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강의 소개
이번 강의에서는 1 강으로 모든 비즈니스 WRITING 에 사용되는 필수 ITEM 들을 모아 수업을 하는
시간입니다. 강의를 통해 기본적인 BIZ WRITING 의 구성과 내용, 표현들을 다양하게 익힐 수

강의 내용
1. Types of business writing

2. Business writing 구조

3. Business writing 전략

4. Business writing 표현 정리

- 서론/ 본론/ 결론

5. Business writing 종류에 따른 표현 정리

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1. Types of Business Writing

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2. 구성 요소
1) Opening: 인사말

e.g. Dear Ms. Clark:

Hope you are doing well. I’m (=my name is../ This is …) Miranda Lawson, Director of Marketing at
Mass Airlines, …

2) Body: 본론

e.g. …. and I wanted to share some marketing ideas with you that could benefit both of your
companies. …

3) Closing: 마침말

e.g. If you’d like to discuss this in further detail, I can be reached at 575-555-9255(please call me)
or at I look forward to hearing from you.

(콤마에 주의)
1. At
Yours faithfully,
2. On
Yours sincerely,

Best wishes,
3. In
Best regards,

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3. Business Writing 전략
1) clarity of purpose

- Who is the reader?

- What do I want my reader to know or do?


To: Loading Dock Staff

From: Philip Jefferson, Director of Shipping

Subject: Update to Shipping Procedures.

Due to some recent shipping issues, the Board has decided to update part of our shipping procedure.
Whenever an order is ready to ship, please send the shipping form via email and I will return it to you
once I confirm everything is correct.

2) choose the right word – Use plain English

e.g. We have not ascertained the cause of failure.

We have not found the cause of failure.

3) Formal vs. Informal

We can’t (cannot) offer the additional discount for the product.


Hi Robert Dear Sir or Madam

I am
Just wanted writing
to let to inform
you know ... you…
I would
Don’t forget likeyour
to finish to remind you that
draft by
= I’d like to have cappuccino.
this afternoon
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4) avo

4) Avoid jargon – acronyms / abbreviations

Hope vs. wish

Fyi, Mr. Kim is arriving

this afternoon.

4. Business Writing 표현 정리
1) subject line : The subject line consists of a few words that briefly describe the content of your

2) 구성
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Being social
 I hope this email finds you well.
 I hope you had a good weekend.
 I hope you had a great trip.
 Hope you had a nice break.
 I hope you are well.
 I hope all is well.
 Hope you're enjoying your holiday.
 I hope you enjoyed the event.
 I'm glad we had a chance to chat at the convention.
 It was great to see you on Thursday.
 It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday.

Reason of the email

 I am writing to you about our last meeting/your presentation yesterday/our
next event.
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 I am writing to you with regards to+ 명사(a new product ), 동명사 ving
(changing the shipping address) /regarding/concerning/in connection
 I am writing to ask/enquire(inquire)/let you know/confirm/check/invite you
to/to update you on/ask for a favor...
 I am writing you to follow up on order#245...
 I am contacting you to inform...
 I am reaching out because...
 This is just a quick note to...
 This is just a quick(kind) reminder...that you need to submit ____
 I wanted to let you know that...
 Might I take a moment of your time to... (very formal)
 It's [Your Name] from [Your Company].
 This email is just to let you know that...

Body lines

Attachments and information

 I’ve attached…
 Please find [file] attached.
 I'm enclosing [file].
 Please see(find) the information below for more details about...product A

 The parts in bold/in red/in blue are my comments/are the changes we


 Here's the document that you asked for,

 I’ve attached [file] for your review.
 I'm sending you [file] as a pdf file.
 The attached file contains...
 Could you please sign the attached form and send it back to us by [date]?
 Here’s the [document] we discussed.
 [file] is attached.
 Please take a look at the attached file.
 Take a look at the [file] I've attached to this email.
 I've attached [file].
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 More information is available at

 Please note that...

Requests and inquiries

 Could you please...?

 Could you possibly tell me...?
 Can you please fill out this form?
 I'd really appreciate it if you could...
 I'd be very grateful if you could...
 It would be very helpful if you could send us/me...
 I was wondering if you could/if you would be able to...
 If possible, I'd like to know (more) about...
 Please find my two main questions below.


When something is expected

 Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
 Please let me know if this works/if you are available/if that sounds good/if
you can/if you can help/if you need to reschedule...
 I look forward to seeing/meeting you.
 See you on Thursday/next week.
 Thanks.
 Thank you in advance.
 Thank you for everything.
 Cheers.
 Any feedback you can give me on this would be greatly/highly/much
 If you could have it ready by tomorrow/the end of next week, I would really
appreciate it.
 I would appreciate your help in this matter.

Offering help or information

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 I hope you find this helpful.

 I hope it's clearer now.
 I hope that answers all your questions.
 If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.
 Let me know if you need any help.
 For further details...
 If you have any (more) questions (about)...
 In the meantime, if you need any more information,
 If you need more information/more info/further information,
 I know that's a lot to take in, so let me know if anything I've said doesn't
make sense.
 ... please do not hesitate to contact me.
 ... please feel free to contact me/to get in touch.
 ... please let me know.
 ... drop me an email/drop me a line.
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5. Business writing 종류에 따른 표현 정리

1) acknowledgement

2) adjustment
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3) apology
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4) complaints
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5) confirmation
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6) follow-up
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Dear Chet:

It was a pleasure chatting with you this afternoon. Both Jackson and I were impressed with the
breadth of your business experience and would be delighted to participate in your future. As you
requested, I’m enclosing(attached, please find the enclosed literature) about some ofthe products
and services Highland Financial can provide you. This is not all-inclusive but should give you a
good general idea of our capabilities. As I told you today, I believe that the primary consideration
in any investment relationship comes down to the people working for you. I will then call you to
set up a meeting and discuss some oftheoptions we can provide you.

Of course, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have in themeantime.

Best regards,

Nanda Navin

Vice President
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7) inquiries

010-24/14-61/93 cathy , Kathy

132=1/32, 13/25 다해 헤 A as in ALPHa b as in Bravo

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8) orders

10) reminders
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