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Generation Z is among the most ethnically diverse, highly educated, and

misunderstood new generation in recent history Generation Z is defined as

anyone born between 1997-2010, sometimes referred to as iGeneration, due to
the significant influence of technology. However, The association between
Generation Z and delinquent behaviors has become prevalent.
Delinquent behavior refers to an action, the commitment of which confronts the
offender to the laws of civil society. Some of the delinquent behaviors include
theft, property damage, physical aggression, selling drugs, robbery, vandalism,
and avoiding school, which could lead to poor educational performance, school
absenteeism, escape from home, substance use, depression/anxiety, self-harm,
and even increased probability of unnatural death caused by suicide, murder, and
alcohol abuse.
Adolescent problem behaviors may result in long-term developmental problems,
continuing to adulthood.
Today, Tropical Village National High School and SAGIP Through Connect Project
are conducting this symposium entitled; “ Embracing and Nurturing Gen Z
This activity aims to minister to learners by sharing one's life experiences and
fostering open communication in order to provide continuous assistance and
guidance to learners in disadvantaged circumstances.

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