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Base Word Part of Speech Topic

commercial noun arts and media

musical noun arts and media
appearance noun arts and media
bestseller noun arts and media
classic noun arts and media
composition noun arts and media
edition noun arts and media
beat noun arts and media
cello noun arts and media
column noun arts and media
display noun arts and media
episode noun arts and media
guest noun arts and media
image noun arts and media
issue noun arts and media
item noun arts and media
background noun arts and media
craft noun arts and media
contents noun arts and media
lyrics noun arts and media
broadcast verb arts and media
compose verb arts and media
conduct verb arts and media
go verb arts and media
artistic adjective arts and media
classic adjective arts and media
abstract adjective arts and media
literary adjective arts and media
audience noun arts and media
cast noun arts and media
choir noun arts and media
comedian noun arts and media
presenter noun arts and media
viewer noun arts and media
publication noun arts and media
publication noun arts and media
production noun arts and media
promotion noun arts and media
picture noun arts and media
piece noun arts and media
portrait noun arts and media
script noun arts and media
series noun arts and media
set noun arts and media
shot noun arts and media
show noun arts and media
solo noun arts and media
soundtrack noun arts and media
string noun arts and media
tabloid noun arts and media
track noun arts and media
verse noun arts and media
whistle noun arts and media
work noun arts and media
publicity noun arts and media
rhythm noun arts and media
present verb arts and media
print verb arts and media
print verb arts and media
promote verb arts and media
orchestral adjective arts and media
original adjective arts and media
setting noun arts and media
tabloid adjective arts and media
the headlines phrase arts and media
capture sb/sth on camera/film, etc. phrase arts and media
the media phrase arts and media
arts phrase arts and media
the charts phrase arts and media
the press phrase arts and media
disability noun body and health
condition noun body and health
examination noun body and health
infection noun body and health
consciousness noun body and health
illness noun body and health
addiction noun body and health
beat noun body and health
bite noun body and health
breakdown noun body and health
bruise noun body and health
bug noun body and health
chest noun body and health
cure noun body and health
dose noun body and health
drug noun body and health
drug noun body and health
eyebrow noun body and health
eyelid noun body and health
fingernail noun body and health
gum noun body and health
heel noun body and health
hip noun body and health
jaw noun body and health
lap noun body and health
lung noun body and health
nail noun body and health
care noun body and health
eyesight noun body and health
injury noun body and health
liver noun body and health
muscle noun body and health
ache verb body and health
faint verb body and health
freeze verb body and health
bump verb body and health
cure verb body and health
develop verb body and health
heal verb body and health
addict noun body and health
dental adjective body and health
fatal adjective body and health
medical adjective body and health
addicted adjective body and health
injured adjective body and health
bloody adjective body and health
dizzy adjective body and health
eyelash noun body and health
itch verb body and health
reaction noun body and health
sensation noun body and health
treatment noun body and health
sickness noun body and health
remedy noun body and health
rib noun body and health
scar noun body and health
sense noun body and health
skeleton noun body and health
spot noun body and health
stroke noun body and health
symptom noun body and health
thigh noun body and health
toenail noun body and health
virus noun body and health
waist noun body and health
wound noun body and health
wrist noun body and health
X-ray noun body and health
smell noun body and health
surgery noun body and health
sweat noun body and health
touch noun body and health
welfare noun body and health
poison noun body and health
therapy noun body and health
sweat verb body and health
treat verb body and health
unconscious adjective body and health
physical adjective body and health
psychological adjective body and health
toxic adjective body and health
physically adverb body and health
psychologically adverb body and health
non-smoking adjective body and health
poisonous adjective body and health
swollen adjective body and health
recovery noun body and health
be out of breath phrase body and health
hold your breath phrase body and health
do sb good phrase body and health
give birth phrase body and health
burn out phrasal verb body and health
care for sb/sth phrasal verb body and health
come down with sth phrasal verb body and health
get over sth/sb phrasal verb body and health
go down with sth phrasal verb body and health
give birth phrase body and health
call in sick phrase body and health
be expecting (a baby) phrase body and health
lose your voice phrase body and health
keep in shape phrase body and health
pass out phrasal verb body and health
throw up (sth) or throw (sth) up phrasal verb body and health
be out of breath phrase body and health
sit up/stand up straight phrase body and health
upset stomach phrase body and health
lose your voice phrase body and health
while communication
or communication
provided (that) communication
whereas communication
grant verb communication
disagreement noun communication
discourage verb communication
approval noun communication
guidance noun communication
construction noun communication
definition noun communication
expression noun communication
introduction noun communication
confession noun communication
confirmation noun communication
expression noun communication
criticism noun communication
agreement noun communication
argument noun communication
agreement noun communication
arrangement noun communication
encouragement noun communication
accent noun communication
account noun communication
apostrophe noun communication
arrow noun communication
ban noun communication
booklet noun communication
chart noun communication
colon noun communication
command noun communication
dash noun communication
draft noun communication
exclamation mark noun communication
fight noun communication
first language noun communication
graph noun communication
handout noun communication
hint noun communication
hint noun communication
hyphen noun communication
idiom noun communication
insult noun communication
manual noun communication
matter noun communication
native speaker noun communication
blame noun communication
data noun communication
feedback noun communication
fluency noun communication
gossip noun communication
code noun communication
compromise noun communication
defence noun communication
emphasis noun communication
legend noun communication
mention noun communication
myth noun communication
inverted commas noun communication
check verb communication
cheer verb communication
communicate verb communication
compromise verb communication
fight verb communication
gossip verb communication
insist verb communication
amuse verb communication
assume verb communication
assure verb communication
call verb communication
capture verb communication
challenge verb communication
claim verb communication
confirm verb communication
defend verb communication
define verb communication
deny verb communication
emphasize verb communication
excuse verb communication
expose verb communication
express verb communication
guarantee verb communication
highlight verb communication
highlight verb communication
indicate verb communication
insult verb communication
invent verb communication
justify verb communication
list verb communication
mark verb communication
argue verb communication
beg verb communication
beg verb communication
boast verb communication
claim verb communication
comment verb communication
confess verb communication
decline verb communication
enquire verb communication
inquire verb communication
interpret verb communication
mumble verb communication
mutter verb communication
moreover adverb communication
misleading adjective communication
incredibly adverb communication
alphabetical adjective communication
critical adjective communication
fluent adjective communication
fluent adjective communication
criticize verb communication
actually adverb communication
admittedly adverb communication
alternatively adverb communication
apparently adverb communication
apparently adverb communication
consequently adverb communication
deeply adverb communication
desperately adverb communication
entirely adverb communication
exactly adverb communication
extraordinarily adverb communication
fantastically adverb communication
firstly adverb communication
fluently adverb communication
frankly adverb communication
generally adverb communication
generally adverb communication
greatly adverb communication
largely adverb communication
necessarily adverb communication
absolute adjective communication
little adjective communication
anyhow adverb communication
anyhow adverb communication
anyhow adverb communication
far adverb communication
furthermore adverb communication
hardly adverb communication
bracket noun communication
ban verb communication
state verb communication
rewrite verb communication
reference noun communication
writing noun communication
recommendation noun communication
objection noun communication
prediction noun communication
statement noun communication
order noun communication
outline noun communication
profile noun communication
proposal noun communication
quarrel noun communication
query noun communication
remark noun communication
row noun communication
semicolon noun communication
sense noun communication
sign noun communication
signal noun communication
slash noun communication
speech noun communication
summary noun communication
survey noun communication
syllable noun communication
symbol noun communication
tale noun communication
talk noun communication
term noun communication
theme noun communication
threat noun communication
update noun communication
use noun communication
yell noun communication
pressure noun communication
support noun communication
protest noun communication
record noun communication
response noun communication
rumour noun communication
stress noun communication
tone noun communication
terms noun communication
thanks noun communication
object verb communication
quarrel verb communication
respond verb communication
swear verb communication
talk verb communication
talk verb communication
oppose verb communication
order verb communication
outline verb communication
persuade verb communication
praise verb communication
propose verb communication
reach verb communication
recommend verb communication
reject verb communication
remark verb communication
represent verb communication
reveal verb communication
settle verb communication
show verb communication
specify verb communication
stress verb communication
stress verb communication
support verb communication
tell verb communication
threaten verb communication
underline verb communication
welcome verb communication
protest verb communication
spread verb communication
swear verb communication
tease verb communication
whisper verb communication
yell verb communication
thus adverb communication
undoubtedly adverb communication
oral adjective communication
so-called adjective communication
negative adjective communication
perfectly adverb communication
personally adverb communication
possibly adverb communication
precisely adverb communication
secondly adverb communication
seriously adverb communication
simply adverb communication
slightly adverb communication
strongly adverb communication
surely adverb communication
surely adverb communication
tremendously adverb communication
virtually adverb communication
pure adjective communication
short adjective communication
slight adjective communication
straight adjective communication
total adjective communication
nevertheless adverb communication
overall adverb communication
rather adverb communication
well adverb communication
nonsense noun communication
question verb communication
question verb communication
Cheers! exclamation communication
considering preposition communication
do auxiliary verb communication
against preposition communication
for preposition communication
out of preposition communication
towards preposition communication
whatever pronoun communication
forgive me phrase communication
discourage sb from doing sth phrase communication
on the one hand ... on the other hand phrase communication
to my mind phrase communication
mother tongue phrase communication
the basics phrase communication
to a great/large, etc. extent phrase communication
to some extent/to a certain extent phrase communication
don't hesitate to do sth phrase communication
would appreciate phrase communication
I/We appreciate... phrase communication
exchange looks, opinions, views, etc. phrase communication
have a word with sb phrase communication
justify yourself phrase communication
make sense phrase communication
not to mention phrase communication
I guess so/not phrase communication
look forward to sth/doing sth phrasal verb communication
Don't ask! phrase communication
Don't ask me phrase communication
Who cares? phrase communication
fair enough phrase communication
fair enough phrase communication
the following phrase communication
In conclusion phrase communication
not exactly phrase communication
Yours faithfully phrase communication
bring up sth or bring sth up phrasal verb communication
burst out phrasal verb communication
catch up phrasal verb communication
chat sb up or chat up sb phrasal verb communication
clear up sth or clear sth up phrasal verb communication
come up phrasal verb communication
come up with sth phrasal verb communication
get across sth or get sth across phrasal verb communication
give away sth or give sth away phrasal verb communication
go ahead phrasal verb communication
go on phrasal verb communication
look at sth phrasal verb communication
look through sth phrasal verb communication
make up sth or make sth up phrasal verb communication
in actual fact phrase communication
all in all phrase communication
among other things phrase communication
as for phrase communication
as a matter of fact phrase communication
as follows phrase communication
as far as I know phrase communication
aside from sth phrase communication
at least phrase communication
on balance phrase communication
to begin with phrase communication
in brief phrase communication
be none of sb's business phrase communication
by far phrase communication
in any case phrase communication
in that case phrase communication
catch sb's attention, interest, etc. phrase communication
change the subject phrase communication
go into detail/s phrase communication
even if phrase communication
even though phrase communication
in actual fact phrase communication
as a matter of fact phrase communication
the fact (of the matter) is phrase communication
as far as I know phrase communication
as far as sb is concerned phrase communication
as far as sth is concerned phrase communication
by far phrase communication
as follows phrase communication
in general phrase communication
get sb/sth to do sth phrase communication
go into detail/s phrase communication
it goes without saying phrase communication
it's a good thing phrase communication
Good for you! phrase communication
get hold of sth/sb phrase communication
in general phrase communication
in actual fact phrase communication
in any case phrase communication
in that case phrase communication
in brief phrase communication
In conclusion phrase communication
in other words phrase communication
in writing phrase communication
in response to phrase communication
judging by/from phrase communication
keep notes/records, etc. phrase communication
as far as I know phrase communication
I know phrase communication
you never know phrase communication
to (the best of) my knowledge phrase communication
last but not least phrase communication
at least phrase communication
lose touch phrase communication
Dear Madam phrase communication
as a matter of fact phrase communication
your native language/tongue phrase communication
in writing phrase communication
keep/break a promise phrase communication
change the subject phrase communication
in response to phrase communication
worst of all phrase communication
put pressure on sb phrase communication
raise a question/subject, etc. phrase communication
it goes without saying phrase communication
take sb's word for it phrase communication
with/in reference to sth phrase communication
with respect to sth phrase communication
Dear Sir phrase communication
with respect to sth phrase communication
keep your mouth shut phrase communication
the thing is... phrase communication
Who cares? phrase communication
relatively good/bad/cheap, etc. phrase communication
note down sth or note sth down phrasal verb communication
pick on sb phrasal verb communication
point out sth or point sth out phrasal verb communication
put down sb or put sb down phrasal verb communication
read out sth or read sth out phrasal verb communication
read over/through sth or read sth phrasal verb communication
refer to sb/sth phrasal verb communication
rub out sth or rub sth out phrasal verb communication
set out sth or set sth out phrasal verb communication
shut (sb) up phrasal verb communication
speak up phrasal verb communication
stand for sth phrasal verb communication
stand up for sth/sb phrasal verb communication
sum up (sth/sb) or sum (sth/sb) up phrasal verb communication
talk sb into sth/doing sth phrasal verb communication
talk over sth or talk sth over phrasal verb communication
tell off sb or tell sb off phrasal verb communication
turn down sb/sth or turn sb/sth down phrasal verb communication
turn to sb/sth phrasal verb communication
watch out phrasal verb communication
be none of sb's business phrase communication
not at all phrase communication
not to mention phrase communication
on balance phrase communication
on the one hand ... on the other hand phrase communication
I only hope (that) ... /I only wish ... phrase communication
in other words phrase communication
owe sb an phrase communication
the point etc. phrase communication
put pressure on sb phrase communication
protest (about/against/at sth) phrase communication
push (sb) for sth/to do sth phrase communication
reach a phrase communication
make sense etc. phrase communication
generally/personally, etc. speaking phrase communication
come/get straight to the point phrase communication
among other things phrase communication
it's a good thing phrase communication
to my mind phrase communication
mother tongue phrase communication
lose touch phrase communication
What ...for? phrase communication
what's/what is more phrase communication
no wonder phrase communication
have a word (with sb) phrase communication
in other words phrase communication
Yours faithfully phrase communication
burglar noun crime
case noun crime
case noun crime
gang noun crime
guilt noun crime
justice noun crime
arrest noun crime
burglary noun crime
court noun crime
law noun crime
illegal adjective crime
illegally adverb crime
criminal adjective crime
innocent adjective crime
innocent adjective crime
legally adverb crime
guilty adjective crime
legal adjective crime
legal adjective crime
jury noun crime
offender noun crime
punishment noun crime
terrorism noun crime
terrorist noun crime
offence noun crime
penalty noun crime
sentence noun crime
suspect noun crime
witness noun crime
trial noun crime
suspect verb crime
rape noun crime
robbery noun crime
suspicious adjective crime
strict adjective crime
find sb guilty/not guilty phrase crime
get away with sth phrasal verb crime
let sb off or let off sb phrasal verb crime
against the law phrase crime
break the law phrase crime
the law phrase crime
be responsible for sth/doing sth phrase crime
characteristic noun describing things
addition noun describing things
capacity noun describing things
majority noun describing things
minority noun describing things
base noun describing things
block noun describing things
curve noun describing things
diamond noun describing things
dimension noun describing things
disc noun describing things
level noun describing things
level noun describing things
load noun describing things
accuracy noun describing things
degree noun describing things
increase noun describing things
drop noun describing things
extent noun describing things
drop verb describing things
half noun describing things
irregular adjective describing things
additional adjective describing things
artificial adjective describing things
beneficial adjective describing things
exceptional adjective describing things
delightful adjective describing things
dreadful adjective describing things
harmful adjective describing things
growing adjective describing things
decorative adjective describing things
extensive adjective describing things
impressive adjective describing things
massive adjective describing things
harmless adjective describing things
adequately adverb describing things
badly adverb describing things
barely adverb describing things
brightly adverb describing things
densely adverb describing things
merely adverb describing things
measurement noun describing things
faulty adjective describing things
absurd adjective describing things
adequate adjective describing things
adequate adjective describing things
appropriate adjective describing things
approximate adjective describing things
average adjective describing things
bare adjective describing things
bizarre adjective describing things
breathtaking adjective describing things
circular adjective describing things
decent adjective describing things
deep adjective describing things
delicate adjective describing things
delicate adjective describing things
dense adjective describing things
distant adjective describing things
entire adjective describing things
extreme adjective describing things
faint adjective describing things
FALSE adjective describing things
fierce adjective describing things
fine adjective describing things
firm adjective describing things
genuine adjective describing things
high adjective describing things
ideal adjective describing things
inaccurate adjective describing things
inconvenient adjective describing things
inner adjective describing things
inside adjective describing things
key adjective describing things
level adjective describing things
low adjective describing things
medieval adjective describing things
mere adjective describing things
middle adjective describing things
modest adjective describing things
fine adverb describing things
flat adverb describing things
inside noun describing things
rubbish noun describing things
quantity noun describing things
softness noun describing things
percentage noun describing things
pint noun describing things
pound noun describing things
ring noun describing things
roll noun describing things
sample noun describing things
scale noun describing things
shade noun describing things
shortage noun describing things
ton noun describing things
triangle noun describing things
volume noun describing things
weight noun describing things
scale noun describing things
width noun describing things
scale noun describing things
unacceptable adjective describing things
unlimited adjective describing things
unfit adjective describing things
unsatisfactory adjective describing things
remarkable adjective describing things
substantial adjective describing things
trivial adjective describing things
twisted adjective describing things
outstanding adjective describing things
stunning adjective describing things
thrilling adjective describing things
winding adjective describing things
negative adjective describing things
negatively adverb describing things
nicely adverb describing things
precisely adverb describing things
roughly adverb describing things
sexy adjective describing things
outer adjective describing things
outside adjective describing things
oval adjective describing things
poor adjective describing things
precise adjective describing things
rectangular adjective describing things
satisfactory adjective describing things
severe adjective describing things
shallow adjective describing things
single adjective describing things
solid adjective describing things
solid adjective describing things
standard adjective describing things
stiff adjective describing things
stiff adjective describing things
straight adjective describing things
strong adjective describing things
sufficient adjective describing things
superb adjective describing things
thick adjective describing things
tight adjective describing things
transparent adjective describing things
tremendous adjective describing things
tremendous adjective describing things
upright adjective describing things
vast adjective describing things
vivid adjective describing things
that adverb describing things
together adverb describing things
underneath adverb describing things
upside down adverb describing things
enough determiner describing things
least determiner describing things
at preposition describing things
beneath preposition describing things
beyond preposition describing things
from preposition describing things
upon preposition describing things
some determiner describing things
within preposition describing things
kind of phrase describing things
a little phrase describing things
an awful lot (of sth) phrase describing things
great big/long, etc. phrase describing things
not half as good/bad/exciting, etc. phrase describing things
masses phrase describing things
a handful of phrase describing things
on average phrase describing things
a good/great deal phrase describing things
one metre/6 ft, etc. deep phrase describing things
a great deal phrase describing things
in two/half phrase describing things
in all phrase describing things
more or less phrase describing things
a mass of sth phrase describing things
more and more phrase describing things
more or less phrase describing things
a pile of/ piles of sth phrase describing things
tons of sth phrase describing things
not half as good/bad/exciting, etc. phrase describing things
sort of phrase describing things
unusually big/strong/good,etc. phrase describing things
reasonably good/successful/well, etc. phrase describing things
others phrase describing things
be out of sth phrase describing things
somewhere around/between, etc. phrase describing things
not a single thing phrase describing things
as a whole phrase describing things
worse and worse phrase describing things
learner noun education
learning noun education
introduction noun education
admission noun education
branch noun education
credit noun education
field noun education
graduate noun education
discipline noun education
graduate verb education
educational adjective education
academic adjective education
nursery noun education
pass noun education
seminar noun education
philosophy noun education
study verb education
scientifically adverb education
get through sth phrasal verb education
catering noun food and drink
bite noun food and drink
bun noun food and drink
cherry noun food and drink
loaf noun food and drink
junk food noun food and drink
mint noun food and drink
aubergine noun food and drink
fat noun food and drink
leek noun food and drink
full adjective food and drink
canned adjective food and drink
dairy adjective food and drink
mild adjective food and drink
drunk adjective food and drink
pancake noun food and drink
portion noun food and drink
prawn noun food and drink
teaspoon noun food and drink
tin noun food and drink
tray noun food and drink
service noun food and drink
vinegar noun food and drink
pudding noun food and drink
whisky noun food and drink
starving adjective food and drink
well-balanced adjective food and drink
salty adjective food and drink
off adjective food and drink
rich adjective food and drink
rotten adjective food and drink
tough adjective food and drink
weak adjective food and drink
thirst noun food and drink
go off phrasal verb food and drink
live on sth phrasal verb food and drink
take milk/sugar, etc. phrase food and drink
construction noun homes and buildings
institution noun homes and buildings
escalator noun homes and buildings
barrier noun homes and buildings
basement noun homes and buildings
bench noun homes and buildings
brick noun homes and buildings
cabinet noun homes and buildings
cellar noun homes and buildings
chimney noun homes and buildings
cloth noun homes and buildings
column noun homes and buildings
corridor noun homes and buildings
estate noun homes and buildings
fence noun homes and buildings
frame noun homes and buildings
hook noun homes and buildings
lobby noun homes and buildings
monument noun homes and buildings
atmosphere noun homes and buildings
inhabitant noun homes and buildings
domestic adjective homes and buildings
passage noun homes and buildings
resident noun homes and buildings
shed noun homes and buildings
shelter noun homes and buildings
stool noun homes and buildings
storey noun homes and buildings
terrace noun homes and buildings
venue noun homes and buildings
property noun homes and buildings
structure noun homes and buildings
residential adjective homes and buildings
setting noun homes and buildings
an army/prison/refugee, etc. camp phrase homes and buildings
insurance noun money
inflation noun money
investment noun money
investor noun money
award noun money
balance noun money
budget noun money
debit noun money
debt noun money
economy noun money
fortune noun money
debt noun money
finance noun money
expense noun money
debit verb money
economical adjective money
economic adjective money
financially adverb money
budget adjective money
award verb money
recession noun money
payment noun money
sponsor noun money
sponsor verb money
rate noun money
poverty noun money
support noun money
treasure noun money
wealth noun money
profit noun money
savings noun money
precious adjective money
wealthy adjective money
come down phrasal verb money
live on sth phrasal verb money
sb's finances phrase money
pay off sth or pay sth off phrasal verb money
put sth aside phrasal verb money
standard of living phrase money
chemical noun natural world
conservation noun natural world
evolution noun natural world
atom noun natural world
bank noun natural world
berry noun natural world
bush noun natural world
carbon footprint noun natural world
cloud noun natural world
earthquake noun natural world
element noun natural world
hedge noun natural world
aluminium noun natural world
carbon noun natural world
carbon dioxide noun natural world
carbon monoxide noun natural world
climate change noun natural world
copper noun natural world
daylight noun natural world
earth noun natural world
global warming noun natural world
ground noun natural world
land noun natural world
moonlight noun natural world
mud noun natural world
acid noun natural world
dawn noun natural world
diamond noun natural world
frost noun natural world
gas noun natural world
harvest noun natural world
mist noun natural world
boiling adjective natural world
chemical adjective natural world
coastal adjective natural world
ecological adjective natural world
global adjective natural world
ecologically adverb natural world
environmentally adverb natural world
globally adverb natural world
misty adjective natural world
damp adjective natural world
environmentally friendly adjective natural world
green adjective natural world
pond noun natural world
pool noun natural world
rainbow noun natural world
range noun natural world
reserve noun natural world
root noun natural world
seed noun natural world
suburb noun natural world
tide noun natural world
tornado noun natural world
trunk noun natural world
volcano noun natural world
oxygen noun natural world
rubber noun natural world
steam noun natural world
steel noun natural world
sunlight noun natural world
warmth noun natural world
oak noun natural world
pine noun natural world
shell noun natural world
skin noun natural world
soil noun natural world
regional adjective natural world
tropical adjective natural world
organic adjective natural world
stormy adjective natural world
rough adjective natural world
rural adjective natural world
solar adjective natural world
underground adjective natural world
underground adjective natural world
wild adjective natural world
worldwide adjective natural world
clear up phrasal verb natural world
come up phrasal verb natural world
the atmosphere phrase natural world
acquire verb people: actions
ensure verb people: actions
descend verb people: actions
invade verb people: actions
interfere verb people: actions
disposal noun people: actions
assistance noun people: actions
maintenance noun people: actions
helper noun people: actions
fighting noun people: actions
collection noun people: actions
cooperation noun people: actions
identification noun people: actions
introduction noun people: actions
action noun people: actions
calculation noun people: actions
contribution noun people: actions
invasion noun people: actions
adjustment noun people: actions
assessment noun people: actions
movement noun people: actions
collector noun people: actions
discovery noun people: actions
act noun people: actions
attempt noun people: actions
estimate noun people: actions
fight noun people: actions
glance noun people: actions
go noun people: actions
laughter noun people: actions
conflict noun people: actions
dash noun people: actions
grip noun people: actions
hold noun people: actions
act verb people: actions
adjust verb people: actions
cooperate verb people: actions
cope verb people: actions
crawl verb people: actions
dash verb people: actions
experiment verb people: actions
fight verb people: actions
freeze verb people: actions
hesitate verb people: actions
kneel verb people: actions
acquire verb people: actions
adapt verb people: actions
adjust verb people: actions
adopt verb people: actions
analyse verb people: actions
arrange verb people: actions
assess verb people: actions
avoid verb people: actions
beat verb people: actions
burgle verb people: actions
bury verb people: actions
calculate verb people: actions
capture verb people: actions
conduct verb people: actions
construct verb people: actions
control verb people: actions
copy verb people: actions
cut verb people: actions
demolish verb people: actions
deny verb people: actions
deprive verb people: actions
dip verb people: actions
disrupt verb people: actions
distinguish verb people: actions
distract verb people: actions
distribute verb people: actions
disturb verb people: actions
drag verb people: actions
drop verb people: actions
enable verb people: actions
estimate verb people: actions
examine verb people: actions
exploit verb people: actions
exploit verb people: actions
explore verb people: actions
extend verb people: actions
extract verb people: actions
fit verb people: actions
fix verb people: actions
forbid verb people: actions
force verb people: actions
found verb people: actions
free verb people: actions
gather verb people: actions
grip verb people: actions
guard verb people: actions
guard verb people: actions
identify verb people: actions
identify verb people: actions
ignore verb people: actions
implement verb people: actions
introduce verb people: actions
keep verb people: actions
launch verb people: actions
lick verb people: actions
limit verb people: actions
locate verb people: actions
lower verb people: actions
maintain verb people: actions
assist verb people: actions
balance verb people: actions
bang verb people: actions
bend verb people: actions
brush verb people: actions
charge verb people: actions
chase verb people: actions
combine verb people: actions
convert verb people: actions
copy verb people: actions
crack verb people: actions
distinguish verb people: actions
dominate verb people: actions
fight verb people: actions
fight verb people: actions
fire verb people: actions
gather verb people: actions
hunt verb people: actions
invest verb people: actions
lead verb people: actions
load verb people: actions
miss verb people: actions
manual adjective people: actions
adapt verb people: actions
harm verb people: actions
obtain verb people: actions
perform verb people: actions
seek verb people: actions
rearrange verb people: actions
rebuild verb people: actions
repay verb people: actions
undo verb people: actions
unlock verb people: actions
untie verb people: actions
smoker noun people: actions
prevention noun people: actions
organize verb people: actions
process noun people: actions
punch noun people: actions
sigh noun people: actions
struggle noun people: actions
study noun people: actions
tap noun people: actions
reach noun people: actions
violence noun people: actions
rush noun people: actions
wait noun people: actions
participate verb people: actions
queue verb people: actions
scratch verb people: actions
shiver verb people: actions
snore verb people: actions
stare verb people: actions
struggle verb people: actions
struggle verb people: actions
switch verb people: actions
trip verb people: actions
wander verb people: actions
yawn verb people: actions
observe verb people: actions
occupy verb people: actions
overcome verb people: actions
poison verb people: actions
present verb people: actions
preserve verb people: actions
process verb people: actions
punch verb people: actions
remove verb people: actions
restore verb people: actions
reward verb people: actions
roll verb people: actions
rub verb people: actions
ruin verb people: actions
scratch verb people: actions
seize verb people: actions
send verb people: actions
set verb people: actions
skip verb people: actions
slap verb people: actions
slice verb people: actions
sort verb people: actions
spot verb people: actions
spray verb people: actions
squash verb people: actions
squeeze verb people: actions
stimulate verb people: actions
store verb people: actions
stroke verb people: actions
study verb people: actions
substitute verb people: actions
supply verb people: actions
support verb people: actions
sweep verb people: actions
tackle verb people: actions
take verb people: actions
test verb people: actions
time verb people: actions
transform verb people: actions
update verb people: actions
upgrade verb people: actions
watch verb people: actions
water verb people: actions
wipe verb people: actions
wrap verb people: actions
obey verb people: actions
pound verb people: actions
reach verb people: actions
research verb people: actions
resist verb people: actions
rip verb people: actions
rush verb people: actions
separate verb people: actions
separate verb people: actions
share verb people: actions
slam verb people: actions
smash verb people: actions
soak verb people: actions
splash verb people: actions
split verb people: actions
stretch verb people: actions
stretch verb people: actions
supervise verb people: actions
swing verb people: actions
tap verb people: actions
tighten verb people: actions
turn verb people: actions
warm verb people: actions
whistle verb people: actions
widen verb people: actions
search noun people: actions
struggle noun people: actions
touch noun people: actions
try noun people: actions
schedule verb people: actions
set verb people: actions
shower verb people: actions
squash verb people: actions
set an example phrase people: actions
keep your/an eye on sb/sth phrase people: actions
make fun of sb/sth phrase people: actions
avoid doing sth phrase people: actions
fix sth onto/to/under, etc. phrase people: actions
give a performance/speech, etc. phrase people: actions
make the most of sth phrase people: actions
make fun of sb/sth phrase people: actions
lean (sth) back/forward/out, etc. phrase people: actions
lean (sth) against/on sth phrase people: actions
cut off sb/sth or cut sb/sth off phrasal verb people: actions
devote sth to sb/sth phrasal verb people: actions
go for sth phrasal verb people: actions
mess up sth or mess sth up phrasal verb people: actions
back up sb or back sb up phrasal verb people: actions
beat up sb or beat sb up phrasal verb people: actions
blow up sth or blow sth up phrasal verb people: actions
break through sth phrasal verb people: actions
burst into sth phrasal verb people: actions
call back phrasal verb people: actions
call in phrasal verb people: actions
call off sth or call sth off phrasal verb people: actions
catch up (sb) or catch (sb) up phrasal verb people: actions
catch up on/with sth phrasal verb people: actions
clear up (sth) or clear (sth) up phrasal verb people: actions
come across sb/sth phrasal verb people: actions
come up phrasal verb people: actions
cut across sth phrasal verb people: actions
cut down sth or cut sth down phrasal verb people: actions
cut down sth or cut sth down phrasal verb people: actions
devote sth to sb/sth phrasal verb people: actions
do up sth or do sth up phrasal verb people: actions
follow up sth or follow sth up phrasal verb people: actions
get at sth phrasal verb people: actions
get down to sth phrasal verb people: actions
get out of sth/doing sth phrasal verb people: actions
get round to sth phrasal verb people: actions
get up phrasal verb people: actions
give up (sth/doing sth) or give (sth) up phrasal verb people: actions
go ahead phrasal verb people: actions
go on phrasal verb people: actions
hand over sb/sth or hand sb/sth over phrasal verb people: actions
help out (sb) or help (sb) out phrasal verb people: actions
hurry up sb/sth or hurry sb/sth up phrasal verb people: actions
keep (sb/sth) back phrasal verb people: actions
keep down sth or keep sth down phrasal verb people: actions
keep sth off (sb/sth) phrasal verb people: actions
knock sth down phrasal verb people: actions
knock sb out phrasal verb people: actions
knock sth/sb over phrasal verb people: actions
leave out sb/sth or leave sb/sth out phrasal verb people: actions
let out sb/sth or let sb/sth out phrasal verb people: actions
line (sb/sth) up or line up (sb/sth) phrasal verb people: actions
lock in sb or lock sb in phrasal verb people: actions
lock out sb or lock sb out phrasal verb people: actions
look at sth phrasal verb people: actions
look into sth phrasal verb people: actions
look out for sb/sth phrasal verb people: actions
make for sth phrasal verb people: actions
make sth into sth phrasal verb people: actions
bounce along/around/into, etc. phrase people: actions
break a record phrase people: actions
bump against/into sth phrase people: actions
take charge phrase people: actions
chase sb/sth away/off/out, etc. phrase people: actions
climb into/out of/through, etc. phrase people: actions
dig a hole/tunnel phrase people: actions
do damage/harm, etc. phrase people: actions
draw into/out/away, etc. phrase people: actions
draw (sb's) attention to sth/sb phrase people: actions
fail to do sth phrase people: actions
fasten sth on/to/together, etc. phrase people: actions
set sb/sth free phrase people: actions
gaze at/into/out of, etc. phrase people: actions
get to do sth phrase people: actions
glance at/over/through, etc. phrase people: actions
head back/down/towards, etc. phrase people: actions
catch/get/grab/take hold of sth/sb phrase people: actions
do a good/excellent, etc. job phrase people: actions
keep your/an eye on sb/sth phrase people: actions
let sb/sth in/past/through, etc. phrase people: actions
lock sth/sb away/in, etc. phrase people: actions
make the most of sth phrase people: actions
place sth in/on, etc. phrase people: actions
plant a bomb phrase people: actions
put an end to sth phrase people: actions
rub sth into/on, etc. phrase people: actions
take charge phrase people: actions
take sb's place phrase people: actions
wipe sth away/from/off, etc. phrase people: actions
pop in/out/over, etc. phrase people: actions
pack up (sth) or pack (sth) up phrasal verb people: actions
pass around/round sth or pass sth phrasal verb people: actions
run away phrasal verb people: actions
run into sb phrasal verb people: actions
see to sth/sb phrasal verb people: actions
set up sth or set sth up phrasal verb people: actions
settle down phrasal verb people: actions
slow (sb/sth) down/up or slow phrasal verb people: actions
slow down (sb/sth) phrasal verb people: actions
sort out sth or sort sth out phrasal verb people: actions
sort out sth or sort sth out phrasal verb people: actions
spread out phrasal verb people: actions
squeeze (sb/sth) in/squeeze (sb/sth) phrasal verb people: actions
back phrasal verb people: actions
stay out phrasal verb people: actions
stick to sth phrasal verb people: actions
take sb around/round (sth/swh) phrasal verb people: actions
take away sth or take sth away phrasal verb people: actions
take away sth or take sth away phrasal verb people: actions
take down sth or take sth down phrasal verb people: actions
throw out sb or throw sb out phrasal verb people: actions
tie up sb/sth or tie sb/sth up phrasal verb people: actions
try out sth or try sth out phrasal verb people: actions
turn out phrasal verb people: actions
use up sth or use sth up phrasal verb people: actions
wear sb out or wear out sb phrasal verb people: actions
work at sth phrasal verb people: actions
work on sth phrasal verb people: actions
work sth out or work out sth phrasal verb people: actions
pass (the) time phrase people: actions
pay sb/sth a visit or pay a visit to phrase people: actions
sb/stha tent
pitch phrase people: actions
take sb's place phrase people: actions
pull yourself along/up, etc. phrase people: actions
push yourself phrase people: actions
can/can't/could, etc. reach (sth) phrase people: actions
rest your eyes/feet/legs, etc. phrase people: actions
return to sth phrase people: actions
roll (sth) across/around/over, etc. phrase people: actions
set an example phrase people: actions
slam sth down/onto/into, etc. phrase people: actions
slide (sth) across/down/along, etc. phrase people: actions
splash about/around/through, etc. phrase people: actions
stand (sth) in/against/by, etc. sth phrase people: actions
stick (sth) in/into/through, etc. phrase people: actions
take turns or take it in turns phrase people: actions
wind (sth) around/round, etc. sth phrase people: actions
gender noun people: appearance
feature noun people: appearance
figure noun people: appearance
grown-up noun people: appearance
look noun people: appearance
elegantly adverb people: appearance
elegant adjective people: appearance
grown-up adjective people: appearance
tan noun people: appearance
strength noun people: appearance
style noun people: appearance
strengthen verb people: appearance
racial adjective people: appearance
well-built adjective people: appearance
(be) in your eighties phrase people: appearance
the elder phrase people: appearance
the eldest phrase people: appearance
(be) in your fifties phrase people: appearance
(be) in your forties phrase people: appearance
(be) in your nineties phrase people: appearance
(be) in your seventies phrase people: appearance
(be) in your sixties phrase people: appearance
(be) in your thirties phrase people: appearance
(be) in your twenties phrase people: appearance
the young phrase people: appearance
sb's youth phrase people: appearance
guts noun people: personality
dissatisfaction noun people: personality
dishonesty noun people: personality
disapprove verb people: personality
confidence noun people: personality
independence noun people: personality
intelligence noun people: personality
influence noun people: personality
feeling noun people: personality
impression noun people: personality
admiration noun people: personality
ambition noun people: personality
appreciation noun people: personality
determination noun people: personality
exhaustion noun people: personality
motivation noun people: personality
affection noun people: personality
confusion noun people: personality
frustration noun people: personality
inspiration noun people: personality
capacity noun people: personality
creativity noun people: personality
curiosity noun people: personality
generosity noun people: personality
identity noun people: personality
amazement noun people: personality
amusement noun people: personality
astonishment noun people: personality
enjoyment noun people: personality
commitment noun people: personality
embarrassment noun people: personality
carelessness noun people: personality
eagerness noun people: personality
greatness noun people: personality
kindness noun people: personality
laziness noun people: personality
bravery noun people: personality
chance noun people: personality
coward noun people: personality
figure noun people: personality
gentleman noun people: personality
idiot noun people: personality
joy noun people: personality
liar noun people: personality
anger noun people: personality
anxiety noun people: personality
appeal noun people: personality
certainty noun people: personality
comfort noun people: personality
command noun people: personality
courage noun people: personality
courtesy noun people: personality
credit noun people: personality
despair noun people: personality
disgrace noun people: personality
enthusiasm noun people: personality
envy noun people: personality
faith noun people: personality
fame noun people: personality
force noun people: personality
grief noun people: personality
guilt noun people: personality
honesty noun people: personality
honour noun people: personality
horror noun people: personality
humour noun people: personality
joy noun people: personality
life noun people: personality
loyalty noun people: personality
charm noun people: personality
concern noun people: personality
concern noun people: personality
cruelty noun people: personality
delight noun people: personality
depth noun people: personality
desire noun people: personality
emotion noun people: personality
freedom noun people: personality
image noun people: personality
love noun people: personality
misery noun people: personality
nature noun people: personality
honour noun people: personality
appeal verb people: personality
approve verb people: personality
belong verb people: personality
blush verb people: personality
admire verb people: personality
appreciate verb people: personality
bear verb people: personality
betray verb people: personality
bother verb people: personality
confuse verb people: personality
doubt verb people: personality
draw verb people: personality
endure verb people: personality
envy verb people: personality
face verb people: personality
fear verb people: personality
fear verb people: personality
feel verb people: personality
impress verb people: personality
inspire verb people: personality
inspire verb people: personality
inspire verb people: personality
cheat verb people: personality
learn verb people: personality
haunt verb people: personality
impolite adjective people: personality
fed up adjective people: personality
disorganized adjective people: personality
dissatisfied adjective people: personality
inexperienced adjective people: personality
irresponsible adjective people: personality
impatiently adverb people: personality
dishonest adjective people: personality
dislike noun people: personality
impatient adjective people: personality
impatient adjective people: personality
capable adjective people: personality
comfortable adjective people: personality
desirable adjective people: personality
favourable adjective people: personality
emotional adjective people: personality
emotional adjective people: personality
intellectual adjective people: personality
mental adjective people: personality
arrogant adjective people: personality
addicted adjective people: personality
amused adjective people: personality
astonished adjective people: personality
bad-tempered adjective people: personality
bothered adjective people: personality
concerned adjective people: personality
convinced adjective people: personality
determined adjective people: personality
devoted adjective people: personality
distinguished adjective people: personality
fascinated adjective people: personality
impressed adjective people: personality
irritated adjective people: personality
motivated adjective people: personality
innocent adjective people: personality
cheerful adjective people: personality
doubtful adjective people: personality
dynamic adjective people: personality
energetic adjective people: personality
enthusiastic adjective people: personality
astonishing adjective people: personality
caring adjective people: personality
depressing adjective people: personality
distressing adjective people: personality
encouraging adjective people: personality
exhausting adjective people: personality
fascinating adjective people: personality
irritating adjective people: personality
moving adjective people: personality
expectation noun people: personality
childish adjective people: personality
childish adjective people: personality
foolish adjective people: personality
aggressive adjective people: personality
competitive adjective people: personality
cooperative adjective people: personality
decisive adjective people: personality
hopeless adjective people: personality
cowardly adjective people: personality
aggressively adverb people: personality
anxiously adverb people: personality
boldly adverb people: personality
brilliantly adverb people: personality
calmly adverb people: personality
carelessly adverb people: personality
cheerfully adverb people: personality
confidently adverb people: personality
creatively adverb people: personality
cruelly adverb people: personality
desperately adverb people: personality
eagerly adverb people: personality
emotionally adverb people: personality
enthusiastically adverb people: personality
foolishly adverb people: personality
furiously adverb people: personality
gently adverb people: personality
happily adverb people: personality
honestly adverb people: personality
hopefully adverb people: personality
jealously adverb people: personality
adventurous adjective people: personality
ambitious adjective people: personality
anxious adjective people: personality
cautious adjective people: personality
furious adjective people: personality
jealous adjective people: personality
greedy adjective people: personality
icy adjective people: personality
aware adjective people: personality
bitter adjective people: personality
bitter adjective people: personality
bitter adjective people: personality
bold adjective people: personality
bright adjective people: personality
bright adjective people: personality
clumsy adjective people: personality
content adjective people: personality
crazy adjective people: personality
dear adjective people: personality
decent adjective people: personality
deep adjective people: personality
desperate adjective people: personality
desperate adjective people: personality
down adjective people: personality
eager adjective people: personality
evil adjective people: personality
expert adjective people: personality
fierce adjective people: personality
fierce adjective people: personality
fond adjective people: personality
hard adjective people: personality
inner adjective people: personality
loyal adjective people: personality
mature adjective people: personality
mean adjective people: personality
mean adjective people: personality
miserable adjective people: personality
nasty adjective people: personality
naughty adjective people: personality
generously adverb people: personality
inside adverb people: personality
mentally adverb people: personality
belief noun people: personality
boost noun people: personality
idea noun people: personality
name noun people: personality
move verb people: personality
unhappiness noun people: personality
potential noun people: personality
patience noun people: personality
self-confidence noun people: personality
preference noun people: personality
understanding noun people: personality
reaction noun people: personality
satisfaction noun people: personality
tension noun people: personality
obsession noun people: personality
reputation noun people: personality
temptation noun people: personality
sensation noun people: personality
racism noun people: personality
specialist noun people: personality
personality noun people: personality
quality noun people: personality
personality noun people: personality
priority noun people: personality
politeness noun people: personality
sadness noun people: personality
tiredness noun people: personality
willingness noun people: personality
point of view noun people: personality
soul noun people: personality
test noun people: personality
wish noun people: personality
offence noun people: personality
pain noun people: personality
pity noun people: personality
pride noun people: personality
pride noun people: personality
revenge noun people: personality
sense noun people: personality
surprise noun people: personality
sympathy noun people: personality
trust noun people: personality
warmth noun people: personality
wisdom noun people: personality
worry noun people: personality
panic noun people: personality
passion noun people: personality
pressure noun people: personality
rage noun people: personality
regret noun people: personality
strain noun people: personality
taste noun people: personality
will noun people: personality
nerves noun people: personality
point noun people: personality
sense noun people: personality
spirit noun people: personality
pretend verb people: personality
react verb people: personality
offend verb people: personality
reject verb people: personality
respect verb people: personality
risk verb people: personality
risk verb people: personality
satisfy verb people: personality
terrify verb people: personality
tolerate verb people: personality
worry verb people: personality
panic verb people: personality
reckon verb people: personality
shock verb people: personality
stimulate verb people: personality
suffer verb people: personality
unreasonable adjective people: personality
unreliable adjective people: personality
unhelpful adjective people: personality
unrealistic adjective people: personality
unexpectedly adverb people: personality
unaware adjective people: personality
uncertain adjective people: personality
uneasy adjective people: personality
unfortunate adjective people: personality
unpopular adjective people: personality
unsure adjective people: personality
reasonable adjective people: personality
respectable adjective people: personality
spiritual adjective people: personality
technical adjective people: personality
organized adjective people: personality
petrified adjective people: personality
puzzled adjective people: personality
qualified adjective people: personality
relieved adjective people: personality
respected adjective people: personality
sophisticated adjective people: personality
thrilled adjective people: personality
painful adjective people: personality
peaceful adjective people: personality
skilful adjective people: personality
thoughtful adjective people: personality
responsible adjective people: personality
optimistic adjective people: personality
pessimistic adjective people: personality
realistic adjective people: personality
sympathetic adjective people: personality
tragic adjective people: personality
terrifying adjective people: personality
understanding adjective people: personality
worrying adjective people: personality
sensation noun people: personality
objective adjective people: personality
offensive adjective people: personality
sensitive adjective people: personality
sensitive adjective people: personality
nervously adverb people: personality
nicely adverb people: personality
passionately adverb people: personality
patiently adverb people: personality
peacefully adverb people: personality
positively adverb people: personality
proudly adverb people: personality
readily adverb people: personality
reasonably adverb people: personality
sadly adverb people: personality
violently adverb people: personality
warmly adverb people: personality
willingly adverb people: personality
outrageous adjective people: personality
suspicious adjective people: personality
risky adjective people: personality
rusty adjective people: personality
passionate adjective people: personality
passive adjective people: personality
poor adjective people: personality
positive adjective people: personality
secure adjective people: personality
self-confident adjective people: personality
severe adjective people: personality
sharp adjective people: personality
sorry adjective people: personality
strict adjective people: personality
strong adjective people: personality
strong adjective people: personality
stubborn adjective people: personality
tense adjective people: personality
tense adjective people: personality
tough adjective people: personality
vivid adjective people: personality
welcome adjective people: personality
wise adjective people: personality
witty adjective people: personality
nuisance noun people: personality
relief noun people: personality
side noun people: personality
side noun people: personality
temper noun people: personality
terror noun people: personality
touch verb people: personality
violent adjective people: personality
violent adjective people: personality
be a bad/good influence (on sb) phrase people: personality
not believe your ears phrase people: personality
at ease phrase people: personality
take your breath away phrase people: personality
break the ice phrase people: personality
bored/frightened/scared, etc. to death phrase people: personality
be in a mood phrase people: personality
make a fool (out) of sb phrase people: personality
make a fool of yourself phrase people: personality
drive sb mad/crazy, etc. phrase people: personality
capable of sth/doing sth phrase people: personality
be ashamed of sb phrase people: personality
be under the impression phrase people: personality
be conscious of/that phrase people: personality
believe in sth/doing sth phrasal verb people: personality
be/get carried away phrasal verb people: personality
chill out phrasal verb people: personality
cool down/off (sb/sth) or cool (sb/sth) phrasal verb people: personality
face up to sth phrasal verb people: personality
figure out sth/sb or figure sth/sb out phrasal verb people: personality
get sb down phrasal verb people: personality
go off sth/sb phrasal verb people: personality
identify with sb/sth phrasal verb people: personality
let sb down or let down sb phrasal verb people: personality
live for sth/sb phrasal verb people: personality
look down on sb phrasal verb people: personality
look up to sb phrasal verb people: personality
dare (to) do sth phrase people: personality
deep down phrase people: personality
can't face sb/sth/doing sth phrase people: personality
be familiar with sth/sb phrase people: personality
be in favour of sth phrase people: personality
feel different/strange, etc. phrase people: personality
fill sb with anger/joy/pride, etc. phrase people: personality
make a fool (out) of sb phrase people: personality
make a fool of yourself phrase people: personality
get the feeling/idea/impression, etc. phrase people: personality
get on sb's nerves phrase people: personality
go red phrase people: personality
be hard on sb phrase people: personality
in honour of sb/sth phrase people: personality
be in favour of sth phrase people: personality
in sb's eyes phrase people: personality
in good/high/low, etc. spirits phrase people: personality
in honour of sb/sth phrase people: personality
know better (than to do sth) phrase people: personality
lose interest/patience, etc. phrase people: personality
lose your temper phrase people: personality
be a piece of cake phrase people: personality
steady/strong nerves phrase people: personality
get on sb's nerves phrase people: personality
can't take sth phrase people: personality
take sth/sb seriously phrase people: personality
take pleasure/pride/an interest, etc. phrase people: personality
take your breath away phrase people: personality
be tempted phrase people: personality
wish to do sth phrase people: personality
be sick of sth phrase people: personality
be unfamiliar with sth phrase people: personality
be obsessed by/with sb/sth phrase people: personality
take sb/sth seriously phrase people: personality
pour sth out or pour out sth phrasal verb people: personality
put off sb or put sb off (sb/sth/doing phrasal verb people: personality
put up with sth/sb phrasal verb people: personality
rely on/upon sb/sth phrasal verb people: personality
needs phrase people: personality
play a joke/trick on sb phrase people: personality
be too proud (to do sth) phrase people: personality
go red phrase people: personality
take a risk phrase people: personality
sound angry/happy/rude, etc. phrase people: personality
in good/high/low, etc. spirits phrase people: personality
bored/scared/worried, etc. stiff phrase people: personality
be sure of sth phrase people: personality
be sure of yourself phrase people: personality
can tell phrase people: personality
lose your temper phrase people: personality
be under the impression phrase people: personality
values phrase people: personality
independence noun politics
government noun politics
citizen noun politics
kingdom noun politics
nation noun politics
democracy noun politics
control verb politics
developed adjective politics
independent adjective politics
democratic adjective politics
domestic adjective politics
developing adjective politics
council noun politics
defeat noun politics
revolution noun politics
policy noun politics
service noun politics
rule verb politics
official adjective politics
presidential adjective politics
revolutionary adjective politics
state adjective politics
parliament noun politics
presidency noun politics
stand for sth phrasal verb politics
fancy verb relationships
adoption noun relationships
community noun relationships
ancestor noun relationships
affair noun relationships
bond noun relationships
brother-in-law noun relationships
circle noun relationships
companion noun relationships
darling noun relationships
daughter-in-law noun relationships
father-in-law noun relationships
funeral noun relationships
gang noun relationships
host noun relationships
mother-in-law noun relationships
company noun relationships
mix verb relationships
adopt verb relationships
divorce verb relationships
adopted adjective relationships
community noun relationships
closely adverb relationships
fellow adjective relationships
household noun relationships
separation noun relationships
tension noun relationships
socialize verb relationships
partnership noun relationships
opponent noun relationships
roommate noun relationships
sister-in-law noun relationships
son-in-law noun relationships
stepfather noun relationships
stepmother noun relationships
widow noun relationships
separate verb relationships
related adjective relationships
united adjective relationships
united adjective relationships
tribe noun relationships
cheat on sb phrasal verb relationships
depend on/upon sb/sth phrasal verb relationships
hit it off phrasal verb relationships
live together phrasal verb relationships
live with sb phrasal verb relationships
keep sb company phrase relationships
keep sb company phrase relationships
break sb's heart phrase relationships
stick together phrasal verb relationships
relations phrase relationships
stand by sb phrasal verb relationships
stand up sb or stand sb up phrasal verb relationships
take after sb phrasal verb relationships
appearance noun shopping
consumer noun shopping
defender noun shopping
marketing noun shopping
division noun shopping
arrow noun shopping
brand noun shopping
catalogue noun shopping
lap noun shopping
marathon noun shopping
martial art noun shopping
export noun shopping
guarantee noun shopping
lead noun shopping
appear verb shopping
browse verb shopping
hold verb shopping
lead verb shopping
gymnastic adjective shopping
competitive adjective shopping
competitive adjective shopping
purchase noun shopping
supplier noun shopping
recreation noun shopping
opponent noun shopping
penalty noun shopping
pitch noun shopping
referee noun shopping
run noun shopping
set noun shopping
shot noun shopping
swing noun shopping
target noun shopping
trophy noun shopping
play noun shopping
stock noun shopping
track noun shopping
sale noun shopping
victory noun shopping
represent verb shopping
unavailable adjective shopping
semi-final noun shopping
bring out sth or bring sth out phrasal verb shopping
give in phrasal verb shopping
in stock phrase shopping
on offer phrase shopping
first/second/third/final, etc., round phrase shopping
in stock/out of stock phrase shopping
sell out phrasal verb shopping
on offer phrase shopping
out of stock phrase shopping
sales phrase shopping
save a goal phrase shopping
input noun technology
browser noun technology
application noun technology
generation noun technology
attachment noun technology
backup noun technology
bookmark noun technology
breakdown noun technology
bug noun technology
bulb noun technology
chip noun technology
control noun technology
cursor noun technology
database noun technology
desktop noun technology
desktop noun technology
device noun technology
hard drive noun technology
hit noun technology
icon noun technology
key noun technology
laser noun technology
microphone noun technology
monitor noun technology
broadband noun technology
data noun technology
cable noun technology
failure noun technology
flash noun technology
crash verb technology
fail verb technology
access verb technology
bookmark verb technology
burn verb technology
equip verb technology
generate verb technology
Google verb technology
browse verb technology
charge verb technology
display verb technology
interactive adjective technology
atomic adjective technology
automatic adjective technology
automatically adverb technology
electronically adverb technology
high-tech adjective technology
hi-tech adjective technology
mechanical adjective technology
undo verb technology
programming noun technology
recording noun technology
network noun technology
part noun technology
pedal noun technology
satellite noun technology
signal noun technology
telescope noun technology
thermometer noun technology
tone noun technology
upgrade noun technology
wire noun technology
virtual reality noun technology
technical adjective technology
technological adjective technology
virtual adjective technology
sophisticated adjective technology
virtually adverb technology
bumper noun travel
landing noun travel
connection noun travel
immigration noun travel
motorist noun travel
aircraft noun travel
captain noun travel
crossroads noun travel
cycle noun travel
deck noun travel
horn noun travel
jam noun travel
lane noun travel
lane noun travel
approach noun travel
cruise verb travel
carry verb travel
in adverb travel
gear noun travel
trekking noun travel
parachute noun travel
rocket noun travel
steering wheel noun travel
stopover noun travel
subway noun travel
trail noun travel
voyage noun travel
wing noun travel
yacht noun travel
transport noun travel
rush hour noun travel
run verb travel
sail verb travel
scheduled adjective travel
get away phrasal verb travel
get away phrasal verb travel
keep up (with sb/sth) phrasal verb travel
first/second/third, etc. gear phrase travel
lead into/to/towards, etc. phrase travel
the wheel phrase travel
stay over phrasal verb travel
manufacturer noun work
manufacturing noun work
division noun work
competition noun work
activity noun work
management noun work
inspector noun work
agent noun work
analyst noun work
chief noun work
client noun work
deadline noun work
deal noun work
fisherman noun work
industry noun work
duty noun work
job noun work
head verb work
manufacture verb work
industrial adjective work
corporation noun work
chief adjective work
manual adjective work
committee noun work
crew noun work
position noun work
officer noun work
plumber noun work
researcher noun work
promotion noun work
responsibility noun work
retirement noun work
retirement noun work
operator noun work
post noun work
servant noun work
slave noun work
overtime noun work
paperwork noun work
trade noun work
strike verb work
open verb work
operate verb work
transfer verb work
professional adjective work
redundant adjective work
retired adjective work
responsible adjective work
opportunity noun work
senior adjective work
silent adjective work
vacant adjective work
profession noun work
shift noun work
act as sth phrasal verb work
on/off duty phrase work
open up (sth) or open (sth) up phrasal verb work
pick up sth or pick sth up phrasal verb work
take off sth or take sth off phrasal verb work
off duty phrase work
on duty phrase work
the sack phrase work

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