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Mindanao State University

Senior High School

Fatima, General Santos City 9500



Usman, Ummo Hani B.

Pacle, Carmel Kaye O.
Onde, Clifford John E.
Aliman, Johannah D.
Diale, Ella Mariz G.

Corporate Talk: How Values and

Attitude Influence Job Satisfaction
Corporate Talk: How Values and Attitude Influence Job Satisfaction

What people think and feel about work in general, affects not only
how they behave at work but also their overall well-being and this in-
turn reflects how happy, healthy and prosperous they are. In the
workplace, values are the personal convictions about the outcome that
employees expect at work. On the other hand, attitude is a respond in a
consistently favorable or unfavorable manner towards a given subject.
Work values and attitudes capture the range of thoughts and feelings
that make up the experience of work.
Corporate Talk: How Values and Attitude Influence Job Satisfaction

This study emphasizes that work values are more stable and long
lasting, they can strongly affect work attitudes and employee’s level of
job satisfaction, in extent. In order for the employees to be satisfied
with their job, their interpersonal, intra-personal, and individual
organization values, all must be aligned to avoid conflicts related to
work. Meanwhile, attitudes towards work are not as long lasting
values, and hence can be changed by increasing pay, promotion or
moving to another position. By aligning employee's values alongside
with organization and addressing attitude problems, it will be possible
for management to increase the job satisfaction level.

An employee may be satisfied because of aspects like

work, co-employee and supervisors but may be dissatisfied
because of promotion and pay based on his or her values and

Work values and attitudes capture the range of thoughts

and feelings that make up the experience of work. This study
emphasizes that work values are more stable and long
lasting, they can strongly affect work attitudes and
employee’s level of job satisfaction, in extent.

Chaudhry, A. (2014, October 12). Corporate Talk: How

Values and Attitude Influence Job Satisfaction. Retrieved September 28, 2023, from

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