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Example Essay Argumentative

Writing an essay on the topic "Example Essay Argumentative" can present its own set of challenges.
Crafting a compelling argumentative essay requires a thorough understanding of the chosen topic,
the ability to critically analyze different perspectives, and the skill to articulate your own viewpoint

One of the difficulties lies in conducting extensive research to gather relevant information and
credible sources to support your argument. This process can be time-consuming, and sifting through
various materials to find the most pertinent data adds another layer of complexity. Additionally,
developing a coherent structure for the essay, ensuring a logical flow of ideas, and maintaining a
balance between different arguments require careful planning and organization.

The process of writing an argumentative essay also demands strong analytical and writing skills.
Expressing your thoughts clearly, constructing well-supported arguments, and anticipating
counterarguments are essential components of a successful essay. Striking the right balance between
being assertive and respectful of opposing views is another challenge, as it involves navigating
through potential biases and presenting a fair and balanced perspective.

Furthermore, maintaining proper citation and adhering to the required formatting style can be a
source of frustration for many. The meticulous attention to detail required to meet academic
standards can be time-consuming, adding an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on the specified topic requires a combination of

research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. While it may be challenging,
mastering these elements can result in a well-crafted and persuasive essay.

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and more can be ordered through
platforms like , where professional writers can provide support and expertise to
simplify the essay writing process.

Example Essay Argumentative Example Essay Argumentative

NHS Risk Management Case Study
1. Risk Management and why this is required for the National Health Service (NHS)

Risk management is essential in any industry as it is not always possible to predict the
future. However, by carrying out certain procedures and taking precautions, a more
favourable outcome can result over a less attractive one (Garlick, 2007, p.3). This is
greatly beneficial for the publicly funded National Health Service (NHS) as it assists the
organisation comply with the the Standard for Better Health for England and the
Healthcare Standards for Wales. The National Patient Safety Agency (2006) states that
understanding all potential risks will aid the organisation in coping with unexpected
events and ultimately ensure public, staff and patient confidence ... Show more content
on ...
In Hospital acquired infection: the challenges of the law of negligence , Rachel Hanly
states, a utopian aspiration for the health system is that all dangers to patients can be
eradicated, but realism entails that the maximum should be done, by the providers and
users, to curtail any threats to the safety of vulnerable patients . The hospital must
maintain a controlled safety environment as it must be aware of any risks which are
present at any other place, aside from a home (Wilkinson, 2003, p.87). The National
Audit Office (2000) states that infections acquired in hospitals in the United Kingdom
ultimately cost around £1bn a year, affecting almost 10% of patients and causing over
5000 deaths a year and so the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) was started in
2001 to focus solely on patient safety issues. The Handwashing Liaison Group
recommended washing hands with soap and water when there is soiling and that staff
should use an alcohol glycerol hand rub between interactions with patients. This shows
that the NHS has identified the steps which were highlighted in their risk assessment
(NHS: National Patient Safety Agency, 2006) and later the NPSA was created to assist
the NHS to meet its core values in terms of patient
Psychoanalytic Theory Of Erik Erikson
Christina Gogh EECE 310 W Professor Rhodd 11/10/17 Erick Erickson Erik Erikson is
known for his psychoanalytic theory of psychosocial development comprising eight
stages from infancy to adulthood. Psychologist Erik Erikson, is a major contributor to
developmental psychology, who proposed a comprehensive theory of the ways that
individuals develop their identity, a sense of who they are, and society s influence on that
development. Erikson stated that people go through crisis at each stage of their lives. The
stages each had a developmental task to be mastered. As an individual resolved these
various crises an individual would have a better harmony with their social environment
that they live in. If an individual could not successfully resolve a crisis, they would be
out of step , and the individual would have a greater difficulty in their dealing with a
crisis in the future. Erikson did however recognize that an individual can develop through
a stage negatively and still go on with their life. Erikson stated that each of the
psychological stages have a basic conflict and important event leading to growth. The
theory was developed from his hundreds of clinical observations in children. Identity is
central to Erikson s thinking. Erikson coined the term identity crisis . Erikson lived such
a crisis in his own life. At a young age Erikson found out his father was really his
stepfather. Erik Homberger Erikson was born on June 15, 1902 in Frankfurt, Germany to
his mother

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