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The Incredible Journey of Blood

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Speaker Notes
Blood is an amazing substance that flows through our bodies, carrying oxygen,
nutrients, and waste products. It also defends us from infection and helps to
repair damage. In this presentation, we will explore the incredible journey of
blood, from its creation to its destruction.

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Composition of Blood

Blood is made up of four main components:

Plasma: A liquid that makes up about 55% of blood and contains water, proteins, and
other solutes.
Red blood cells: These cells carry oxygen throughout the body and make up about 45%
of blood.
White blood cells: These cells fight infection and make up less than 1% of blood.
Platelets: These cells help to form blood clots and make up less than 1% of blood.
Speaker Notes
Each component of blood plays a vital role in keeping us healthy. Plasma carries
essential nutrients and hormones throughout the body, while red blood cells deliver
oxygen to our cells. White blood cells fight infection, and platelets help to form
blood clots to stop bleeding.

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The Function of Blood

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Blood has many important functions, including:

Transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells
Removing waste products from cells
Fighting infection
Regulating body temperature
Maintaining blood pressure
Helping to heal wounds
Speaker Notes
Blood is constantly circulating through our bodies, performing these vital
functions. Without blood, we would not be able to survive.

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The Journey of a Red Blood Cell

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Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow.

They travel through the bloodstream for about 120 days.
When they are old or damaged, they are removed from the circulation by the liver
and spleen.
Speaker Notes
Red blood cells are constantly being produced and destroyed. This process is
essential for maintaining a healthy supply of oxygen-carrying cells in the body.

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The Journey of a White Blood Cell
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White blood cells are made in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen.
They travel through the bloodstream and lymphatic system, looking for signs of
When they find an infection, they attack and destroy the invading organism.
Speaker Notes
White blood cells are our body's natural defense against infection. They are
constantly on the lookout for harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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The Journey of a Platelet

Platelets are made in the bone marrow.

They travel through the bloodstream and help to form blood clots when a blood
vessel is damaged.
This process helps to prevent excessive bleeding.
Speaker Notes
Platelets are essential for preventing blood loss. They form a sticky plug at the
site of an injury, sealing the blood vessel and stopping the flow of blood.

Slide 7
Blood Disorders

There are many different blood disorders, including:

Anemia: A condition in which the red blood cell count is lower than normal.
Leukemia: A cancer of the white blood cells.
Hemophilia: A condition in which the blood does not clot properly.
Sickle cell disease: A genetic disorder that affects the shape of red blood cells.
Speaker Notes
Blood disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics,
infection, and autoimmune diseases. They can range from mild to life-threatening.

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Blood Donation

Blood donation is a safe and easy way to help others.

Donated blood can be used to save lives in a variety of situations, such as during
surgery, accidents

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