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Arnel T. Manuel
Mirid Bug
• Often called “mosquito-
• Slender red or brown insect
with long legs and
antennae; adults are
typically between 7 and 10
mm long.
Damage caused
• First symptoms appear as
tiny puncture wounds on
young stems and pods;
these punctures quickly
turn necrotic, creating black
patches which may develop
into cankers; discolored
bark; terminal leaves and
branches dying back; trees
Management Options
• Elimination of weeds which serves as alternate hosts.
• Management of suckers regularly - Mirids are attracted to the young and soft
shoots that cocoa trees grow throughout the season. Suckers that emerge at
the base of trees should be removed regularly, not just during the peak mirid
season. Do not prune too heavily as this will stress the trees and cause the
growth of new chupons, which increase mirid feeding.

• Spot application - If possible, only spray those areas in the farm that are
attacked by mirids specially early in the season.
• Application of botanical pesticide such as neem extract.
Cacao pod borer
Adult - mosquito-sized moth,
approximately 5–7mm long. Pupa
Moths are brown with bright
yellow patches.
Larvae - are translucent to
creamy white or greenish.
Pupae - are oval shaped Larvae
cocoon that is formed in a
cocoa pod crevice or green
dried leaves or other debris.
Damage caused
1. The adult female lays eggs
on the cacao pod surface
and the newly hatched
nymph bores into the pod
epidermis to reach the
pulp on which it feeds, Internal damage
disturbing the
development of beans
2. 2. Pods showing
premature yellowing due
to internal infestation. Premature yellowing
Management Options
• Prune trees every 6 months
to have an open canopy.
• Pick pods frequently, as soon
as they turn yellow indicating
maturity. Bury infested pods;
do not leave them in the
cocoa plantation as a source
of moths to infest remaining
• Pod sleeving (less than 7 cm)
• Planting with other trees to
favor predators (ie. Coconut)
Fruit borer (Cacao
Pod Borer)
•Plant part affected : Fruits
•Symptoms :
• This moth feed on flesh of the
fruit leaving feeding mark or hole
on the fruits. The damage can be
detected by inspecting the fruit
for small irregular hole on the
•The usual point of entry is near
the top of the fruit, close to the
•Pest management : spray with
Dimethoete or Fenthion during
fruiting stage
Mealy Bug
•Plant part affected : Stems,
Fruits & Flower
•Symptoms : This insect can be
observed on the stem,leaf & fruits
as white cottony wax. Mealybugs
excrete sugary honeydew on which
sooty mold develops which can
render the fruit unmarketable. The
insect is carried by ants & spread
throughout the plant.
•Pest Management : Prunning to
reduce incidence of infestation.
Spray with white oil or mineral oil to
control mealybug.
General Management
Through integrated pest and disease management approach, these pests and diseases problems on
rambutan can be controlled or prevented.
1. Cultural control - Regular pruning or removal of dead twigs and branches, and water sprouts to
allow air sunlight to penetrate within the tree canopy so as to minimize or prevent the incidence of
pests. Maintain the cleanliness or sanitation of the tree by regular weeding to eliminate weeds that
may become hosts of insect pests.
2. Biological control - This is the use of biological control agents or beneficial insects that may help
protect the plants against harmful insect pests. An example are the ladybird beetles which are
voracious predators of aphids,mites, scales, mealybugs, whiteflies and small caterpillars.
3. Chemical control - Apply chemical control whenever necessary. Make sure that chemicals or
pesticides to be sprayed are safe to the environment, compatible or not harmful to the beneficial
insects present in the orchard, for they might kill or eradicate those biological control agents.
Carefully apply chemicals with well calibrated spray equipment to avoid crop damage, excess
residues and off-site pollution, and rotate the kinds of chemical to be used to avoid pests resistance.
4. Monitoring - Regular monitoring on the status of the crop is very important to determine when
the pests problem occurred and the damages done, and so that immediate action would be

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