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ACT I SCENE I MEXICO Setting: Rodrigos and Victorias High School, Mexico City.

Victoria and Rodrigo enter. Students are in stage as background. VICTORIA: Hey, Im so glad to see you. Did you finish the report? RODRIGO: Not yet, Im not sure what I want to study yet, I dont really know if I am staying in Mexico. What about you? Did you make research on fashion designer? VICTORIA: Absolutely, I wanna go to France or New York, you know? It would be amazing for my career, but first lets focus on finishing senior year. RODRIGO: Victoria, come on, are you planning on leaving me here? VICTORIA: Wherever I go we will always be best friends. Wont we? Anyway I have to go; I need to do homework in the library. Ill see you around, Rodrigo. RODRIGO: Okay. And please take care. Victoria goes to the other side of the stage with her friend Monica Daniel enters DANIEL: Buddy! I need your help. You know Christmas is in three weeks and I need to find something for my parents. Besides it will help you too to buy something for Victoria. (Daniel hits Rodrigos shoulder) RODRIGO: Why? Do I have a commitment here? Dont think so, Dan. She is not my girlfriend. DANIEL: But you like her. Dont you?

RODRIGO: We have been best friends since kindergarten and you know for me love doesnt exist. I am not the kind of person that is made for relationships. DANIEL: Man, but you see it every day with your grandparents. That is a pure proof of love. RODRIGO: What about my parents? My dad abandoned my mom and now she lives somewhere in the world and left me with my grandparents. I bet that is another pure proof of love, right Dan? They exit while Victoria and Monica walk to the center of the stage VICTORIA: You know Monica, I am so in love with him. MONICA: Do you want to know what you should do? You should tell him on Christmas Eve that would be so romantic! VICTORIA: Are you insane? I wont do that. Hell get mad. Rodrigo has told me he is not made for dating. MONICA: But he is so into you, I mean he is always helping you, calling you, he is always at your house; he always asks me how you are. He cares about you. VICTORIA: I dont know. He is the weirdest person I have ever met but I dont blame him. I blame his situation it must be difficult to live without your parents. MONICA: Yes that might be the reason why. Dont worry Victoria I know he is in love with you. Rodrigo and Daniel enter talking to each other and walking towards Victoria and Monica. Hey look there they are lets go with them. DANIEL: Hey girls! Victoria, dont do that face of sadness and lets hang with our beautiful schoolmates. This is our last year and we have to enjoy it. Come on! The school cheerleaders and some students enter to dance hello by Martin Sloveig.

Rodrigo, Victoria, Monica, Daniel, cheerleaders and students exit.

ACT I SCENE II Meanwhile in CANADA Setting: Montreal Heart Institute in Montreal

Doctor Bell is on stage at his desk and Graham enters. DOCTOR BELL: Mr. McAdams or should I call you Doctor McAdams? GRAHAM: Well, I dont know I am an official graduate from the faculty of medicine in McGill University here in Montreal, doctor Bell. DOCTOR BELL: Ah, from McGill University, eh? Then you must be great to start residency here in the Montreal Heart Institute. But the main question is why are you interested on working here? GRAHAM: Since I decided to study medicine I was interested in cardiology, so I figured I am in the right hospital to start my residency practice to specialize as a cardiologist. DOCTOR BELL: Okay lets see (takes out some papers and reads) your papers show you were the best student of the year. And here is a high recommendation from McGill University. That shows me, Dr. McAdams, your work is outstanding. GRAHAM: So am I in? DOCTOR BELL: We will need to see that, Dr. McAdams. This is not just about high notes it is about showing me with your practice. You will be working here and helping seeing several heart cases and to start your residency you will need to prove you are capable of being a cardiologist.

GRAHAM: Dr. Bell I understand the parameters and I consider myself absolutely capable for this work. DOCTOR BELL: Well see. Meanwhile your supervisor will be Emily enters Dr. Cosgrove. Emily here is doctor Graham McAdams, graduate from McGill University. You need to supervise him until Christmas. EMILY: (Graham tries to shake her hand but she refuses) I dont like rich kids from McGill. If you want to stay you must leave your high school stuff back kiddo. Emily exits. GRAHAM: Uh pardon me? DOCTOR BELL: Ha ha. Thats Dr. Cosgrove. She is an amazing cardiologist with several years of experience and the best doctor we have with us Dr. McAdams. Now youd better get ready to start working. GRAHAM: For sure Doctor Bell. I will see you around and thank you very much you wont regret having me with you. Graham exits and Emily enters crashing her shoulder with his. He drops his books. DOCTOR BELL: (To Emily) be sure he fails. He is surely the best doctor that graduated from McGill, he seems good, but he cant get out of here with good references or hell take all the patients from us. EMILY: Dont worry, I was planning that already. He will indeed fail. Doctor Bell and Emily exit. Graham and 2 doctors enter DOCTOR 1: Its great to have you here, Graham. GRAHAM: Thanks, guys. I really want to become a great cardiologist. Besides Ive been studying, I have been on several heart surgeries and I have some new theories. DOCTOR 2: What do you mean?

GRAHAM: I have found that there is a new heart illness coming out that if it is not treated on time the patient suffering from it will immediately die. Emily enters. EMILY: Enough talk fellows. (to Graham) and youd better start coming to see the patients with me. We will have a surgery next week and I want you to be the leading doctor, Graham. GRAHAM: Are you kidding me? I cant; I havent leaded a surgery ever. I just started here as a doctor on practice, Dr. Cosgrove. EMILY: No I never joke, Graham. Get used to me or else youll be checking homeless peoples hearts. GRAHAM: Hey I wouldnt care as long as I help people get better. EMILY: Awww youre a Christmas boy then. Good luck with that. Emily exits. DOCTOR 1: Youd better start rehearsing those surgeries, McAdams. DOCTOR 2: I cant wait to see that! Doctor 1 and Doctor 2 exit. Graham takes his books out. GRAHAM: Lets see. (he starts reading)cardiac surgeriesmmm I better start reading so I can be ready for Emilys surgery. This is my opportunity to show I am a good doctor. Graham exits.

ACT I SCENE III Meanwhile in FRANCE Setting: LaFarge Couture designers clothing factory, Paris, France

Designers are working on stage. Jeanne enters followed by Ccile. JEANNE: Bonjour Mademoiselles! Jeanne Lafarge is here. (She walks through all the stage) what is this crap? Come on ladies! I need more quality. This is unacceptable. I cannot sell this. Is it clear that LaFarge is not a label? LaFarge is THE label, ladies. Ccile! Ccile! Where are you when I need you? CCILE: Im right behind you, Jeanne. JEANNE: Oh! I should have known that. What appointments do I have for today? And where is my latte? CCILE: Im sorry, Madam. Is right here (hands her a coffee) lets see, today the models you asked are coming for you to check them. JEANNE: They will have to wait then. Today I cant, I have a date with Mr. Handsome, Ccile. DESIGNER 1: Im sorry Ms. Lafarge, but do you happen to have a boyfriend now? JEANNE: Shut up! I will have one and you wont cause youre fat. CCILE: Jeanne, you also have an interview for Vogue magazine. JEANNE: That seems interesting, if they put me on cover if not I dont care. Bring the models in, Ccile! CCILE: But their appointment is not for now, Jeanne JEANNE: I dont care! I have a date tonight, for me men are everything. Send them a message and tell them that if they are not here immediately, they shouldnt come then. I will not tolerate lateness. CCILE: But most of them dont own a cell phone, Jeanne. JEANNE: Oh my god! They dont? What class of sin is that? Poor ladies, I wonder how are they going to wear my clothes. They happen to be the best and most expensive in La France. I almost forgot I am the only one here that affords that, right ladies? What are you staring at? WORK! Ccile exits.

Jeanne takes a dress from a designer JEANNE: What is this? I dont like it. DESIGNER 2: But we do! Is beautiful! Isnt it girls? DESIGNERS: (They all say their own opinion) yeah its fabulous. Its amazing Ive always wanted one like it. Its great Madame Lafarge. JEANNE: I dont care if you ladies like it or not. The boss and the main designer here is me, Jeanne Lafarge. So this is going to the trash. Start over! Ccile and 5 models enter. CCILE: Jeanne here are the models. JEANNE: Welcome Mademoiselles! I dont think theres need to introduce myself as all Paris knows me anyway I like to say it. I am Jeanne Lafarge! Fashion designer, model and owner of the designers label LaFarge. You all should know that you are here to model my latest collection so step in and walk a little bit just so I can see you. The 5 models walk through the stage modeling CCILE: What do you think? JEANNE: Hey you (calls one model) I dont like you. You are ugly. Next! This one here, youre fat CCILE: But she is so skinny, Jeanne. JEANNE: Shut up! I am skinny. You know what, models If someone dares to call you that. Go and barf a bit, I dont care if you come and say youre anorexic. As long as youre pretty and skinny like me, Jeanne Lafarge. Until then get out of here! The 5 models exit CCILE: Jeanne, come on! You ask too much. Youre never going to find a girl like you. Its obvious. JEANNE: Ccile, dont mind my business I decide whether they stay or not. And if you dont want me to start deciding for you, stop telling me what to do!

Ladies keep up the work. If I see trash like the last dress I will fire you all. Jeanne exits JEANNE: (out of the stage, yells) CCILE!!! Ccile exits running.

ACT II SCENCE I Setting: Mexican hospital, Mexico City.

A doctor is already on stage Victorias mother and Victoria enter VICTORIAS MOM: Were late again for your results, Victoria. And it is always because youre on the phone with Rodrigo. VICTORIA: Im sorry, mom. We were talking about homework. They approach to the doctor. VICTORIAS MOM: Doctor is nice to see you. My apologies for being late but this girl DOCTOR: Hi Mrs. Gomez I do have Victorias results Im sorry but have a sit Victoria, Mrs. Gomez. VICTORIAS MOM: Is everything alright, doctor? DOCTOR: Well, this is not easy to explain. Im afraid we have no knowledge of your daughters illness. (He takes out Victorias heart radiography) Victorias heart is different; you see here the coronary arteries of the heart, they are closing as time goes by. This is an illness we have never seen, Mrs. Gomez. VICTORIAS MOM: But there is something we can do right? A surgery perhaps. DOCTOR: Im afraid there is nothing left to do for us. We have sent the results to Houston and Europe as your husband requested. They found no cure, Mrs. Gomez.

VICTORIAS MOM: bubut you need to find something, doctor! DOCTOR: We will keep trying. But if the arteries keep closing as fast as now, her heart will only bear three more weeks. VICTORIA: Christmas. VICTORIAS MOM: NO! MY DAUGHTER CANT DIE LIKE THAT! DOCTOR: Im sorry, Mrs. Gomez we did all we could. Victoria and Victorias mom exit crying. Doctor exits.

SCENE II Setting: Rodrigos and Victorias High School

Victoria enters as Monica enters from the other side. MONICA: Hey girl! Hows everything? (She stares at her) Oh my god, Victoria, whats wrong? VICTORIA: Remember I was having heart problems? Yesterday I went to the doctor to pick up my results. It seems I have an unknown illness in the heart arteries, Monica. The doctor said I had three weeks. MONICA: Oh my god! You must be kidding. They have to do something, Victoria. Look for a different opinion. VICTORIA: They sent the results to Houston and Europe, but, theres nothing to do. I have three weeks to tell Rodrigo I am in love with him. MONICA: (Hugs Victoria) I am so sorry my friend. Have faith and be brave your heart will be cured. You are strong, Victoria. I will support you always you know it; go find Rodrigo he will totally understand. VICTORIA: I wont tell him about my illness. I never told him. I want him to love me for who I am and not because of shame. MONICA: Rodrigo has a big heart, Victoria. Trust him. Rodrigo enters. Speaking of him. Hey, Rodrigo. Okay Im leaving you guys now.

RODRIGO: Whats up with her? You know, I have always thought she is kind of weird. Dont you think? VICTORIA: Not for me. RODRIGO: Whats wrong, Victoria? VICTORIA: Nothing. Its just that I have something to tell you and I still dont know how. RODRIGO: Whatever. Just say it. Its me, who cares? VICTORIA: I care, Rodrigo the thing is I know we are best friends but Im not waiting more time to tell you what I really feel for you. RODRIGO: (Backs up) what are you talking about? VICTORIA: I am in love with you, Rodrigo. RODRIGO: No! Victoria. Dont say that. I knew this was about to happen; I warned you, Victoria. I knew you were going to fall for me! We are best friends. Dont love me! VICTORIA: Rodrigo, whats wrong with you? Love happens just like that. I cant control my heart. It wont heal now, you have broken it more. Victoria exits crying. RODRIGO: Victoria! Come back! Dancers enter to dance the remix of Break your heart by Taio Cruz Daniel enters. DANIEL: Buddy! RODRIGO: No, Dan, its not the right moment. DANIEL: What happened? I just saw Victoria crying. Is she ok? RODRIGO: No. She just told me she is in love with me DANIEL: Oh! (he hits him on the shoulder) thats my man! RODRIGO: Dont you get it? I told you Im not made for this type of things. I dont love her.

DANIEL: Hahaha you really make me laugh, Rodrigo. Listen to what Im about to say. You love her, you just dont want to accept it. Daniel exits. RODRIGO: And now can someone tell me what to do? no one? Guess Im out of here. Rodrigo exits.

ACT II SCENE III Setting: Montreal Heart Institute

Doctors are already on stage. Emily and Graham enter. EMILY: I hope you are ready. Mr. OBoyles operation is for beginners, Graham. He has obstruction in one of the heart arteries that transport oxygen. GRAHAM: Im sorry, Emily, but heart surgeries are hard by itself and that problem is called ischemic heart disease, very common in people that have high cholesterol levels or smoke. EMILY: Yes indeed, nerdy. Enough talk and more work, McAdams. Ladies and gentlemen (talking to other doctors) be ready to witness the first surgery of Dr. McAdams willing to be a cardiologist. Dr. Bell enters. DOCTOR BELL: Graham, its so brave of you to do this great commitment. GRAHAM: Well, Dr. Bell I dont know why you insist. None of these residents have been on a heart surgery and me leading it, puts me in a difficult position. DOCTOR BELL: Emily has decided this because she knows you can do it. Besides, you assured being capable, McAdams. EMILY: Graham! Put on what you need and be ready to enter.

Graham puts on the gloves and the mask to cover his mouth. A patient enters laid down on a stretcher. Graham, Emily and 2 doctors stand around him. EMILY: Whenever youre ready, Graham. GRAHAM: Perfect, lets proceed to open the chest. Doctor, scalpel please. (doctor 1 hands him a scalpel) Saw, please. (doctor 2 hands him a saw) Oh, gosh. Where is the artery? EMILY: Having problems, Graham? GRAHAM: No, I found it. Emily grabs Doctor 2 and takes him beside the stretcher where Graham cant hear. EMILY: I need you to do something for me. Distract Graham, while I cut one of the veins. DOCTOR 2: Are you insane? That might kill the patient. EMILY: What do you know? Its to prove Graham is a good surgeon. They approach to the surgery DOCTOR 2: Dr. McAdams the cardiogram shows something I dont understand. GRAHAM: Emily, can you please check the cardiogram? EMILY: Oh, Graham you know Im not really good at reading it. Ill continue with the surgery while you check it. GRAHAM: Fine. Emily takes the scissors out and makes a cut. GRAHAM: Nothing is wrong, doctor. Oh my gosh! What happened? A vein is spitting blood. Like if someone just cut it. (He realizes Emily has the scissors) Emily, why do you have those scissors on your hand? EMILY: We might need them, Doctor.

GRAHAM: Emily! You cut the vein. Do you want to kill this innocent man!? The cardiogram starts making sound. DOCTOR 1: Doctor, hes losing too much blood. EMILY: I need to go to the bathroom. GRAHAM: Emily, no! I wont be able to save him come back. Emily steps out of the surgery. She walks towards Doctor Bell. EMILY: Graham is having trouble. DOCTOR BELL: Ill get in if he doesnt do anything in ten minutes. GRAHAM: Ok dont panic doctors. We will save this patient. Alright I move this. I close this. Im doing it! DOCTOR 2: Whatever youre doing, Dr. McAdams, is working. EMILY: Dr. Bell, I dont like to pressure but, nine minutes. Graham and the two doctors walk towards Emily and Dr. Bell GRAHAM: Dr. Bell, Emily. Where are the family members of Mr. OBoyle? EMILY: Oh my god! You killed him, Graham! Mrs. O Boyle enters. MRS. OBOYLE: Dr. Bell, how is my husband doing? DOCTOR BELL: Well... GRAHAM: He is in perfect conditions. We just struggled a bit with a crazy vein in there Ha ha right, Emily? (he turns to Emily) but he will be transferred to a room in a moment. MRS OBOYLE: Who is this man? Isnt he too young to be in surgeries?

DR. BELL: Im sorry Mrs. OBoyle, this young man is Dr. Graham McAdams, graduated from McGill University and member of the residents in cardiology. EMILY: What?... MRS. OBOYLE: Well, well, well, Doctor Bell. As the president of the school of doctors in Montreal I suggest you send him to the next cardiology conference held in Mexico tomorrow. DR. BELL: Without doubt, Mrs. O Boyle. MRS. OBOYLE: Good. And nice to meet you, Doctor McAdams. Nice job! Keep it like that. GRAHAM: The pleasure is mine. Mrs. O Boyle exits. DOCTOR BELL: You heard her, McAdams. Pack your stuff were going to Mexico City. EMILY: But... DOCTOR BELL: You too, Emily. You dont want to miss it, do you? GRAHAM: Thanks, Doctor Bell. See you tomorrow then. Graham and the two doctors exit. DR. BELL: Youre lucky Mr. OBoyle didnt die in there. If it wasnt for Graham, he could have shown the video of the surgery and you would have been no longer called a doctor, Emily. We will have an eye on him in Mexico. Dr. Bell exits followed by Emily.

ACT II SCENE IV Setting: LaFarge Couture designers clothing factory, Paris, France
Background designers are on stage.

Jeanne enters followed by Ccile. JEANNE: Mademoiselles! Did you miss me? (silence) I thought so. Ccile anything for today? CCILE: I have great news, Jeanne. DESIGNER: She has a boyfriend. JEANNE: Shut up. Like if Ccile did everything for me. Im an independent woman. So Ccile tell me those interesting news. CCILE: Do you remember the request you sent to Mexico Citys malls? Well it is accepted now we can have a franchise of LaFarge in Mexico! Jeanne thats amazing. JEANNE: Why did it take so long? It should have been before. LaFarge should be accepted right away everywhere. Alright, Ccile, pack up were going to Mexico City. Get tickets for today. This cant wait. CCILE: For today? Thats really fast, Jeanne. JEANNE: I want to finish fast. I want to be back with Mr. handsome for Christmas. DESIGNER 2: Dont lie to yourself, Ms. Lafarge. There is no Mr. Handsome. JEANNE: Oh but there is a Ms. Gorgeous. Its me Jeanne Lafarge and I am on the edge of glory! Ladies! Designers and models enter to dance to the stage song The edge of glory by Lady Gaga. Designers, models, Jeanne and Ccile exit.

ACT III SCENE I Setting: The Street of Mxico City

Jeanne and Ccile enter with suitcases JEANNE: Ew, Mexico stinks. Wheres the big tower like "La Tour Eiffel"?

CCILE: Jeanne here in Mexico there's no such thing. I need to ask you, why are we going back to France next week? This business is not taking that long. JEANNE: Because I came up with something, Ccile. It's too long the flight that we should stay here to do some publicity to the label. We should start showing the clothing with a fashion parade. Fabulous. With French models, obviously... after what I'm seeing. CCILE: Ok, but let me know, so I can contact the models you fired. Anyway, I need to contact the owner of the mall that wants the franchise. He should know we're here. (She takes out her mobile phone) Hello, Mr. Hernndez?... it's Jeanne Lafarge's assistant speaking. Yes, we just arrived. Alright, thanks. JEANNE: Ccile, those mariachis are staring at me. CCILE: They are not mariachis. They are house constructors, Jeanne. Mr. Hernndez is on his way to pick us up. JEANNE: Well he better hurry. I don't think I like the Mexicans. Carlos enters. (Really handsome man and really well dressed) CARLOS: (To Ccile) Ms. Lafarge? (Jeanne shocks) CCILE: No, it's her. (Turns to Jeanne) JEANNE: Oh... my...goodness! He is so hot! (whispers to Ccile) Hi...Mr. Hernndez. I'm Jeanne...Jeanne Lafarge. CARLOS: Please... Call me Carlos. I have heard so much about you, Ms. Lafarge. JEANNE: Thanks, you can call me Jeanne too. CCILE: (Touches her forehead) Do you feel good? Let me check if you have fever. CARLOS: You are gorgeous. JEANNE: (laughs quietly) Thanks. They get close to each other.

CCILE: (Stands between Jeanne and Carlos) I'm still here people...Hello! JEANNE: Then leave. CARLOS: I'm sorry. It's just that I have never seen someone like that. JEANNE: Keep going. CARLOS: Your limo is here. I have to go. Tomorrow is the contract of the store. And Jeanne, go out with me tonight. I will pick you up at seven. Carlos exits. JEANNE: Oh my god! Ccile, did you see that man? He is so handsome and he just asked me out. CCILE: I saw it, Jeanne but we have to get going. Let's go! Jeanne and Ccile exit.

ACT III SCENE II Setting: Victoria's and Rodrigo's High School.

Victoria and Monica enter. VICTORIA: Hey I brought my results so you could see them. MONICA: Great, my mom will help us as she knows lots of good doctors. Victoria you cannot give up ok? VICTORIA: Im not that cheered up, Monica. Rodrigo rejected me. MONICA: What?! What kind of jerk would do that? What did he say to you? VICTORIA: Well he said that he doesnt believe in love. He is not made for that. MONICA: He is mean. Then the next step should be that you told him your heart problem. VICTORIA: Im not ready for that yet.

Rodrigo enters. RODRIGO: Victoria! VICTORIA: Im out of here. Lets go, Monica. RODRIGO: No, wait! Victoria, please I need to talk to you. VICTORIA: No. You said everything the other day. Victoria and Monica exit. Victoria drops the heart results. RODRIGO: (Picks the results up) wait! Victoria! You dropped something. Yikes! What is this?... Medical results? Unknown heart disease? What is this? Oh no! Victoria! She cant leave me I cant live without her. Daniel! Rodrigo exits and enters back with Daniel. DANIEL: What do you mean she is dying before Christmas? She never told you this? RODRIGO: No. Thats not the point anyway. She is sick and the results show that there is no cure. DANIEL: So this is why she dared to confess her love for you, man. The solution is that you did the same. And everybody will be happy! RODRIGO: That is nonsense, Dan. We have to save her. DANIEL: Yeah! Batman let me just get my Robin outfit. RODRIGO: Gosh! No I need to find a doctor that will cure her. A good one. I will get the doctor as a Christmas present. DANIEL: Yeah! Great idea! Actually, you know my grandpa works in the best hospital here in Mexico City. Remember he is a dermatologist, but he told me there will be a cardiologist conference with doctors from all over the world. RODRIGO: What are we waiting for? This is what I call destiny. Rodrigo and Daniel exit.

ACT III SCENE III Setting: Mexican hospital, Mexico City.

Doctors are already on stage. Graham and Emily enter. DOCTOR: Dr. Cosgrove. Dr. McAdams. Welcome to Mexico. I hope you are ready for the conference and showing your acknowledges to other doctors. EMILY: Sure we are, Doctor. Now where is the important people in this hospital? GRAHAM: Emily, do you know how long are we staying? EMILY: I forgot you were a Christmas boy. Do you want to be back by Christmas or what, Graham? GRAHAM: Christmas is in two weeks, Emily. We wont be staying that long, are we? EMILY: You must be dumb. Conferences take like two or three days. You will be back to kiss your girlfriend under the mistletoe. GRAHAM: I dont have a girlfriend, Emily. I have to go to the restroom. I will see you in the cafeteria. Graham exits. Rodrigo and Daniel enter to a corner of the stage where Emily cannot hear. RODRIGO: Ok, Dan. Lets split up. All of these doctors should be cardiologists if the conference is today as your grandpa said. Look there is a woman who seems to be a doctor. Ill go with her and you find another one. DANIEL: Let me take the lady. Ive always been better with them. RODRIGO: Fine. In fact I have to visit the toilet. Ill see you around. Please do your best you know what this means to me.

DANIEL: Yeah! She is Juliet for you. RODRIGO: Just go! Rodrigo exits from the same side that Graham did. Daniel approaches to Emily. DANIEL: Good evening Doctor Cosgrove? EMILY: How do you know my last name? So it is true Mexicans kidnap. DANIEL: Really funny. I saw it on your tag. EMILY: (Looks to her tag) Oh, should have known. What do you want? DANIEL: Where are you from? Are you a cardiologist? EMILY: Canada and yes I am. Are you the guide that is supposed to take me to the conference room? DANIEL: No. its actually hard to explain. But I have a friend, eighteen years old, female. She has a heart problem, which is supposed to be unknown and the doctor gave her two weeks to live. EMILY: And what am I supposed to do? You know kiddo if the doctor stated that, that was supposed to happen. There are things that are meant to be. Im sorry, Im as capable as her doctor. Emily exits. DANIEL: Man! Now what? Daniel exits. Graham enters and Rodrigo enters from the other side. They crash and Rodrigo drops Victorias results. GRAHAM: Im sorry kid. My fault. Let me help you (He grabs the papers and accidentally reads them) Sorry I didnt mean to look. RODRIGO: Yeah, no problem.

GRAHAM: Sorry, Im just curious. Did it say unknown heart disease? Closed arteries? Can I have a look? Im a Canadian cardiologist from Montreal Heart Institute. RODRIGO: Are you serious? Yeah, have a look. (He hands Graham the results) GRAHAM: (Reads the papers) Oh my gosh! This is amazing! RODRIGO: What? That my best friend is dying in two weeks? GRAHAM: Oh, Im sorry, no. This is part of my theory. I knew this disease was around. RODRIGO: Great! Can you cure her heart? GRAHAM: Whoa! Slow down, buddy. I just graduated. RODRIGO: I really need your help. The Mexican doctors didnt know what to do. I need you to see this case. She is really important for me. She is my everything. GRAHAM: Oh God! We need to speak this privately and Ill see what I can do. RODRIGO: Great! Thank you but wait dont you have a conference? GRAHAM: I certainly do. But Ive been working on this so long. I was doing it as my thesis and it wasnt accepted. Lets go somewhere else. Graham and Rodrigo exit.

ACT III SCENE IV Setting: Mexican Restaurant.

Jeanne and Carlos enter. They sit on a table. CARLOS: So you are a fashion designer, but also a model. No wonder. JEANNE: Obviously, actually no model is as beautiful and successful as me. What do you do for a living?

CARLOS: My father owns the mall El Palacio de Hierro and he is about to make me his business partner. JEANNE: So youre rich. CARLOS: Does it matter? JEANNE: I am rich and nowadays it matters, Carlos. A waiter enters. WAITER: Good night madam, gentleman. Anything to drink, Madam? JEANNE: Red wine, please. Make it quick. Waiter exits. CARLOS: Are you always like this? I mean are you used to come to these type of places? JEANNE: Everyday. I need places to spend my money in. Waiter enters. WAITER: Your wine, Madam. JEANNE: (Tastes the wine) what is this? This tastes like crap! Its because it is Mexican. Bring another one. I dont know if you have a French one, from Bordeaux, perhaps. CARLOS: (The waiter grabs the cup)no its fine Ill drink it. Waiter exits. JEANNE: I dont think they will have a French wine. Besides I forgot Mexico is one of the poorest countries in the world. CARLOS: It may be but Mexico happens to have better people. People that care more about love than money. People that think first in the other ones than in themselves and people brave enough to leave somebody not good enough. Carlos stands up and walks out. JEANNE: Fine, leave youre never going to find a girl like me. Either Mexican, American, or European.

CARLOS: See that is your problem, you are never going to accept the others because you take yourself as perfect. Youre right no one is as arrogant as you are. Carlos exits. Jeanne exits from the other side.

ACT III SCENE V Setting: Rodrigos and Victorias High School.

Graham, Rodrigo and Daniel enter. GRAHAM: (Reading medicine books) I have been reading all day. I think I might save her, Rodrigo. ROGRIGO: Are you serious? Thats amazing she will live. GRAHAM: The problem is I need to do a surgery and I need to see her. She doesnt even know you are doing this, right? DANIEL: But she is in love with Rodrigo. She will absolutely accept your help, Graham. ROGRIGO: Graham, when can you start? GRAHAM: Whenever, the problem is you know the conference started yesterday. It might be over today or tomorrow. I need to talk to my workmate, Emily. We have two weeks. If your friend enters to a surgery with me, it could be whenever. I just need that her parents approve it. RODRIGO: No worries. Ill talk to her and her family and you talk to your boss or whatever. Victoria enters. RODRIGO: Victoria, Ive been calling you all day. VICTORIA: I know. I wont answer anyway. RODRIGO: Listen to me, there is no more time. We cant waste time fighting over our feelings. The important thing here is that you never told me you were having heart problems. VICTORIA: What?! How do you know?

RODRIGO: You dropped your results the other day at school. I didnt mean to look. VICTORIA: So you have them. Ive been looking for them since yesterday, Rodrigo. RODRIGO: You didnt want to answer my calls anyway, right? That is not my point, Victoria. I could just sit and look to you in the eyes and told you to believe you will magically get cured. Im not like that, you know it. I found this doctor. Doctor Graham McAdams, a great cardiologist from Montreal Heart Institute. Graham approaches to them. He knows your illness. VICTORIA: Are you kidding me? Where did you find this doctor? RODRIGO: That doesnt matter. He came to a conference but he is not taking it to help you, Victoria. GRAHAM: Victoria, the thing is Ive been studying this case for a long time. But there is no cure to it yet. Ive been studying as it was part of my thesis and I think I know a way. VICTORIA: I dont know what to say. DANIEL: I saw your mom out here. Im going to take Doctor Graham to her. Alright? VICTORIA: Fine. Daniel and Graham exit. VICTORIA: Why are you doing this, Rodrigo? RODRIGO: Because you are special to me. I want you in my life. I thought it would be your Christmas present. You, Alive because of this doctor. VICTORIA: And you still wonder why Im so crazy for you. (She hugs Rodrigo) Graham, Daniel and Victorias mom enter. VICTORIAS MOM: What do you think, Victoria?

VICTORIA: There is no other way, mom. VICTORIAS MOM: What do we do, doctor? GRAHAM: Basically, the problem is not fully in the heart. The best solution would have been a heart transplantation. But the results obviously deny that option because the problem is with the arteries. RODRIGO: So you need to cure the arteries first. GRAHAM: Exactly. And then do a heart surgery. VICTORIA: How exactly are you curing my arteries? GRAHAM: Good question. Thats what Ive been studying. You will be taking a pre-surgical medication. In other words, taking medicine to cure the arteries. I have to warn you, this takes time. But you can be taking it for a week or so, then we proceed to the surgery. The medicine will also prevent her from suffering of a previous heart attack or stroke. VICTORIA: Im in. VICTORIAS MOM: Thats perfect, doctor. But what about the money? GRAHAM: Lets not worry about that, okay? I will provide the medicine. I came here with a workmate with a lot of experience. We will develop the medicine. About the surgery, we will talk about that later. VICTORIAS MOM: Thank you very much, Doctor McAdams. I will see you later. Victorias mom exits. VICTORIA: Thanks, Graham. And Rodrigo, I dont know how Im going to pay you this. (She hugs Rodrigo) Bye Daniel. Victoria exits. GRAHAM: Gentlemen, if you excuse me. Ill leave and start working on that medicine. You have my number and I have yours Rodrigo, I will contact you as soon as I can. RODRIGO: Perfect, thanks, Graham. Graham exits followed by Rodrigo and Daniel.

ACT IV SCENE I Setting: LaFarge Store in Mexico City.

Jeanne and Ccile enter. JEANNE: I cant believe he thought that of me, Ccile. I cant get his words out of my head. CCILE: Perhaps you should change after what happened. JEANNE: I dont really know. Call the models, please, Ccile. We need to start rehearsing the fashion parade. CCILE: The models you fired before? But you thought they were awful. JEANNE: No. They werent. I was just jealous. CCILE: Seriously, something is wrong with you, Jeanne. Anyway I will call them. JEANNE: Pay them their plane tickets. Actually no you know what, forget about it. Lets make the Mexican girls audition. Its a Mexican store. CCILE: Seriously? Okay I will post advertisements. Jeanne and Ccile exit.

ACT IV SCENE II Setting: Mexico Citys Hospital

Emily is already on stage. Graham enters. EMILY: Look, I know you might have wanted to buy Christmas things for your girlfriend, but I wouldnt miss the conference because of a girl.

GRAHAM: Jesus! For the second time, Emily, I dont have a girlfriend and enough with my supposed Christmas spirit. I need your help. Theres a Mexican eighteen year old girl. She has a heart unknown illness that happens to be part of my thesis when I was at McGill. I think I know how to cure her, but I need you to help me. EMILY: Have you become insane, Graham!? It is not approved by the School of doctors. GRAHAM: That would be in Canada. We are in Mexico and I am running out of time. She is diagnosed to die in two weeks. EMILY: So you do have a Christmas spirit. How am I supposed to help you, nerdy? GRAHAM: You know the medication that a patient with just a few closed arteries is supposed to take. Well, we need to develop a similar one. One that will open as much arteries as possible. Then she will enter in a surgery to cure the coronary arteries. EMILY: Do you know the risk youre taking, Graham? GRAHAM: I know but her doctor gave up. They sent the results to Houston and they gave up with her. I know its risky but if we dont take risks in life, if we dont try, we will never know. Its either me trying or her dying. EMILY: How deep. Fine, I will help you. But wed better hurry we have two weeks. GRAHAM: Are you serious? I thought it would be more difficult to convince you. EMILY: Whatever. Go to the lab Ill catch you later. Graham exits. EMILY: (Makes a call on her cell phone) Doctor Bell?... Yes he hasnt showed up to the conference room in two days. But he came up with this idea. He found a girl that has a heart problem and he wants to cure her with a different medication that he is inventing. He has lost it. Sure, Doctor Bell, I know he always is right but he will succeed, I know it, this time he sounded convincing Great! I will modify the medication. She is supposed to die anyway. Ok, thanks, Doctor Bell. Good bye.

Emily exits.

ACT IV SCENE III Setting: Mexico Citys Hospital.

Graham and Emily are already on stage. Rodrigo and Victoria enter. GRAHAM: I thought you guys didnt receive my message. This is Emily Cosgrove, my workmate from Montreal. Great cardiologist by the way. RODRIGO AND VICTORIA: Nice to meet you. GRAHAM: I think we succeeded. Dont worry we tested it with a pig. I know funny but that pig has better oxygen flow because it has the arteries more open. VICTORIA: Awesome, Doctor McAdams. I really appreciate it. GRAHAM: This is just the beginning. Im pretty sure it will work. Its supposed to work in the heart too. Start taking it, Victoria. Ill see you in a week and a half. Ill be here if you need me. VICTORIA: Thanks. See you then. Rodrigo and Victoria exit.

EMILY: Wow! Was that the ill girl? She looks terrible. Graham, I hope it works cause there is no much time for her. GRAHAM: Dont worry, Emily. It will work, we did a great team , you know? I think it would be awesome if you entered with me to the surgery. But no cutting veins this time, ok? EMILY: Ha! No dont worry, Graham. I hope she is fine. GRAHAM: Anyway, I will get some sleep. See you later, partner. Graham exits. A doctor enters.

DOCTOR: Doctor Cosgrove. Can you tell Doctor McAdams the surgery room is available for December 20? Sorry, I cant speak to him Im in the middle of something with a pig that just had a heart attack in the Lab. EMILY: Did you just saya pig? DOCTOR: Yes. I dont even know how. That pig was saved for a lab test today. Probably he had cholesterol problems, a real pig, eh? EMILY: (Gets nervous) Ha ha yeah. Probably. The doctor exits. Emilys cell phone rings. EMILY: Doctor Bell Hi, the plan is going good. I know it because I tested it on a pig he had a heart attack. But Doctor Bell, isnt it better if I told Graham that, I mean that girl would have a warning and she wouldnt die right away and Grahams plan wouldnt succeed anyway. But Alright Doctor Bell I wont tell him anything. Bye. Emily exits.

ACT IV SCENE IV Setting: Rodrigos and Victorias High School.

Rodrigo, Victoria and Monica enter. MONICA: Hey Victoria, did I tell you that Jeanne Lafarge is in Mexico City? VICTORIA: Are you kidding me? I need to meet her Im her biggest fan. RODRIGO: Who is John Garage? Is that a woman? MONICA: Oh God, Rodrigo! Jeanne Lafarge she is from Paris. The best fashion designer that the world has now! She apparently came to inaugurate her store also named LaFarge in Palacio de Hierro. But there are advertisements all over the street that she is doing auditions for models here in Mexico to do a fashion parade of LaFarge.

RODRIGO: Awful! I thought he was a football player or something. VICTORIA: No, she is amazing I love her clothes but they are so expensive. RODRIGO: Do you want to go and meet her? VICTORIA: I dont want to be a model, Rodrigo. RODRIGO: Who cares, take her your designs, I think theyre awesome. And you can meet her. What are we waiting for? Lets meet Jeanne Garage. MONICA: Its Lafarge, Rodrigo. RODRIGO: Whatever. Lets go, Victoria. Rodrigo, Victoria and Monica exit.

ACT IV SCENE V Setting: LaFarge store in Mexico City.

Jeanne and Ccile and models are already on stage. The models start to model. JEANNE: Mexican models are better than I thought. CCILE: You see. Dont ever prejudice somebody, Jeanne.

Rodrigo and Victoria enter. JEANNE: Girls! Good job, take a break. Models exit. I havent designed mens clothing. But you can try a dress if you want to. RODRIGO: No, no, no. I like football. I come with her, actually. VICTORIA: Ms. Lafarge, Im so excited to meet you, I am your biggest fan.

JEANNE: Are you really? Thats what everyone says. Youre kind of late for auditions but Ill see you anyway. The clothes are upstairs. VICTORIA: No. I didnt come to model. Actually, I love clothes, designs and fashion. I would like to be a fashion designer. So, I brought some of my designs here in this notebook. JEANNE: Wow! This is a bit of a surprise. Im afraid whats your name? VICTORIA: Victoria Gomez. JEANNE: Im afraid, Victoria. Im kind of busy right now with the modeling. You know today is the nineteenth and I need to be home by Christmas. So the fashion parade needs to be done before. I will try to take a look at them. Leave your phone number to Ccile, my assistant. RODRIGO: (He gets mad) Hey! Tomorrow she has a sur VICTORIA: No. Its perfect, Ms. Lafarge. Great job I love your clothes. Rodrigo and Victoria walk to the exit. VICTORIA: Why do you need to tell her about the surgery? I am as normal as anybody. Not because I may die it means I have more opportunities, Rodrigo. If I am not ashamed about my heart, why are you? They exit. JEANNE: Ccile, did I use to wear make- up at that age? She was pale, dont you think? CCILE: I dont pay attention to those things, and yes you wore makeup since you were three, Jeanne. JEANNE: I totally forgot. Lets take a break. Jeanne and Ccile exit.

ACT V SCENE I Setting: Mexico Citys Hospital

Graham and Emily are already on stage with a stretcher and a mask. Rodrigo, Monica, Victoria and Victorias mom enter. GRAHAM: Good Morning. Victoria how are you feeling? VICTORIA: These days Ive been having chest pain, but Im perfect. Today I get healed. GRAHAM: I love your optimism. We should always be like that in life, even in hard times. We need to learn to see a little bit of sunshine in storms, right? So, Emily, please take Victoria in the stretcher and prepare her for the surgery. VICTORIAS MOM: I love you, Victoria. Everything will be alright. (They hug) MONICA: I will see you in a few hours, to go and buy some clothes, okay? (They hug) RODRIGO: I promise not to break your heart again. It is sensible. I love you. (They hug) Victoria lays on the stretcher and Emily takes her to the other side of the stage. Emily steps where Victoria cant listen. EMILY: (Grabs her cell phone) Doctor Bell?... she is in perfect conditions there is still an opportunity ok I have to go bye. RODRIGO: How risky is it, Graham? GRAHAM: Boy, take a break. Go and watch a football game or go with Dan. Stay out of worries. Promise me that. RODRIGO: Fine, but when youre done call me right away. Rodrigo, Monica and Victorias mom exit. GRAHAM: I am so much under pressure, but I know I am going to save her. Graham and the Doctors dance Underpressure by Jedward and Vanilla ice

GRAHAM: (Approaching to the stretcher) God please give me wisdom, this time. Your hands will cure her. Emily, is she already under anesthesia? EMILY: (Breaths deeply) Yes. Here is the scalpel. GRAHAM: Alright, thanks. Done. The saw, please. (Emily hands him the saw) Okay. The chest is open. Holly Christ! No! This cant be happening. EMILY: Seems that the medication just worked for the arteries but the heart is almost dead. GRAHAM: No. It had to work. I need to cure this heart. Let me see what I can do. EMILY: You know there is no cure for this heart, Graham. You know it. GRAHAM: No! Give me the cardiac pacemaker. This has to work! EMILY: Graham no! its too risky. Postpone the operation. GRAHAM: This was my chance, Emily. It worked with the pig! EMILY: Actually, no it didnt. A doctor came the other day and told me the pig had a stroke, Graham. Im sorry. GRAHAM: And you never told me this. What kind of ethic do you have, Emily? Thats evil she could have died before. EMILY: I havent been totally honest with you, Graham. I changed the medication so this could happen. GRAHAM: I knew I couldnt trust you. No wonder I convinced you that fast. Well you are happy now! You could have murdered a patient, Emily! EMILY: What are you waiting for, Graham? take me to the court. The cardiogram starts making sounds. GRAHAM: I wont accuse you! But I dont want to see you again in my life!

EMILY: Im sorry, Graham. You know whats next with this girl. Hope you can find a heart. I am really sorry. Thank you for showing me what is a real doctor, which I will never be. Emily exits. Graham takes the mask off. He calls Rodrigo. GRAHAM: Hey Rodrigo?... Yes I am done, but I dont have good news she is alive calm down. Come to the hospital. Victorias mom, Rodrigo and Monica enter. VICTORIA: How is my daughter? GRAHAM: Shes fine. I didnt cure her. I messed up. RODRIGO: What?! But you were so confident. What happened? GRAHAM: My medication didnt work. She is alright, you have to wait until the anesthesia passes. I already told the doctors, she is leaving in an hour. I am sorry, guys. I didnt mean to disappoint you. Graham exits and Rodrigo catches him near the exit. RODRIGO: Hey McAdams! What happened in there? You cannot give up. GRAHAM: Rodrigo, I tried. Her heart is awful. The arteries are successfully cured. RODRIGO: So? That was the main problem. The next step as I remember is heart transplantation. GRAHAM: And guess what? I just checked the donators list. There is nobody in that list. The heart is the organ most difficult to give. RODRIGO: I agree. You dont hand it to anybody. Guess its over, right McAdams? I didnt think you were going to quit. GRAHAM: We have four days, Rodrigo. Lets pray that somebody will put a name on that list. Graham exits. Victoria gets off the stretcher and approaches to Rodrigo.

VICTORIA: Its okay. I heard everything. Rodrigo hugs her. Rodrigo, Victoria, Monica and Victorias mom exit.

ACT V SCENE II Setting: Rodrigos and Victorias High School.

Rodrigo and Victoria enter. RODRIGO: Dont be upset, Victoria. VICTORIA: How can I not be upset? To know that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. And I can die one of these days. Graham said it. My heart is vulnerable and weak. RODRIGO: No it isnt. Its so huge that your body cant bear it. Victorias cell phone rings. VICTORIA: Unknown number. I have to see Monica to explain her algebra. Can you answer my phone and tell me later? RODRIGO: Sure. But be careful. Do not run or anything. (She gives him her cell phone) Victoria exits. RODRIGO: (Answers) Hello?... Ms. Garage?... Im sorry Lafarge. She is kind of busy at school. She gave the schools address to your assistant I will tell her you called. Bye. Jeanne and Ccile enter. JEANNE: We got lost a bit. RODRIGO: Why are you here? I just hanged up with you. JEANNE: We didnt know if she was here or not. I called her to make sure. Where is she?

RODRIGO: She is not here. She is busy. Hey, you said you were going back to France before Christmas. JEANNE: I changed my mind. Her designs are fabulous. I was thinking on taking her to France with me. To get her a scholarship in France, you know. RODRIGO: Oh no. She wont be able Ms. Lafarge JEANNE: What are you talking about? She is awesome. You know I will call her tomorrow. I will explain that to her. Dont tell her anything. Let it be a surprise for Christmas. Ccile, lets go. Jeanne and Ccile exit. RODRIGO: She is right. She has an awesome future. She has to live. I need to find Graham. (Calls Graham from his cell phone) Graham! Are you still in Mexico?... Great! I need to talk to you. Come to my school. Graham enters. GRAHAM: I was on my way here. I am going back to Montreal. Emily just left. I was actually coming to say good bye. RODRIGO: No! There is a mission for you here. You have to make the heart transplantation. GRAHAM: I would have called you if a name on that list appeared. With what heart, Rodrigo? RODRIGO: Mine. GRAHAM: Im sorry? RODRIGO: She has so much left to do, Graham. Jeanne Lafarge just came and told me she needed her for her work. She deserves to live. And since my heart belongs to her, she needs to have it. GRAHAM: You are eighteen years old, Rodrigo. You have so much to live too. Besides are you planning to kill yourself? You are crazy. RODRIGO: Love is crazy, Graham. I dont plan to commit suicide. You just trade our hearts. I will die when her heart dies. She will live with mine.

GRAHAM: I cant let you do that. Victoria enters. VICTORIA: You are not doing that, Rodrigo! (She hugs him) this is my battle. RODRIGO: I want to fight it with you. VICTORIA: I am not accepting that. I love you, but I couldnt live without you knowing that you died because of me. A doctor enters. DOCTOR: Doctor McAdams! I have been looking for you everywhere! Dr. Cosgroves taxi crashed she is in the hospital about to die. GRAHAM: No! this cant be happening. I have to leave guys. Graham, The Doctor, Victoria and Rodrigo exit. A stretcher with Emily on it enters. From the other side. Graham enters. GRAHAM: Emily stay here! Can you hear me? Stay here. EMILY: I wont make it, Graham. When this cardiogram shows a plain white line, open my chest and give the heart to Victoria. She deserves it. GRAHAM: No! You can still live. Doctors! Help me here she is dying. EMILY: Graham! Just do it. GRAHAM: No! Dont go! Doctors take the stretcher off scene. Graham exits.


Setting: Mexico Citys Hospital

Victoria, Victorias mom, Rodrigo and Graham enter. VICTORIA: I still cant believe she did that for me. VICTORIAS MOM: I know, but Doctor, I am so sorry but we dont have the money. GRAHAM: The hospital is not paying for more. I already talked to the director but, you know today is Christmas Eve. They have other things in mind. RODRIGO: I could give you some money, but I spent all of my savings on the dress I bought you for Christmas from LaFarge. VICTORIA: You bought me a dress from LaFarge? Jeanne and Ccile enter. JEANNE: I heard my last name. Who said it? VICTORIA: Ms. Lafarge? What are you doing here? JEANNE: I tracked your moms car. You didnt answer your phone. Well anyway its Christmas and I want you to come with me to France. I will get you a scholarship to study for a fashion designer. VICTORIA: For real? Oh my God!... VICTORIAS MOM: Victoria! Its not time to think about that. You have to get this surgery done. JEANNE: Surgery? RODRIGO: She has to get heart transplantation right now. But she cant afford it. CCILE: Jeanne. You know what to do. JEANNE: Doctor! Here is my credit card (Gives Graham a credit card) You dont have to worry girl. I will pay for it. You should have told me. VICTORIA: Are you serious? Thank you very much! (She hugs Jeanne) JEANNE: You know, Ccile, I am starting to like the Mexicans. They hug everybody.

GRAHAM: Lets do this heart transplantation. Come on, Victoria! Graham and Victoria exit. Rodrigo, Victorias mom, Jeanne and Ccile exit from the other side.

ACT V SCENE IV Setting: Rodrigos and Victorias High School.

Rodrigo, Victoria, Monica, and Daniel are already on stage. Graham enters. GRAHAM: How are you feeling after one week? VICTORIA: Like if I was born again. RODRIGO: What is going to happen to you, Graham? You have been here for so long. GRAHAM: Actually, my boss called me yesterday. He said Emily told him everything. The school of doctors in Montreal wants to see me. It seems there is another case like yours I need to see. I will be working on that. VICTORIA: You will cure everybody, Graham. Youre so good. GRAHAM: This is because of everybody who supported you, the designer, Emily, your family and friends and specially Rodrigo. Jeanne enters and Ccile. JEANNE: Youd better mentioned my name on that comment, Doctor. Carlos enters. CARLOS: Jeanne I heard what you did. JEANNE: Carlos? CARLOS: It was nice of you. You are different after all. (He hugs her) Victoria and Monica shout whooo!

CCILE: Finally. GRAHAM: I need to get going. It was nice meeting you. This is not a good bye. I will see you, Rodrigo in the Faculty of Medicine. You would be a great doctor. RODRIGO: Wait! We need to celebrate this. (He grabs Victorias hand) Victoria, I bet you dont love me anymore, since you changed your heart. VICTORIA: You can change my heart a thousand times, but I will always love you. Victoria and Rodrigo hug each other. JEANNE: Hey! Too much love, kiddos. Lets party up. All the cast enters to dance Love Generation by Bob Sinclair. 60 minutes aprox. Without dances

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