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A Referee'sGuide

o13 PLUS
RailsIn TheA.stusapes
Torg,Buck RogersXXVc

For hobby enthusiastsof

adventure gaming


Horor & more!
MrcnlnAwnrR AN

Innocenttradersrun a{oulof localpoliticsand arecaughtup in the battlesof the Rebellionitself.Butthat's
lust for starterslThey becomeprisonersof war,thenfugitives.Alongthp wgy,they learnof a fabulouspre-
lmperiumlostcityof high-tech give
wonders.Canthiscity'streasures one sidethe advantagethat
willw i nt h e R e b el l i o n ? A

olus assorted random
this a tense, exciting
MegaTraveller adventureI
H e r e ' sa n a d v e n t u r et o k n o c k y o u r
characters'socks offl Start wrth an or- CINEMATICNUGGETFORMAT
din a r ys i t u a t i o na n d g ra d u a l l ye sca l a te Each scenariois composedof several
t h e d a n g e r t, h e i n t r r g u ea, n d t h e c l u e s
u n t r ti h e o n l ys o l u t i o ni s a t t h e e n d o f a
E nuggets:Somearejustlor atmosphere,
olhers are identifiedas key nuggetsthat
mustbe played.

long,a r d u o u sj o urn e y.B u t th a t so l u ti o n Eachnuggethasa scene(information for

r s i m p r e s s i v ea: f a b u l s u sp r e - l m p e r i a l the playerson whatthey see, hear,tasle,
c r t y o f u n d e t e r m i n e d( b u t v e r y h i g h )
t e c h l e v e l .S o m e h o y ,l o n g a g o , i t f e l l
o f f t h e m a p s ,a n d n o w o n l y a t r a i l o f
E and {eel at the startof the nugget)and an
action(information to refereeon howto run
theactioninthenugget)Eachscenario has
c luesl e a d st o i t s l o stw o n d e rs. a referee'ssummaryon thelirstpage,with
O f c o u r s e ,t h e a d v e n t u r e r as r e p u r - a briefdescription ol eachnuggelby num-
s u e d b y a g e n t sf r o m a l l s i d e s o f t h e ber Thissummary includes a specialsynop-
R e b e l l i o nS. t o p p i n ge v e nf o r a d a y c a n sis diagramshowingvisuallyhowlhe nug-
b e h a z a r d o utso t h e i rh e a l t h . gelstit together
K n i g h t f a l l ' s c i n e m a t i cn u g g e ts y s -
t e m c l e a r l yd e f i n e sa n d d e s c r i b e st h e
i n c i d e n t sp l a y e r c h a r a c t e r sw i l l p a s s RebellionSourcebook
t h r o u g hi n t h e c o u r s e o f t h e i r e x p l o - The lmper ium is beingtor napar tby the Reb el l i on;the
ra t io n s .C a r e f u ld e ta i l i n gma ke s e a ch once-stable1000-yearempireis rapidiydecayinginto
n u g g e tc o m e a l i v ef o r t h e p l a y e r sa n d dozensofpettyprincedoms.RebellionSourcebookcovers
re fere e . everydetailof the Rebellion:the
Knightfall A MegaTraveller ad- fighting,
equipm ent.
v e n t u r e .9 6 - p a g eb o o k . G D W : 0 2 1 9 . RebellionSourcebook.96-pagebook.GDW: 0214.
I S B N :1- 5 5 8 7 8 - 0 6 2 - $ 91. 0. ISBN: 0-943580-63-3. $10.

[ - r l o kf i r r ( i D t t ' g a m e s a t _ r ' ( ] ul o
r c a lg a m eo r h o b t r ys t o r e .I f i t d ( ] e s n ' h
t a v et h e m .i l c a n
s p e c i a<l l r d e rt h e m .\ 1 ' r i t ef r l r o u r f r e e ,f u l l - l i n e( i D W g a m ec a t a k r g .

I t 1 ' m a i t ,s e n da c h e c k .m o n e yo r d e r .o r V i . s a , / l \ t a s l e r c an rudm l l e ra n d s i g n a t u r e .
l ' fe a s ea d d l l l % , l ' o rs h i p p i n ga n d h a n d l i n g .
l | - r ' p h o n e(,3 0 9 ) 4 5 1 - 1 6 J b2 e t u e e n9 a . n r .a n d 5 p . m . ( ' e n t r a l l i n r c .
P . O .B o x 1 6 4 6
B l o o m i n g l o n ,l L 6 l 7 0 2 - 1 6 4 6 :
"Science Fiction,ScienceFantasy, Espionage, but it'sreallynot a badthingandt'ilteilyou why.By
HorrorandMore!"As lhe lowercoverblurb expandingour coverageto othergames,we
indicates,we areexpancting our coveragein increaseour abilityto attractmorereadersandalso
Voyages SF to includegameswhichoftenf all moreadvertisers, whichmeansa greatercirculation
into the loosecategoryof "othe/'(mostof which andincreased income,whichinturnmeanswe'llbe
easilytit uncter "science
theclassification ableto addmorepagesto themagazine. put
Fantasy," whichis encompassedby the"SF"on simply,thiswillbetteraidus in publishinga more
our cover) Justto throwa few examplesat you, successful andwidelyreadmagazine.
we arenow lookingtor freelancesubmissions for InVoyages SF lO, tstatedin "Batilesof the
suchgamesasTop secret,MSPE,JamesEond freelance'my displeasurewithpubtishers that
007,CallOf Cthulu,Chill,chostbusters, TMNT, attemptto avoidpayingcontributors, and
Champions,etc.Theonly genrewe'renot discussedmy ownexperience witha 'zinethatI dict
interesteclin is heroicfantasv.of course.sF not thenname.Manyreaderscorrecflyguessed
remainsouf primaryareaof interestto whichthe thatthezinewasSpacecamer, thenpublishedby
maiorityof our pageswiilbe dedicated. 3W,Inc.Spacecame. is nowownedand Editor & Art Darecto,: James8. King
A look at our surveyresultswillshowthat published by FutureCombatSimulations, andthe
readerswereevenlysplitoverthe issueol adding newpublisherhasrequestedthatI letvoyages sF Contributing Edators: Glen Allison,
Espionagecoverageto the magazine. Truthtuily, readersknowthatallfuturecontributors willbe oaid JerryCampbell
we wantto keepallour readershappy,eventhose for theirwoft. Tnenewpublisherpreviouslyserved
Distribution Manager: Chantelle
who didn'twantto seeour coverageexpancted, (conhhuedonpage 4
Artists in this issue: Glen Allison(8,
10, 11); Maft E Gelinas(29); Gary A.
The MechanicsOf AdventureWriting Kalin(cover);James B. King (9, 10, '13,
21);Phil Morrissey(2O.3a):Paul Sanders
A Referee'sGuide (5); Don W. Shanks (16, 17) Richatd
AubreyForestMe/chert Tomasic(1O,12,18,22).

Rails In The Astusapes

Trademart llolic€: Most gam€s ara lrademarks ot
Underthe auspicesof the British,the GreatMartianNorthernRailwavis th6 compani6s publishing lhosa 9am€s Us€ of a
begun.But someoneis tryingto stop it. G/enA//rson tradomark to identrfy a producl comr€nled upon in
lhrs magazin6 should not be consl.u€d as rmplying
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are

lha sponsorship ol, nor challsngo lo, lh6 lrad€mark
A completelistingof all planetsandsectorsfromallStarWarssources, hold€l

withamap. G/enA///son
Voyages SF copyright 1S by Jam€s B King All
The Fort Bliss Class Destroyer righls rss€rv€d Print€d In ths U S A Yoyagos SF is

l6 A starshipfor the TexasNavy.

Don l4ay/andShanks
publish6d qua(tsrly by StarLance Publ{cations Cov6r
price is t2.75 A lour-issue subscflptlon ls 310.00
(ll I 00 to Canada) All lunds must bs in U S dollars
Mail to Starl.ancs Publicalions. 50 Basin Driv€, Mesa
out to get us.They'vehiredbounty
wA 93343.

Specialillustativepresentation. Adv€rlising: For ratss and spacs reservation or
contirmation conlact Jam€s King at ths addrsss

Raid On The North Pole abovs or call (509) 269-4497 allet 500 pm o, on

20 A ridiculously
funny,tongue-in-cheekscenariofor Espionage

and art.
We welcome unsolicll€d manuscrlots
However, bsfors submilting you should
writs and raqusst a guidelinos she6t, including a
sel{-addrsssed. stampgd envelope (SASE) Also
Buchannon Include a SASE or posl card wilh corrgspondence lo
assur9 a tesponse.

Katlin C- Buchannon Oistributaoo to retailers by:

t I Historyof the MariGlaneClassPatrolFrigateandof the Buchannon, Aclion Direcr Disl, Th€ Armory. Capital City Dist,
H , with deck plan and,larkE Ge/rhas Chsssex, Diamond Comic Dist., Heroes World. Slyx
Inl€rnalional, Wa.gamos Wsst, Zocchi Dist

Sanity In Space
34 Addingthe Sanitytraitto Traveller

OtherWorld Gamos(24)
Rapponcames (4)
(lnsidefronl cover)

Reviews Bevtrssco(losidsback cov€r)

? n i"in, Roleplaying
Torg, *"*o'ayinsrhePossibititywars
Wars;B uckRogersXXVc:Buck Sag€-LoreProduclrons(26)
S€ekercaming Systems(24)
--t \t RogersIn The25thCenturyRolegame StarLancePublicalions(33)
Sword & SlarshipEnrerprises(2| )
5 Commlink 7 Voyages SF 13Survey Hous6(Back cover)
Walertord Publishing

l 2 Future Voyages 32 Words To Game By

The Garne:
The dreamis o1'theliiture. A luturewhere
roleplayinghasbcentakento its ultimatc:
Actualexperience.Stepinto ganringcen-
tral,lie in thecouch,anddreama dreamof

\rVithina World:
The neurallink promisedmany advantages
In the future,roleplayingwill be different. to mankind.Of them,few wererealizedas
fully asgaming.The Morpheus Mind
Booksand charactersheetswill go to the wayside Parkaroseas the leaderin mindgaming.
as real experiencesimulatorstakeover. Gamerswait for as long as two yearsfor a
puterswith the powerto projecta realitystraight few shorthoursin
into your mind will havethe abilityto makeyour theirdreamscancomealive.
dreamscometrue. Literally.
\\'ithin a Game:
Hugefacilitieswill existto give gamersaccessto Now you haveaccessto theMind Park.
this power. It will be expensive.It will be worth
Morpheus will takeyou whereno other
it. gamehasgonebefore: the shadowreality
of the dreamworld. Heraldedas the best
It will happen.Until thattimc wc havcN,lorpheus.roleplayingsystemeverdeveloped,
The roleplayingsystemof the mind'seye. Morpheuswill allow you the {teedomto
play the kind of characterthat you have
alwayswanted.Characters from the future
walk sideby sidewith figuresfrom the
completecontrolover their characters, and
charactermodificationis allowedat any
time, evenin the middle of combat.

Playtestedfor over four years. The most

imaginativesystemto appearin years.
The futureis availablenow.

If you candreamit, you can becomeit.

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Questldn maft indbales GamesWorkshop Mekton: Roadsvikerll.$10. CW minibox game, 59.95, West End Games
re/ease date unknorln. Advanced Soace Crusade JUn sep Star Wars: lsis Coor-
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SkyrealmsOf Jorune RPG $ 10,Jul Late,LatsShowRPG,$7.95, Rogers,$9.95,Jul Cassandra Files,$12,(Oct)
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p e r h a p s o n e o f t h e m o s t d i ff i c u l t

The MechanicsOf
I b a l a n c i nagc t st o m a n a g iest h a l o f t h e
r e f e r e eS.o m u c hi s d e p e n d e nutp o nt h i so n e
p e r s o nf o r t h e s u c c e s s f uolu t c o m eo f a n
a d v e n t u r es e s s i o na n d s o v e r y l i t t l e r s

a c t u a l l y w r i t t e n t o a i d t h e r e fe r e e i n
a c h i e v i n gt h i s g o a l ,T h e r e f o r eI . h a v e p r r t
t o g e t h e r w h a t I f e e l i s t h e r e c i p ef o r
s u c c e suslf r e fe r e e i n g .S i m p l y f o l l o w t h e
d i r e c t i o nasn dy o u ' l lb ec o o k i n g l
T h e f i r s t t h i n g s t h a t a r e f e r e em u s t
a l w a y sc o n s i d ew r h e n r u n n i n ga n a d v e n -
t u r e s e s s i o na r e t h e P r i m e D i r e c t i l ' e so f
Refereeing. rvhichareasfollows:
A Referee's
N E E D SO F Y O U R P L A Y E R S !
A ubrey Forest Melcltert
I t c a n ' t b e s t r e s s eedn o u g ht h a t t h e j o b
o f a t e f e r e ei s o n e o f a b s o l u t es e r v i c et o g o v e r nt h e g a m ea r e t h e r et o d e f i n et h e s t o r y , t h e a u t h o t m r r s t f i r s t a d d t e s st h e
t h e p l a y e r sI.t t a k e sa v e r y s p e c i apl e r s o n l a w s u n d e rw h i c h t h a t p a r t i c u l aur n i v e r s e q u e s t i o no f w h a t t h e y a r e t r y i n g t o
t o b e a r e f e r e e .T h e s a t i s f a c l t o ni n o p e r a t eA s .n d .a l t h o u g ha c e r t a i nd e g r e e of a c c o m p l i s hw i t h t h e s t o r y . W h a t g o a l s
r e i e r e e i n gs h o u l d n o t c o m e f r o m t h e arbitration m a y b e r e q u i r e ds.i n c en o r u l e r v o u l dy o u l i k e t o s e ea c c o m p l i s h e dT?h e
power which you may wield ovcr your s y s t e mc a n b e e n t i r e l yc o m p r e h e n s i vt hei.s g o a l sw h i c h y o u a s p i r et o r v i t h i nt h e s t o r y
p l a y e t sb, u t r a t h e rf r o mt h e o p p o r t u n i l yt o s h o u l da l w a y s b e k e p t t o a n e x l r e n t e h e l pl a y t h e i o r r n d a t i oLnl p o nr v h i c ht h e r e s t
a c t o u t a d i v e r s i t yo f r o l e sa n d c r e a t ea m i n i m u mI.f y o u f i n d y o u r s e l af r b i t r a t i n g o f t h e w o r k s h a l lb e b u i l t . W i l l t h e s t o r y
m u l t i t u d eo f s e t t i n g st h r o u g h y o u r o w n t o o f r e q r r e n t loy r, c h a n g i n ga n d m o d i f y i n g i n v o l v em a i n l ya c t i o n o. r w i l l i t e x p l o r et h e
u n i q u e p o w e r s o f d e s c r i p t i o nF. o r t h e t h e r u l e s( w i t h o u t p r i o r c o n s e n to f y o u r r e a l m so f m o r a l i t ya n d e t h i c s - - t h ed c c p c r
r e f e r e e .t h e j o y o f r o l e p l a y i n gs h o u l d playerso ) n a r e g u l a rb a s i s .y o u m i g h t f a c e t so f t h e h u n r a ns p i r i t .Y o u r v i l l f i n d
c o m e f r o m w a t c h i n g o t h e r se n j o y y o u r c o n s i d etre a c q u a i n t i nlg, o u r s e l rf v i t h t h e t h a t t h e b e s t w o r k s o f f i c t i o n i n v o l v ea
c r e a t i o n sA. s s u c h . i t s h o u l db e r e n l e m - r u l e sa g a i n o. r y o u m i g h tf i n d y o u r s e lof u t b a l a n coef t h e s et r v oe l e m e n t s .
b e t e dt h a t y o r a r e t h e r ef o r y o u r p l a y e r s . of a .1ob. O n c ey o L h r a v ed e t e r r n i n erdv h a tk r n do f
N o t h i n g i s w o r s e o r m o r e b o r i n gt o a s t o r y y o u w o r r l dl i k e t o c r e a t e t. h e n y o u
g r o u po f p l a y e r st h a n a d v e n t u r r ntgh r o u g h TH REE:H AVE FUN! m u s tf i n d w h a t s e t t i n gw o u l d b e t h e b e s t
t h e d o m a i no f t h e r e f e r e c o ' sw n e g o t r i p . A l o t o f r e s p o n s i b r l iat yn d w o r k r e s t s v e h i c l ef o r t h e s l o r y . O f t e n t h i s p r o c e s s
T h e r e f e r e em u s t p r o v i d e a n i n i t i a l o n t h e s h o u l d e ros f t h e r e f e r e ea. n d f o r d o e sn o t h a v et o i n v o l v eo n l y t h e r e f e r e e .
e n v i r o n m e nwt h i c h i s c h a l l e n g i n bg u t n o t e v e r y h o u r o f p l a y , a t l e a s to n e h o u r o f but may be done wrth the input of the
s l i fl i n g t o t h e c h a r a c t e ras ;w o r i di n w h i c h p r e p a r a t i ohna sg o n ei n t o e n s u r i n g thatall p l a y e r sa;n ds i n c ei t w i l l b e t h e y w h o s h a l l
t h e c h a r a c t e rms a y a c t u p o n ,i n f l u e n caen d . h a v ef u n . Y e t t h e s a t i s f a c t i oann d a p p r o - l i v e o u t t h e s t o r y , I w o u l d a d v i s et h e i r
h o p e f u l l yc. h a n g ei n s o m ep o s i t i v ed i r e c - v a l o n e g a i n st h r o u g hr e f e r e e i nfga r o u t p a r t i c i p a t i oant t h i ss t a g e .
t i o n . T h e p l a y e r sr e p r e s e ntth e r a n d o m w e i g ht h e w o r k i t t o o k t o g e t w h e r ey o u I n r o l e p l a y i ntge r m st,h e s e t t i n gt h a t y o u
e l e m e n to f c h a n g e .t h e u n f o r s e e n factor. a l en o w . c h o o s ei s g e n e r a l l yw h i c h g a m ey o u e l e c t
N o t h i n gi n t h e w o r l do f a d v e n t u r i nsgh o u l d g o
A l w a y s i n t oa g a m i n g
s e s s i ownith a t o p l a y .A n d s i n c em o s tp l a y e r sf i n d i t m o s t
b e s e t i n s t o n e o. t h e r w i s et h e r e s u l ct r e a t e s p o s i t i v ea t t i t u d eI.f y o u a r et i r e d ,a n g r yo r r e r v a r d i n gt o p l a y i n a l o n g r u n n i n g
a r v o r l di n w h i c h t h e p l a y e r sa r eu n a b l e1 o f a t i g u e dy o u rp l a y e rw s i l l s e n s teh i sa n di t ' s c a m p a i g ni n r v h i c ht h e y m a y w a t c h t h e i r
a c t a s a f o r c e o f c h a n g ea n d b e c o m e e f f e c t u p o n t h e g a m e s e s s i o nc a n o f t e n c h a r a c t e r sd e v e l o p o v e r t h e p e r i o d o f
r e a c t r o n a rIyf .y o ua sa r e f e r ecer e a t ea s t o r y p r o v ed i s a p p o i n t i nt og s a yt h e l e a s tT. h e r e s e v e r arl v e e k s a. n d s o m e t i m e ns r o n t h so r
i n w h i c h t h e p l a y e r sb e c o m ea c c e s s o rtyo i s a d e l i c a t eb a l a n c eo f i n t e r d e p e n d e n c ee v e n y e a r s .t h i s c h o i c e i s o f p a r a m o u n t
t h e p i o t .t h e n t h e l h e r o l e o f t h e p l a y e r b e t w e e nt h e p l a y e r sa n d t h e r e f e r e eyio u r i m p o r t a n c ea,n d s h o u l db e g i v e n a g r e a t
c h a r a c t e rbse c o m e o s f n o e f f e c t ,a n d y o u r e w a r d c o m e s t h r o u g h w a t c h i n g t h e i r d e a lo f t h o u g h t .O n c e y o u h a v e a s e t t i n g
m i g h t a s w e l l a b a n d o ny o u r c a m p a i g no r e n j o y m e not f t h e g a m e ,a n d t h e i r ' sc o m e s s e l e c t eadn dh a v ea f i r m i d e ao f r v h e r ey o u
y o u w i l l s o o nf r n dy o u r s e lrfo l e p l a y i ni gn a n f r o m w a t c h i n g y o u r r e a c t i o n st o t h e i r w a n t t o g o w i t h i t , y o u c a n p r o c e e d to the
e m p t yr o o m .w r t h n o p l a y e r sa n d a h o s to f a c t i o n s . I f y o u b e c o m e i r u s t r a t e do r s e c o n ds 1 a g er.v h i c hc o n s i s t os f p o p u l a t i n g
N P C sw h i c h y o u c a n m a n i p u l a t e to your fl u s t e r e dso . w i l l y o u rp l a y e r s . t h ew o r l di n r v h i c ht h e p l a y e rs h a l l[ v e .
h e a r t ' sd e s i r e .
C O M P O S I N GA D V E N T U R E S T H EN O N _ P I - A Y E R
W h e n c o m p o s i nagn a d v e n t u r eo.r a n y
CONSISTENT! s t o r i f o r t h a t m a t t e r t. h e r ea r et h r e eb a s i c In the pasl. a great deal of popular
T o t h e p l a 1 , e r sn,o l h i n g i s u , o r s et h a n c o n s i d e r a t i o nwsh i c h t h e r e f e r e em t r s t f i c t i o n r n v o l v e dt e l l i n g a s t o r y i n r v h i c h
b e i n g s u b j e c t t o a r e f e r e er v h o e i t h e r t a k ei n t o a c c o u r .T r th. e y a' r ea s f o l l o w s : t h e c h a r a c t e rw sere a part of the events
d o e s n ' tk n o w t h e r u l e s .c h a n g e st h e r u l e s r v i r i c ht r a n s p r r eadt o u n dt h e m . H o r v e v e r .
s p o n t a n c o u s lovu t o f c o n v e n l e n c eo.t THE SETTING t o d a y .p o p u l a fri c t i o nn o l o n g e rp l a c e st h e
d r s r e g a r dt hse m c o m p l e t e l y1.' h er L r l etsh a t W h e n o n e c n n s i d e r st h e r e l l i n p n f a n v s t o r ya r o u n dt h e c h a r a c t e rbsu t r a t h e rh a s
r e a l i z e dt h a t t h e c h a r a c t e rasr e t h e s t o r y , i s t h r o u g ht h ea c t i o n o s f h e n c h m etnh a tt h e VoyagesSF 13 ReaderSurvey
t h e i r g r o w t h t h r o u g h t h e e x p e r i e n c e s p l a y e r sw i l l c o m et o k n o w w h o i t i s t h a t Readersareencourag€cl to completethe
a r o u n dt h e m a r e w h a t m a k e st h e s t o r y t h e y a r e r e a l l y u p a g a i n s t .A p r i m a r y surveybelow.Eitherphotocopy this torm or
i n t e r e s t i n gA. s s u c h y o u r s t o r i e s ,w h e n example of this rs lhe Slar llrars Tri/ogr. listthe articlenumbers,withappropriate
toleplaying sh. o u l dc e n t e ru p o nt h e c h a r a c - T h e r e a l v i l l a i n o f t h e s t o r y w a s t h e ratings,on a post carcl.Ratearticles:
t e r sw i t h i n y o u rg r o u pa, n dt h e g r o w t ht h a t e m p e r o rH. o w e v e ri.t i s n o t u n t i l t h e l a s t
e a c ho f t h e m m a y e x p e r i e n cteh r o u g ht h e b o o k t h a t t h e t r u e m a g n i t u d eo f t h e
p r o c e sosf r o l e p l a y i n gS.i m i l a r l yt.h e s t o r y villain's power is made manifest.So to
2_ ThoMechanicsOf AdventureWriting
w h i c hy o u c o m p o s e f o r y o u r c h a r a c t e rt so s h o u l dt h e c h a r a c t eorf t h e v i l l a i n so f y o u r 3_ RailsInTheAstusapos
a c t w i t h i n a n d u p o ns h o u l dn o t c o m p r i sae storiesbe.
s e r i e so f e v e n t s .b u t r a t h e r a s e r i e so f
5_ BountyHunters
r n t e r e s t i nagl l i e sa n d a d v e r s a l i er vsh i c ht h e FLEXIBILITY 6_OperatingAStarship
p l a y e r sm a y e n c o u n t etrh r o u g ht h e c o u r s e
T h e f l e x i b i l i t yw h i c h t h e r e f e r e ies a b l e 7_ Twinkle,TwinkleLitile star
ofplay. t o m a i n t a i nt h r o u g h t h e c o u r s eo f t h e 8_ Raidon TheNorthPole
W h e n c o n s i d e r i n gN P C s . o n e m u s t
c a m p a i g ni s t h e g l u e r v h i c h b i n d s t h e 9_ Exercise
r e a l i z et h e i m p o r t a n tr o l e sa n d f u n c t i o n s s t o r y
t o g e t h e r .N o r e f e r e ec a n p o s s i b l y 10_ KatlinC.Buchannon
e a c h k i n d o f N P C r v i l l f i l l . A l l i e s a r e predict
every possiblereactionwhich a 11_ Reviews
g e n e r a l ltyh e r ef o r t h e p l a y e r s ' s u p p oar tn, d
p l a y e ro r g r o u po f p l a y e r sm a y h a v e t o 12_ SanityIn Space
a s s i s t i,f s o m e t i m e sb a i l o u t t h e p l a y e r s t h e s i t u a t i o n s
a n d e n c o u n t e rws h i c h t h e y
w h e n t h e y a r e i n t r o u b l e .H o w e v e r .t h i s are presentedwith:
therefore,the referee Q1 ls thisissuebetterthanour last(Yes
a s s i s t a n cseh o u l d n o t b e a b r r s e do r t h e _
m u s l .w i t h a n o p e nm i n d ,c r e a t es i t u a t i o n s or No)?
p l a y e rw s i l l l o s et h e i rs e n s eo f i n d e p e n d e n c ew h i c h c a n b e a d d r e s s ebdy v a r i o u sr e s -
Q2_ hcludingyourself,howmanypeopl€
w r t h i nt h e g a m e .A d v e r s a r i eosn. t h e o t h e r readthisissue?
p o n s e sy, e t h a v e t h e s a m er e s u l t .P l a y e r
h a n d . c o m e i n t h r e e v a r i e t i e s :T h u g s , Ratingin orderof preferenceth€
c h a r a c t e rasr e t h e s t o r y ' sm o s t i m p o r t a n t Q3_
Henchmen a .n dV r l l a i n s . r e s o u l caen d .i f h a n d l e dc o r r e c t l yw. i l l a d d most recentissuesof the gamingmagazines
T h u g sp r e s e ntth e m s e l v eass t h e c a n n o n v a r i e t y .c r e a t et h e i r o w n p l o t t w i s t s you fead,wherewouldyou ratethisissueof
and VoYAGES SF(1 is high)?
f o d d e ro f t h e a d v e n t u r eT , h e y a r e t h e s u b - p l o t sg. i v i n g t h e s t o r y i t ' s r e a l d e p t h
s w a r m l n ga n d s e e m i n g leyn d l e sm s a s s eosf Q4 _ What one gamewouldyou liketo
a n d i n t e r e s t .R c m e m b e trh e f i r s t P r i m e seemorecoverageof?
o p p o s l t r o nw h i c h t h e v i l l a i n s a n d t h e i r
D i r e c t i v co f R e f e r e e i n "gN. e v e rf o r g e tt h e
h e n c h m e nm a y s e n d f o r t h t o a f f l i c t a n d
n e e d so f y o u r p l a y e r s !I"f y o u a s a r e f e r e e Pleaseteelfreeto includeadditional
t o r m e nt h e p l a y e r sA. l o n e ,t h r r g sp r e s e nat
a r et o o r i g i da b o u th o w o r i n w h a t w a y a comments.Mailcompletedsurveybefore
t , e r yI i m i t e dc h a l l e n g eI n . g r o u p st.h e y c a n p l o t c o m p l i c a t i o n Decomber'15. 1990.
m a y b e r e s o l v e dt.h e
b eq u i t et h r e a t e n i n g .
p l a y e r sw i l l b e g i nt o s u f f o c a t e andeven-
Henchmen a r et h e a r m sa n d l e g so f t h e t u a l l y ,t h e i r
c h a r c t e rw
s i l l b e c o m ea c c e s -
v i l l a i na n do ft e n .i f n o t a l r v a y sa, r et h eo n e s (conrthuedlrompageA
soryto the plot,destroying all that you
r v h oc a r r yo u t t h e v i l l a i n ' sn e fa r i o u sp l a n s . asArt Directorfor Spaceclamer under3W, and
a n d y o u r p l a y e r sh a v e w o r k e df o r , w h i c h resignoclbecauseof ctifficulties createc,by 3W's
E v e r yv i l l a i n w i l l h a v e a t l e a s tt w o ( b u t
l s t h e s u c c e s s f ur el s o l u t i o no f t h e s t o r y , tailursto pay contributors.He has stateclthatit is
r a r e l ym o r et h a n f o u r )g o o dh e n c h m e nt h; e
O n c et h e p l a y e r sb e c o m ea c c e s s o rt o y t h e importantto himthatcontributorsknowtheywill
h e n c h m e nt ,h e m s e l v e sm, a y p r o v e t o b e receiveremunerationfor th€irwork.
p l o t . t h e y b e c o m et o o l s r n t h e h a n d so f
q u i t e d a n g e r o u so. f t e n a b l e t o c a p t u r e . -Jamesg. King
t h e r e f e r e ea n d o f n o e f f e c t t o t h e
l n J u r eo r e v e nk i l l a p l a y e rc h a r a c t ei rf t h e
o u t c o m eo f t h e s t o r y .
p l a y e r s n ' to n h i s o r h e r t o e s .H e n c h m e n VoyagesSF 12 SurveyResults
I f t h e c i r c u m s t a n c es sh o u l de v e r a r i s e
s h o u l db e s t r o n ge n o u g ht o l a s t t h r o u g h
t h a t y o u h a v es e v e r e luy n d e r e s t i m a ttehde Graphics& lllustration- 3.7
q u r t ea f e w f i g h t s b e f o r eb e i n g b r o u g h t
a b i l i t i eos f y o u rp l a y e r sr ,e m e m b et hr a t y o u StealthAircraft- 3.4
d o w n b y t h e p l a y e r s .T h i s m a k e s t h e LongTermStarWars- 3.3
a st h e r e f e r eh e a v ea n u n l i m i t e db u d g e o tf
i l l u s i o no f d a n g e r v h i c ht h e y r e p r e s e nf at r
r e s o u r c ef rso mw h i c h y o u m a y d r a w u p o n . A GuideTo BlasterWeapons- 3.3
m o r er m p r e s s i vaen. dt h e s a v o ro f v i c l o r ys o
H o w e v e rb. e w a r n e dt,h i s i s n o t s o m e t h i n g Reviews- 3.0
m u c hs w e e t errv h e nt h e y a r eb e a t e n .
t h a t y o u c a n a b u s et.h e r e s u l to f w h i c h i s WordsTo came By - 3.0
F i n a l l y ,t h e r er s t h e v i l l a i nt o c o n s i d e r . t h e
e v e n t u adl i s c o u r a g e m eonf t h e p l a y e r s Finclers, Inc..2.9
T h e v i l l a i ni s t h e p r i m a r ym o t i v a t i n gf a c t o r
a n d ,o n c em o r e .t h e i rc h a r a c t e rbse c o m i n g Commlink-2.7
o f t h ee n t i r ec a m p a i g nl t. i s t h e e v r ld e s i g n s HideAnctco Seek- 2.6
a c c e s s otroy t h ep l o t .
of the villain which sets the action in
T h e a r t o f r e f e r e e i ni sg n o t o n er v h i c hi s S-16PatrolShuttlecraft- 2.4
m o t i o na n d p r o v i d e tsh e p l a y e r sw i t h t h e i r
e a s i l ym a s t e r e dI t. t a k e sy e a r so f p r a c t i c e
r e a s o nf o r b e i n g .T h e h v e so f t h e p l a y e r s
a n dd e d i c a t t ot n o b e c o m ter u l ve x c e p l i o n a l . Q1:ls thisissuebetterthanour last?83%said
a n d t h e v i l l a i n st h a t t h e y e n c o u n t e a r r e H o w e v e rt.h e r o a dt o t h a t u l i i m a t eg o a l Yes.
i n e x o r a b li yn t e r t r v i n e T d .r u l yo n ec o u l dn o t b e r n gk n o r v n yourself, how manypsopleread
a s a G a m eM a s t e ri s f i l l e d Q2:Inclucling
e x r s tr v i t h o u tt h e o t h e r .f o r w h a t w o u l d a
r v i t h e n d l e s s r e w a r d s . l e s s o n s a n c t thisissue?4.0
protagonisb t e without an antagonist.
e x p e r r e n cw e sh i c h y o u m a y t a k eu ' i t h y o u Q3:Ratingin orderof preferencethe most recent
e x c e p Jt u s ta n o t h e g r u y o n t h e s t r e e t ?I t i s issuesof the gamingmagazinesyou read,where
f o r t h e r e s tc f i o u r l i f e .I h o p et h a t v o u r wouldyou ratethisissueot voYAGEs sF (1 is
f o r t h i s t e a s o nt l ' r a t t h e i ' i l l a t n m u s t b e
l v i l l b e a se x c i t i n ga n de n r i c h i nags h i g h ) ?1 . 6
p i e s e r v eudn t i l t i t c v e r yc l i m a xo f t h e s t o r y . J o u r n e y
rninei-lasbeen!f Q4:Wouldyou liketo seecoveragein VOYAGES
A b o i ' ea l l e l s e a . r e f e r e cea n ' ta ff o r dt c r i s k SFexpanciecl to contemporary/espionage
t h el i f eo f t h e v i l l a i ne a r l yo n i n t h eg a m eI.t games?Yes-43%,No-43%,Don't care-14%
The SyrtisMajor-Martian Times
Monday,May 12,1890

BoreoSyrtisto belinkedby rail! Lancaster Expedition

Sir Nigel Lancaster, Earl of
O u r r e p o r t eirn M e r o e ,c e n t e r s t a t ec a t e g o n c a i ltyh a t t a i l s c a n
S o u t h w e s t - N o r t h w y c k e ,a n d h i s
of commerciaa l c t i v i t y i n t h e be laid at the rate of eight miles
p a r t y h a v e r e t u r n e df t o m a n e x p l o -
B o r e oS y r t i sL e a g u eh, a sj u s t s e n t p e r d a y . T h r s m e a n s t h a t a
r a t r o no f t h e w r l d s t o t h e w e s t a n d
w o r d t h a t S u C e o f f r e yB r j x h a m - c o m p l e t el i n e f t o m P a r h o o nt o
n o r t h o f S y r t i sM a j o r c a r t y i n gM o a -
S n r y t h eh a s o n l y j u s t c o m p l e t e d M e r o em a y b e o p e r a t r o n awl i t h i n
b i t e F i r e G e m s ,t r o p h i e s ,a n d s o m e
t h e f i n a l a r r a n g e m e nftos t l a y i n g 1 3 0 d a y s f r o m t h e s t a r t o f
h a i r - t a i s i n gt a l e s t o t e l l a b o u t t h e i r
r a i l f r o m P a r h o o nt o M e r o eT. h r s t r a c k - l a y i n g .
e x p e r i e n c e sL.a d y C a t h e r i n ew i l l b e
n e w s i s m o s t w e l c o m es l n c eo u r When intervrewed.Jack
r e c e i v i n g u e s t sa t a p a r t y t o b e h e l d
f r r e n d rsn t h e n o r t ha r eu n a b l et o G r e e n w a l H l , e a dE n g i n e efro r t h e
next week.

f r a n s f eg r o o d sa n y f a s t e rt h a n a n e w C r e a t M a r t i a n N o r t h e r n
When asked about hts most
canab l a r g ec a nf l o a ti t . Railwaya , d m i t t e dt h a t t h e c h i e f
l n t e r e s t l ne g x p e r i e n coen t h e e x p e d i -
B h u t a n s p r c e w i l l s o o n b e p r o b l e mt o b e l a c e dr ss u p p l i elso t
t i o n .S r rN r g e lw a sr e p o r t e da s s a v i n g .
a n i v i n g i n S y r t i s M aj o r o n a t h e r a i l l i n e ." S t e e la n d w o o d a r e " W e h a d a r i p p i n gg o o dt i m e d u t t n ga
r e g u l abr a s i so n r a r l st h a t a r es o o n t h e t w o m o s tc r u c i ael l e m e n tasn d

In The t o b e l a i d ,s t a r t i n gf r o m P a r h o o n w e h a v e v e r y l i t t l e o f e i t h e r .
a n d d t i v t n gn o t t h u n t t l o u r i l l u s - F o r t u n a t e l yB. r t t r s ha n d A m e t i -
t r i o u s e n g r n e e r sr e a c h a d e p o t c a n s c i e n t i s ths a v eb e e nw o r k l n g
t h r e e - d a ys a n d s t o t m . W e h e l d a
m a r v e l o utsh r e e - d a W

Great Kommota trophy

y h r s tp a r t y . "

s o o nt o b e b u i l t i n M e r o e . O n e o n a s o l u t r o nt o l h e p r o b l e ml o r

Astusapes t h o u s a n dm i l e ss e p a r a t eu s f r o m t h el a s tf e w y e a r sI.d o n ' l h a v et h e

o u r c o l l e a g u eisn t h e n o r t h .B u t d e l a i l s b. u t f r o m w h a t I c a n f i n d
S i r J o n a t h a nQ u i m b y - S m y t h en,o t e d
e x p l o r e ar n d b i g g a m eh u n t e t ,m a n a g e d
k i l l a l e g e n d a t yC t e a t

A R a i l r o a dI n T h e M a k i n g milesper day ancloccasionallyten to elevenmilo

An adventure EARLYlN 1887,the Britishcotoniatoffice on days. Everythingwent well for a month before
Marswasapproachedby a groupof Martiansand things beganto go sour.Workersbeganfallingill.
by Glen Allison British, representingths newly formed Great
MartianNorthernrailway.Thsy askedthe Colonial
Two of th€work enginesweretemporarilyput oul
of commissionbecausethe wrong greasewas
Office to help sxpedite a treaty to allow the usedfor cylinclerpacking.The safetyvalveon the
builcling of a railwayconnectingthe two colonies. boilerof the railmakingmachinefailedanclthre€
Sir Geoffrey Brixham-Smythe realized im- operatorswereinjurecland one killedby the boilsr
T y p i c a l B r i t i s hR a i l E q u i p m e n t mediatelythat a railwaywould help the British explosion.
control the region anclallow rapid connections By the end of Septemberwhenthe railsshould
with the northerncolony as well as aid in the havebeenenteringMeros,the lins was practically
transportation of Bhutanspice,so he agreedto stalledin the AstusapesHighlands,500 milesol
help.Eventually, he came to the conclusionthat more behind schedule.And just yesterday,the
transportingenginesto Mars from Earthwas not rail line'sentiresurveycrew disappeared.Unless
impossible,and coal was alreadybeing shipped they can be found, more suryeyors must be
so thatwas not a problem.But Marswas shorton broughtfrom Earthand the railroadwill be stalled
two other sorely neectedmaterials,wood and tor at least tive more months bBtorework can
S t e a mE n g i n e& C o a l C a r iron. continue.
PercivalShedwell,the Chairmanof the Board The managementof the railwayhad nol taken
of Directors,immediatelyexplainedthat scient- severalthings into consiclsrationbefore starting
ists from Britain and America,after years of the line. The mad King Hattabranxof the High
experimentation,had managed to invent a Martiansquickly took a dislikingto ths British
machinethat would,usingores drawnfrom Mars intrusion into his territory. When the survey
itself, createan alloynearlyas strongas ironthat partiesenteredthe highlands,they found them-
couldb9 usedfor rails.Thesleepers(or tiesas the selvesferociouslyattackedby High Martiansat
Yankscallthem)coulclbe madefrom cementand every opportunity. Also, canal Martians soon
P a s s e n g eC
r oach could also be made on Mars. Once these gatheredin SyrtisMajor protestingthe evil thing
drawbackswere overcome, Brixham-Smythe that was about to threalen their business ot
immediatelybegan speeding the process of hauling people and goods up and down the
negotiatinga treaty betweenthe Martiancity- canals. Rumors also abounded involving the
statesof Boreo Syrtisand the Eritishcolony ot Germanswho were not happywith th€ increased
SyrtisMaiorfor the purposeof builctinga raitline powera railroadwouldgivethe Britishon Mars.
betweenthe two. The player-characters are being sent to the
The first railwas placedon ties and fastened end of the raillineby the ColonialOfficeto try and
down on June 20th, 1889.On the first day, onty find the people responsiblefor all the problems
G o o d sW a g o n threemilesof trackwere laid.But by the eighth that plaguethe Great MartianNorthernRailway.
day, Vacklayerswere managingat least seven Also, they are to find ancl rescue tha missing
surveycrew, if they're still alive.The characters
could have taken the job for one of several
reasons.First,they mighthavea partownershipin
the railway.Second,they might be relateclto one
of the missingsurveycrew members.Third,they
might have been approacheclby Sir Geotfrey
Brixham-smythe, of the Britishcolonialoffice, W i l l i a m C a r g i l l( T r a i n e dN P C ) :
who askedthen to cto it for the Crown.Fourth, BILL CARGILL(a.k.a.WilhetmKreugeo is one of the four
theymighthaveresponcledto an advertising
flyer blacksmithsworking at the "end-of-the-line"wofters' camp. il8(
Wilhelmis a saboteurworkinglor the Germangovernment.He is
responsiblefor th€ missingtools, incorrectpackinggrease,ancl
R e f e r e e ' sS y n o p s i s the boiler accidenton the rail makingmachine.wilhelm feels (
THIS ADVENTUREis set up much like a badly about that.He had not plannedfor anyoneto be injured,
"western"adventureon Earth.The High Martians but Georgecawley,the constructionsupervisor,insistedupon a
arethe lndianswho teel that the White Man has secondshiltone claywhenthe railsupplywas gettinglow,which
no business in 'his" territory. The German
is whenthe boilerblew--at a time when no one would normally
saboteursare like the men who work for a rival havebeenaroundit.Wilhelmis reluctantto attemptmoresabotageof a similarnature,thoughhe is
railway,etc., etc. The adventure should flow
l- The PCs go lo the end'of-the-line camp Attributes: Skills:
to, a) find out who the saboteursare and.b) find STR: 6 Fisticuffs5, Throwing3, Clos€Combat(Edged)2
andrescuethe surveyparty. AGL: 4 Stealth3, Marksmanship (Rille)2, Mechanics(Steam)6
2- Whil€on the way to the camp,the PCs are END: 4 Wilderness Travel(Foraging)3
attackedin their railwaycoach by High Martians INT:4 Observation (Structural)
3, Engineering 3
who are attemptingto stop the train.The attack CHR:3 Eloquence2, Bargaining 3
shouldbe beatenof{ without too much trouble, SOC: 1
although at least one NPC will be seriously
injured. Motiyes: Steady,Stubborn,Loyalty(cermany)
3. Whilethe PCs are in camp investigating the Appearance: Billis short(5'6') and heavy(180lbs),has longishblonctehair and long bushy
sabotageand trying to figure out where to look bearcl.H€ usuallywearsdungarees,a bfown workshirtand heavy blackworkboots. His hands are
for the survey parh/ there is another boiler callousedanddirtandoil areingrainecl
intothewrinklesof the skin.
explosionon the railmakingmachine.
{- Eeforethe PCs heactout to fincland rescue
thesurveyparty,the High Martiansstagea raidon Michael Conelley(-l'rainedtttPCi:
thecamo. MICK(a.k.a.HansWeis)is one of severalcookswo&ing at the
5- Aftersurvivingthe raid,the PCs go out into workers'camp. Hans is also workingfor ths Germansand is
the AstusapesHighlands to try and tind the responsible
for mostof the illnessot theworkers.
Attributes: Skills:
E v e n t :T r a i n R a i d STR:3 Fisticuffs2, Throwing'1,CloseCombat(Edged)2
Reada/oud''Thedayshavebeenhot and dry. AGL:6 Stealth5, Crime(Lockpick) 6, Maftsmanship(Pistol)4
Ten hours on the train havs drained you ot END:2 Wilderness Travel(Foraging)1
energy.The rockingand swayingof the coach at INT:5 Observation 4, Science(Chemistry)7
speed lulls even the most adventurousinto C H R :2 Eloquence1, Theatrics 4
complacency.Two coaches to the tront, tho SOC:2 Riding1, Piloting(AerialFlyeD2
engine'swhistle screams a chall€nge to th6
desertafternoon.Looking out the winctowyou Motayes: Cautious, Hatred(British),
seo a smallstationaheacl.A man standson the Appearance: Hansis 5'8' tallwithmouseybrownhairand a pencil-lhinmouslache.He keeps
platformwith his arm outstretched,holding a to himsell and has little to say to anyone.He can bs very surlywith pgople who md(€ demanctsot
messagehoop. The enginedriverslowsthe tfain himandwilltryto get evenif itwillnot sndangorhisprimarytaskat the camp.
slightly,leansout ancllakes the messageon the
fly. The whistle screams again and the Vain picks
up speect.
'Soon,you see the Highlancts loomingcloser. GeorgeCawley (ExperiencedNPC):
The train slows slightly, and you can leel tho CAWLEYlS the Supervisor overseeingthe constructionot the
enginewofting harder as you hear a blast ot GreatMartianNorthernRailwav.
exhaustfrom th€ stackand ses the black,sooty
smokebroilinginto the sky as the traintacklesthe Attributes: Skills:
impressive gradein frontof you. STR:5 Fisticufts4, Throwing2, CloseCombat(Edged)3
'The conctuctorsteos into the coach and
AGL:4 Stealth3, Pistol3, Mechanics(Steam)4
loudly tells everyone to close their winctows. END:3 wirderness
r, r,..*,nnJ
Soon,everythinggoes black and a blast ol the INT:4 Observation (Explosives)
3, Engineering 3
engine'sexhaustechoesloudlyin your ears.The CHR:3 Eloquence2, Eargaining
coa! smoke is suffocat!ng,and everyona is nruilrg | (nvt)gr, uvougt)rIPo
coughinganctchokingon lhe fumes.Atter whal
seems an eternity,the train blasts out of the Motiyes: Adventuresome, Ambitious,Leactet
tunnel into the glaring sunlight and everyone Appearance: Georgeis roughly35 yearsof age, stands5'11' tall anc,weighs 13 stone (180
quicklyopens theirwindowsto helprid the coach lbs).He hasneatlycombedblackhairand a well-groomedmoustache.Whileon the job, h9 wears
of theroilingsmokestillinside. rugged,khakiclothinganclbrown,high-top lacedworkboots.
"Nowthe rockwallsareso closevou can reach
Event:A MonkeywrenchIn The
ManUANNPC'S Read a/oud.' 'one ot the tasks that was put to
you was to find out who is responsiblstor slowing
the advanceof the railroad.Perhaosthe reason
tor the missingsurveypartycoulclbe lound here
S c o u t / F o o dS u p p l i e r s( G r e e nN P C s ) : as far, the entiremorning'sinvestigation
HILL MARTIANShave hired on as suppliersof meat lor has been unsuccessful.Lunch was not extt6-
workersat the end-of-the-line workers'camp. They are not memly pleasant either. There was something
happywith the High Martianraids,and manyHill Martianshave about the soup that didn't seem quite right and
gone out to hunt anclnot returned,decidingit was saferto go your stomachis slightlyqueasy.Now,the heatof
home.The remaininghuntersaredeterminedto toughitout. thB afternoonis oppressive,and ths glareof tho
sunat thisaltitudeis brightanduncomfortable.
'ln the clistance,you can hearths pantingof a
Attributes: Skills: steam engine laboring under a heavy load.
STR:3 Fisticulls1, Throwing1, CloseCombat(Eclgecl or Pole)3 George Cawley is saying, '..../Ustabout com-
AGL:6 stealth5, Marksmanship (8ow)4, Marksmanship (Pistol)I p/etes lhe repod Ona ol/Er lfting. serera/ crales
END:5 wildernessTravel(Foraging) 4, Tracking
3 ol Eil /onels seem lo be mlsslng and tue lrave
INT:3 Observation3 disc:oyeled that the bare/s conta/hlhg our
C H R :2 Eloouence 1 /,ematning /ubncating oi/ have deve/oped /e*s.
SOC: 1 Ricling(Gashant)2 rough/y selenty-five percenl ol ur o// has soded
inb tneground....'
Motives: Stubborn,Hatred(HighMartians)
"You hear the hiss and scream of a steam
Appearance: These hunterslook like the typicalHill Martianwith rector brown hair ancta
safetyvalveunderfull release.Suddenly,you are
goldenbrownskin.For a fullerclescription, seepage178of therulebook.
thrown to the grounclby the force of a laroe
Referee's Information: Wilhelm Krueger
H i g h M a t t i a nR a i d e r s : finallyfound anotheropportunityto toul up the
HIGH MARTIANSare shorterthan other Martiansand have
rail making machine.The machine was due to
wing membranesand lift glandsthat allow them to fly. They
recieveperiodic maintenanceand an overhaul
wear a loinclothand a leatherharnessto carryequipmentand
that was to last a day. Wilhelmarrangeclto have
extra weapons.Most of the High Martianscarry spearsand
the boilertiredup and tied the safetyvalvsdown.
swords,anctsome alsocarrya mace.
After a certaintime with no reductionof steam
High Martiancombat tacticsvary dependingupon who or
pressure,teh boilerwould explode.But becauso
what they afe attacking.usuallythey will leavethe kragin their
galleys of the schectuled maintenance, Wilhelmknewthat
screw and when a foe is sighted,they will go over the
therewoulcl be no workers nearthe machinery.
side and fly in small groups towarctavailabletargets.They do
WilhelmKruegeris no longerin camp.He has
not fly too close to one anotherbecauseof the requiredspace
been recalledby the Germangovernmentano,
tor aerialmaneuvers.
after rigging the boiler, lett the camp on the
When the High Martiansattackone of the railwaytrains,theywaiton the cliffsand,whena train
supplytrainheadeclbackto Parhoon.
approaches,they silentlytly clownto the roofsof the traincoaches.Thenthe noisebegins,as they
lf the adventurersinvestigatethe sceneof the
beginstrikingthe coachroofs,whoopingand yellingas theyattack,andwavingtheirweaponsanct
explosion, they tincla twistedwrenchlying about
makingthreateninggesturesat theiropponents.
fifteen yards from what used to be a shed
lf High Martianraidershave an opportunity,they will attemptto collecttrophiesof personal
coveringthe remainsof a steamboilerfor the rail
victories.Thisusuallymeanscollectingthe headsof theirfoes.lf timedoes not permitthis,theywill
gaudy jewelry making machine. The wrench belongs in the
try tor clothing, and weapons.Pennantsflying from tent rooftops and brighthat
blacksmith/machina shop. A closer look (and a
good Observationroll) revealsfresh bootprints
nearthe ruinedsheclmade by boots with heavily
worn shouldn'ttake long to cliscoverthat
out and touch them. They rearupward,reaching revolvers.With no other warning, a spear WilliamCargill(Krueger) is missing.A checkof his
severalhunclrsdfeet into the sky. Sudclenly, you smashesthrougha winctow,scatteringglasson tent revealsa oair of boots under his cot that
are startledby loud thumpingon the coach roof the seatand tloor in tront of you. A black-maned match the prints exactly.Also in the tent, under
ancla wailingscreamthat piercesth€ sound ot the Martianthrusts the wicked looking spear inside, the mattress on the cot, are severalpapers that
engineexhaust.Othersin the coach are drafling lookingtor a likelyvictim.' indicatethat Cargillwasperhapsbeingpaid by th€
German government- One partially cteslroyed
documentrevealsthat maybe,iust maybe,there
is anothersaboteurin the camp.
lf the playersthinkto investigatethe cooksand
the soups. eventuallythey discover (through
shrewctinvestigation anct at least one average
observationroll) that Mick conelley had offerecl
to servethe soup when he was supposecllynot
on duty for the lunchshift.ll Conelleyis traceclto
his tent, the adventurerscatch him in the acl ot
packinghis valise.When cornered,Conelleypulls
a revolverfrom his valiseand attemotsto use it on
the PCs.It capturedalive,he will eventuallybreak
GreatMartian NorthernRailwayCoach down and confess that ha is working for the
Germangovernmentand is, in fact, a German
citizenhimselfby the nameof HansWeis.lf Hans
doesn't survivethe encounter.two documents A) STATTON
can be found in his valisegivinginstructions(in B) OFFTCESANO
German)for Hans to attempt sabotage. The WORKBUILDINGS
second paper states arangements tor final c) ANTMALPENS .,tiJF?n^
paymentof 100 Marks upon completionof the D) WORKERS' ' filJJlfritraifl,t

"TENTCITY' Wfrh ldtli'.r'idirlivA
The disappearanceot the surveyparty is not a l
German plot.i neither Wilhslm nor Hans are
responsiblefor their clisappearance. what hap-
penedis much more prosaic.The surveycrewgot
rI ff{rffrl

losl. and one ot the crew lell otf a clilf and thB BII
survivorswere attackedby a smallband of High iJ II
Martians. IT

I jtVjrfi
E v e n t :D a w n ' s E a r l y L i g h t ! t t- ,,Yft.
Reada/oud.'"Greylight seeps unclerthe tent
I -
flap,but the chill of the Astusapesmorninghas - ''a ''ry*t,f,n+4'4.
: I -l '{J'ff {fl:f'1,
not yet beenovercomeby the sun.Youknowthat ftt frir'Da
:rt '':l,
thewashbasinsareprobablyicectover againand rI r
the ideaof perhapsstayingin bed a littlelonger
seems almost oveMhelming, though, outside, ti\
you can hear people stirring--probablythe
cooks,gettingreaclyfor breakfast.The crackleof
wood on a fire and the tang of wooclsmoke
femindyou that the clayis akeadyunderwayand
you mightaswellget goingyourself..
'Your thoughtsare interruptedby the thunder
of hunclrec,sol hooves--the clraft animalsare
stampectingancl it sounds like they're coming
right through the miclc,l€ol the camp! In the
distance,the crackleot rifle fire punctuatesthe AstusapesStationand Work Camp
lowerrumbleof the stampede.In front and to the
left, you hear the bellow of a Webley revolver,
lollowedby the highpitchedyellsof the attackers.
As you stumbleunder the tent flap anctout into
the open, severalblack-manectMartianscome
aroundthe tent to your of them heftshis
spearin preparationfor a stabbingattack."

E v e n t :S u r v e y P a r t y TERRAIN. CLIMATE.
Read a/oud' "The Martian sun seems to get
hotter every second you remain standing at the
eclgeof the cliff.Behindyou is the surveycamp,
althoughno one had been therewhen you tinally
foundit. You did find a tresh graveand mafter,
THETERRAIN in ths AstusapesHighlancls is veryruggecl.Box canyonsareintermixecl
with high
thatol one ot the surveycrew,and a journalwith
clilfs and steeptalusslopes.The groundis very unevenand most slopes are no less than ten
the last entry tellingof a rockslideand the poor
percentin grade.
fellowstallto the canyonfloor.
'Aflera drinkof warmwaterfrom your canteen, Vegetationis rathersparsehereand,of course,thereis no wateravailablebeyond the camp.
you decicteto explore further. The wind has The treesareusuallyno tallerthantifteenfeetanctafe spreadout so that no treeis closerthanten
teet or so to anothertree.All of the wateris hauledin by railand thereis a watermasterin camp
etasedalltracksfrom the area,but an entryin the
journalsuggeststhat the surveycrewwent north. whose sole job is to see that no one gets more than theirfair sharsof the preciousliquict.The
climateanctaltitudeare such that duringthe day, the temperaturessoar as high as 10o to 110
A warmbregzespringsup, dryingthe persiration
degrees.At night,on theotherhand,ths temperatures plungeto belowfreezing.
on your body and givingyou a slightchill.As you
Becauseof the drastictemperature changesanclthe highwindsthat blow periodically,the rock
climbthe slope ahead,you can hear smallrocks
is untrustworthy in the Highlands.lf the playersar€not careful,the rock can crumbleunclerneath
clatteringdown the canyonwall.Acrossthe way,
theirfeet.occasionally, bouldersrangingin sizefrom baseballsand cannonballsto rocksthe size
a flying animal screeches,it's echo bouncing
of a railwaycarbreaklooso from th€ crumblingcliff tops and clatterto the canyontloor.
back anclforth between the walls ol the canyon.
Most animalsin the AstusapesHighlanclsa/e nol dangerous.There are a fs\'v,howgver, that
Yourboots slip anclslide a little as, gaspinglor
shouldbe mentioned.The mountaincat,a smallerrelaliveol the steppetiger,preyson all sortsof
breath,you climbhigher.Afterstoppingto reston
planteatersin the Highlands. Themountaincat likesto leapon it's preyfrom aboveand then break
a llat area just big enough lor your party,
somethingcatchesyour attentiondown on the ii's neckwith a blow lrom it's powerlulpaws.The otheranimalof note is tho roogie.hdivic,uallya
canyonfloor; a glint ot reflectectlight and some roogieis no matchtof a humanbut theytravelin packsrangingin sizefrom 5-20 (3D6+2)and,while
one roogiecanbe dispatchec, quiteeasily,fifteenroogiesarequiteanothermatter.
Looking closer, you realizethat some large TYPE # slzE WNDS SAVE WT WEAPONS
llyingcreaturesarecirclingneara crackin the wall MtnCat 1 1x2 L40 81 900 Teeth(1,4,0,2)
near the canyon floor, As you watch, several
flashesof light followed by grey smoke appear. Roogies 1Dx3 1x'1 140 100 Teeth(2,2,0,1)
And. a second later.the crackof rifle lire in the
distanceechoes faintly in the the would also be very helpful. without it, the
flying creaturesveers anclflutters to the grounct. chances of a serious mishap are greatly in-
Puttingyour binoculars1o your eyes,you realize creasecl.In any case, don't make the task too
that the flying creaturesare High easyforthem. ltshouldbeabitof achallenge. *
seems that you have founcllhe missingsurvey
party anctthey are in seriouslrouble.Now, how cto
you get clownthere?And how do you get therein
time to savethe men from the High Martians?All
you knowis, you willhaveto do it fast."
Referee's Informalion: The survey crew
has beenpinneddown in the canyonlor two clays
and arg low on water and ammunition.The
playersshouldbe made to realizethat the survey
crew seems to be reluctantto shoot very often,
inclicatingthat they are trying to conserve
The canyon runs north to south. There are
three reasonablypossibleways to get down to
whers the stranded suryey crew is. First, the
adventurerscould go back to the surveycamp
and a little furthersouth to a smail side canyon
and climbdown there.Second,theycango north,
climbingthe ridge until they come to a box
canyon lhere they can climb down into. Third,if
they brought an aerialflyer they can use it, but,
though this would get them to the scen€quicker,
they would likelybe noticed and surprisewoutd
be gone.
As the referee, don't torget lhal the rock
around this area is treacherous.lf the players
choose to try climbing down into the canyon,
they should have plenty of rope. Mountaingsar

A look At Our Next Issue
The Case Of The Haunted Car.
A GURPSAuto Duel adventure.
Encounter At Hesperus.
2300AD fiction.
Unofficial Combat Errata for the Palladium
Roleplaflng Systems.
Optional rules to add variety and realism.
Character Portraits.
Full body illustrations useful as PC or NPCcharacters
Rifts,GURPSCyberpunk, and Attack Of The Humans.
futicles for Shadowrun and Star Wars.
Don't miss our next issue, available in lanuary!

Operating A Starship
In last issue's"LongTerm StarWars,"I discussedthe need for
certainadditionalrulesto makeStarWars rnore realisticand more
enjoyablein the long run.The articleabovewas to providerulesfor
operatinga starshipand also for trade.Guesswhat? Shippingin
Decemberis Galary Guade6: Tramp Freighters, a book which
coversthe very topicsthe articlewas to cover.Well, let'swait and
seewhat it hasto ollet. -Ed.

OseonBelt (LFO)26
oslumpexV (HsR)

Hook Nebula(sB)
HosrelXl (LSC)
ossel ll (cG4)
ottega lV (SwS)27
Paradise (SCH)
Hoth (sws)
Calamari (SWS)
Calgon(SWG) Jeareh(DOH) Peruchia (ssP)
Callonia (SWC) JeddVl (GG2) Pesitiin(GG2)
calonica(lSB) Jerijador(lsB) Pesmenben lV (ROJ)
caprioril(sws) Jospro(GG4) Ptertium(HGS)
chacrrv (GG4) Kaella(cG4) Pho Ph'eah(HSR)
chandril(SWS) KalistVl (GG3) Picutorion (lSB)
charmath(sws)7 Kaila(HSE) Pretsbelt(lSB)28
ChoaBelt(BLl) Kallakea(SSP) Protazk(lSB)
Circarpous(SME)B Kamar(HSR) ProximaDibal(HSR)
Clak'dorVll(GG4) Kashyyyk(sws) Ptera(GG4)
Columus(GG4) Kessel(STW) Pyros(ccQ)
Commenor(STW) Kestic(GG3) Qeimat(lSB)
Cona (GG4) Kestel(BLl) ouestal(GcQ)
Corel(GG2)e Khuiumin (SWS) R'alla(HLL)
Coronar(SCH) Kitfex(GG1) RadralV (TMR)
GlenAIIison corsin(GGl)
Rafalv (LMH)29
culroonlll (sws) Kircrolll (GG4) Rakrir(HSE)
First Rebel: Well,whatdo our orderssaylhistime? D ' l a n( H s R ) Klatooine(GG5) Railtiir(scH)
second Rebel: (readingthe decoctedmessagefrom the screen)They Dagobah(ESB) Korfoll (GG4) Rampa(HsR)
saywe areto find and rescuetwo sltandedx-wing pilotssomewherein DakotVll (BLl) Kotchi(DOH) Refrax(BLl)
the Dagobahsystem.Thenwe're supposedto deliverthemto the rebel Dalchon(TMH) Kowak(cGS) Relgim(sFL)
baseon Tatooine. DalronV (GG1) Kreskin(SWl) Renatasia lll (LSC)30
Third Rebe!: WHAT?!DagobahandTatooineagain?I'vegot a bad teeling Dankayo(SCH) Kubindi(cG4)re Rhamsiscallo (swc)
aboutthis- Dar'Or (GG4)10 Kwenn(swR)20 Rigor(ScL)
Dartibek(GG4) Kyrouac(AAE) Ringneld(LSc)
First Rebel: Yeah,ms too. I'm gettingverytiredof thissector.
Davnarll (HSE) Laboill (GG4)21 RocheBett(ssP)3r
Second Rebel: Yes.Anctwhat'sworse is ALLthe TIEfighterpilotsknow Dela(LMH) Lafra(lSB) Rudrig(HLL)
usby firstnamesnow. Delaya(cG3)rI Lantil(SWR) Ruuria(HLL)
Fourth Rebel: I know what we can cto. When this run is over, let's Dellalt(HLL) Laramus(SWS) Rydarll (GG4)
complainto commancterGrisheka. D e l r i a (nc G 1 ) r 2 Lekua(LMH) Ryloth(sws)
Referee: (silently,
withchincuppedin hishands)Sheeeesh! I'vejustgot to Devaron(GG1) LockestlV (SWC) sab Rufo (GG4)
come up with some new planetsand a differentsector.But it's a lot of DilonexaXxlll(LFO) Lorrd(HsR) Sagma(lsB)
workto come upwith altthosenamesandwho hasthetime? Doneer'so(SWc) Lotide(BLl) Saheelindeel (HLL)
Douglaslll (LMH) Lur(HSR) Sarnikken (SWC)
Dralll (HSR) Lyme (LMH) Sarahban(SwG)
Haveyou ever wondered about the ,StarWa/s galaxy?| know I used to. I Drilb(SwC) Mahrrusha (lsB) sayblohn(sWG)
alwayswantedto know whereall those planelswerelocatectanc,how they Duluth(cRA) Markito (HsR) sedri(BGS)
weresituatedin relationto eachother.Betow,you wiilfincta listingof all the Duro(GG4) Mandalore(SWC) Senex(SWl)
planetarysystems and sectors mentioned in the .t/a/ wars galaxy and Duroon(HsE) Mantilorr(GG5) Seswenna(lSB)
wnerethey were lirst found duringmy search.They may or may not have Ediorung(lSB) Mantooine(RMS) Setor(GG2)
oeenmentionedin more than one is curreniup to Jedi.s Honol Flha /HSR\ Margess
(swc) shaclor{scl \
by west Enct Games and includeseverythingprinted by chaltenge, Endor(RoJ)r3 MarkonlV (SWG) Shaymore(SWG)
spacecamer, and voyages sF magazin€sas weil as ths Han solo and Endoraan(RMS) Marmoth(RMS) shwuy (lsB)
LandoCalrissian booksby BrianDaleyandL. N.Smith. Engira(SWS) Marshellon (DOH) sil' LumeBelt3z
It is possiblethat I've missecta few systemsthat were I Eriadu(lSB) Maslerhome(SWC) Sinkar(SWC)
have,I apologizein advanceancthope that you wouldcontactme through Erigorm(lSB) Mectiraan (AWR)22 sisk (GG4)
thispublicationto let me know. But. before you do that, let me give you Etti rv (HsE) Mephitis(GcQ) skor ll (GG4)
someinformation.I deducedthe existanceof certainsystemsbecauseot Fakir(sws) Mimall (GG4) Solaest(SWS)
mentionedproducts anct other bits of information(i. e. Adoris Feline, Fangol(BLl) Mon Torri(SCL) spee(swc)
Drilbian Wine,etc.) and I left out othersthat I just coutdn'tbe sureof. Also, Farstine(SWG) Morgan(GCQ) Spuma(lsB)
therearemany planetsmentionedin the booksthat arein'alreadynamed,, Fef (GG4) Mortex(BLl) Stensen(SWl)
starsystemsand these, too, are not in the tistingbut are includedin the Firro(GG3) Mycroft(swc) Stic (cG4)
footnotes. Flankers(SWC) MytusVll (HSE)23 Stronghold(OSl)
Fondor(HsE)r4 Nanth'ri(osP)24 Sullust(sWS)
Fornax(STW) NassDiona(RBJ) Sumitra(SWS)
Friazel vll (HGs) Nembus(lSB) sybrial(wKA)
F' Tral(GG4)15 Nentan(GG3) Taanab(ROJ)
Absit(sB) Attaarn(HsE) Bakstre(swc)4 Galpos(sMP) NewBakstre(SWG) Talvor(SCL)
Adoris(SSP) AltorXIV(cG4) Barab| (cG4) G a l v o nl li l( G c 1 ; t o Norulac(ROJ) Tangiir(cRA)33
Af Er(GG4) Atzoc(GG4) Baros(cG4) Gamorr(SWS) Nosken(GG2) Tastaal(HSR)
Agrilat(GG3) Ammuud(HsR) Begali(tSB) GandololV (GG3) Norhoiin(GG2) Tarsunt(GG5)
Ahlenn(SFO)I Ando (cc4) Besn(lSB) Gank(EsB) Novan(HSE) Tatooine(SWG)
Akrit'tar Andron(GG4) Bespin(GG2)s Garban(GG4) NulanVl (lSB) Tau Sekar(GG4)
Albarrio(RMS) Anoat(SWG)2 BestinetV (cc1) Gargon(ROJ) oasis(RMS) Thanos(GG4)

t Al' Nasrl(lSB)
Alderaan (STw)
AntartV (cG4)
Antiposetx (LMH)3
Btackwictow Nebuta
ceedonV (HLL)
oor vll (HLL)
Ord Mandel(SWC;zs
Almakar (HLL) Atrisi(tsB) BorkeenBett(sws) Harridan(PlF) orto (GG4) Thyrsus(lSB)
| ^TtnE
I BYss
tKEstEL l'onr.rroorr,re
a |
TIBRIN . BESN .sTtc t wrDow
a I 1
a tnKRtltAR txEIERxus


o r
1',|ngRUsgn KIMANAN
tEtrtcrRA toRTo tAGRTLAT a
o a
ioonrs 'TocoR
'onn'oR .QUESTAL . LABOI a
',lospRo o


FAKIR .oKFlLl oAsts
o .AFtEL


tBEGALI a t suLLUsr
'altonott '
tcARcotrt .TSUK
ocnroNrcA 'sxon
tcutnooN .DEVAR'ON I
TYRruS AI,'NASRI OUTER RIM tem. 6Roonadanin this sys. tem. 23Politicalprison for
. TERRITORY tem. Tcharmatn Universlty Corporale Seclor Authority,
CALAMARI GANOOLO TATOOINE mentionecl.scircarpouslV, V a.k.a.Star's End. ?4Nanth'ri
(a.k.a.Mimban), X and Xll Soace Rout€ mentioned.
a a mentiongd.ecorellianTracle zsAlso spelled orc|nanctel,
DALCHON Soine.standardtracteroute OrclMantelland Ordnandel..
a tABsrr with Corel at one end. 26Asteroict belt.zTlthoris also
. r0a.k.a.oM 973. llSister known as otteoa lv. 28h-
world to Alcleraan.lzPrison perial Fleet camp located
planet, l3Moon known as here.2eRata
RYLUTH lV and Xl men-
KRESKIN TOLADO Sanctuary. l4Sun'sname is tioned.3oRenatasia lll and lV
F'la Ren. rsshipyards loca- mentioned.3lAsteroict belt in
.-GEEDON ted here.lqmperialbureau- this system.32sil'Lumeis an
tcALPos ooR tRHnusts FONDOR cratic hub. lTPrisonplanet. asteroidbelt in same sector
, crLto .DUROON lslson Corricloris stanclarcl and vicinity as Tol Ado.
SAGMA a LPC tracleroute (Bespin-Anoat- 33Bassadiirlocatecl in this
9TTEGA .TYNNA ARCON Hoth-lson) located just off system.34sun's nameis cal.
rETTI . C o r e l l i a n T r a d e S p i n e . 3sThe Tolan Navy Yards
a lsSun'sname is Ka' Bakai. located here. 36T0lAclo is
a zoJustoft major spacs lane, sector's prison planet in
.TION aa
rVARL TRUIRIG BONADAN THYRSUS soace station in orbit same sector and vicinity as
2lSun's name is Er' Dox sil'LumeBelt.37sun'sname
PFERTIUM cRoNDRrFr aDELLALT KALTA .MYTUS Kaan.zzlindholm in thissys- is Ardos.

FL.ANKERS tsaRrutxxEt,r
lonxeeru tTRegEuA
ERIADU PESMENBEN AAE AloneAgainstThe Empire,Challenge#32
a Al' Nasrl(lSB)
AWR A WorlctIn Revolt,VoyagesSF #9
.SETOR BGS BattlsFor The colden Sun.WEG
tcALLowtA Corporate(HS sE) BLI Blacklce, WEG
RALLTIIR Fakir(sws)
ccc crisis on ctouclcity, wEG
AN CRA CarrierAssignment,Voyages SF #7
Jospro (GG4)
SESWENNA DAA A Day At The Auction,VoyagesSF #11
NEBULAANTAR i r a h r ,r, e Jr rc h a / l e A
rrrs, re

DOH Deathof A Hero, spacecamervol. ll, #1
a Mortex (BLl)
IOTH .DULUTH ESB The EmpireStrikesBack,DonalctGlut
RIGOR CHOA ,ANTAR The GameChambersOf Questal,WEG
aa OuterRim Terr ( c c 1 )
GGl GalaxyGuicte1, WEG
|ANOAT Raithol(lSB)
. q9z GalaxyGuid€2, wEG
ANTIPOSE Ralltiir(scH)
.TANGilR GG3 GalaxyGuide3, WEG
GG4 GalaxyGuide4, WEG
tSONo GG5 GalaxyGuicte5, WEG
HGS HideAnd co Seek,VoyagesSF #12
SESWENNA HLL Han Solo And Ths Lost Legacy,BrianDaley
a Spinward(lSB)
HSE Han Solo At Star'sEncl,BrianDaley
IERRITORIES HSR Han Solo's Revenge,BrianDaley
ISB lmperialSourcebook,WEG
Tau Sekar
JHO Jedi'sHonor,WEG
a LFO Lanc'oCalrissianAnd The FlamewindOf
SABRUFO Oseon,L. N. Smith
.HARRtDAN Triton(Es8 ) LMH LanctoCalrissianAnd The MindharpOf Sharu.
(Other sectors
sectc were
Tsuk(SW L. N. Smith
BRANTH named after systems
I LSC LandoCalrissian And The StarcaveOf The
, Tund (LS()) menlioned in the
truewgnKslRe Turak lV (l S B ) ThonBoka,L. N. Smith
tAl sources, though
thoul not ODS On The DarkSide,Challenge #43
. cKAK'DOR Tynna(H:i R ) specificallyas sectors.
Tyrius(c( i 4 ) OSI Otherspacell: Invasion,WEG
The Fringe Tetritories
T€ OSP Otherspace,WEc
U b a ((ROJ
Uba ROJ) was nameoas a sector
U' Dray0sB) PIF PaidIn Full,Challenge #41
for the otten mentioned POB PeekoineOperaBlues,Spacecamer#88
U v e n a( G G l ) " fr i n g e o t t m p e r i a l
UviuyExen(lSB) RBJ RebelJustice,VoyagesSF #8
space' and placed to RMS RidersOf The Maelstrom,WEG
varl (GG4)37 provide a counterba-
Varn(HSR) ROJ ReturnOf The Jedi.JamesKahn
Ianceto the OuterRim scH scavengerHunt,wEG
Vinsoth(cG5) Territories.)
Vodilux(ODs) SCL Scoundrel'sLuck,WEG
Vodran(GG'l) SFD starfightersDown,challenge#38
Tibrin(GG4)34 vykos (RMs) FOOTI{OTES SFL Starfall,WEG
Tierfon(SWS) Weercten(SWS) rPhaylennin this sys- SME SplinterOl The Mind'sEye, Alan Dean Foster
Tion (HLL) Whelor(SWS) tem. 2Nearthe Besoin SMP StarMaps,VoyagesSF #8
Togor(SSP) wode (HsR) system. 3Antipose Xl ssP Strikeforce:Shantipole,WEG
Tolan (scH)3s Woldana(SWS) mentioned. 4New sTw StarWars,GeorgeLucas
Tol Ado36 wrode (HsE) Bakstreis mentionedin swc StarWars CampaignPack,WEG
Tolaniisi(DAA) Xerxes(SWG) SWG. so it stanclsto swG StarWars Role PlayingGame,WEG
Tolonda(OSP) Yablari(RMS) reason that there must sws StarWars Sourcebook,WEG
Ton-Falk(lSB) Yag'Dhul(GG4) be a Bakstre as well. swR star wars Rulescompanion,wEG
Trammen(lSB) Yavin(GG2) sMiser, Velser's Ring TMH Tatooine Manhunt,WEG
Trammislll (LMH) Y u g al l ( c c l ) asteroid belt. Orin and TMR TeamRecovery,Challenge#35
Trebela(SWS) Zebitrope(LFO) Bespin all in this sys- WKA WookiesAmok, Challenge#7 *

.f \t lr7 \2, tl,


Don WaylandShanks
The keel to the first of five Earth (which was destroyed orderedafter a specialsession.
destroyerhullsof this classwas nearGateway). lronically,the special session 7
laid do w n o n M a r ch9 ,2 2 8 1 ,i n The Fort B/rssis now assig- took place one day before the
the American Space Force ned to Austin's World, but smallKaferfleet arrivedat Sol. t
dockyards at L-4. General makes port calls on the Arab Canada and Australia arc
Dynamics contracted with the built interfaceterminalorbiting both considering adding the
Boeing Shipyardsthere for the the Eber homeworld of Kor- Fort B/rssto their inventories.
Texas Navy's newest starships. moran since a series of pro- The Fort B/rssis 86.3 meters
The class was named after the blems were sponsoredby the long with the spin capsules
famous river forts of early UAR againstthe TexasEnclave rotating in a circle of 38.3
Texas history, Fort B/iss, Fort there. meters. On the stern is a
Brown, Casa fulata, Fort Bing- Since first contact with the launch cradle able to handle
go/d and Fort /llc/ntosh. The Kafers, Congress has been small interfacevehiclessuchas
design was based entirely on debatingthe meritsof increas- the CIT-lllAtransport.
the successful Russian Krev ing the size of the ASF for the
class.On long distancesensor war effort while other nations STARCRUISER
scans, it is very hard to dif- are withoutsimilarbuildingpro- SCENARIOS
ferentiatebetweenthe profiles grams.Anotherfour hullswere Use the Kier Status Sheet
of these two vessels. with the following modifica-
At the same time, the tions. For the Fort B/rss,change
American Space Force was KIEVCLASS the Active Sensor Ratingfrom
looking for a new destroyer DESTROYER 10 to 13.PassiveSensorsfrom
design. ln 2283, Congress 5 to 6. Screenswill now havea
approvedfunds lor four modi- rating of 3. For lhe Fort Knox
f ied Fort B/iss destroyers, class, Active Sensor Rating
which, in the ASF, are known remainsthe same (4 Mw). The
as the Fort Knox class. ln 2287, Passive Sensors Rating is
Congressreleasedfundsfor an changedto 6 (CS=6).Screen
additionalsix hulls. Rating is 4 using the Current
By the start of the KaferWar, Militar y heading under the
the class was operationaland Ihe Fort B/rssdesign SCREENSTABLE in the Naval
two of the class, the Foft is basedentirelyon the Architect's Manual of Star
Brown and the CasaMata,look successful Russian Cr uiser .*
part in hunting down the lone Kievclass.
Kafer fighter trying to reach

Ft. BLISS--class Destroyer



L a u n c hC r a d l e


L a u n c hC r a d l e


\.---l. -7\-r-\
W A N T E D! ! !
R E W A R D! ! ! oF
___-rr€1- \l


to get us.
They've hired

20 |-

crypticphone callmade everythingclearas
a bell;the resultof my responseto an ad in
'Mercenaries-R-Us' that hacl oaid off.
Someonewas hiringmercsand payingwell for an
easy,long-term job that would last,oh, maybea
week. A first meeting was to be held at 8:00 tha't
night in a well-lit, dingy warehouse on Palk
Avenuein downtownNewYork.Was lgoing to be
there?Youcanlust bet I was.
When I got thsre, a parkingvalet slippedinto
my broken down, clappedout Ferrariand drove
oft arouncllhe corner.I went inside.Th€ meeting
starteclpromptly somewhere around 8:12 ancl
|r3( ,lr,
Gr .ir!r
seemecl to be pretty straight forward. A pretty
weird-lookin'c,ude wearinga BrooksBrotherssuit R -ti u.
ancla subduect,recland blue stripedtie opened -.\'Xi

the meetingby introctucing the "BigBoss:'Anclif
you thoughtthe first guy was weird,you shoulda'
seen this fellow. He was wearinga grey trench
coat that ctraggect on the grounctand on his head
was a blackslouchhat with the brim pulledctown
over one eye.
In the dim light,I couldn'tmakeout hisfeatures
but I coulcttell that his complexionwas rather
greenishancthe looked like somethingout of a
Doctor Suess book. His voice was a sort of
fiendish cackle that seemed to have a calming
elfect on most of the folks who were there.
Everyonesettleddown to listen.He wouldn'ttell
us his name (whichwas probablywise, consider-
ing what he wantecl c,one) but launched im- fl ),I
mecliatelyinto the briefing.He didn'thavea lot to E" h.
say and so, withintwo to threehoufs,we had the
sholestory.ltwent somethinglikethis:

"A few years back I attempted to steal

christmas. But there were several stumbling
blocksin my way and lwas unsuccsssful.
Raid On The North Pole
I ahost
but I somehowhad a changeof heart. Glen Allrson
And l'll tell you, hearttransplants
werefew and far
betweenin those days--and prgttyhardto come
by, as well. But I've recoverect(tienclishcackle)
and lhave nsw plans(chortl€,chortle)!Lasttime,I
A ridiculouslyf unny, tongue-in-cheek
tried to stealthe ideaof christmas,and that didn't
woft. Well, this time we're gonna go to the
scenariofor EspionageRPGs--and just rn
big manhimself!
'This time, we're gonna lake out the produc-
time for Christmas!
tion line at the NorthPole.And if you can capture
that fat clude in the rect suit (snork, chorile,
hee-hee!),so muchthe better!startingtonight,atl can be used,but the simplerthey are,ths easier aerialsupportsleighthat the mercs coulctface as
ot you will be drawing a salary of a thousand anc, quicker combat will be, ancl this is one they attempt to withdralv. lt has twin, mounted
bucks a day. And you'll get a bonus ol scenariothat shouldn'tbecome a chore fot the Spandaumachineguns and a top speed of 30O
five-hunc,redeach if you can grab that jolly fat referee.Everyoneshouldhavefun! mph. In the scenarioas I ran il, the mercs clidn't
fellow (fienclishcackle).All weaponsanclexplo- The Factory and Reactor are guarded by a {incl Santa at the Toy Factory, but Santa cams
siveswill be suppliedand planshavebeen made crack troop of 'Santa Clones' in rectsuits and after the them as they trisd to get back to thB
for insertion and retrieval of the strike fotce carryingUzisubmachineounsand other assorted DC-3. (Santawasn't arouncland only arrivedas
(hee-hee!). I know that this mission seems weaponry. There should probably be at /east the teamwas leaving.)santa'ssleighwas hit ancl
impossible(snortle,chork,giggle,giggle),but I'm threeSantaClonestor eachmemberof the strike he wenl down, trailingthick,blacksmoke,to land
tellingyou, it canbe clone.' team (and probablymo.€). lf you place them in unhurtbehinclseverallarge, snow-coverecthills
intereslinganclsurprisingpositions,it will livenup someclistance z|way.
Well, I can tell you that set me back on my the actionabit. So, ctoesthe taam succeedin td(ing out the
Reebok heels. But hey, the pay was goocl so I Theplanis for the DC-3 to land(on skis)about highestproctucingtoy factory in the world? How
took the job. Two clayslaterI was airbornein the 25 milesfrom the Toy Factory,comingin verylow much dangeris that jolly fat man in tho red suit
olcrestDc-3 stiil flying (at least I think it was to avoidradarsuryeillancetrom the targetsite.Ths reallyin? Will the mercs be overcome by one of
flying--fifty feei up seemed rather low) anct mercswillthenbe transportedon snowmobilesor theworld'smost elitefightingfofces?Will the 'Big
headectNorthpastAlaska. in small Snowcats (trackedvehicles)that are Boss' succeedthistime in desvoyingChristmas?
secureclin the cargo plane.The team will then Willwhatremainsbe left in the hanclsof merciless.
Referee's Notes: make the assaulton the Toy Factory anct clrive commercial,toy tycoons?The fate ol Christmas
I ran this scenario using Mercenaies. .9pr?s& backto theplane. and the profit and loss statementsof toy stores
Pnrate Eyes tules.Any rules you are familiarwith Santa(the realdude)does own an interesting everywhere is up to you andyour ptayers.f



v sanla village


Confol Booth



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he computer console chimed a lriendly

wake-up tone. Knowing il would sound
again before I had lo get up, I pulled the
covers over my shoulder and turned away
from the soft glow ol its screen. Right on
schedule, it chimed again nine minutes later. I
rolled over and sat up. At first the room, lit with
a sofl blue light, looked out of place. Then I
realized that I must have been dreaming of
home several parsecs away; lwas still on the
KatlhC. Euchannon
lshowered, dressed in standard shipboard
coveralls. and walked to the common room
and began fixing a meal when the Medical
Petty Officer walked in, carrying her portable
"Morning, Sam," she repliedwhile making
another entry.
"Are you sure you've calibrated that eguip-
ment?" I asked. "l still think these infernal
machinesaretryingto poisonusl"
"Well, you haven't died yet, so they can't be
too far off," she answered wryly, then, chan-
ging the subject, "Any mail yet?"
"l don't think so, but I'm just taking the
watch. Some may have come in during lhe last
twelve hours. At any rate, a scout is due within
the next few days. h'll probably have mail."
Doc simply nodded and went about her
work. Doc didn't stand a watch like the rest ol
us, but making surewe stayed healthykept her
busy enough.
I linished my meal and depositedthe dishes
in the recycling machine, then left lor my tour,
which largely consisted of a walk through ol
theforward spaces checking on conditions.
Seeing that everything was normal, I
worked my way up to the fonarardend of the
upper level to the Bridge. As I entered, I saw
thatthe ExecutiveOfficerhad arrived early and
had relieved the Captain. My Chiel was
standing and stretching and, upon seeing me,
he yawned oui, "Ready to take the watch?"
"Sure,what doyou have?"
The Chief reviewedthe events of the watch
including the positions of our sister ships of the
patrol. Satisfied with the turnover, I relieved
him and hewandered offthe Bridge.
My watch station was at the communic-
ations console on the port side ol the Bridge.
Fonrvardof me were the piloting and navigation gopher as well as performingminor repairs. I readied and sent a transmission, a coded
consoles, to the port and starboard of the The watch was proceedingfairly uneventful burst to minimize our emissions, lo lhe I Nr/e
centerline. Across from me on the starboard until the MonitorWatch got excited. "Officer of and lhe Hatteras Kane, our sister ships, to alert
side was the engineeringconsole where the the Deck," he said, "l am detecting neutrino them of the contact. Seconds later. I receiveda
Engineering Officer of the Watch sat. In the emissionsbearing 144.25minus 30.225,estim- similar burst f rom the t Ni/e.
center of this semi-circlewas the acceleration ated range: 1,000,000kilometers." Meanwhile, behind me, the Tech Assistant
seatforthe Officerof the Deck. "Aye.Try to get a betterfixon h Monitor." had arrived and was removing vacuum suits
lwatched my monitor and noted the various "Officer of the Deck, emissions are beco- fromlheir lockers.
watches being relieved,As Watch Chief, I had ming stronger. Contact is probably a ship The Captain arrived on the Bridge and
more watches working for me than any emergingfrom jumpspace." relievedthe XO, who went to relievethe EOW.
watchstander other than the OOD. ln Fire l'Very well Monitor." Then, turning to me, When my relietarrived I reviewedthe situation,
Conlrol, lhere was the Fire Conlrol Supervisor "Chief,sound GeneralQuarlers." ih6n went to Fire Control, just aft of the Bridge.
and Technician, who maintained lhe weapon "Ayel" I replied, depressing the control for A junior petty officerwatched ihe system while
system in a condition of readiness.Also under General Quarters. h was ship's standard the rest of the gunners donned their vacuum
me were marines standing Sergeant of the operatingprocedureto go to GeneralQuarters suits.The Chielwas already present and, since
Watch, Magazine Watch, and Armory Watch. whenever a ship emerged from jumpspace. he was almost linished donning his suit, I
On a starship, everyone has a job, even the While this contact was probably the scoul we startedto don my own. We left our helmets off,
marines who ride. Another marine walch was were expecting, we would assume a ready which allowed us to use the headsets. The
the Technical Assistant, sort of a roving statusuntilwe positivelyidentifiedthe craftas it headsets contain short range transmitters
troubleshooter who usually functioned as a could be unfriendlyand we would not want to which send signals lo units in the consoles
be unprepared. In engineering, drive techni- which amplify and send them throughout the
Mart Ge/nas serues ina similarro/eaboard cianswould be activatingthe secondarypower ship on securecircuits.
a U S. submaniie as Petty Offteer Sam Jacobs plant,which was normally kept ofi line to lower On the ship's public address system the
does aboard the Buchannon.'Exercise' pro- fuel comsumptionand electromagneticemmi- captain announced, "This is the Captain. We
vides gamers vith an inlormatre examp/e of sions.The exlra power would let us use our lull are receiving a transponder code from the
vhal duty /fe is like aboard mi,litary cra/?. maneuverability and both batleries of lasers. contact.Decoding should come momentarily."
"Bridge, Fire Control manned for General can assistin decoding." maser to mainlain secure communications.
Quarters."I heard the Chief reoort behind me. The EOW resoonded to the order then The Ni/e and the Kane are closer to the
Otherstationswere making similar reports,As I directed the computer to locate and pass the contacts and are maneuvering to intercept.
finisheddonning my suit, most of the gunners order to the EngineeringChief. The Kaneis moving its probe closer for a better
weremakingtheir initialweaponschecks, Chief Simmons arrived after a short while, look. ln the meanlime, we are to maintain
On my headset I heard the Captain say, lookingsomewhattired and none too pleased watch overthe planet."
"FireControl, I have not released weapons tor with this second disturbancein one offwatch. "Do you think any more ships'llshow up?"
launch." Chief Gorland acknowledged. Since After the Chiel relieved him as EOW, the "You can never tell. I've seen exercises in
the contact was transmitting a transponder Engineer and the XO went to the ship's office. which hall a dozen ships or more would go up
code,it was probably a lriendly vessel. On the Each had one combinationto a dual combin- against two or three ships. They usually
public address system came, "This is the ation safewhich held the ship's code book and enteredthe system in several difierent groups.
Captain. The contact is one of our scouts. olher Top Secret information.They returneda This group might be a decoy."
Secure{rom General Quarters," shorttime laterwith the messageon the secure "Could be," I noted while looking at the
The off-watchsection would be glad to hear hand computer. The Captain read lhe mes- relativepositions in the holodisplay. I had my meant that they could go back to bed or sage and keyed the computer for routing. The suit on except for gloves and helmet, which
continueofi-duty pastimes. I quickly removed messageread: were close at hand, and assumed control ol
my vacuum suh, leaving il lor the Fire Control FireControlwhile the Chief suited up.
watchesto restore, and returned to the Bridge SECRET Checking the status display, I saw that all
to relievePetty Officer Richards,who had the From:CommanderPatrolSquadron Four lour missile iurrets had exercise weapons
positionof Communications Operator during To: All VesselsOperatingin Toga System loaded. We had full oower available to the
General Quarters. Richards was already ExerciseQuiet Intruder lasers,though they were conligured to a low
copyingbroadcastsfrom the scout. Most of the ExerciseCommences132-1107-0OO0UST power beam for exercisepurposes.
messageswere general informationand news. ExerciseTerminates136-1107-2400UST As I turned my attention once again to the
The more important intormation would come Only exerciseweapons authorized. holodisplay, I saw our probe settling into an
laterwhen the scout was closer, Since these SECRET orbit about the planet below. The Nr'/es probe
messageswere broad band radio transmis- approached orbit further around the world.
sions,lhe othershipswould alsoreceivethem. Today was day 129 of the year 1107. We The probes would help us monitor the planet
Afteran hour ol newsr we started to receive had a couple of days before the exercise while the other ships were away.
mail in the form ol encoded electronic mes- began. However, those days would not be "Chief, the contacts are changing form-
sages.The codes were relatively simple and slack. The weapons department had a lot of ation," I announced as one of the legs of the
only intended for privacy. I noted that I had a work to do before that time in order to be "V" dropped back lrom the resl.
couple of messages from home. I transferred ready. We would have to enler the cargo bay "They're probably trying to gel lhe Kane
themto a secondary terminal, decoded them, and prepare exercise missiles and load them andthe Nlelo split up,"the chief observed.
and quickly scanned their contents betore into the magazine, replacing several tactical The lone contact, now designated as C-2,
teturningmy attention to the primary board. I missiles.We would also haveto make sure that had slipped well below the level of our sister
commanded the computer to transmit mes- we had our nuclear missiles properly located ships. As we watched, we received, "Fire
sages we had. The scout would carry them with their safetymechanismsattached. Control, Bridge. We have identified contacts
backto the ship's home port for distribution. My Chief cam€ up to the Bridge, having C-1 and C-3 as 40Oton escorts.C-2 is probably
An indicalor llashed telling me that the been roused to read the message. We a 600 ton treighter."
scoutwas atlempting to establish voice com- discussedthe work scheduleand decided that I started to suspect that more ships would
munications. ltouched the TRANSMITcontrol, we would not start until my section came on arrive soon. h didn't seem likely that the
"Scout X-359, this is the Kat/n C. Euchannon again, which would allow €veryon€some time Admiralty would try running two 40Olon ships
Goaheadwithyour transmission. " for rest before we started th€ work. That is, if against three 7OOton ships. Of course, the
"Euchanno4 this is the Penson Stand by the Captain didn't want to do too many freighter might be a diflerent type of ship
to receivea message by maser." GeneralQuartersdrills. acting like a freighter.
I noted that lhe scout speaking had used We were receiving probe data that the Kane
lheir shio's informal nickname instead of its was relaying when things starled happening.
otficial designation. I replied, "Understand Zero hundred UniversalShip Time of day First,one of the contacts,probably C-2, started
X-359,we require a lew minutes to set up our 132 seemed to come quickly. Nevertheless, a powerful radio jammer that cut all radio
antenna.I will callwhen we are ready." ship and crew were ready. I was going ofl contact between lhe Kane and us. Next, the
They acknowledged and I set aboul work. watch at the time, but didn't reallyexpectio go allegedfreighter loosed a spread of missilesat
We were using our maser communicator to to General Quarters during the nerit twelve the Kaneandlhe Ni/e.
keep in contact with our probe. I noted its hours. These exercisesallowed a broad time Then,to make mattersworse, twotreighters
projectedcourse and instructed it to transmit for events,primarilyto allow forthe uncertainty appeared where there was one before. I
by bursi radio lransmission il it detected any of a ship's exit lrom jumpspace, but also to assumed they had launched a countermea-
n€w contacts, then ordered lhe computer to allow for uncertaintyon the part ol the ships sure device which gave off neutrinos and
redirectthe maser antenna ioward the scout. involved,makingthe exercisemore realistic. electromagnetic emissions idenlical to the
Momentslater we were receiving their carrier As I expected, the other section's watch those of the launching ship. We would
signal.Determining thai we had a good fix, I passed without event. My next watch passed eventually sort them out using the mass
radioed, "X-359, this is the Euchannon Slan- as well, which brought us to day 133. After detector, but, in the meantime, their diversion
dingby lor maser transmission." dinner I elected to get some rest in case lhe would delay actions, possibly giving them the
Seconds later we received a short coded intruder or intrudersarrived soon, the chances edge they would need to win this engagement.
message. I waited until the message had forwhich were definitelyincreasingaswe were All we could do until they got close was simply
repeated twice before announcing to the well intothe exerciseperiod. wait and watch.
scout, "X-359, Buchannon has copied your The pulsing, electronicgong that sounded It may not seem like sound tactics to let two
message.lf you have no further messages,we GeneralQuarterswoke me from sleep. I pulled ships fighl three while a third ship walched a
willbe breaking maser contact." on my coverallsand hurried up to Fire Control. planet. However, one must consider our
"Buchannon, Penson No further mes- Stepping into my vacuum suh, I asked the mission in lhis syslem. The planet revolving
sages.Have a nice patrol." Chief, manning the master console, "What's below us is Toga, which, until recently,
"Officerof the Deck," I reported. "We have the situalion?" belonged to the Myrdan Corporation of the
an encoded message aboard and the compu- "The Kaneb probe spotted three contacts lmperium. Authorities discovered that the
tershowsthatit requires manual decoding." entering the system. They refusedto respond Myrdan Corporation was harvesting a certain
"Very well, Watch Chief," returned the to communicalions hail and they're running plant from the world that had spores which
Captain,who had retained the watch while without transponders. Shortly after entering, were strongly hallucinogenic and quite illegal
waiting tor the incoming message traffic. they maneuvered into a "V" formation and in the lmperium where they were selling them.
"Engineering Otficer, have the Engineering headed for the olanet. Both the Ni/e and we The lmperium revoked Myrdan's charter and
Chiel lay to lhe Bridge to relieve you so you have set our probes on auto and are using the set up an interdiction patrol to keep other
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enterprising individuals from attempting the expandingball ol radioactivegassesby now. marines. On the other hand, if we launched
sametrick.Therefore,our primary mission islo We currently had emergency power only. missiles before the intruder entered atmosp-
prevent ships lrom landing on the planel One missile had disabled our main power here and missed or left the ship functional, it
unlessauthorizedby the lmperium. plant and caused th€ secondary plant to would be able to fire another shot at us and,
I turned my attention from the planet to conduct a safe shutdown, but the drive with our lasers out of commission, we would
watchthe progress ofthe battle.The Kaneand technicianswere working to gel it back on line. haveavery limitedanti-missilecapability.
Nrlehaddestroyed the missileswith laser fire. Having a vacuum in the engineering spaces I knew the Captain was deliberatingthe use
lhe Kane'sprobe was no longer maneuvering, would hinder their efforts. So would the fact of a nuclear weapon, which would likely
which probably meant that rt had been that we had lost two drive technicians. The destroy the intruder and kill it's crew with
destroyed.One oJthe 40Oton vesselswas now explosion seriouslywounded one, and Doc is radiation. h would certainly prevent the ship
disabled,and the freighter was turning toward treating him in sickbay. The other is missing, from enteringthe atmosphere, but the captain
the planet. Kaneand Nlewere continuing to presumedlyblown out of the ship by explosive would have to justify its use to a Board of
pursuethe other intruder, apparentlyconlident decompression.lf he had his vacuum suit fr.rlly Inquiry.That is, if we survivedto see one.
lhatwe could handle the freighter. on, he might have a chance of survival.lf not, Our maser communicator had made con-
The holodisplayshowed the newestconlact he has longsincedied. tact with our probe. We had hoped to get
as C-4. Sensors identified this as a decoy Another system which we'd lost was our active sensor information trom it, but the
probe,the one that had earlier looked like a sensor suite.Apparently,one of the missiles intruderwasstilljamming activesensors.
{reighter.Now that we had identilied it, it would was a radiationseekerwhich made a direct hii "Fire Control, load all turrets with conven-
be of littleconcern unless it changed course to on our sensordome. Repairswereundenaray. tional warhead weapons. Use missiles with
intercept one of our vessels, which would While the Chief assisted with sensor neutrinoseekingguidancesystems!"ordered
indicatethat it probably contained a warhead. repairs, I supervised casualty control proce- the captain.He had made his decision.
The Captain ordered a course change in dures in Fire Control. Power surges had I acknowledged the order and started my
order to position our vessel between the severelydamaged severalof the consolesand selection. As I entered the command, more
approachingfreighter and Toga. Then sensors set fire to some of the circuitry.The fires were trouble appeared on my console;a malfunc'
detected a new neutrino source. I smiled, extinguished,and we were trying to repair and tion had occurred in the autoloader. "Torson,
thinkingihat the exercisewas suddenlygoing reconfigurethe consolesin order to get al least take over Fire Control and continue plotting
lo get more interesting--anddifficult. Another one functional. With the main power plant launch trajectory. Dariel, come with mel" I
shipwas enteringthe system. inoperablewe would not have powerfor lasers. ordered as I opened the door to leave.Wilh the
Afew minutes passed and then we received However,when the other plant came back on grav plates off,we floated weightlessdown the
the report, "Fire Control, Bridge. Designate line,we would haveenoughto launchmissiles. passageway aft to the lift. The lift would not
newcontact as C-5. Sensor informationidenti- Although this section had retained its lunclion while the ship had limited power, bul a
fiesthe contact as a 300 ton merchant. Wait, airtight integrity, we had donned helmet and hatchfor such occasionslay close by.
newinformationcoming in . . . ils power levelis gloves after the first missile hit, and the Turningthe handwheelslowly,lcrackedthe
increasing . . ." atmosphere was being removed to prevent hatch to make sure there was no residual
Suddenly,things got very crazy.C-5 turned explosive decompression il we got hit again. pressure in the deck below. lf there was and I
on a high poweredjammer which blockedour This is a common practicefor ships entering rapidly unlatched the hatch, the differential
active sensors. which was unexpected as combat, particularlysmaller ships like the pressurewould blow it open, seriously injuring
merchantsdo not carry jamming equipment, Buchannon.However,for exercises,this prac- anyonein the way. We pulled our way down to
whichis military gear. lt took several tense tice was usuallynot followedunlessdirected the next deck. Opening the next hatch in a
minuteslor us to pinpointthe contactwith our by the message. I had a feeling that policy similar manner,we quickly reached the lowest
masssensor,which works in a passivemode wouldchangein the f uture. deck, closing the halches behind us to
andis not affectedby jammers. Two decks below me. relativeto the ship. maintain airtight integrityshould the captain
C-5 was increasingits velocity and chan- lhe marinecontingentwas manuallyopening desirelo pressurizeany portion of the ship.
ging its vector for entry into Toga's atmosp- the vehiclebay doors.ll the intruderdid reach When we reached the magazine door, I
here.Our CommunicationsOoeratorsent the the planet, its crew would very shortly have calledthe Bridge using my headset,"Bridge,
standardwarning message over severalfre- company.With the ship damaged,I knewthat this is Petty Officer Jacobs at the magazine.
quencies, but the messagewas disregardedor the marineswould be incitedfor a goodfight. Requestmagazineunlock sequence in order
waslost in the electromagneticnoisethat C-5 Somehow, the crew of this offender had to enterand conductdamagecontrol."
wasproducing. learned of our exercise, and was using it to "Magazine,standby for unlock sequence
The Captain waited to determinethat the attempt a landing on Toga. They had gambled on my Mark...Mark."
intruderwas intent on a planetary landing, on only one ship guardingthe planetand had I entered the four digit code that I had,
then passed, "Fire Control, Bridge. Exercise won. lf their timing had been off by a few hours, knowingthat, on the Bridge,the Captain was
weaponsare releasedfor launch." With that they would have found a differentsituation.Of entering his code. We both had to enter our
message,FireControl became very active. course, they could have feigned innocence codes within 15 seconds of each other or the
At this distance,our laserswould be all but and requested refueling at the gas giant. As magazinelockwould not open.
inetteclivewithout active sensors. Chief Cor- long as they didn't make a hostilemove, we When lfelt the impactof the bolt releasing,I
landand I discussedour options and elected would probably have allowed them to go their slid the door open and pushed myself inside
to usemissileswith neutrinoseekingguidance way. But this crew had clearly violated both and over to the local control panel. Switching
systems.Although they were more expensive common space regulationsand the interdic- ihe command functionfrom remote to local, I
than other guidance systems, the intruder tion of Toga by attacking a vessel and began a diagnostictest to locate the problem.
couldnotjam them. attemptingto land on the planet,and we had to The loaders at the turrets worked, as did the
Whilethe chiel reportedour decisionto the make everyeffortto preventit. conveyorswhich took missilesfrom the maga-
Bridge and awaited approval, I selected More time passed. Then, systems began zine to the lurrets. Since the turrets still had
neutrinoseekers on my panel. ln the missile coming back on line as the drive technicians exerciseweaoons in them. I commanded the
magazine several decks below, machinery restartedthe secondary power plant. I looked loaders to unload them. Next, I turned my
rotatedthe selected missiles into position to at the holodisplay;the intrudercontinuedhs attentionto the feed mechanism which moved
place them into the launchers. Approval coursefor the world below. lts crew apparently lhe weapons from their storage racks to the
lollowedquickly,and I commandedthe maga- believed they had disabled lhe Bochannon conveyors. That was where the malfunction
zinelo load. That's v.rhenthe first missileshil beyond the capacityto attack them; a mission lay. A proximity explosion had buckled a
lhe Buchannon killin militaryterms. deckplateand jammedthe feed mechanism.
We had only a precious few minutesto act There was no way to repair the problem
belore the intruder enteredthe atmosohere. quickly.We would have to transferthe missiles
I knewthat the Buchannonfloated in space The Navy would want that crew alive if at all from the racks to the conveyors manually.
likea thing wounded. The missilesthat had possiblelor interrogation and prosecution,but Darielhad anticipatedthat such aclion would
struck us were not exercise weapons. but if we disabledthe intruCerin the atmosohereit be necessary and was already taking equip-
carriedhigh they had would probablycrash.lf it diclmanageto enter mentf rom the handlinglocker.
been nuclear, the Buchannon would be an the atmosphere,we would have to send the The conveyors had arrived and Dariel

started removing the exercise weapons from possiblethat the intruderwas trying to deceive were not going to be happy with the Buchan-
them while I released the selecled missiles us or attempting to shield itself from neutrino nonwhen we returned to port. Then the order
trom their racks.Hinderedby vacuum suits,we seekingmissiles.Of course,all of the missiles came, "Away boarders."
moved as quickly as we dared. Of the 240 that we launchedhad reachedit by now. The marines were trained for an opposed
missifes carried onthe Buchannon, only twelve Over the communicationsline, I heard the boarding, and I was reasonably certain that
of the conventional missiles had neutrino Caplain order our Probe Operatorto move the would be the case with this intruder. Several
seeking guidance systems; enough for one probe closerto the intruder.Since il was more marines, augmented by weapons department
shotfrom alltubes. maneuverablethan us, it could rapidly close personnel, remained at the boarding lock to
As soon as we had one iurret's missiles on on the intruder while we maintained a rea- provide delense in case the intruder's crew
its conveyor, I commanded il to load, When the sonablysafedistance. managed to evade the marines and attempted
control panel indicaled that loading was As lhe probe moved closer, it began toboardthe Buchannon
complete, I announced, "Bridge, we have detecting smaller objects which were soon More minutes passed. Then the announce-
completed loading turret three." identifiedas debris. Moving into visual range, ment came, "The intruder is secure, and the
"Magazine, continue loading. We will the probe sent back an image that grew from a marines have taken several prisoners. Secure
launch as the turrets become available. The point of light into a flattened, rectangular from GeneralQuarters!"
intruder is almost in the atmosphere. Petty pyramid. As the image grew, I noted several A search of the intruder revealedthat it had
Officer Jacobs, return to Fire Control as soon irregularitiesin the othenvisesmooth outlineol enough material in its hold to set up a base
as all neutrino seeking conventional missiles the ship, which soon took the form of jagged camp on Toga. lts crew must have been crazy
are loaded,'theCaptainordered. holesin itshull.We'd hit'em alright. or desperate to attempt such a scheme. Ol
"Aye, Captain." I replied into my headset "Standby for maneuver!" the Captain course, had ihey succeeded, they stood to
microphone as I continued to work. A few announced on the all hands line. Without make a lot of money.
minutes later, all the neutrino seekers were in arti{icialgravity or motion compensators, we Our probe was now searching lor the
turrets and I motioned to Darielthal ii was time would leelthe g-forcesas the ship accelerated, missingengineeringhand. The exercisemerc-
to leave. I secured the magazine door behind and, as the thirty-second warning chimed, I hant (actuallya vesselfrom our own navy) had
us and we retraced our Dath back to Fire strapped myself into my seat. When the arrived and had also joined the search. The
Conlrol. maneuver drive engaged, I leh my body Nr/e and Kana, which had been a good way
As I pulled myself back into my seat I slraining againstthe straps since lfaced away outsystem, had ceased the exercise as soon
received a burst of information.Our probe was from the directionof travel. as they learned of the atiack and were now
suddenly able to use its active sensors again, Minutes later, the Captain announced, relurningto provide assislance.
which meant that the intruder's jammer had "Boarding party, muster in the boarding lock." As I was shutting down Fire Control
shut down. which I hoped was because of a I knew that our ship had matched course and systems I heard air slarting to fill the compart-
loss of power due to a damaged power plant. speedwith the intruderand wewere preparing ment. The battle was over, but our work was
Calling up passive sensor dala on their to board it. This was the job ol the marines,and just beginning. The crew had to gel the
emissions,I noted that their neutrinocount had one of the main purposesthat we carriedthem. Buchannonback in an ooeralional condilion if
dropped to virtually nothing. Active sensors After severalminor course changes, reflec- possibleand prepare the ship to r€turn to port.
indicated that the intruder had stopped ted by the gentle motion caused by our Begardless, we had several long weeks of
maneuvering as well; anolher good sign that attitude jets, I feh a soft jar as the two ships work ahead of us. I knew this would be one
we had disabled it. However, ii was also came together. I mused that ihe paint crews exercisewewouldlong remember!f

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KatlinC. Buchannon the lmperialNavyto Jalenshipya(cls.

First Flight
Mari Glane GlassPatrol Frigate The keel tor the Euchannon was laid on
083-1091.Assembledin orbit above Libert,she
tllarkE- Gehnas left dry dock on her own power ths first time on
127-1093.On 315-1093she perform€dher first
jump. She was commissionedon 062-1094with
TheMariGlaneClass GlassHistory
constructionol lhe Man Glaneclasscontinued History
at a rateof one vesseldeliveredeverysix months. After commissioning,the Euchannon was
Original Procurement
On 165-1019,the Navy commissionedFP 205, assignedto DiasporaPatrolSquactron Four based
Followingthe First Solomani Rim War, the
AndrewDe a//n,which completeclthe contractwith at Quota(Diaspora0511).The squadron'sprimary
Nayyhacla reduceclneed lor starships.However,
Jalen Shipyards.The Navywas pleasedwith the duty was to patrol the system ot Fsrry (Diaspora
manyvesselshad been destroyectduringthe war,
clesignanct awardeclJalen with a contract for 05'12),an importantX-Boat nexus, anclprovide
and many more werg becoming obsolete as
another ten vessels. In the meantime. other interdictionduty in th€ systemof Toga (Diaspora
highertech levels became more prevalent.ln
sectors saw the vesselsand contractedother 0113).As part of the squadron,lne Buchannon
1010,the Admiraltyof DiasporaSector sought
shipyardsto producethe design.ln all some 230 rotatedbetweenpatroland interctictionduty.
bidson a vesselwhich could provideintercliction
duty,requiringthe followingspecifications:
vesselsof this classwere producecl.The last of In times of peace,the maiorityot vesselsgo
this class, FP 425. Charles B/ackwe//. was through their service lives without seeing any
o Vesselot 700displacement tonsor more.
. Vesselcapableof operatingon stationlor 60 commissioned at JalenShipyards on 045-1095. action.The Euchannon,however,was one of the
Most vesselsof the classperformedinterclic- exceptions.fn 1107,lne Buchannonwasperform-
days,allowing14daystransittime and7 additional
tion ctuty,but severalfoughtduringthe Fourthand ing interctiction duty at Toga.DuringthB tour, she
daysof operationto allowfor errors.
. Vesselcould operateon Maneuver'l duringits Fifth FrontierWars. Of the class, 53 remain in was ctamagedin a battle with an intructer,ancl
service with the lmperial Navy. Seven were spenlseveralmonthsin the yardsfor repairs.
slationtime,but Maneuver3 hadto be available.
. V e s s e l c a p a b l eJoufm p 3 . destroyedduringthswars,one is listedas missing In 1113,while transitingtrom interdictionctuty
. vesselto carrytroops for boardingsand other in aclion, 40 were sold to client states,and the to base, lne Euchannon interruptecl an acl of
interdiction remainder weremothballed. piracyand clestroyed the piratevessel.The Maline
. vesselto provicteat least 10displacement contingent took ten ot the piratespfisoner.Fot its
for sub-craft,but such craft did not have to be
Roleplaying Suggestions actions, the Euchannonwas awardecla Meritori-
provided. Fne /Van G/ane class can be encounterecl ous UnitCitationby SectorDukeSimonShaniip.
I Vesselto be streamlinedtor wildernessrejuel- anywherein the lmperium,and in many ln 1114.lne Euchannonwas transferredto lhe
outside it. While theirprimarydutyis interdiction, NarquelColonialFleet,andwasbaseclat Narquel.
ing.Fuelpurilication plantrequired.
they may be encounteredperformingalmostany
. Vesselto haveone batteryof lasers,but could
duty a small escortvesselis calledupon to do. Current Situation
usemissilesas a primaryweapon.
I lf lhe vesselcarriedmissiles,magazineto store This is especiallyVue duringthe Rebellionera. When news of the assassinationreached
With a growing need of functional vessels, Diaspora,the SectorAdmiralhad a hunchthal the
a minimumof 10 batteryrounds,and be capablg
interdictionduty will take a lowerpriority,anclthe Solomaniwould invade.She knewthat she would
of carryingnuclearweapons.
. vesseltohaveEM Man G/ane class will be lound in convoys, have to take rac,icalmeasuresto keep Diaspora
. Vesselto havea masercommunicator. screeningtask torces, part of assault forces, free of Solomanicontrol shoulctthey reach the
planetarybloct(ades,or other such duties.Also, sector's borders.One of her measureswas to
. Vesselto havea fullrangeol militarysensors.
. Vesseltoprovideahighlevelof many decommissioneclvessels, including Man bringmanyot the shipsot the colonialfleetsundet
. Finalcostto be lessthanMCr500. O/ane class patrol frigates, will be recommis- the directcontrolof her command.Unfortunately,
sionedasthe rebellionwearson. an ineffectualSector Duke Eneri,who had only
Winning Bid An interesting campaign variation would be to recently replaceclshaniip upon his cleath,was
partyot playerchafactersas the crewof a unable lo keep the sector cohesive. Con-
On 035-1015the AdmiraltyawardedJalen havea
Shipyardsof LiberuDiasporathe contract.Their Man G/aneclass vessel. Perhapsthey mustered sequently, the sector shattereclinto duchies,
bidwasMcr 423.8to( the teadshioand Mcr 381.4 out of the Navyor Marinesand havebeenrecalled counties,andindividual worlds.
to ctutyas thecrisiscontinues. As part of the Admiral's efforts to keep the
lor each additionalship in the class.The Jalen
designmet all specificationsand exceededthem Alternately, a factioncouldtakea vesselout ot Starlane,a vital supply line, open between Core
inthefollowingareas: mothballs and recruit a civilian crew for the anct the besieged lmperialtorces at Vega, the
purposeol privateering. Commerceraidingis an Buchannonpatrols the systems in the vicinity of
o Designhacl3extradaysof operatingtime.
imporlant partof thewareffort,but vesselsarenot Narquel.Althoughtar from the Solomanifront, the
. HactManeuver4availableto it.
. Allowed20 displacementlons for sub-craft. alwaysavailable. A refurbished secondlinevessel Starlaneis subjectto frequent,deep penetration
. useclmissilesanctalloweda magazinestorage with a civiliancrewwould allow such missions.The raidsby the solomani in their efforts to cut this
ot 20batteryrouncts. civilianswould be granted a letter of marque supplyline.
The fmperialNavynamedthe classMari G/ane againstunfriendlyfactions,andwouldhavesome
inhonorot a recipientof the starburstfor Extreme accountabilityto the sponso(ingfaction.Other- Commanding Officers Of The
Heroism,awardedduringthe SolomaniRim War. wise, the crew would be largelylett to its own Katlin G- Buchannon
Othersin the class are similaflvnamect.The first devices. Ilame and Date assumed command
hullnumberwas Theseare iust a few suggestions,anctare by LCDRMariaGioneili063-1093
FP 196.
no meanscomprehensive. In any casethis vessel LCDRBrendaLynar094-1096
FirstFlight can serve as an opportunity or an opponentto a LCDRKhugiKheladigash 023-1100
partyof playercharacters. LCDRPaulaShakhalimda 345-1103
Tlrc Man G/anelettdry ctockon her own power
the first time on 073-1018.on 253-1018she LCDRPeterHarrison116-1106
performecl her firstjump.Shewascommissioned LCDRMunushZanzibar'132-1 109
on001-1019 withLCDRJanetFrieland as herfirst
The KatlinC. Buchannon LCDRWendyRiigiikugarsa 210-1112
commanding officer. FP 423, Kat/in C. Buchannonwas among the LCDRNorrisBaketO77-1 1'14
last group ot tne Mai O/aneclass contractedby LTJeriWakam 1 8i 3 - 1 1 1 7
Engineering Officer. shaftconnectsallthreedecks.
Mari Glane Class 1O- Ship's Office- Administrative
here.Oftentele(ed to as the XO's
32- Starboard AarLock. Smallerlock used if
the shio has to dock to a vesselon its starboard
- Deck Plan Description - olfice becausethe ExecutiveOfficerdoes mostof side.Fouremergencyvaccsuitsstoredhere.
these duties. The aft bulkheadhas an access 33-36- Turret Access. Maintenanceaccess
panel which opens to lhe SandcasterTurret to the fourmissileturrets.
Access(turretmounteddorsally).A hatchoutside 37. Maneuvering- Wofkspaceand monitor-
UPPERDECK thisspaceleadsdownto the midclledeck. ing stations.Engineeringcontrol can bs transter-
tl. Wardroom- A space for the ship's redherein eventof an emergency.
1- Bradge. Control center of the vessel.
officersto eal and relax.Thereis a smallareafor 38- Engineering Aar Lock- Used for
Clockwisefrom the port aft side are stationsfor
food preparation. engineering maintenance work.
communications,pilot, navigator,ancl engineer.
l2- Enganeeling- Fuel purificationplant is 39- Middle Deck Engineering. Similarto
The fifth couch in the midclle is lor the
foreward,maneuverclrivesto port and starboarct, 12,but with no fuel purificationplant.A workbench
CommanclingOfficer or Officer of the Deck. jump c,riveto att. A hatch in the foMard port
Becauseit controls the ships maser communi- with electronic,mechanical,anct metalworking
cornerleadsto mictdl€deckengineering. tools is located aft of maneuvering.With stock
cator, the comm station includesprobe control.
13. Secondary Pouer Plant. Although metal carrieclon board, engineerscan fabricate
The pilot, navigation,anclengineerstationshave
heaclsup holodisplays.
larger and capable ol more output than the some replacementparts.The hatchin the foMarct
primarypower plant,this plant is operatedonly port cornergivesaccessto all levelsof engineer-
2- Computer Center- The bulk ot the three
whenthe shipentersbattle.The hatchon the deck ing.Thisis the only levelof engineeringwhich can
model 5 fiber optic computers is located here,
plus a wokstation anclexlensiveperiphialequip- is theonlyaccess. be reachecl from the foMard enclot the vessel.
14. Primary Power Plant- This plant pro- .tO-EM Mask Eguipment-
mentsupport. .{1.Second. PowerPlant- Similarto|3.
3- Fire Control. The six consolescontrolall vides the ship's routine operating power and
ship'sweapons.The aft four consolescontrolths
operates at all times except when the ship is 42-Ptamanl Power Plant- Similarto '14.
two missils batteries,lhe laser battery,and the connecled to shors oower or is clown fot
sandcaslerbattery.The forwarcltwo are master
maantenance. LOWERDECK
consoleswith headsup holoclisplays for the chief 43- Accessway-
and assistantchiefof fireconlrol.All consolescan
MIDDLEDECK 44. Vehacle Bay. Allows 20 ctisplacement
be reconfigureclto fire any battery,but lor routine 15- Cargo Bay- Spacefor 44 displacement tons of subcraft.Vehiclesare drawnfrom vehicle
tons of cargo.On the decknearthe foMard end is pools accorclingto the specificmission,but are
operations,the battery is alreadyselected.This
reduces response time when battle stations is a hatchfor LaserTurretAccess.8ay doors open usuallyfor the ship's marine complement,who
forward,lo the port anctstarboard.The hatch in ooerateandmaintainlhem.
.l- Captain's Stateroom- The most comfor- the foMard bay ctoorcan be usedby the Marines 45- Marine Ready Room. Marinesassam-
table on the vessel, as befitting the Captain's in assaultboardings. ble here lor briefings,instruction,assault pre-
position. 16- Polt Lite Support- Partof the ship'slife paration,anclother such purposes.Unofticiallyit
5- Captain's Oflice. supportequipmentis locatedhere.Accessis by often serves as their lounge. The marines'
maintenance panelonly. weaponsare kept here,and the room is manned
6- Sick bay- This area is surroundedby
bulkheadsto allow oressureto be retainedhereif 17. Starboald Life Support- by a marinewatch.
other areasol the ship are depressurizec,. There 18. Stateroom. Contains bunk, fresher, 46- MaraneBunk Room-
are three treatmentbecls,a fresher,anc,a small storagespace,andcomputerterminal. 47- Missile Magazine- Holds 240 missiles,
computerstation. t9-2E- Staterooms_ ldenticalto 18. enough for 20 rounds of fire in addition to the
7- Stateroom- Usuallyreservedfor the ship's 29- Port AarLock- Most entriesand exitsar€ round stored in the turrets. The magazine is
MedicalPetty Officer.Smallvesselssuch as this throughthis,the largestair locks.Six emergency shieldedto allow storage of nuclear weapons,
do not normallycarrya Doctor,but medicalpetty vaccsuitsarein thissoace. though,for mosl patrolduties,this vesselcarries
otficersare well trained,and can pertorma wide 30. Ship's Locker. Secure storage for very lew nuclearwarheads.Feed mechanisms
varietyof medicalprocec,ures. sensitiveequipment.The navalcrew'sweapons moveselectedmissilesto the turrets.
8. Statsroom- Usually used by the ship's arskepthere. 48. Eng. Lower Deck- Similarto '12.
ExecutiveOfficer. 31. Crew Loungs. The hatch adjacent to a9- Second- PowerPlant. Similarto13.
9. Stateroom. Usually used by the ship's space#27 leadsto the upperdeck,whilethe one 50- Primary Power Plant- Similarto 14.
forwarrl .)t the lifl lpads lo lhA lowcr denk Thc tift

Mari Glane Class PatrolFrigate Def: DefDM-+6,Sandcaster'xx4

Batt 1
CraltlD: PatrolFrigate,TypeFP,TL 15,MCr423.8 Beat 1
Hull: 630/1575, Disp- 700,Config-4S1,Armor-40G, Control: Computer.5Fibx3,Panel-HoloLinkx268.
Unloaded- 7309Tons,Loaded- 8511 Tons Special-Headsupx5
Power: t4l18,PrimaryFusion- 2466Mw,Du(alion821252 Environ- BasicEnv,BasicLS,ExtLS,cravPlates,
29/37,SecondaryFusion- 5166Mw,Duration7/21 hertialComp,AirLockx 3
Loco: 104/139, Maneuver- 4, Accomm: Crelil- 23(Bridge- 2, Engineers- 3, Gunnery- 6,
38/50,Jump - 3, Troops- 8, Commancl - 3, Medical- 1),
Cruise- 750KPH,Top - 1000KPH, Slaterooms- 3, SmallStaterooms- 12,Bunks- 8
MaxAccel- 4G,Agility- 0 SubCraft- 20clisplacement tonsallowed
Commo: Ractio- Systemx 1,Maser- Planetary x1 Othet: Cargo- 594Kl,Fuel- 48'10Kl,Purify' 12hours,
Sensors: EM Mask,Densitometer - 250Metersx '1, Magazine- 240Missiles(20 BatRouncls, NuclearCap.)
Neutrino- 1oKwx 'l, Objsize. Ave,EMLevel- Faint
PassiveEMS - Intestellarx
ActiveEMS - Farorbitx1, Designedasaninterdiction vessel,tneMaiG/anecanoperate84 dayson
ActotijScan- Rout,ActobjPin- Rout itsprimarypowerplant.Thatallowsoneweekto reachstation,60 dayson
PasobjScan- Rout,PasObjPin- Rout station,and17daysto returnto base.Thevessel'sprimaryweaponis the
PasEngscan - Simp,PasEngPin - Rout missile,whichrequiresmuchlessenergythanthe powerhungrybeam
Off : Missiles- x05,Blaser- xx4 laser.Theresultisthatevenwiththevesseloperatingat its lowerpower
Batt 2 1 level,it stillhasquiteanoffensivepunch.Thenavalcrewis provicted
Bear 2 1 inclividual stateroomsto makelongpatrolsmors bearable.

- Deck Plan -
Hatch aft of 10 is uP oNLY.
Mari Glane Class Hatch aft of 27 is uP oNLY
Frigate Hatchbetween2 and 3 leads
to Upper MissileTurret.
Roleplaying Wars
Boxed. 14{ pg rulebook, 80 pg World Book, 48pg Actventure
Book,DramaDeck,20-sictecl clie,16pg "lnfiniverse'

eame Oeegn. ct eg Gorden.A dditional Design.'Douglas

Kaufman,EillSlavicsek, Christopher
PaulMurphy.CoverArtisls.'Daniel Home, PaulJaquays,Tom
Tomita./nteiorArtlsls.'fimothy Bradstreet,Bob Dvorak,Rick
Harris,FrancisMao,AlanJucleSumma,ValerieValusek, Tim

Publshet'WestEndGames.RD3 Box 2345.HonesdalePA


The latest arrivallo the gaming com-

munityby West End Games,Torgptomises End'sother success,slaf wa/,s,who will finct invaders'realities...can only be touched
to become their next success.The game this system relreshinglyfamiliar in its upon in this book.' And in keeping their
itself and the story that it encapsulatesis structure and design. The game leans covenantwith the readsr,that is all they cto.
one of the most interesting andoriginalthatI heavilytowarcts melodrama, whichseemsto It seems unfortunatsto me that a gamg
have encounteredin quite a while, anclin be a tractemark for manyof WEG'sgames. which boasts of infinitegenre cross-overs
many instancesprovesto be a real mind- Both insideand out, ths gameis aesthe- woulclengageis suchan obviousbelrayalto
bender. The story is set within our near ticallyvery appealing;the art, layout, anct the aspiringrefereeand playerswho attempt
future in which the Earth's very rBality editing are all very clear,well placecland to pursueadventurewithin lhe world ot Torg.
becomes the subigct of an attack by in- unencumberedby the usual page con- Thiswould not prove to be such an issueif
vaders from other dimensions,cosms or straintswhichinvariably causecroudingand the production ctatesfor future worlct book
realities.This invasion,and the war which confusion. Torg also incorporates a new supplementswould be soon forthcoming.
follows,sets the stagelor one of the best innovalionfor theworldot roleplayingcalled However,this is not the case and many of
multi-genresystemsthat I haveever seen; the DramaDeck,whichis useclto mimicthe the futuresourcebooks are not schecluled
providingthe retereeanctplayerswith the ebb anctflow of actionwithingthe adven- to come to pressuntil1991. TO
potentialof .iourneyingthroughthe realms ture,anctprovidesone additionalelementof atone for this, the ectitors of Torg nave
of horror,fantasy,primitivohigh adventure, randomprobabilitywithinthe courseof an providedthe 'lnfiniverse,'a news letter to
high tech espionage,pulp adventure,and actventure. The deck is an excellentaddition which players ot Torg may subscribe.
the paradoxical, mind-bendingrealityof the to the world ot forg, and greatlyenhances Containedwithin this news letter is adcli-
cyberpapacy,in which technologyis the thg game'soverallsenseol the melodrama- lional informationon the infiniverso,adcli-
center of a grim and oppressivereligion tic. tional story elements for each cosm and
wherethe cyberpopeand the GodNetcom- fol'g is well presentedanctexcellentin other playing aids. A complimentaryfirst
puterrulesupreme. manyrespectssavelor one, and that is the issueis includedwiththe rorgboxed sel.
In termsol clarity,flexibilityand playabi- contentof theWorld 8ook, whichcontains On ths whole, To/,gis a fine gamg. lt's
lity,the rulesystemis a realhit;especiallyfor both the charactertemplates which the rule system and story are both unique and
those who are alreadyfamiliarwith West playersuseto modifyandcreatecharacters, exciting;a packagewell worthy of the pur-
as well as informationpertainingto each of chasg.
the variouscosms presentedin the game.
of the 24 charactertemplatesprovidect,I - A ubrey Fores t &felchen
tound none of them desirableenough to
want to play,norwoulc,I recommendthem
to any ol the playersin my group, unless
they haclno experiencein roleplaying;and
then lwould only recommendthemas a first TORG=3.5
run, trialcharacteruntil they got ths feel of Game Compfexity : /u/oden te
how the game is played.With th€ system
provicled,playerscan createfar more inter- RULES:3.4
esting and imaginativecharacters than Clarity-3.7 Realism-2.8
those provided.The expenseof tims and Flexibility-3.4 Playability-3.5
energy to createthem will prove to b9 well
worth it. DEVELOPMENT:3.5
As for the informationalcontent of ths Background=3.8 Technology-2.8
World Book, it is herethatthe achillesheel Scenarios=3.8
of the gameis founcl.Thefaultin question... PRODUGTION:3.5
there simplyisn't enoughmaterialincluded CoverArt-3.9 InteriorArt.3.o
to have a concreteunderstancting ot how Layout=3.5 Editing-3.5
each cosm operates.lronically,the editors Charts=3.8 RecordForms=3.5
ot forgpoinl this out themselves withinthe
Wotld Book's introduclion,'The com-
Torg art copr 1990West End camss plexitiesof the PossibilityWars anct the
"characterinflation"(You rememberthem,
Buck RogersXXVC don't you? rhe AD&D 100thlevel half-elf
cleric/fighter/thief/magic-userwith ths
Buck Rogers In The 25th Century Rolegame sword of Everything--to
Killing use but oNE
example!)lnan XXuCS parent game has
96pg CharacterCreation& CombatBook,64pg WorldBook,32pg EquipmentBook,4 been diluted with. The reason is that
22x34maps(2-sidect), 24 full-colorcardsof ships,planetmaps& majorcharacters, one experiencelevelsareclearlyspelledout this
sheetdie-cutcounters(ships& makers),referee'sscreen,plasticruler,dice.$24.95. time. When one reaches a certain
experiencepoint amount,one can advance
Design.-MikePondsmith. Deyelopment'KimMona . Altisls.'ContinuityStudios& Rob one's charactet(only between aclventures!)
caswell. by actually spendlhg those points. Once
spent,those pointsare not there,and must
Pubrsherf SRInc..PO Box 756.LakeGenevaWl 53147
actuallybe earnedall over again.still, as in
AD&D, il does seem strangethat characters
BACKGROUND mers (fans ot RuneQuest,E/lQuest CURPS, canimproveskillssuchas Botanyby earning
Today'ssciencefiction readerseemsto Megafravel/et 23@ AD, etc.) deplore this oointsin handto hanctcombatsituations.
havelost much of the senseof wonder ot system for its unrealism,its inconsistent
yssterday's"gosh wow" lan. Dystopias, combatsystems,and its plBthoraof charts. WHATI LIKED
worldsin which everyoneis corruptanctlife D&D fans prelerit for severalrsasons,not The background,mostly.Tho new Buck
is a living hell, was very popular in lhe sf the least ot which is that everyonein the Rogersmythosis as excitingas the original
communitya few years ago, and has now entire gaming world seems to be familiar Armageddon.'2419 (a novel each sF fan
becomea new hot gaminggenre.In a valiant with it. Though it doesn't encouragerole shoulctreacl at least once) and ths first
effortto merge this "ctowner"genrewith a playing,nor is it truly skill-based,its popu- severalyears of the comic strip. The nsw
recognitionol the nobilitiesof humankind, laritycannotbe denied. novels (which TSR also publishes)do a
that classiccliche ol futuristicheroismhas But does it /zl with a science ficlion marvelous job of giving a spin to the
returned.BuckRogersptoved to be a popu- game?Well,yes and no.Thereis something depressingclystopiannovels which were
larboardgame, and now he bringsa breath mindlessin picking a characterclass in a sucha burctenon the bookstandsfor awhile.
of hopsto rolegamerstoo. realisticsetting.
But designer
The layout and presentationare, per- saves this with
haps,too simplified,thoughthis cloesmake the inclusionof
it easier for the inexperiencect rolegamer a skill system
andGM to absorbthe rulesand storyline.An similar to, but
inclex,essentialin any set of concepts or better, than the
precepts, is missing.Thisis a faultof most proficiencysys-
rolegames, but it's inexcusabletor introduc- tem which was
torygames.The rulebooksare brokenapart addedto AD&D.
as specifiedabove,which makesit easy to P l a y e r s o f
handbackgrouncl or technicalinformationto GURPS o( fhe
playersduringa game.The books and other Fantasy Tnpwill
componentsare of a superiorquality.The recognizesome
mapsarecolorfuland clear,anctaccurateto o f t h i s , b u t
my limitedknowledge.The 9x12cardsarea that's no con-
specialtreat,especiallythe NPCcards.The demnation.Skill
artist(s)based the ctrawingof Buckon Larry checksmakefor
"Buster"Crabbs,completewith blondehair
a laster-playing,
-- worth extra points in /r/3 old tan's
more realistic
opinion!Each characterhas their statistics game, and the
listedon the back of each card, makingit scienceaspects
easyto compare"ideals"with players'skills of the game are
andstatistics.32 ship countersand a whole b r o u g h t t o
buncha'mafterspermityou to playa space- good use.
shipcombatwargameon one ol the maps. Armor class
seems less
"lt was the best of times,it was the worst toolisn in XXVC
of times."Dickensmightwellhavewritten"lt than in AD&D.
Perhaps the
hasthe best of game mechanics,it has the
worst ol game main reason is
mechanics." Bua+ Rogers
XXI/Cuses tne AD&D game charactercrea- t h a t r a y g u n s
ancl bullet
tion and combat systems. That's right,
characterclasses,armorclasses,and allthe throwers really
inherentlimitationsthereof. Realisticroleoa- do lend them-
selvesto "clean
misses," unlike
swords and
knives.And per-
4=Excellent 3=Good haps we'll
2=Fak 1= P o o r actuallysee less Buck RogorsXXVCart copr. TSR.Inc. 1g
absolutelydependson lhe premisethat the SO.---WHATABOUTTHE
characterswill make differences.Freedom GAME,THEN?
from want and freedom of choice are in- Just becauseit's BuckRogers,everytrue
BUCK ROGERSXXVC=3 tegralpartsof the gamerules,andshouldbe
SFan should own a copy. The backgrounct
came Complexity'.Low integralpartsof everycampaignusingthem.
informationaloneis invaluableto keeptrack
of the twists in the seriesof novels.As a
The maps are colortul ancl usetul; the
RULES:2.8 game, its greatest weakness (lhe AD&o
ref'sscreenis, at least,servicable.
The NPc
Clarity-4 Realism=1
system) is also a great strength. Any
cards are an especialdelightfor the Buck
Flexibility=3 Playability-3
gamesmaslerworth his salt is a master al
Rogerstan. Despitethe lact that I like the
DEVELOPMENT:3 largepostersize,I hopeTSRreleasessmal-
adaptingAD&Dslalistics lo other systems.
Background-4 Technology-2 ler, playing card sized versionsot Buck,
People who play OURPS, Space Maste,,
Scenarios'3 Wilma,Ardala,Kane,anclthe gang. space Hero, Megafraue//ea ot 23@ AD
shouldhave littleor no difficultyin translat-
PRODUCTION:3-2 WHATI DIDN'TLIKE ing Buck Rogersxxycto their f avoriterules.
CoverArt=4 lnteriorArt=3 It's no socretthat I haveno love for the With the cards,the maps,the counters,and
Layout-4 Editing=3 AD&D syslem. I was very disappointedthat the backgrounctmaterial, I bought it --
charts=3 RecordForms=2 TSR chose to use lhis antiquatedcombat despitemy dislikefor its game system.And
system(s)lor America'sPremiereSF Hero. it you have a liking for the AD&D system,
The Technofogy Eook is way loo snod; Suck Rogels XXVCmight well be the space
The game givesthe samefeeling.Yes,the obviouslya supplement(moremoneyl)is in
solar system has degeneratedinto a sorry the wofts. And I reallywishit was mandatory opera
state by the 25th century--but the game for allgamesto includeanindex!
- ChesterCox

R o l lingHot storyby Niven,ancla terrificstoryby Deanhg. As

Words to By DaviclDrake.1989Baen Books.Pbk, 280

DavidDrakghas the ctistinction of beingone
you can see in the credits,Ing is back with a
continuationot his storyfrom the first book, and
it's EXoELLENTIThe story by Pournelle ancl

gameby ol the very few combat SF writers who has

actually seen combat. His experiencesas a
tankerin Vietnamareoftentranslatedinto some
of the most outstandingSF on the market.His
sterling is no slouch either.lf you want some
realistic"cats"in your game scenarios,grab this
one, and considersearchingout the first of the
series.8y the way, the Ing storieshave recently
"Hammer's Slammers" series,abouta mercen- been compiledinto one volumo (they /eally are
ary armouredbrigadein the future, has long thatgood)titleclCat House, alsolrom Baen.
been a sourceof ideas on how to realistically
operatehigh tech armorin a gamingscenario. TheWarlockIn soite Of
The latest"Slammers"book, which I believeis Himself
the fourth or fifth in the series,is probablyhis By ChristopherStasheff.1984 Ace Scienca
best so far.Thosewho rememberthe 1968Tet Ficlion.Pbk,378pp.
ottensivewill haveno troubleseaingwherethe Though a few years old, this one's been
source ideas cams from. Fast-paced,clearly reprintedoften enoughto still be easilyfound or
describeclbattles, ancl believablecharaclers orderec,at any bookstore.The story premiseis:
make this book pur-dee fun to read. No GM Rod D'Armand, scout for an organization
attemptingto find "lost colonies,' lanctson a
Jer4tCampbe// worth their dice will be able to go throughthis
bookwilhoula tew chuckleswhenthe iclgasstart world that, by definition,is a bit ocld. To begin
to pop up. Thisone staysin thg keepersection with, the entireplanet,excepttor one very large
of my library. island, is in the CarboniterousEra stage ol
TheodoreSturgeonis often quoted as say- clevelopment.The island,however,has Tenan
ing that 90% ot all SF is garbage.Personally,I flora; oaks, grasses,and the like. clos€r exa-
think he was being too conservative.Much of Man-Kzin Wars ll minationshows il to be occupied by humans,
what I've seen and reaclrecentlywould dismay By DeanIng,JerryPournelle& S. M. Sterling. with architectureand dress straightout of the
all but the most stalwartfan of the genre.I have 1989BaenBooks.Pbk,306pp.$3.95. MidcfleAges, a// tne Middle Agesl His tirst
this beliel that science tiction is based on Backin the mid-'70s,LarryNivencrealedhis encounterswith the .natives"entailwitnessinga
scbnce and lhat goodtiction tells a story, with "KnownSpace"universeand populatedit with, coven of story-book style flying 'witches' anct
character clevelopment anct the wholo nine amongothers,a hi0hlyaggressive, Bushido-like being abductedby Elves,also of the fairy-tale
yards.Now,whileths battleot the genclers,sex felinoidrace known as the Kzin.The years of kind.From therethe story gets interesting.Whal
(zero-Gor otheMise),combal and conflict,and contacvconflictbetween them and Humanity Rod soon cliscoversis a "lost colony' of psi
iust plainolct"geewhiz"stuffallmakeinteresting made for severalgoocl tales by Niven.8y his talents,some quite powerful, smack dab in a
topics,tales about them, if not well crafted,do own actmission, Nivenhas a hard time writing societyset up by a bunch of S.C.A.ersthat had
more damageto both the subiectand the genre combal SF, preferringto wofi in the realm ot flectEarth.For the uninitiatect,S.C.A.stands for
thanwouldhavebeendone il nothingat allwere "gee-whi/'hardscience.So, he openedup his "Societyfor CreativeAnachronism,'an organiza-
written.Thistrom personalexperienceas both a universeto other writersto tocus on the wars tion that recreates(more or less authentically)
writerand a reader.- betweenMan and Kzin.Thisbook is the second theMiddleAges.
A coupleof recentreleaseshavedone much installment,and, I think,the betterof the two, if lf you've ever had a time trying to game
to restoremy faiththat good SF storytelling isn't for no otherreasonthan,here,all the storiesare psionics,this book (and the othersin the series)
dead. Not surprisingly,both are publishedby lresh. The first Man-Kzin Wars containeda willserveyou well in givingyou ideasof ditterent
BaenBooks,a publishinghousethat seemsnot story by Poul Andersonthat was nothingmore psi talentsand how they work. lt's also a good
to believein sacrificinooualitvfor ouantitv than the orioinalETs renlacecl with Kzin an old treatmentoflow-tech feudalsociefu f
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n,?//et has been S i n c e I ' r , e d e fi n e d

my game of
c h o i c ef o r y e a r s ,r i ' , ' a l -
led onll by C/oranthan
Sanity In Space P o w e ra s t h a l q u a l i t y
u ' h i c hi s d t ' fi n e db y o r r r
t o t a l s e l v e s .o r s p l n t .
Runeqrrcslfor versimi- we'lladdup the attri-
lit ude. But Trare//er
lacks one thing--and
Applying Sanity To Traveller. butes whrch are truly
ours. Social Standing
that onething is found
in RunerTuesl itself and Chester Cox and Education are
things rvhich $'e get.
r n . o f a l l p l a c e sC . hao- p a r t l yo r r v h o l e l y f, r o m
sium's Ca// Of Clhuht. o t h e r s .O n l y S t r e n g t h .
J ' h e t w i n c o n c e p t so f I n t e l l i g c n c eD. e x t e r i t y .
P o r v e ra n d S a n i t yf o r m a n d E n d u r a n caer e o u r
t h e o n l i ' r e a lb e l i c fs y s - own. so addonly these
t c n r i n r o l e g a m i n ga.n d f o u rt r a i t st o g e t h e r .
w o r k fa r b e t t e r t h a n Y o u n o w h a v et u ' o
t h e i d e ao f a n y " d c t e r - o l h c r c h o i c e sY. o r r c a r r
mination roll". The l c a v ct h e t o t a l a s i 1 i s
r a l r o n a l eb e h i n d t h e ( a s a n c x a m p l e .l c t ' s
attribute of Porver is s a y i t c o r n e st o 3 2 ) .
t h a l r l r e p r c s e n t)s, o l r r and play Sanrty
i n n e r s p i r i t :y o u r s o u l . exactly as one wotrld
r f 1 o u u ' r l l ;t h a t r v h i c h in Ca// Of Clhrr/rr.
permits Runcqucst You lvould uses per-
c h a r a c t e r st o p c r f o r n r nonriln .l;.. f^. q"^it.

nr'.i,' Th. crnn,r,rf nf ( ' h e c k s .a n d l ) , 1 . I ) 6 .

Porvcr (soul) )'our D 8 . r . t c .1. o t a k c S a n i l r
c h a r a c t e rh a s d i r e c t l y a u , a y .I f y o u p r e f e rt o
relates to horv sane kecp w,ith I)6 orrli.
h c / sh; e i s - - S a n i t y ),ou can instead use
P o r n t s .S a n i t y P o i n t s t h c a \ / c r a g e .I n t h i s
can be lost. phobias c a s e .d i v i d e t h e t o t a l
can bc garned, and by four to givc yorra
characters can be S a n i t yo f e i g h t .Y o t r r
c h a n g c df o r e v e r . plalers lvill beconre
Since most SF a m u s i n gc o r v a r d sf e
. ar-
gan)es assume that f u l o I a n y t h i n gr v h i c h
^l^,,^. ^1,^,^^.^.- .,,:ll -;^L+ {^1,^ ^.'^-
lrro) cl ltl4rat tgl) rr llt ltllBllt ro\g cvtlr urr!

never n)eet Cthulu p o i n to f S a n i t ya w a ll

types, this question I ' v c d e s c r i b e dT r a -
i s n ' t a d d r e s s eidn m o s t Phil Morfiss€y r t ' / /er characterislics
r u l e s .J o h n C a m p b e l l ' s a n d d i c e u s a g e .b u t i t
" W h o G o e sT h e r e ? "o r l h e A / i ' n m o v i e s d a y s l " )S u d d e nv. i o l e n td e a t h o f a c l o s e r v o r k sr v r t h o t h e r s y s t e m sa s r v e i i . A d d
q r r i c k l yd i s p e l l st h a t i l l u s i o n .B e s i d e so.l ' f r i e n d ,c l a u s t r o p h o bfiece l i n g s( s p a c e s h i p st h e p h y s i c a l a n d m e n t a l a t t r i b u t e s
H . P . L o v e c r a f ti n d i c a t e dt h a t h i s E l d e r a r e t e r i f f i c f o r c l a u s t r o p h o b e sr !e)a. d i n g t o g e t h e ra, n d e i t h e ru s e t h c l o t a l o r L r s e
I c k i e s i n h a b i t e dp l a n e t sw i t h i n o u r s o l a r t h e N e c r o n o m i c o(ni t ' s s t i l l a r o u n d ? !o) .r t h e a v e r a g eC. a l l t h e n e u ' a t t r i b u t ee i t h e r
s y s t q m I. t ' s a s a f e b e t t h a t t h e y ' d m o v e waking up to find a Hiver in bed *,ith Sanity and Spirit.use eithcr the manl'
f u r t h e ra w a y i n a f e w c e n t u r i e sa.n d a l s o y o u a r e a l s od i f f e r e n e t x a m p l e os f s a n i t y d i c e ,o r j u s t s i x - s i d e d i c e .a n d h a v ea t i t .
t h a t h u m a n i t yw o u l de v e n t u a l l cy a t c hu p . d e s t r o y i nign c i d e n t s . F o r a m o r e c o n r p l c t ed c s c r r p t i o no f
O n e d o e s n ' te v e n n e e d t o h a v e t h e H o p e f u l l y .I ' v e p r o v e d to y o u how Sanity and horv it can cffcct your
F u n k y F u n g u s f r o m F u s c o u sa t t a c k t o d e s p e r a t e yl yo u n e e dt h e S a n i t yc h a r a c - c h a r a c t e ry.o u n e e d t o r c a d t h c r u l e sl o
c h e c k f o r S a n i t y .S t r e s so. v e r a p e r i o do f t e r i s t i ci n y o u r S F g a m e N . ow I'll tell you C a l lO f ( 1 h u h r Y . o u m u s t .A f t c r a l l . e v e n
t i m e .w o u l d b e a n e x c e l l e nrte a s o nt o r u n how to rntroduce t h e a t t r i b u t eo n t o t h e a t t h e o t h e rs i d eo f t h e r r n r v c r s C e ''.t h u i ur s '
S a n i t yC h e c k s( " C a p ' n y, e h a e n ' tt a k e na c h a r a c t esrh e e tW . e ' l lw e T r a r t ' / / e rf o r a n w a t c h i n g . *
s h o r e l e a v e i n m o n t h s ,a n d y e ' v e b e e n e x a m p l eb, u t i t w i l l s h o w h o w t o a d a p ti t
d e a d o n y a e r f e e t w i ' o u t s l e e pf o r n i n e f o r o t h e rr u l e ss y s t e m s .
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