.
 Did it use the words like and as in
making a comparison?
 Why do you think so?
 No, ma’am.
 What do you call to the figures of  Because it is a direct comparison of two
speech used in these lines? unlike things.
 What is a metaphor? 
 Very good. Metaphor is a figure  Metaphor.
of speech that expresses a
 It is a comparison of two unlike things
comparison between two unlike without the use of like or as.
objects having similar
characteristics without the use
of “ like “ or “ as “.
 Anyone who can give me
sentences using metaphor?

 Examine lines 5 and 6.

 Does the cloud has the capacity  The sun is a ball of fire.
of feeding and playing?
 Why not?
 Who do you think is the only
one who can do these things?  No, ma’am.
 What type of figures of speech is
used in these lines?  Because they are nonliving things.
 What is a personification?  We human beings.
 Very good. Personification is a
figure of speech that gives  Personification.
human characteristics to non-  It gives human characteristics to
human things like animal,
objects, and ideas. animals, objects, and ideas.
 Give me now sentences using

3. Group Activity:  The leaves swayed gently with the

 To better understand our
lesson this afternoon, we will winds.
have a group activity.
 I will divide you into three
groups. Each group will select a
leader who will present your

 Before we proceed to our

group activity, let us recall the
standards for you to follow
while performing your tasks.  Follow instructions correctly.
 ( The teacher will explain the  Cooperate and share ideas with the
temperature chart in following group.
the group activity).  Do not make unnecessary noise.
 I will only give you ten minutes  Finish work on time.
to complete your tasks.

Group I
 Use the following words in a
meaningful sentence using
simile as a figure of speech.

1. rainbow
2. flowers
3. star
4. ocean
5. birds

Group II

 Copy the sentences that

expresses metaphor.

1. The English language is like

a bankbook account of a
million words.
2. The dictionary is the
bankbook that helps us use
the words.
3. The flowers danced happily
with the wind.
 The dictionary is the bankbook that
4. The clouds are frisky
helps us use the words.
puppies in the sky.
 The clouds are frisky puppies in the
5. The wind is a cat that
prowls at night.
 The wind is a cat that prowls at night.
Group III
 Tell what human characteristics
do these sentences have.

1. The stars look down at the

little Baby in the manger.
2. The brook whispers softly
as it touches the river banks.
3. The cool wind gently kissed
the flowers.  Look
4. The leaves bow down their
 Whispers
5. The tall trees stood
mightily against the howling  Kissed
 Bow
 (Presentation of the group  Stood
 ( Corresponding clap with the

4. Value Integration:
 What could we get from Mother
 As a grade six pupil, how could
you show your love with her?
 Food, shelter and other basic needs.

 I will not abuse her.

 That’s nice to hear from  I will throw garbage in the proper place.
you,class.  I will plant more trees.
 I will join campaigns that save Mother
5. Generalization:
 What have you learned this
 Again, what is a figure of
 About figures of speech.
 How about its types?  A figure of speech is a group of
words that expresses a comparison
between two unlike objects.

 Simile is a figure of speech that

expresses a comparison between
two unlike objects with the use of “
like “ or “ as “.
 Metaphor is a figure of speech that
expresses a comparison between
two unlike objects without the use
of “ like “ or “ as “.
 Personification is a figure of speech
that gives human characteristics to
 Very good children. It seems that non-human things.
you really learned from our
discussion this afternoon.

C. Post Activity:
1. Application:
 I will read lines from poems.
You’re going to clap your hands if
the figures of speech mentioned
is a simile; you will stump your
feet if it is a metaphor and
whistle if it is a personification.
 Are you now ready, children?

 Zooming across the sky,

Like a great bird you fly,
Silvery white
In the light.
 Little sampaguita  Clap
With the wondering eye,
Did a tiny fairy
Drop you where you lie?

 The sun is an orange dinghy  Whistle

sailing across a calm sea.
It is a gold coin
dropped down a drain in
 Stump
 The moon, like a flower
In heaven’s high bower
With silent delight
Sits and smiles in the night.

 Clouds are angry monsters  Clap

With a water hose.
They can make me cold and
They can plug my nose.
 Stump
2. Enrichment Activities:
 I have here another sets of lines from
a poem. Identify whether the lines
expressed simile, by raising red
flaglet, metaphor by raising blue
flaglet, and personification by raising
a yellow flaglet.

 Gentle as a feather
Softer than snow
Quiet as a cat
The evening breeze.
 Red flaglet
 The candles screamed with
Her tears trickled down her
With figure slumped,
She slowly dwindled into  Yellow flaglet

 Clouds are like waves

Rolling into the sky’s blue

 The turtle is a tidy boy!

When he is tired of play,  Red flaglet
He folds himself carefully
And puts himself away.

 The night was creeping on

the ground!  Blue flaglet
She crept and did not make a

 Yellow flaglet
IV. Evaluation:
Identify the figures of speech used in the sentences,whether it is simile, metaphor or

1. The bamboo trees swayed from left to right.

2. Her face is like a garden full of flowers.
3.The rich fields were the farmer’s treasure.
4. The stream was like a silver ribbon over the green plains.
5. The fat comedian is as plump as a pillow.
6. The north wind swings his whistling whip.
7. The traffic jam was a sea of metal.
8. The baby is as meek as a lamb.
9. The sun is a ball of fire.
10. The leaves whisper their secrets to one another.

V. Assignment:
Copy the sentences below. Identify the figures of speech used in the sentence. Write S
for simile, M for metaphor and P for personification.

1. His lips were as white as vinegar when he broke her mom’s favorite vase.
2. The infant’s smile was a ray of sunshine to the whole family.
3. The moon faithfully controls the tide’s ebb and flow.
4. The contestant was a nervous butterfly on the stage.
5. Her hair shines like twinkling stars in the night.




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