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The Gandhi-Jinnah Talks

- In May of 1944, Gandhi was released from jail
- He wrote to Jinnah for talks on the future of India
- Jinnah accepted an several rounds took place
- The talks failed because of the following reasons:
- Gandhi insisted on joint struggle to force British for independence
- He only said he would ‘consider’ the partition of India after the British left
- Jinnah; foreign affairs to be with the provinces in a united India
- Gandhi; wanted the central government to have these
- Gandhi claimed to represent all Indians
- Jinnah considered him as an INC spokesman so his legal mind couldn’t accept
Gandhi as leader of all the Indians
- Gandhi rejected the Two nation theory
- Talks failed but success for Muslim League
- INC considered Muslim League as an important party
Q: What were the Gandhi-Jinnah talks? [4]
Q: Why did the Gandhi-Jinnah talks fail? [7]


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