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Proposal Excellent Service, Marketing,
dan Public Speaking
PT Sabil Huda Utama
Agustus 2023
FrameWork Development provides people development training
and coaching which specializes in strategic communications for
various purposes. It helps individuals (such as students,
teachers/lecturers, lawyers, athletes, doctors, aspiring leaders,

business people, high profile celebrities) and organizations
(private and government-owned) to develop their skills in

Public speaking,
Business English
• Spokesperson training, Customers
• Communication for negotiation,
• Issue and crisis communication,

• Presentation: design and delivery
• Communication for stakeholders management, and many
• Customized-based programs.
Coaching Hours
In terms of people development, FrameWork Development also
serves the topics that are closely related to professional
development, among others: leadership, teamwork &
productivity, personal branding, general management,
● TESOL Certificate holder
● Master degree in Business and Administration
● Master degree in Strategic Corporate Communication

Gideon is the founder as well as the principal trainer of FrameWork

Development which was established as a brand in 2015. He has a
true passion for people development while gravitating his interest to
strategic communications. Gideon is enriched with analytical, critical,
and strategic thinking as he has various educational backgrounds in
science and engineering, corporate communication, business, and
management. With that being said, Gideon has the sharp and
curious thoughts of a scientist, the flexibility and social skills of a
communicator, and the entrepreneur mindset of a business player.
Gideon has experienced speaking in big forums and occasions in
several countries outside Indonesia, among others: Germany,
Gideon Satria PS, S.T.P., Canada, Australia, China, Thailand, and Malaysia. Upon finishing his
M.B.A., M.I.Kom master’s degrees at the same time period, Gideon was awarded as
Principal Trainer the best graduate in both of his schools. With more than 7+ years
experience of in coaching and training, Gideon has handled
individuals, high-profile leaders, corporations, and organizations.
01 Our
Communication Profile Partners
Excellent Service,
Public Speaking
Proposal Excellent Service for Customers

Excellent Service for Customers penting untuk dipastikan guna

memberikan pelayanan yang tidak hanya prima namun juga
dikenang pagi customers. Selain itu, budaya excellent service juga
memiliki dampak besar terhadap reputasi positif dari perusahaan
yang dapat memaksimalkan potensi bisnis ke depan.

Perlu disadari bahwa Excellent Service penting untuk dilakukan

oleh seluruh industry atau bisnis, bahkan di seluruh lini level, tidak
hanya management level namun juga garda terdepan seperti
office boy dan security.
Syllabus & Delivery Plan Excellent Service for Customers

Modul Learning Objectives Activity

Landasan dan Pola Pikir Excellent • Peserta memahami definisi Excellent Service Penyampaian Materi & Diskusi
Service • Peserta memahami pentingnya Excellent Service Durasi: 1 jam

Elemen Komunikasi Pendukung • Peserta memahami dasar-dasar komunikasi Penyampaian Materi dan Simulasi
Excellent Service • Peserta mampu mengelola elemen komunikasi utama Durasi: 2 jam
pendukung Excellent Service (Tone and Intonation)

Mengelola Keluhan (Complaint • Peserta memahami definisi dan pola pikir yang tepat Penyampaian Materi dan Simulasi
Handling) terkait keluhan Durasi: 2 jam
• Peserta memahami tipe-tipe pelanggan
• Peserta mampu menghadapi dan mengelola complaint

Faktor Pendukung Excellent • Peserta mampu memaksimalkan peforma keseluruhan Penyampaian Materi dan Diskusi
Service untuk mendukung Excellent Service Durasi: 1 jam
Proposal Marketing Communication

Marketing Communication dalam perusahaan memiliki peran penting untuk memperkenalkan

produk perusahaan ke customers hingga menjaga agar customers tetap merasa puas dengan
pelayanan yang diberikan dan menjadi retained-customers atau melakukan repeat orders. Seiring
berkembangnya zaman, teori dan tantangan terkait marketing communication semakin beragam.
Akibatnya, penting bagi pelaku marketing communication untuk melatih diri dalam praktik
komunikasi dan marketing guna memaksimalkan perannya di perusahaan.
Syllabus & Delivery Plan Marketing Communication
Modul Learning Objectives Activity

Teori Dasar Marketing dan • Peserta memahami perkembangan teori dan Penyampaian Materi & Diskusi
Komunikasi Marketing implementasi marketing
• Pesert memahami jenis komunikasi dalam marketing Durasi: 1.5 jam

Pemetaan Target Konsumen dan • Peserta memahami konsep customer centric dan Penyampaian Materi dan Diskusi /
Studi Kasus bagaimana bisa memaksimalkan praktik marketing
komunikasi Presentasi
• Peserta saling memetakan kondisi konsumen di area Durasi: 1.5 jam
kerja mereka
• Peserta mendiskusikan pengalaman & meramu best
practice: canvasing, managing clients, mengelola

Pitching dan Presentasi Bisnis bagi • Peserta memahami tahapan komunikasi dan presentasi Penyampaian Materi dan Simulasi
Marketers • Peserta menguasai public speaking untuk presentasi dan
pitching Durasi: 2 jam

Faktor Pendukung Marketing • Peserta memahami faktor-fakor keberhasilan dalam Penyampaian Materi dan Diskusi
Communication praktik marketing communication
• Peserta memahami dan mampu menggunakan visual Durasi: 1 jam
pendukung marketing communication
Proposal Excellent Public Speaking for Business

Excellent Public Speaking for Business

menjadi skills yang penting untuk dimiliki
di manapun posisi dan peran pegawai
dalam perusahaan. Excellent Public
Speaking membantu seseorang untuk
meramu pesan secara efisien dan
menyampaiaknnya secara efektif
kepada audiens secara khusus. Meski
berbicara adalah aktivitas sehari-hari,
hal ini berbeda dengan Excellent Public
Speaking for Business yang perlu dilatih
dan dikembangkan agar bisa
memberikan dampak positif bagi kinerja
Syllabus & Delivery Plan Excellent Public Speaking for Business
Modul Learning Objectives Activity

Teori dasar Komunikasi dan Public • Peserta memahami teori dasar komunikasi khususnya Penyampaian Materi & Diskusi
Speaking serta Tahapannya komunikasi bisnis
• Peserta memahami tahap-tahap pubic speaking dan Durasi: 1 jam
mampu mengimplementasikannya

Struktur Pesan & Elemen-Elemen • Peserta mengenal struktur pesan dan mampu Penyampaian Materi dan Simulasi
Public Speaking menyusun pesan yang efisien sesuai tujuan
komunikasi yang diharapkan Durasi: 2 jam
• Peserta memahami elemen-elemen public speaking
dan mampu mengimplementasikannya dalam eksekusi
public speaking

Mengelola Diskusi dan Tanya • Peserta mampu menangkap “big picture” dari Penyampaian Materi dan Simulasi
Jawab pertanyaan yang diajukan audiens
• Peserta mampu mengelola pertanyaan yang sulit Durasi: 2 jam

Faktor Pendukung Excellent Public • Peserta mengenal total outlook untuk mendukung Penyampaian Materi dan Diskusi
Speaking pencapaian Excellent Public Speaking
Durasi: 1 jam
Connecting the
Drawing IDR 12.500.000 / batch
• Pelatihan full day (6 jam) untuk maksimal 20 peserta
• E-module
Delivering • Transportasi pembicara Jakarta – Bandung – Jakarta
Impacts • Akomodasi pembicara selama pelatihan
• Pajak NPWP Pribadi
DP: 30% maksimal 14 hari sebelum program & Pelunasan maksimal 7 hari setelah program

Connect with Us
email :
Phone : +6281292600600
the Dots

Connect with Us
email :
Phone : +6281292600600 Meanings

List of Other
Services and
03 Sharing-based
List of Service and
Customized Program Service
Handling fears in public
Teamwork and collaboration

Sharing is a form of collaboration with

Image and reputation Asking and receiving feedback
FrameWork Communications gets
invited to talk in the event in a short
Dealing with uncertainties and
time (60-120 minutes). This program is Personal branding
intended to share the trainer's
experience and expertise with the Communication skills for
Passion, dreams, and reality
audience. It is highly suitable for professional works

internal company gatherings, seminars,

and special or public events. Materials Time vs energy management Critical thinking
are made specifically according to
needs which can include related Critical thinking and problem
matters to personal and professional
Improving English speaking
03 Training-based
List of Service and
Customized Program Service
Strategic public speaking & Spokesperson training: high
presentation profile individuals

Training is a form of cooperation with Job & promotion due diligence

Communication for negotiation
FrameWork Communication to provide interview preparation
a workshop (6-18 hours). This training
Scholarship interview and FGD Communication for conflict
program is intended to escalate the preparation resolution and crisis handling
hands-on skills and expertise of
participants in special fields that can Strategic communications
Business English
improve the quality and contribution of transformation

the works.
Public relations skills
Academic writing

Public speaking and Knowledge capturing and

presentation for business management

MC and moderating
Best Selling
Strategic Public
04 Menu:
Best Selling Training
Strategic Public Speaking
Introduction to Strategic Communication
and Public Speaking

Stepping Stone of Strategic

Strategic public speaking training is aimed at improving Communication and Public Speaking’s
individuals in compiling and delivering key messages to Journey
their targeted audience. This training program is designed Developing Powerful Contents and Key
to help individuals to be articulately communicative in Messaging
small groups or large groups in semi-casual and
professional contexts. Stakeholders and Audiences Mapping

The execution uses 35 : 65 scenario which means 35% of

The Power of Non-Verbal Communication
concept and knowledge injections and 65% of deliberate
practices and feedbacks. Context is customized based on
the clients’ profile and levelling. Expecting the Unexpected Circumstances:
Handling nightmare questions

Nailing Public Speaking and Presentation

04 Sample of the Syllabus:
Best Selling Training
Strategic Public Speaking
Delivery scenario:
A two-day (12 hours in total)
intensive corporate training
program or 8 encounters of
private individual program (8
hours in total)
Best Selling
Business English
04 Menu:
Best Selling Training
English language training

The greatest candidates for this program's

straightforward yet extremely efficient English training
are those who are too busy to attend a traditional
session. Adaptive course design is available in the
classroom, and the timetable is adaptable.

The ingredients include:

• Guide to pronunciation
• SQ3R Method
• Emailing
• Socializing
• Informative speech
• Investing
04 Sample of the Syllabus:
Best Selling Training
Business English
Delivery scenario:
A two-day (12 hours in total)
intensive corporate training
program or 8 encounters of
private individual program (8
hours in total)
Best Selling Training:
Design and
04 Sample of the Syllabus:
Best Selling Training
Presentation Design and Delivery

Presentation Presentation
Design Workshop Delivery

● Ideation presentation ● Knowing goals

● Layouting presentation deck ● Mapping audiences
● Miscellaneous on designing for non ● Key message development
designers ● Crafting strategic content and storyline
● Creating visual storytelling ● Vocalization for powerful presentation delivery
● Data storytelling and visualization ● Public speaking skills for presentation delivery
● Handling questions
Selection of Case
05 Organization or
Selection of Case
Studies Corporation

PT PLN (Persero), one of Indonesia’s giant owned companies, aspires to develop the
skills of its employees continuous development, improvement, and innovation by capturing
the existing opportunities, forecasting future demands and challenges, and also managing
the corporate knowledge (knowledge management). In order to do so, the Company’s
employees faced two challenges:

• Ability to transfer tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge

• Structure the ideas and creativity in a comprehensive writing report
• Provide comprehensive analysis that does not only covers technical or operation
matters but also business-related approaches
• Articulate their final thoughts to the audience clearly in an interesting manner

FrameWork Communications in collaboration with the internal human resource of the

branch offices developed intensive programs to fulfill all the needs while strategically
developing the activities that may serve beyond the scope of the small targets by mirroring
the need analysis to the short and long-term programs of the Company. FrameWork
Communication is proud to have been partnering with PT PLN (Persero) since 2017.
05 Organization or
Selection of Case
Studies Corporation

FrameWork Communications is delighted to have run an ESP (English

for Specific Purposes) training course in conjunction with the legal
division of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, an Indonesian state-owned
construction company. Based on a needs analysis of the participants,
the English for Law syllabus is created. Role-playing, quizzes, and
games were just a few of the interactive activities used to offer
comprehensive contents and instructions.

The participants are extremely knowledgeable in their disciplines,

particularly law. Their main difficulties were expressing their thoughts
and opinions in English. To help students practice presenting,
addressing question-and-answer sessions, and arguing, a tailored
syllabus was given. It is an honor for FrameWork Communications to
be allowed to run the program.
05 Organization or
Selection of Case
Studies Corporation

The K-Case Law Firm is comprised of experienced lawyers in their respective

professions. To join it, of course, tough selection is required. FrameWork
Communications is trusted to train prospective associates. An comprehensive
academic writing training program with a legal context is provided to hire
experienced partners. When selecting candidates, Framework Communications
not only gives training, but also beneficial recommendations and comments to the
company's team.

Each candidate possesses significant legal knowledge as well as English

language abilities. This demonstrates that what the present generation requires is
very particular training customized to the unique demands of each participant,
rather than merely English writing workshops. Candidates who require advanced
writing abilities that highlight dependability and a professional writing style for a
general, educated audience are trained. What a tremendous opportunity this is to
work together!
05 Organization or
Selection of Case
Studies Corporation

Ibu Punya Mimpi (IPM) aspires to empower mothers to build, establish, and develop
businesses that may help address existing problems. IPM conducts open recruitment that
would select several mothers to get 2-3 months of intensive training related to paramount
skills that business people should have to begin with. At the end of the programs, selected
mothers and their businesses will conduct pitching presentations to the investors which
would elevate their businesses to a higher level.

Among other skills needed, public speaking and strategic presentation are needed by the
participants to communicate their business ideas, vision and mission, target, and other key
messages to the potential investors. Not to mention, the aforementioned skills are also
necessary for the mothers who are the business owners running their businesses.

FrameWork Communications is honored to be a strategic communication and presentation

coach for the selected adorable mothers. We provide customized training that focuses on
improving individuals' skills to make sure that the participants are ready to rock with their
businesses. IPM has shared its trust with FrameWork Communications for several years
(batches of its scholarship-based program).
05 Individual
Selection of Case
Studies Coaching Session

Ms. Dona, M.B.A., Mmktg Mr. Djeri Wowiling, S.H., M.B.A., L.L.M
Mr. Stefano A, M.B.A
Ms. Dona is a writer who has a solid background in Strategic communication for advocacy and stakeholder
Mr. Fano is equipped with knowledge in data and its
consumer behavior, marketing, and business in general. engagement was served to Mr. Djeri to equip him with
analysis. Through our session, we explore the strategic,
In her professional work, she has to meet multiple more professional armors. FrameWork Communication
comprehensive, and effective ways to pack and deliver
stakeholders. One of the challenges we are trying to face has been providing intellectual exercises throughout the
them in a correct manner for his targeted audiences.
in this session is “Messages Delivery Customization” to private coaching sessions for 12 months.
ensure that her audiences could effectively capture her
points through a business presentation method.
Connecting the



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email :
Phone : +6281292600600

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