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Taking bar orders

BAR PERSON:Here you are,madam a small rum and a dry

martini ,Shall I charge it to your room?
GUEST:No, I’ll pay cash.How much is that?
BAR PERSON:That comes to €11.50
GUEST:Thanks,here,keep the change.
BAR PERSON:Thank you,madam. the restaurant

WAITRESS:Are you ready to order,madam?

FEMALE GUEST:Yes, I think so.just a question,what is the
waldorf salad?
WAITRESS:It’s a crispy salad with cheese and croutons.
MALE GUEST:It’s not a mixed salad?
WAITRESS:No,It’s fresh lettuce with dressing and the cheese
and croutons mixed in.
FEMALE GUEST:OK,I’ll have that.
WAITRESS:....and something to follow?
FEMALE GUEST:I’d like some fish,please.Can you
recommend something?
WAITRESS:The sole meunière is very good,madam,and very
FEMALE GUEST:Is it fresh today?
FEMALE GUEST:Fine, I’ll have that then.
WAITRESS:Thank you,and you,sir?
MALE GUEST:Just a steak for me,please,no starter.
WAITRESS:How would you like it - rare,medium or well
MALE GUEST:Well done,please.
WAITRESS:And what would you like to drink?
MALE GUEST:How about a bottle of rosè?
FEMALE GUEST:And a bottle of sparkling mineral
WAITRESS:So that’s the waldorf salad and the sole
meunière,steak,well done,a bottle of rosè and a bottle of
sparkling mineral water. Thank you

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