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Collège Mont-Royal October 12th 2022

Mohamed-Yasser Meghaouzel Group 23

Buenio Nobert
3 artifacts essay

An artifact is something that have value for you in any way that you want. In general,

people say that artifacts are valuable because the object has a cultural, personal or

historical meaning. My personal artifacts are a letter, a box full of shellfishes and a little


My first artifact is a letter, but not any letter because it is a letter written by my

grandfather on my father’s side when he was still alive. My grandfather wrote this letter

during one of his last days, so that’s why the letter means a lot to me. Personally, it

represent the last goodbyes from him or maybe that he thought a lot about me and that

he loved me. From the time he wrote the letter and now the ink manage to disappear,

but I still remember the text and that’s all what matters.

My second artifact is a special box full of shellfishes that I collected myself on a trip

where me and my parents went to Gaspesie. We also got the box in the same trip, we

bought it in a store that was selling only boxes. This box is important for me because I

went to Gaspesie only one time in my life, and it was a great memory that I don’t want

to forget. This box symbolizes one of the only thing that I got from the trip in Gaspesie.
My third artifact is a little sheet that I got from my grandmother on my mother's side.

She gave it to me when I was 1 year old, and it can't even cover my entire leg now

because it is too small. For me, this sheet is important because it is the only thing that I

have left from her. I think that it symbolizes the love that she had for me.

Artifacts can shape our identity, but only if the they are important and have a great

meaning. They are important to have because they bring back memories that are, for

the most part, happy.

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