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A TTRPG about
cultists colonizing
a distant planet
By Joshua Johnson and Quasifinity Games

Using 24XX SRD CC BY Jason Tocci

Art by AlteredSnaps
Inspiration: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky, Pandorum,
The Starlost, Earth 2, Trigun episode "Rem Saverem."


While on Earth, Father found a new home for us all: a Promised Land out among
the stars. We built a vessel to carry Father and all His Blessings. We were
embraced in Father’s Dream and waited to wake on Promised Land.

Before Father’s Dream, we were in constant communion with Him. Father

responded to our every request and reached out when we needed His guidance.

Players adopt roles of clergy among Father's Blessings. Their personal devotion
may vary, but all believe His promise enough to embark on this one-way journey.


Father - A worshiped computerized intelligence and the ship it uploaded itself to.

Sister - The honorific for biological members of Father's Blessings, which

includes humans, livestock, plants, bacteria, etc.

Brother - The honorific for artificial members of Father's Blessings, which

includes computer systems, robots, handheld electronics, etc.

Blessings - The individual followers of Father and the unique acts of goodness
done by Father or by His followers.

"Another Blessing from Father!"

"We are all Father's Blessings."

"You've done Father a great Blessing this day!”



Players describe what they want their characters to do.

The GM determines if it requires a risk, cost, extra steps, or is impossible.

Only roll to avoid risk.


Roll a d4 in unfavorable circumstances, a d6 by default, or a relevant skill die.

Roll an extra d6 for favorable circumstances, Gear, or Cybernetics.

Other characters can share the risk to add their skill die. Take the top result.

1-2 Disaster: Suffer the full consequence of the risk.

The GM decides if you make progress toward your goal.

3-4 Setback: Suffer a lesser consequence.

5+ Success: Suffer no consequence. Great rolls = great outcomes.

If a success can’t fully achieve the goal (you make the shot, but it’s bulletproof!),
you instead gain useful information or create a favorable circumstance.

Load: Carry what makes sense. Multiple bulky items may make you clumsy.

Defense: Describe how Gear or Cybernetics break to avoid a consequence.


>Choose your character’s specialty

Skilled in Intuition (d8) and Persuasion (d8).
Take vocal enhancer, relic of Father’s First Body, package of vittles.

Skilled in Authority (d8) and Combat (d8).
Take stun club, security access badge, reinforced bones.

Skilled in Telepathy (d8).
Take surveillance computer, memory erasure wand, disguise nanites.

Skilled in Medicine (d8) and Cybernetics (d8).
Take pharmaceutical printer, injury kit, medical vision.

Skilled in Navigation (d8) and Bushcraft (d8).
Take nourishment gland, hunting gun, survey computer.

Skilled in Repairs (d8), Programming (d8).
Take standard toolkit, schematic computer, Build-brother connection.
>Apply 2 increases to new or existing skills (no skill ⮕d8⮕d10⮕d12)

>Choose or invent skills

















>Choose or invent 1 Gear and 1 Cybernetics


defense suit (break 2x)

venture suit (bulky, oxygen)

jetpack (bulky)

laser saw


ferroprinter (bulky)

mini drones

library pad


memory backup

telescopic vision


vocal stress detector

toxin detector


highspeed legs

healing nanites

Explore and apply requested safety tools (

Establish Lines and Veils to ensure everyone can adventure safely.

Invite players to pause, skip or redo as needed.

Describe events, scenery, characters, behaviors, dangers and possibilities.

Give everyone time in the spotlight.

Allow players of scene-absent characters to adopt available NPC roles.

Incorporate player-driven worldbuilding elements into the story.

Present dilemmas you don’t know how to solve.

Provide additional clues to any predetermined mystery.

Allow characters to advance with skill increases when appropriate.

Introduce dead character replacements ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism.

Remove, change and add rules during gameplay breaks.

(One Possible) Story Seed

You wake to a cartoonish face smiling above your Dream Pod. More of the
glowing creatures hover over the other pods, gesturing to your sisters within.

The silly-looking visual is known as a "GRIG" (Growth and Rapid Intellect

Governor), a toddler teaching and morale brother. They do not have access to
higher systems and will never provide any details that might upset a small child.

When the pod opens, the GRIG above gently warns "Be careful, sister!"

You realize the gravitational pull is reversed as you’re exiting the pod.

Risk injury from falling

Disaster: suffer a mild limp (clumsy) or bleeding scalp injury (needs treatment)
Setback: suffer mild bruises
Success: land on your feet

The GRIGs calmly encourage "Sharing is one of Father's favorite Blessings."

Father does not respond to your requests and Command access is blocked.

Status: Landing Phase 1 Blessings were revived 286 Promised Land years ago.

Information about Father’s landing sequence is unavailable.

"It's been your sisters' turn for a long time. Now it's your turn."

Everything on this deck is clean, fully stocked, and functioning.

An UrgentComm brother is connected to sibling panels throughout Father.

The channels reveal mostly dead feeds interspersed with similarly pristine decks,
decks full of oceanic water, decks crushed in and mangled, and others rendered
uninhabitable from exhaustive use without proper maintenance.

Then, you see them…

"Your sisters are hungry.
You should practice your kindness and share with them."

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