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Al Bashair Private School Date:-------------------------

Name:----------------------- Aunty Misery vocab. Part 1 / G:8 Grade :8/-------------------

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

(Gnarled, hoarse , obvious, Priest, Untrustworthy, Protect)

1. The bully ______________ his victim with cruel jokes and insults.
2. The old man's hands were __________ from a lifetime of hard work.
3. The singer's voice was __________ from singing too many high notes.
4. It was __________ that the thief was lying when he claimed he didn't take the money.
5. The __________ blessed the congregation before they left the church.
6. The used car salesman was known to be __________, always trying to trick customers.
7. He was __________ his family with his life, ready to defend them from any danger.

Match the words with the appropriate sentences:

1. Gnarled - A twisted and irregular tree trunk or a gnarled hand.
2. Untrustworthy - A person speaking or singing with a rough and raspy voice.
3. Priest -A sign saying "no smoking" or a math problem with a clear solution.
4. Obvious -A person dressed in religious clothing, typically black, holding a book.
5. Hoarse - A person who is untrustworthy can be represented with a person with a deceitful
facial expression.
6. Protect - - A person or an object that represents security, like a security guard, a helmet, a
shield, etc.
Al Bashair Private School Date:-------------------------
Name:----------------------- Aunty Misery vocab. Part 1 / G:8 Grade :8/-------------------

Questions during reading:

How does Aunty Misery spend her time?
How do the neighborhood children treat Aunty Misery?
The first stranger who spends the night at Aunty Misery’s hut is a(n) __________________.
What does Aunty Misery wish for? _____________________________________________
5. What do the children have to promise in order for her to release them from her pear tree?
6. In the tale, both the tree and Aunty Misery _________________ __________________.
7. What does Aunty Misery think about the second traveler who shows up at her door?
8. What does Aunty Misery tell Death in order to trick Death into getting stuck in her tree?
9. Aunty Misery agrees to free Death if he will _____________________________________.
10. Which adjective best characterizes Aunty Misery? Explain why?
a. Jealous b. patient c. clever d. fearful

11. The author uses personification to portray

a. Aunty Misery’s hearth b. Aunty Misery’s hut c. death d. time
12. The consequences of Aunty Misery’s wish are ___________________________________
Al Bashair Private School Date:-------------------------
Name:----------------------- Aunty Misery vocab. Part 1 / G:8 Grade :8/-------------------

Complete the flow chart with DETAILED PICTURES Draw a chronological flow chart that explains the
progression of the story:

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