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Impact of Reel culture on our society

It is high time to show our deep concerns regarding the growing influence of reel culture
on our society, especially its adverse effects on mental health and attention span, from
young children to adults. Additionally, the exposure of young children to age-
inappropriate content and the subsequent impact on their development is a matter of
grave concern.

In recent years, the prevalence of reel culture, primarily driven by social media platforms
and online content, has dramatically altered our lifestyles and behaviors. While
entertainment is an essential part of life, the excessive consumption of content,
especially in the form of short videos and quick edits, has raised serious concerns about
its impact on mental well-being. Research studies have shown a direct correlation
between excessive screen time and deteriorating mental health, including increased
stress, anxiety, and depression among youngsters.

Moreover, the constant bombardment of fast-paced, attention-grabbing content has

significantly decreased our attention spans. This phenomenon not only affects
academic and professional achievements but also hampers our ability to engage in
meaningful, focused conversations and activities. The inability to sustain attention can
have long-term consequences on cognitive development and social interactions.

What is particularly alarming is the exposure of young children to content that is not
age-regularised, especially considering the widespread availability of smartphones and
digital devices. The impact of this exposure on their developing minds can be profound,
leading to behavioral issues, desensitization to violence, and a distorted sense of

It is imperative for content creators and social media platforms to take responsibility and
implement stricter regulations to ensure that content is age-appropriate. Furthermore,
parents need to be educated about the importance of parental controls and how to
effectively monitor and limit their children’s screen time.

In conclusion, it is crucial for our society to recognize the gravity of these issues and
take immediate action. We need comprehensive digital literacy programs in schools,
strict content regulations, and greater awareness among parents.

I urge our society to initiate conversations, support research, and implement policies
that address this pressing concern comprehensively. Together, we can create a
healthier, more balanced environment for ourselves and future generations.


[Hania Ayaz]

[amir bux mohalla near zarai tarqiati bank GT road]

[Daharki, Sindh, 65010]



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