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In Orizaba you can do many

things, hiking, see many

animals, see dinosaurs, even
see a medieval show

They are going to eat Cuban food and then they are going to listen to jazz
1.I haven't cooked dinner this week
2. I've washed the dishes once
3. I've listened to music several times
4. I've did the laundry this week
5. I've been going to the restaurant
all week
6. I've cleaned my room every day

have been

Have played
have been
haven't seen
have been
haven't gone
have cooked
have made

have gone

've eaten
they have gone to see the alligator

have sung
Have 've singed
Have lost
haven't lost
Have got
have hadn't
Have seen
Have saw
Have been
haven't was

Since three years ago

Since two years ago
since university
For a long time

no I have never cut my own hair

No i have never tasted
no I have never tried it
no I have never lost it
no I have never looked it

Sports discount mall shopping at the discount store

to the city museum Saw mexican art

Sushi octopus Meat
Chocolate soda iced Coffee tee
A truck a sport car a Bus
Your english Book your Phone money
A bike a motorcycle a horse
A costume a uniform a cosplay

Hi Emmanuel
How have you been? I hope you are well, a lot has happened since the last time we saw, I have had a lot
of work but thanks to that I have traveled, I have a souvenir for you, I have seen beautiful places, how are
you doing? work? , my sister returned with her boyfriend, can you believe it, but hey, I hope we see each
other soon.
I love you

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