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- What is growth?

A. The increase in size or weight of an organism over time.

B. The process of becoming more mature or advanced.

C. The ability to move from one place to another.

D. The process of breaking down food into energy.

E. The ability to sense and respond to stimuli.

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Growth refers to the physical increase in size or weight of an organism over time.

- What is development?

A. The increase in size or weight of an organism over time.

B. The process of becoming more mature or advanced.

C. The ability to move from one place to another.

D. The process of breaking down food into energy.

E. The ability to sense and respond to stimuli.

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Development refers to the process of becoming more mature or advanced, including
physical, cognitive, and social-emotional changes.

- What are the stages of human development?

A. Infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

B. Embryonic, fetal, neonatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

C. Embryonic, fetal, neonatal, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.

D. Infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

E. Embryonic, fetal, neonatal, and infancy.

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The stages of human development include embryonic, fetal, neonatal, infancy, childhood,
and adolescence.

- What factors can affect growth and development?

A. Genetics, nutrition, environment, and culture.

B. Exercise, sleep, and social interaction.

C. Education, income, and occupation.

D. Age, gender, and race.

E. All of the above.

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Genetics, nutrition, environment, and culture are all factors that can affect growth and

- What is the role of a pediatrician in growth and development?

A. To diagnose and treat illnesses in children.

B. To provide preventive care and monitor growth and development.

C. To perform surgery on children.

D. To provide counseling to parents.

E. To administer vaccines to children.

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The role of a pediatrician includes providing preventive care and monitoring growth and
development in children.

- What is growth?

A. Increase in the number of tissues

B. Increase in the size of each individual cell

C. Increase in the number of organs

D. Increase in the size of the organism

E. Increase in the number of cells

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Growth refers to an increase in the size of the organism due to an increase in the number
of cells or tissues or an increase in the size of each individual cell.

- What is development?

A. Increase in the number of cells

B. Increase in the size of the organism

C. Acquisition of function by the tissues or the organism as a whole

D. Increase in the number of organs

E. Increase in the size of each individual cell

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Development indicates the acquisition of function by the tissues or the organism as a
whole. It is an increase in skill and complexity of function, which is a change in quality.

- What are the essential biological characteristics of childhood?

A. Growth and development in physical, intellectual, emotional, and social terms

B. Growth and development in physical and intellectual terms only

C. Growth and development in physical and emotional terms only

D. Growth and development in intellectual and social terms only

E. Growth and development in emotional and social terms only

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The essential biological characteristics of childhood are growth and development in
physical, intellectual, emotional, and social terms.

- What is growth?

A. The process of becoming an adult

B. The process of becoming taller and heavier

C. The process of learning new skills

D. The process of developing emotional intelligence

E. The process of developing social skills

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Growth refers to the physical changes that occur in a child's body, such as becoming taller
and heavier.

- What is development?

A. The process of becoming an adult

B. The process of becoming taller and heavier

C. The process of learning new skills

D. The process of developing emotional intelligence

E. The process of developing social skills

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Development refers to the process of learning new skills, such as language, cognitive, and
motor skills.

- Why is it important to understand growth and development?

A. To know when a child will become an adult

B. To know when a child will start school

C. To understand how a child learns

D. To understand how a child develops physically

E. To understand how a child develops emotionally and socially

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Understanding growth and development is important to understand how a child develops
emotionally and socially, which can help in providing appropriate support and guidance.

- Which of the following is the benefit of understanding the normative pattern in child development?

A. It allows one to monitor children's progress.

B. It helps in shaping the biological forces in children.

C. It helps in targeting factors that decrease risks.

D. It facilitates guidance and intervention for parents.

E. It helps in understanding the environmental forces in children.

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Understanding the normative pattern in child development allows one to monitor children's

- Why is it important to understand how biological and environmental forces interact in shaping
A. To target factors that increase risks.

B. To monitor children's progress.

C. To facilitate guidance and intervention for parents.

D. To shape the biological forces in children.

E. To understand the environmental forces in children.

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Understanding how biological and environmental forces interact in shaping development
allows one to target factors that increase risks.

- What is the benefit of understanding how parents conceptualize development?

A. It allows one to monitor children's progress.

B. It helps in shaping the biological forces in children.

C. It helps in targeting factors that decrease risks.

D. It facilitates guidance and intervention for parents.

E. It helps in understanding the environmental forces in children.

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Understanding how parents conceptualize development facilitates guidance and

intervention for parents.

- What is the name of the developmental theory that focuses on psycho-sexual stages?

A. Cognitive Theory

B. Behavioral Theory

C. Psychoanalytic Theory

D. Humanistic Theory

E. Social Learning Theory

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Freud's psycho-sexual theory focuses on the development of personality through five
stages, each with a different focus on the erogenous zones of the body.

- Which stage of Erikson's psycho-social theory occurs during infancy?

A. Basic Trust vs. Mistrust

B. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

C. Initiative vs. Guilt

D. Industry vs. Inferiority

E. Identity vs. Role Confusion

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Erikson's first stage, Basic Trust vs. Mistrust, occurs during infancy and focuses on the
development of trust in the world and others.

- According to Piaget's cognitive theory, which stage occurs during the preschool years?

A. Sensori-motor

B. Preoperational

C. Concrete operational

D. Formal operational

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Piaget's preoperational stage occurs during the preschool years and is characterized by
the development of symbolic thought and language.

- What is the name of the developmental theory that focuses on industry vs. inferiority during the school
age years?

A. Psychoanalytic Theory

B. Cognitive Theory

C. Behavioral Theory

D. Humanistic Theory

E. Psycho-social Theory

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Erikson's fourth stage, Industry vs. Inferiority, occurs during the school age years and
focuses on the development of competence and self-esteem.

- Which stage of Freud's psycho-sexual theory occurs during toddlerhood?

A. Oral
B. Anal

C. Oedipal

D. Latency

E. Genital

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Freud's second stage, the anal stage, occurs during toddlerhood and focuses on the
development of control and independence.

- What are the factors that affect growth and development?

A. Genetic endowment, personal habits, and access to nutritious food

B. Physical and social environment only

C. Biopsychosocial models only

D. Nature only

E. Nurture only

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The processes of growth and development depend on both the child's biologic endowment
and on the physical and social environment. Biopsychosocial models recognize the importance of both
intrinsic and extrinsic forces. Height, for example, is a function of the child's genetic endowment
(biologic), personal habits of eating (psychological), and access to nutritious food (social).

- What is the debate between nature and nurture?

A. The importance of intrinsic and extrinsic forces

B. The importance of genetic endowment only

C. The importance of physical and social environment only

D. The importance of personal habits only

E. The importance of biopsychosocial models only

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The debate between nature and nurture is age-old. Biopsychosocial models, which are
now widely accepted, recognize the importance of both intrinsic and extrinsic forces in the processes of
growth and development.
- Which of the following is an example of a biologic factor that affects growth and development?

A. Personal habits of eating

B. Access to nutritious food

C. Physical environment

D. Social environment

E. Genetic endowment

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The child's genetic endowment is a biologic factor that affects growth and development.
Height, for example, is a function of the child's genetic endowment.

- Which of the following is an example of a psychological factor that affects growth and development?

A. Genetic endowment

B. Access to nutritious food

C. Physical environment

D. Social environment

E. Personal habits of eating

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Personal habits of eating are a psychological factor that affects growth and development.

- Which of the following is an example of a social factor that affects growth and development?

A. Genetic endowment

B. Personal habits of eating

C. Physical environment

D. Social environment

E. Biopsychosocial models

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Access to nutritious food is a social factor that affects growth and development.

- According to the transactional model, what influences a child's status at any point in time?
A. Only biologic factors

B. Only social factors

C. Both biologic and social factors

D. Neither biologic nor social factors

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The transactional model proposes that a child's status at any point in time is a function of
both biologic and social influences. These influences are bidirectional, meaning that biologic factors
such as temperament and health status both affect the child-rearing environment and are affected by it.

- How do biologic factors affect the child-rearing environment according to the transactional model?

A. They have no effect on the child-rearing environment

B. They only affect the child-rearing environment negatively

C. They only affect the child-rearing environment positively

D. They can both positively and negatively affect the child-rearing environment

E. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Biologic factors such as temperament and health status can both positively and negatively
affect the child-rearing environment according to the transactional model.

- What is an example of how a child's prior health condition can influence the child-rearing

A. It can make the parents more lenient in their child-rearing practices

B. It can make the parents more strict in their child-rearing practices

C. It can result in the child being more obedient

D. It can result in the child being more aggressive

E. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: An infant's prior health condition, such as prematurity, may influence the parental reaction
and child-rearing practice in the family, which may result in the child's aggressive behavior according to
the transactional model.

- Can children with biologic risk factors still do well developmentally?

A. Yes, but only if they receive medical treatment

B. No, biologic risk factors always result in poor developmental outcomes

C. Yes, if the child-rearing environment is supportive

D. Yes, if the child-rearing environment is not supportive

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the transactional model, children with biologic risk factors may nevertheless
do well developmentally if the child-rearing environment is supportive.

- What is the implication of the unifying concepts model on developmental assessment?

A. Developmental assessment at any single point in time can accurately predict later outcome.

B. Developmental assessment at any single point in time has limited ability to predict later outcome.

C. Developmental assessment at any single point in time can only predict later outcome if the child is

D. Developmental assessment at any single point in time is not necessary for predicting later outcome.

E. Developmental assessment at any single point in time can only predict later outcome if the
parent-child interactions are optimal.

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The unifying concepts model suggests that developmental assessment at any single point
in time has limited ability to predict later outcome because at every stage the developmental trajectory
is affected by both past and present conditions. Therefore, option B is the correct answer. Options A, C,
D, and E are incorrect because they do not accurately reflect the implication of the model on
developmental assessment.

- Which approach to child development tracks development within particular domains?

A. Psychoanalytic approach

B. Behavioral approach

C. Cognitive approach

D. Domain-specific approach

E. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: The approach that tracks development within particular domains such as gross motor, fine
motor, social, emotional, language, and cognition is known as the domain-specific approach.

- Which theories share the idea of stages as qualitatively different periods in the development of
emotion and cognition?

A. Psychoanalytic and cognitive theories

B. Behavioral and cognitive theories

C. Psychoanalytic and behavioral theories

D. Erikson and Piaget theories

E. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson and the cognitive theory
of Jean Piaget share the idea of stages as qualitatively different periods in the development of emotion
and cognition.

- Which theory relies less on qualitative changes and more on the gradual modification of behavior or
accumulation of knowledge?

A. Psychoanalytic theory

B. Behavioral theory

C. Cognitive theory

D. Erikson's theory

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The behavioral theory of Skinner relies less on qualitative changes and more on the
gradual modification of behavior or accumulation of knowledge.

- What is one of the factors that affect growth and development?

A. Genetics

B. Exercise

C. Social media
D. Television

E. Reading books

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Genetics is one of the factors that affect growth and development. It includes biological
factors such as sex differences.

- Which factor can be antagonistic to growth?

A. Nutrition

B. Illnesses

C. Endocrines

D. Emotional factors

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Endocrines such as adrenal corticosteroids can be antagonistic to growth.

- What is the effect of estrogens and androgens on growth and development?

A. They stimulate growth

B. They inhibit growth

C. They have no effect on growth

D. They cause illness

E. They cause emotional disturbances

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Estrogens and androgens stimulate maturation during adolescence, which is a part of
growth and development.

- Which emotional factor can affect growth and development?

A. Love and security

B. Exercise

C. Nutrition

D. Illnesses

E. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Lack of love and security, as well as disturbed child-parent relationships, are emotional
factors that can affect growth and development.

- Which of the following is NOT a factor that can affect internal milieu?

A. Liver disease

B. Kidney disease

C. Heart disease

D. None of the above

E. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Internal milieu can be affected by liver and kidney diseases, but not heart disease.

- Which of the following is a factor that can affect a person's environment?

A. Lack of exercise

B. Eating too much sugar

C. Drinking too much water

D. Lack of sunshine

E. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Lack of sunshine is a factor that can affect a person's environment.

- Which of the following is a factor that can affect a person's intrauterine life?

A. Eating too much sugar

B. Lack of exercise

C. Faulty implantation of the ovum

D. Drinking too much water

E. All of the above

Correct Option: C
Explanation: Faulty implantation of the ovum is a factor that can affect a person's intrauterine life.

- Which of the following is a factor that can affect a person's exposure to various diseases?

A. Eating too much sugar

B. Lack of exercise

C. Lack of sunshine

D. Drinking too much water

E. All of the above

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Lack of exercise, lack of sunshine, and poor personal hygiene are all factors that can
affect a person's exposure to various diseases.

- Which of the following is a socio-economic factor that can affect a person's health?

A. Eating too much sugar

B. Lack of exercise

C. Lack of education

D. Drinking too much water

E. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Lack of education is a socio-economic factor that can affect a person's health.

- What is the significance of knowing the stages of development?

A. To identify individual differences

B. To apply to all individuals with precision

C. To understand characteristic health problems

D. To determine arbitrary age range

E. To ignore individual differences

Correct Option: C
Explanation: Knowing the stages of development is important to understand the characteristic health
problems peculiar to each major phase of development.

- Why is it difficult to apply the stages of development to all individuals with precision?

A. Because of the arbitrary age range

B. Because of individual differences

C. Because it is not important

D. Because it is easy to apply

E. Because it is applicable to majority of children

Correct Option: B

Explanation: It is difficult to apply the stages of development to all individuals with precision because it
doesn't take individual differences into account.

- What is the arbitrary age range of development?

A. A range that applies to all individuals

B. A range that is precise

C. A range that is not important

D. A range that is applicable to majority of children

E. A range that ignores individual differences

Correct Option: D

Explanation: The arbitrary age range of development is a range that is applicable to the majority of

- What is the main limitation of the stages of development?

A. It is not applicable to majority of children

B. It is too precise

C. It ignores individual differences

D. It is not important

E. It doesn't have any limitations

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The main limitation of the stages of development is that it doesn't take individual
differences into account.
- What is the importance of understanding the characteristic health problems peculiar to each major
phase of development?

A. To determine arbitrary age range

B. To ignore individual differences

C. To identify individual differences

D. To apply to all individuals with precision

E. To know the stages of development

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Understanding the characteristic health problems peculiar to each major phase of
development is important to determine the arbitrary age range.

- What is true about patterns of development?

A. They are random and unpredictable.

B. They are unique to each individual.

C. They are not basic to all human beings.

D. They do not follow predetermined trends.

E. They are not continuous, orderly, and progressive.

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The passage states that patterns of development are definite, predictable, universal, and
basic to all human beings. Therefore, option E is incorrect. The passage also states that each individual
accomplishes these patterns in a unique manner and time, so option B is incorrect. Option A is
incorrect because the passage states that patterns of development are not random and unpredictable.
Option C is incorrect because the passage states that patterns of development are basic to all human
beings. Option D is incorrect because the passage states that patterns of development follow
predetermined trends in direction, sequence, and pace.

- What is the meaning of G & D in the passage?

A. Growth and development.

B. Goals and dreams.

C. Goodness and decency.

D. Guidance and direction.

E. Grace and dignity.

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The passage uses the abbreviation G & D to refer to growth and development. Therefore,
option A is correct. Options B, C, D, and E are incorrect because they do not match the context of the

- Which of the following is true about patterns of development?

A. They are not universal.

B. They are not predictable.

C. They are not continuous.

D. They are not basic to all human beings.

E. They follow predetermined trends.

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The passage states that patterns of development are universal, predictable, continuous,
and basic to all human beings. Therefore, option E is correct. Options A, B, C, and D are incorrect
because they contradict the information provided in the passage.

- Which of the following is the correct directional trend that describes the development of infants from
head to tail?

A. Proximodistal

B. Mass to specific

C. Cephalocaudal

D. Random muscle movements

E. Fine muscle control

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Cephalocaudal direction describes the development of infants from head to tail, where the
head end develops first and is very large and complex, whereas the lower end is small and simple and
takes shapes at a later period.

- According to the content, which of the following precedes mastery of the hands?

A. Gross, random muscle movements

B. Fine muscle control

C. Shoulder control

D. Manipulation of fingers

E. Whole hand usage

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Proximodistal direction describes the development of infants from near to far, where
shoulder control precedes mastery of the hands.

- Which of the following describes the development from simple operations to more complex activities
and functions?

A. Proximodistal

B. Mass to specific

C. Cephalocaudal

D. Random muscle movements

E. Fine muscle control

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Mass to specific (differentiation) describes development from simple operations to more
complex activities and functions. All areas of development (physical, mental, social, and emotional)
proceed in this direction.

- According to the content, what do infants achieve structural control of before the trunk and

A. Gross, random muscle movements

B. Fine muscle control

C. Shoulder control

D. Manipulation of fingers

E. Head

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Infants achieve structural control of the head before the trunk and extremities.

- What do infants respond to before they recognize and prefer their mothers, according to the content?

A. Gross, random muscle movements

B. Fine muscle control

C. Shoulder control

D. Manipulation of fingers

E. People in general

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Infants will respond to people in general before they recognize and prefer their mothers,
according to the content.

- Which of the following statements is true about the growth and development of children?

A. It is unpredictable and disorderly.

B. It is not continuous.

C. It does not follow a definite sequence.

D. It is orderly and continuous.

E. It is not necessary for children to pass through every stage.

Correct Option: D

Explanation: The content states that the growth and development of children follow a definite,
predictable sequence that is orderly and continuous, with each child normally passing through every

- What is the sequence of development in children?

A. Children walk before they stand.

B. Children crawl before they stand.

C. Children stand before they crawl.

D. Children run before they walk.

E. Children jump before they crawl.

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The content states that children crawl before they stand, and stand before they walk,
indicating a definite sequence of development.

- Which of the following is NOT true about the growth and development of children?

A. It is predictable.

B. It is continuous.
C. It follows a definite sequence.

D. Each child passes through every stage.

E. It is disorderly and unpredictable.

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The content states that the growth and development of children is predictable, continuous,
and follows a definite sequence, with each child normally passing through every stage. Therefore,
option E is incorrect.

- What is the developmental pace?

A. The fixed order of development

B. The rate of progress in development

C. The individual differences in development

D. The periods of accelerated growth

E. The periods of decelerated growth

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The developmental pace refers to the rate of progress in development. Although there is a
fixed, precise order to development, it does not progress at the same rate or pace. There are periods of
accelerated growth and periods of decelerated growth for the total body as well as for the subsystems.
Marked individual differences are observed between children as they reach developmental milestones
since each child grows at his own pace.

- What are the periods of growth observed in the developmental pace?

A. Accelerated growth and decelerated growth

B. Fixed growth and variable growth

C. Rapid growth and slow growth

D. Steady growth and uneven growth

E. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The periods of growth observed in the developmental pace are accelerated growth and
decelerated growth. Although there is a fixed, precise order to development, it does not progress at the
same rate or pace. There are periods of accelerated growth and periods of decelerated growth for the
total body as well as for the subsystems. Marked individual differences are observed between children
as they reach developmental milestones since each child grows at his own pace.

- What are the individual differences observed in the developmental pace?

A. The fixed order of development

B. The rate of progress in development

C. The periods of accelerated growth

D. The periods of decelerated growth

E. None of the above

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The individual differences observed in the developmental pace are marked between
children as they reach developmental milestones since each child grows at his own pace. Although
there is a fixed, precise order to development, it does not progress at the same rate or pace. There are
periods of accelerated growth and periods of decelerated growth for the total body as well as for the

- During which period of prenatal life are sensitive periods for physical growth?

A. The first month

B. The second month

C. The third month

D. The fourth month

E. The fifth month

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the provided content, the first 3 months of prenatal life are sensitive periods
for physical growth.

- What are sensitivity periods?

A. Times when the organism interacts with the environment

B. Times when the organism is less sensitive to the environment

C. Times when the organism is not growing

D. Times when the organism is sleeping

E. Times when the organism is eating

Correct Option: A

Explanation: According to the provided content, sensitivity periods are limited times during the process
of growth when the organism will interact with a particular environment in a specific manner.

- Which of the following is true about sensitivity periods?

A. They occur throughout the entire process of growth

B. They are not important for physical growth

C. They are not specific to any environment

D. They are limited times during the process of growth

E. They occur only during the last 3 months of prenatal life

Correct Option: D

Explanation: According to the provided content, sensitivity periods are limited times during the process
of growth when the organism will interact with a particular environment in a specific manner.

- What is the purpose of growth monitoring?

A. To detect malnutrition at the earliest possible time and take intervention measures.

B. To educate parents about child growth.

C. To evaluate child's academic performance.

D. To detect developmental delays in children.

E. To monitor the child's physical activity.

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Growth monitoring is a basic strategy for child survival that aims to detect malnutrition at
the earliest possible time and take intervention measures.

- What are the three purposes of growth monitoring charts?

A. Screening of malnutrition, education, and evaluation of nutrition programs.

B. Screening of developmental delays, education, and evaluation of nutrition programs.

C. Screening of malnutrition, education, and evaluation of academic programs.

D. Screening of malnutrition, education, and evaluation of physical activity programs.

E. Screening of malnutrition, education, and evaluation of mental health programs.

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Growth monitoring charts are useful for three purposes: screening of malnutrition,
education, and evaluation of nutrition programs.

- Which of the following is NOT an indicator of nutritional status?

A. Anthropometric (body measurements)

B. Biochemical (blood, urine, hair, …)

C. Clinical (oedema, conjunctiva, thyroid, …)

D. Psychological (mental health, cognitive function, …)

E. Dietary (and other methods,…)

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Psychological indicators are not commonly used to assess nutritional status.

- Which indicator of nutritional status involves measuring body size and composition?

A. Anthropometric (body measurements)

B. Biochemical (blood, urine, hair, …)

C. Clinical (oedema, conjunctiva, thyroid, …)

D. Psychological (mental health, cognitive function, …)

E. Dietary (and other methods,…)

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Anthropometric measurements include height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist
circumference, and skinfold thickness.

- Which indicator of nutritional status involves analyzing blood, urine, or hair samples?

A. Anthropometric (body measurements)

B. Biochemical (blood, urine, hair, …)

C. Clinical (oedema, conjunctiva, thyroid, …)

D. Psychological (mental health, cognitive function, …)

E. Dietary (and other methods,…)

Correct Option: B
Explanation: Biochemical indicators include levels of nutrients, enzymes, hormones, and other
substances in the body.

- Which indicator of nutritional status involves assessing physical signs and symptoms?

A. Anthropometric (body measurements)

B. Biochemical (blood, urine, hair, …)

C. Clinical (oedema, conjunctiva, thyroid, …)

D. Psychological (mental health, cognitive function, …)

E. Dietary (and other methods,…)

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Clinical indicators include visible signs of malnutrition, such as oedema (swelling), pale
conjunctiva (inner eyelids), and enlarged thyroid gland.

- Which indicator of nutritional status involves analyzing dietary intake?

A. Anthropometric (body measurements)

B. Biochemical (blood, urine, hair, …)

C. Clinical (oedema, conjunctiva, thyroid, …)

D. Psychological (mental health, cognitive function, …)

E. Dietary (and other methods,…)

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Dietary indicators include food frequency questionnaires, 24-hour dietary recalls, and food

- What is the recommended correction duration for weight in premature infants?

A. Up to 18 months

B. Up to 24 months

C. Up to 40 months

D. Up to 12 months

E. Up to 36 months

Correct Option: B
Explanation: The correction duration for weight in premature infants is up to 24 months, as stated in the
given content.

- How can over diagnosis of growth failure be avoided in premature infants?

A. By adding the weeks of prematurity to the postnatal age

B. By ignoring the weeks of prematurity in the growth chart

C. By subtracting the weeks of prematurity from the postnatal age

D. By using a different growth chart for premature infants

E. By measuring growth only after the first year of life

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Over diagnosis of growth failure can be avoided in premature infants by subtracting the
weeks of prematurity from the postnatal age, as stated in the given content.

- What is the recommended correction duration for head circumference in premature infants?

A. Up to 18 months

B. Up to 24 months

C. Up to 40 months

D. Up to 12 months

E. Up to 36 months

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The correction duration for head circumference in premature infants is up to 18 months, as
stated in the given content.

- What is the recommended correction duration for length in premature infants?

A. Up to 18 months

B. Up to 24 months

C. Up to 40 months

D. Up to 12 months

E. Up to 36 months

Correct Option: C
Explanation: The correction duration for length in premature infants is up to 40 months, as stated in the
given content.

- Why is it important to correct for premature infants in plotting and interpreting growth charts?

A. To make the infant look healthier

B. To make the growth chart look more accurate

C. To avoid under diagnosis of growth failure

D. To avoid over diagnosis of growth failure

E. To avoid measuring growth too frequently

Correct Option: D

Explanation: It is important to correct for premature infants in plotting and interpreting growth charts to
avoid over diagnosis of growth failure, as stated in the given content.

- Which percentile indicates the need to express values in percentages when growth parameters fall
below it?

A. 1st percentile

B. 2nd percentile

C. 3rd percentile

D. 4th percentile

E. 5th percentile

Correct Option: E

Explanation: When growth parameters fall below the 5th percentile, it is necessary to express values in

- What must be differentiated from nutritional insufficiency when considering decreased linear growth?

A. Congenital causes

B. Constitutional causes

C. Familial causes

D. Endocrine causes

E. All of the above

Correct Option: E
Explanation: Nutritional insufficiency must be differentiated from congenital, constitutional, familial and
endocrine causes of decreased linear growth.

- Which of the following is NOT an index of growth?

A. Body Mass Index (BMI)

B. Body Proportions

C. Skeletal maturation

D. Dental development

E. Blood pressure

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The content mentions several indices of growth, including Body Mass Index (BMI), Body
Proportions, Skeletal maturation, and Dental development. However, blood pressure is not an index of

- Which index of growth is related to teeth development?

A. Body Mass Index (BMI)

B. Body Proportions

C. Skeletal maturation

D. Dental development

E. Physiologic and structural growth

Correct Option: D

Explanation: The content mentions Dental development as an index of growth. This refers to the growth
and development of teeth.

- Which index of growth is related to the size and shape of the body?

A. Body Mass Index (BMI)

B. Body Proportions

C. Skeletal maturation

D. Dental development

E. Physiologic and structural growth

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The content mentions Body Proportions as an index of growth. This refers to the size and
shape of the body, including the relative lengths of limbs and torso.

- Which index of growth is related to the age at which bones develop?

A. Body Mass Index (BMI)

B. Body Proportions

C. Skeletal maturation

D. Dental development

E. Physiologic and structural growth

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The content mentions Skeletal maturation as an index of growth. This refers to the age at
which bones develop and mature.

- Which index of growth is related to the overall physical development of the body?

A. Body Mass Index (BMI)

B. Body Proportions

C. Skeletal maturation

D. Dental development

E. Physiologic and structural growth

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The content mentions Physiologic and structural growth as an index of growth. This refers
to the overall physical development of the body, including changes in weight and height over time.

- What is the average birth weight of a child?

A. 2.25kg

B. 3.25kg

C. 4.25kg

D. 5.25kg

E. 6.25kg
Correct Option: B

Explanation: The average birth weight of a child is 3.25kg.

- By what age does a child's weight triple from their birth weight?

A. 6 months

B. 1 year

C. 2 years

D. 2 ½ years

E. 3 years

Correct Option: D

Explanation: A child's weight triples by the end of the first 2 ½ years.

- At what age does a child's height double from their birth length?

A. 2 years

B. 3 years

C. 4 years

D. 5 years

E. 6 years

Correct Option: C

Explanation: A child's height doubles by 4 years of age.

- By what age does a child's height triple from their birth length?

A. 9 years

B. 10 years

C. 11 years

D. 12 years

E. 13 years

Correct Option: E

Explanation: A child's height triples by about 13 years of age.

- What is the approximate average weight of a normal infant at 6 years old?

A. 14 kg

B. 16 kg

C. 18 kg

D. 20 kg

E. 22 kg

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the given formula, the approximate average weight of a normal child at 6
years old is 2 x 6 + 8 = 20 kg.

- What is the approximate average height of a normal child at 9 years old?

A. 83 cm

B. 89 cm

C. 95 cm

D. 101 cm

E. 107 cm

Correct Option: E

Explanation: According to the given formula, the approximate average height of a normal child at 9
years old is 9 x 6 + 77 = 107 cm.

- What is the approximate average weight of a normal infant at 9 months old?

A. 6.25 kg

B. 6.75 kg

C. 7.25 kg

D. 7.75 kg

E. 8.25 kg

Correct Option: D

Explanation: According to the given formula, the approximate average weight of a normal infant at 9
months old is 3-12 months, which is 3 x 2 + 9 = 15 kg. However, since we are looking for the weight at 9
months, we need to find the average weight between 3 and 12 months, which is (15 kg + 2 kg) / 2 = 8.5
kg. Therefore, the closest option is D, 7.75 kg.

- When do primary teeth begin to erupt?

A. 6-8 years of age

B. 6-8 months of age

C. 30 months of age

D. 6 years of age

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Primary teeth begin to erupt at about 6-8 months of age.

- What is the total number of primary teeth acquired?

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. 40

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The total of 20 primary teeth is acquired in characteristic sequence by 30 months of age.

- When do secondary teeth begin to erupt?

A. 6-8 years of age

B. 6-8 months of age

C. 30 months of age

D. 6 years of age

E. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Secondary teeth begin to erupt at about 6 years of age.

- Which teeth usually erupt first in the permanent dentition?

A. Lower central incisors

B. Upper central incisors

C. 6-year molars

D. Canines

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Eruption of the permanent teeth begins usually starting with the 6-year molar which erupts
posterior to the deciduous molars.

- How many permanent teeth are there?

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. 32

E. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: There are 32 permanent teeth in the adult dentition.

- Which of the following is NOT a part of gross motor development?

A. Running

B. Head control

C. Posture

D. Independent mobilities

E. Crawling

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Crawling is a part of gross motor development, as it involves the use of large muscle
groups and coordination.

- What is fine motor development?

A. The ability to run and jump

B. The ability to reach for, grasp and manipulate objects

C. The ability to balance on one foot

D. The ability to throw and catch a ball

E. The ability to climb stairs

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Fine motor development involves the use of small muscle groups, such as those in the
hands and fingers, to perform tasks that require precision and coordination, such as reaching for,
grasping, and manipulating objects.

- What are some examples of social skills in infants?

A. Running and jumping

B. Crawling and rolling over

C. Watching a mirror and waving goodbye

D. Balancing on one foot and climbing stairs

E. Throwing and catching a ball

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Social skills in infants include behaviors such as watching a mirror, waving goodbye, and
showing general alertness and curiosity about their surroundings.

- What is the role of language in developmental assessment?

A. To assess gross motor development

B. To assess fine motor development

C. To assess social skills

D. To assess cognition

E. To assess neuro-development

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Language is an important aspect of cognition, which is one of the areas assessed in
developmental assessment.
- Which of the following is a developmental milestone for a 1-month-old baby?

A. Crawling movement

B. Smiling socially

C. Sitting unsupported

D. Saying "mama"

E. Walking alone

Correct Option: A

Explanation: According to the developmental checklist, a 1-month-old baby should be able to raise their
head and have crawling movements.

- What is a developmental milestone for a 6-month-old baby?

A. Crawling movement

B. Smiling socially

C. Sitting unsupported

D. Saying "mama"

E. Walking alone

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the developmental checklist, a 6-month-old baby should be able to sit
unsupported and babble.

- At what age does a baby typically say their first words?

A. 1 month

B. 2 months

C. 4 months

D. 6 months

E. 9 months

Correct Option: E

Explanation: According to the developmental checklist, a 9-month-old baby should be able to say

- What is a developmental milestone for a 12-month-old baby?

A. Crawling movement

B. Smiling socially

C. Sitting unsupported

D. Saying "mama"

E. Walking alone

Correct Option: E

Explanation: According to the developmental checklist, a 12-month-old baby should be able to walk
alone and say two words.

- What is a developmental milestone for a 4-month-old baby?

A. Crawling movement

B. Smiling socially

C. Sitting unsupported

D. Saying "mama"

E. Walking alone

Correct Option: A

Explanation: According to the developmental checklist, a 4-month-old baby should be able to roll from
front to back and laugh.

- What is the red flag for a 1-month-old baby?

A. Poor suck

B. No eye contact

C. No smile

D. Floppy

E. Does not regard face

Correct Option: A

Explanation: A 1-month-old baby who does not have a good suck reflex may have difficulty feeding and
gaining weight.

- What is the red flag for a 2-month-old baby?

A. Does not follow with eyes if you move your face slowly from side to side

B. Does not look at you with both eyes at least for a few moments

C. Does not respond to sound by quieting

D. Floppy

E. Poor social response to people

Correct Option: A

Explanation: A 2-month-old baby who does not follow with eyes if you move your face slowly from side
to side may have difficulty with visual tracking and may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for a 3-month-old baby?

A. Does not respond to sound by quieting

B. Does not look at you with both eyes at least for a few moments

C. Poor suck

D. Floppy

E. No smile

Correct Option: A

Explanation: A 3-month-old baby who does not respond to sound by quieting may have difficulty
hearing and may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for a 4-month-old baby?

A. Does not hold head steady for a few moments when you sit him up

B. Does not grasp rattle that you put into his palm

C. Poor suck

D. Floppy

E. No eye contact

Correct Option: B

Explanation: A 4-month-old baby who does not grasp a rattle that you put into their palm may have
difficulty with fine motor skills and may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for a 5-month-old baby?

A. Does not raise head and support weight on arms when in prone position
B. Does not look at you with both eyes at least for a few moments

C. Does not respond to sound by quieting

D. Floppy

E. No smile

Correct Option: A

Explanation: A 5-month-old baby who does not raise their head and support weight on arms when in
prone position may have difficulty with gross motor skills and may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for a 6-month-old baby?

A. Cannot reach for objects with both hands

B. Floppy

C. No response to sound

D. Poor social response to people

E. All of the above

Correct Option: E

Explanation: A 6-month-old baby who cannot reach for objects with both hands, is floppy, and has no
response to sound or poor social response to people may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for a 9-month-old baby?

A. Unable to sit unsupported

B. Hand preference

C. Fisting

D. Persistence of primitive reflexes

E. All of the above

Correct Option: E

Explanation: A 9-month-old baby who is unable to sit unsupported, has a hand preference, clenches
their fists, and has persistence of primitive reflexes may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for a 12-month-old baby?

A. Unable to bear weight on legs

B. Floppy
C. No response to sound

D. Poor social response to people

E. Cannot reach for objects with both hands

Correct Option: A

Explanation: A 12-month-old baby who is unable to bear weight on their legs may have difficulty with
gross motor skills and may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for a 15-month-old baby?

A. Does not walk alone

B. Is not using at least one word meaningfully

C. Floppy

D. No response to sound

E. Poor social response to people

Correct Option: A

Explanation: A 15-month-old baby who does not walk alone may have difficulty with gross motor skills
and may need further evaluation.

- What is the red flag for an 18-month-old baby?

A. Does not use at least 3 words and does not point to what he wants

B. Floppy

C. No response to sound

D. Poor social response to people

E. Cannot reach for objects with both hands

Correct Option: A

Explanation: An 18-month-old baby who does not use at least 3 words and does not point to what they
want may have difficulty with language development and may need further evaluation.

- What is the perinatal period?

A. The period from birth to 28 days

B. The period from conception to birth

C. The period from 8 to 40 weeks

D. The period from 8 weeks to birth

E. The period from 28 days to 1 year

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The perinatal period is the period from conception to birth. It is divided into two stages: the
embryonic stage, which lasts from conception to 8 weeks, and the fetal stage, which lasts from 8 weeks
to birth. This period is characterized by rapid growth rate, total dependence on the mother, and is the
most crucial period in the developmental process. Maternal conditions directly affect it.

- What is the neonatal period?

A. The period from birth to 28 days

B. The period from conception to birth

C. The period from 8 to 40 weeks

D. The period from 8 weeks to birth

E. The period from 28 days to 1 year

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The neonatal period is the period from birth to 28 days. During this period, the newborn
undergoes major physical adjustments to extrauterine existence and the mother undergoes physiologic
adjustment. This period is characterized by the transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life and the
establishment of basic physiological functions.

- What is the significance of mutuality with the caregiver during infancy period?

A. It helps in establishing basic trust in the world

B. It helps in developing motor skills

C. It helps in acquiring language

D. It helps in gaining self-control and mastery

E. It helps in developing a self-concept

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Mutuality with the caregiver (mother) during infancy period helps the infant in establishing
a basic trust in the world and the foundation for future interpersonal relationships.

- What is the characteristic of early childhood period?

A. Intense activity and discovery

B. Rapid motor, cognitive, and social development

C. Marked physical and personality development

D. Acquiring language and wider social relationships

E. Developing a self-concept

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Early childhood period is characterized by intense activity and discovery.

- What is the age range for early childhood period?

A. 1 to 12 months

B. 1 to 3 years

C. 3 to 6 years

D. 6 to 12 years

E. 12 to 18 years

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Early childhood period ranges from 1 to 6 years, with Toddler period being 1-3 years and
Preschool period being 3-6 years.

- What are the developmental advancements during early childhood period?

A. Motor development advances steadily

B. Acquiring language and wider social relationships

C. Learning role standards

D. Gaining self-control and mastery

E. Developing increasing awareness of dependence and independence

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Motor development advances steadily during early childhood period.

- What is the significance of early childhood period?

A. It is a time of marked physical and personality development

B. It helps in establishing basic trust in the world

C. It helps in developing motor skills

D. It helps in acquiring language

E. It helps in developing a self-concept

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Early childhood period is a time of marked physical and personality development, where
children acquire language and wider social relationships, learn role standards, gain self-control and
mastery, develop increasing awareness of dependence and independence, and begin to develop a

- What is the age range for middle childhood?

A. 0 to 6 years

B. 6 to 12 years

C. 12 to 18 years

D. 18 to 24 years

E. 24 to 30 years

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Middle childhood is the period between 6 to 12 years of age, also known as "school age".
During this period, the child is directed from the family group and is centered around the wider world of
peer relationships. There is steady advancement in physical, mental, and social development, with
more skill competence. This is a critical period in the development of a self-concept.

- What is adolescence?

A. A period of rapid maturation and change

B. A period of slow maturation and change

C. A period of no change

D. A period of decline

E. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Adolescence is the period between 12 to 18 years of age, which is a transitional period
that begins at the onset of puberty and extends to the point of entry into the adult world. Biologic and
personality maturation are accompanied by physical and emotional turmoil, and there is redefining of
the self-concept. During this period, the child begins to internalize all the previously learned values and
to focus on an individual, rather than a group, identity.
- What is the critical aspect of middle childhood?

A. Physical development

B. Mental development

C. Social development

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The critical aspect of middle childhood is social development. During this period, the child
is directed from the family group and is centered around the wider world of peer relationships. There is
steady advancement in physical, mental, and social development, with more skill competence. This is a
critical period in the development of a self-concept.

- What is the age range for adolescence?

A. 0 to 6 years

B. 6 to 12 years

C. 12 to 18 years

D. 18 to 24 years

E. 24 to 30 years

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Adolescence is the period between 12 to 18 years of age, which is a transitional period
that begins at the onset of puberty and extends to the point of entry into the adult world. Biologic and
personality maturation are accompanied by physical and emotional turmoil, and there is redefining of
the self-concept. During this period, the child begins to internalize all the previously learned values and
to focus on an individual, rather than a group, identity.

- What is the focus of identity during adolescence?

A. Group identity

B. Individual identity

C. Family identity

D. Community identity

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B
Explanation: During adolescence, the child begins to internalize all the previously learned values and to
focus on an individual, rather than a group, identity. The child begins to redefine the self-concept and
internalize the values learned from the family and society.

- What is the average weight of an infant at 12 months?

A. 5 Kg

B. 8 Kg

C. 10 Kg

D. 15 Kg

E. 20 Kg

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the given content, an infant weighs an average of 10 Kg at 12 months.

- At what age can an infant sit without support?

A. 3 months

B. 6 months

C. 8 months

D. 9 months

E. 12 months

Correct Option: B

Explanation: As per the given content, an infant can sit without support at 6 months.

- When can an infant crawl?

A. 3 months

B. 6 months

C. 8 months

D. 9 months

E. 12 months

Correct Option: C
Explanation: According to the given content, an infant can crawl at 8 months.

- When can an infant stand without support?

A. 3 months

B. 6 months

C. 8 months

D. 9 months

E. 12 months

Correct Option: E

Explanation: As per the given content, an infant can stand without support at 12 months.

- At what age can an infant transfer objects from hand to hand?

A. 3-4 months

B. 5-6 months

C. 8 months

D. 9 months

E. 12 months

Correct Option: B

Explanation: According to the given content, an infant can transfer objects from hand to hand at 5-6

- What is the age range for a baby to develop a social smile?

A. 4 months

B. 6-8 weeks

C. 6-8 months

D. 9-12 months

E. 12 months or older

Correct Option: B

Explanation: According to the content, a baby develops a social smile at 6-8 weeks.
- At what age does a baby start to experience stranger anxiety?

A. 4 months

B. 6-8 weeks

C. 6-8 months

D. 9-12 months

E. 12 months or older

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the content, a baby starts to experience stranger anxiety at 6-8 months.

- What is the age range for a baby to develop object permanence?

A. 4 months

B. 6-8 weeks

C. 6-8 months

D. 9-12 months

E. 12 months or older

Correct Option: D

Explanation: According to the content, a baby develops object permanence at 9-12 months.

- At what age does a baby start to say "papa" and "mama"?

A. 4 months

B. 6-8 weeks

C. 8-9 months

D. 9-12 months

E. 12 months or older

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the content, a baby starts to say "papa" and "mama" at 8-9 months.

- What is the age range for a baby to start using consonants in their speech?

A. 4 months

B. 6-8 weeks
C. 7 months

D. 8-9 months

E. 12 months or older

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the content, a baby starts to use consonants in their speech at 7 months.

- What is the average weight gain of a toddler between 12-24 months?

A. 1 Kg

B. 2 Kg

C. 3 Kg

D. 4 Kg

E. 5 Kg

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Toddlers between 12-24 months gain an average weight of 2 Kg.

- At what age can a toddler walk up and down stairs one at a time?

A. 12-15 months

B. 15-18 months

C. 18-21 months

D. 21-24 months

E. 24-27 months

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Toddlers at 24 months can walk up and down stairs one at a time.

- At what age can a toddler imitate a horizontal stroke?

A. 12 months

B. 15 months

C. 18 months
D. 21 months

E. 24 months

Correct Option: E

Explanation: Toddlers at 24 months can imitate a horizontal stroke.

- What is the average height gain of a toddler between 12-24 months?

A. 6 cm

B. 8 cm

C. 10 cm

D. 12 cm

E. 14 cm

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Toddlers between 12-24 months gain an average height of 12 cm.

- At what age can a toddler insert a pellet in a bottle?

A. 12 months

B. 15 months

C. 18 months

D. 21 months

E. 24 months

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Toddlers at 15 months can insert a pellet in a bottle.

- What is the age at which a toddler indicates their desire by pointing?

A. 10 months

B. 15 months

C. 18 months

D. 24 months

E. 30 months
Correct Option: B

Explanation: According to the given content, a toddler indicates their desire by pointing at 15 months.

- At what age does a toddler start to speak in jargons?

A. 10 months

B. 15 months

C. 18 months

D. 24 months

E. 30 months

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The given content states that a toddler starts to speak in jargons at 15 months.

- How many words does a toddler typically speak at 18 months?

A. 5-10 words

B. 10-15 words

C. 15-20 words

D. 20-25 words

E. 25-30 words

Correct Option: B

Explanation: According to the given content, a toddler typically speaks 10-15 words at 18 months.

- At what age does a toddler help undress?

A. 10 months

B. 15 months

C. 18 months

D. 24 months

E. 30 months

Correct Option: D

Explanation: The given content states that a toddler helps undress at 24 months.
- What is the age at which a toddler listens to stories with pictures?

A. 10 months

B. 15 months

C. 18 months

D. 24 months

E. 30 months

Correct Option: D

Explanation: According to the given content, a toddler listens to stories with pictures at 24 months.

- What is the average yearly weight gain and height increase for preschoolers?

A. Gain 7 Kg and Ht 2 cm

B. Gain 2 Kg and Ht 7 cm

C. Gain 5 Kg and Ht 5 cm

D. Gain 3 Kg and Ht 10 cm

E. Gain 1 Kg and Ht 5 cm

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Preschoolers gain an average of 2 Kg per year and grow in height by 7 cm per year.

- At what age can a child ride a tricycle and copy a circle?

A. 2 years

B. 3 years

C. 4 years

D. 5 years

E. 6 years

Correct Option: B

Explanation: A child can ride a tricycle and copy a circle at the age of 3 years.

- What can a 4-year-old child do?

A. Copy square
B. Skip

C. Copy triangle

D. Walk upstairs alternating feet

E. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Explanation: A 4-year-old child can copy a square, hop on one foot, throw a ball over their head, and
copy a cross.

- What can a 5-year-old child do?

A. Copy square

B. Skip

C. Copy triangle

D. Walk upstairs alternating feet

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Explanation: A 5-year-old child can skip and copy a triangle.

- What is the expected language development of a child between 2-5 years old?

A. Vocabulary decreases from 50-100 to about 2000 words

B. Vocabulary increases from 50-100 to about 2000 words

C. Vocabulary remains the same at about 50-100 words

D. Vocabulary increases to about 500 words

E. Vocabulary increases to about 10000 words

Correct Option: B

Explanation: According to the given content, language development of a child between 2-5 years old is
expected to increase from 50-100 to about 2000 words.

- What can a 2 and a half year old child do?

A. Count 10 objects correctly

B. Name 4 colors

C. Know their full name and pretend play

D. Tell a story

E. Dress and undress themselves

Correct Option: C

Explanation: According to the given content, a 2 and a half year old child can know their full name and
pretend play.

- What can a 4 year old child do?

A. Count 3 objects

B. Name 4 colors

C. Dress and undress themselves

D. Wash hands and put on shoes

E. Tell a story

Correct Option: E

Explanation: According to the given content, a 4 year old child can tell a story.

- What is the relationship between a child's age and the number of words in a sentence?

A. The number of words in a sentence decreases as the child gets older

B. The number of words in a sentence increases as the child gets older

C. The number of words in a sentence remains the same as the child gets older

D. The number of words in a sentence is not related to the child's age

E. The number of words in a sentence is determined by the child's vocabulary

Correct Option: B

Explanation: According to the given content, the number of words in a sentence equals age in years,
which means the number of words in a sentence increases as the child gets older.

- What is the cognitive ability of a child between 5-6 years old?

A. They can think logically

B. They can think abstractly

C. They can think in concrete operations

D. They can think in post-logical operations

E. They cannot think independently

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The given content mentions that children between 5-6 years old can think in prelogical
operations, which means they can think logically.

- What is the average weight gain per year for a child in the school age range?

A. 2-2.5 kg

B. 3-3.5 kg

C. 4-4.5 kg

D. 5-5.5 kg

E. 6-6.5 kg

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Children in the school age range typically gain an average of 3-3.5 kg per year.

- How much do children in the school age range typically grow in height per year?

A. 2-3 cm

B. 4-5 cm

C. 6-7 cm

D. 8-9 cm

E. 10-11 cm

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Children in the school age range typically grow an average of 6 cm in height per year.

- What type of movements are children in the school age range able to perform?

A. Simple movements only

B. Moderate movements only

C. Complex movements such as dancing

D. No significant increase in motor skills

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Children in the school age range are able to perform complex movements such as
dancing, as their coordination and stamina increase progressively.

- What type of thinking do children in the school age range start to develop?

A. Abstract thinking

B. Creative thinking

C. Critical thinking

D. Concrete logical operations

E. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Children in the school age range start to develop thinking in concrete logical operations.

- During adolescence, which of the following changes occur in the body?

A. Decrease in body size, shape, and physiology

B. Increase in social functioning

C. Rapid change in body size, shape, physiology, psychologic and social functioning

D. No changes occur in the body during adolescence

E. Increase in body size, shape, and physiology

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Adolescence is a period of rapid change in body size, shape, physiology, psychologic and
social functioning.

- How many distinct periods are there during adolescence?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four
E. Five

Correct Option: C

Explanation: There are three distinct periods during adolescence - early, middle, and late.

- Which of the following changes are common during all three periods of adolescence?

A. Increase in body size

B. Decrease in social functioning

C. No changes occur during all three periods

D. Rapid change in body size, shape, physiology, psychologic and social functioning

E. Increase in body shape

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Rapid change in body size, shape, physiology, psychologic and social functioning are
common changes that occur during all three periods of adolescence.

- During which stage of adolescence does the individual experience slower growth?

A. Early Adolescence

B. Middle Adolescence

C. Late Adolescence

D. Both A and B

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Late Adolescence is the stage where the individual experiences slower growth.

- Which stage of adolescence is characterized by the beginning of rapid growth, acne, and odor,
menarche, and spermarche?

A. Early Adolescence

B. Middle Adolescence

C. Late Adolescence

D. Both A and B

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Middle Adolescence is characterized by the beginning of rapid growth, acne, and odor,
menarche, and spermarche.

- During which stage of adolescence does the individual consolidate their sexual identity?

A. Early Adolescence

B. Middle Adolescence

C. Late Adolescence

D. Both A and B

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Late Adolescence is the stage where the individual consolidates their sexual identity.

- Which stage of adolescence is characterized by abstract thought and self-centeredness?

A. Early Adolescence

B. Middle Adolescence

C. Late Adolescence

D. Both A and B

E. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Middle Adolescence is characterized by abstract thought and self-centeredness.

- During which stage of adolescence does the individual experience bids for independence?

A. Early Adolescence

B. Middle Adolescence

C. Late Adolescence

D. Both A and B

E. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Early Adolescence is the stage where the individual experiences bids for independence.
- Which stage of adolescence is characterized by intimacy and possibly commitment?

A. Early Adolescence

B. Middle Adolescence

C. Late Adolescence

D. Both A and B

E. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Late Adolescence is characterized by intimacy and possibly commitment.

- What is the purpose of Tanners' staging?

A. To assess cognitive development

B. To assess emotional development

C. To assess developmental maturity based on somatic and physiologic changes

D. To assess social development

E. To assess spiritual development

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Tanners' staging is used to assess developmental maturity based on somatic and
physiologic changes, specifically the Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR).

- What is the Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR)?

A. A rating system for assessing cognitive development

B. A rating system for assessing emotional development

C. A rating system for assessing developmental maturity based on somatic and physiologic changes

D. A rating system for assessing social development

E. A rating system for assessing spiritual development

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR) is a rating system used in Tanners' staging to assess
developmental maturity based on somatic and physiologic changes.
- What is the purpose of the Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR)?

A. To assess cognitive development

B. To assess emotional development

C. To assess developmental maturity based on somatic and physiologic changes

D. To assess social development

E. To assess spiritual development

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR) is used in Tanners' staging to assess developmental
maturity based on somatic and physiologic changes.

- Who developed Tanners' staging?

A. Sigmund Freud

B. Erik Erikson

C. Jean Piaget

D. James Tanner

E. Abraham Maslow

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Tanners' staging was developed by James Tanner.

- What is the purpose of assessing developmental maturity?

A. To compare individuals to each other

B. To identify individuals who are behind in development

C. To identify individuals who are ahead in development

D. To monitor progress over time

E. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Explanation: The purpose of assessing developmental maturity is to monitor progress over time, not to
compare individuals to each other or identify those who are behind or ahead in development.

- Which of the following is depicted in Fig. A for both adolescent boys and girls?
A. Changes in breast size

B. Changes in pubic hair

C. Changes in height

D. Changes in weight

E. Changes in voice pitch

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Fig. A shows the sex maturity ratings of pubic hair changes in both adolescent boys and

- What is depicted in Fig. B for adolescent girls?

A. Changes in height

B. Changes in weight

C. Changes in pubic hair

D. Changes in breast size

E. Changes in voice pitch

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Fig. B shows the sex maturity ratings of breast changes in adolescent girls.

- Which of the following is a common characteristic of adolescence?

A. Decreased appetite

B. Decreased sleep needs

C. Increased risk-taking behavior

D. Increased attention span

E. Increased physical coordination

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Adolescents are known to engage in more risk-taking behavior due to changes in brain
development and social influences.

- Which of the following is a physical change that occurs during adolescence?

A. Increased ability to regulate emotions

B. Increased ability to plan for the future

C. Increased ability to understand abstract concepts

D. Increased muscle mass and strength

E. Increased ability to focus attention

Correct Option: D

Explanation: During adolescence, there is an increase in muscle mass and strength due to hormonal
changes and physical activity.

- Which of the following is a psychological change that occurs during adolescence?

A. Increased ability to regulate emotions

B. Increased bone density

C. Increased lung capacity

D. Increased visual acuity

E. Increased hearing sensitivity

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Adolescents develop greater emotional regulation skills as they mature and gain more life

- What is the first stage of sex maturity in girls?

A. Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight, medial border of labia

B. Darker, beginning to curl, increased amount

C. Coarse, curly, abundant, but amount less than in adult

D. Adult feminine triangle spread to medial surface of thighs

E. Mature, nipple projects areola part of general breast contour

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The first stage of sex maturity in girls is characterized by sparse, lightly pigmented,
straight, medial border of labia.

- What is the second stage of sex maturity in girls?

A. Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight, medial border of labia

B. Darker, beginning to curl, increased amount

C. Coarse, curly, abundant, but amount less than in adult

D. Adult feminine triangle spread to medial surface of thighs

E. Mature, nipple projects areola part of general breast contour

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The second stage of sex maturity in girls is characterized by darker, beginning to curl,
increased amount of pubic hair and breast and papilla elevated as small mound; areola diameter

- What is the third stage of sex maturity in girls?

A. Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight, medial border of labia

B. Darker, beginning to curl, increased amount

C. Coarse, curly, abundant, but amount less than in adult

D. Adult feminine triangle spread to medial surface of thighs

E. Mature, nipple projects areola part of general breast contour

Correct Option: C

Explanation: The third stage of sex maturity in girls is characterized by coarse, curly, abundant, but
amount less than in adult pubic hair and breast and areola enlarged, no contour separation.

- What is the fourth stage of sex maturity in girls?

A. Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight, medial border of labia

B. Darker, beginning to curl, increased amount

C. Coarse, curly, abundant, but amount less than in adult

D. Adult feminine triangle spread to medial surface of thighs

E. Mature, nipple projects areola part of general breast contour

Correct Option: D

Explanation: The fourth stage of sex maturity in girls is characterized by adult feminine triangle spread
to medial surface of thighs and areola and papilla form secondary mound.

- What is the fifth stage of sex maturity in girls?

A. Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight, medial border of labia

B. Darker, beginning to curl, increased amount

C. Coarse, curly, abundant, but amount less than in adult

D. Adult feminine triangle spread to medial surface of thighs

E. Mature, nipple projects areola part of general breast contour

Correct Option: E

Explanation: The fifth stage of sex maturity in girls is characterized by mature, nipple projects areola
part of general breast contour and adult feminine triangle spread to medial surface of thighs.

- During which stage of sex maturity in boys does the penis enlarge slightly and the scrotum become
pink with altered texture?

A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2

C. Stage 3

D. Stage 4

E. Stage 5

Correct Option: B

Explanation: During stage 2 of sex maturity in boys, the penis enlarges slightly and the scrotum
becomes pink with altered texture.

- At which stage of sex maturity in boys does the scrotum become darker and the pubic hair begin to
curl with a small amount?

A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2

C. Stage 3

D. Stage 4

E. Stage 5

Correct Option: C

Explanation: During stage 3 of sex maturity in boys, the scrotum becomes darker and the pubic hair
begins to curl with a small amount.

- Which stage of sex maturity in boys is characterized by the penis resembling adult type but less in
quantity, coarse, and curly?
A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2

C. Stage 3

D. Stage 4

E. Stage 5

Correct Option: D

Explanation: During stage 4 of sex maturity in boys, the penis resembles adult type but less in quantity,
coarse, and curly.

- At which stage of sex maturity in boys does the pubic hair resemble adult distribution and spread to
the medial surface of the thigh?

A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2

C. Stage 3

D. Stage 4

E. Stage 5

Correct Option: E

Explanation: During stage 5 of sex maturity in boys, the pubic hair resembles adult distribution and
spreads to the medial surface of the thigh.

- What is the classification of sex maturity stages in boys?


B. Stages of Growth

C. Puberty Stages

D. Sexual Development Stages

E. Male Maturity Stages

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The classification of sex maturity stages in boys is known as SMR (Sexual Maturity

- What developmental milestone is used to determine the age of an infant?

A. Sits without support

B. Just started walking

C. Crawling

D. Can lift chest off the table

E. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Explanation: The ability to sit without support is typically achieved by infants around 6 months of age.

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