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Name: ______________ Roll No: _______ Date: 31/01/2022

TV/P/CL-V/ FA2 Rev. Worksheet Subject: EVS Chapter 12,13,14

Answer Key

Q I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Fuel is saved by vehicles running on solar energy.
2. Continuous and heavy rain for a long time can cause floods.
3. Carved designs made on the ceilings of houseboats is known as Khatamband.
4. Donga is a boat on water, in which one can live.
5. Earthquakes cannot be predicted before they occur.

Q II. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True

Q III. Give one word.

1. Petroleum
2. Cyclone
3. Solar Cooker
4. Dal Lake
5. Cold Desert

Q IV. Answer the following.

1. We can suffer from ailments like headache, burning eyes, asthama and diseases
related to lungs due to smoke coming out from vehicles. Air gets polluted with smoke
and we feel suffocated. There is smog created due to which we cannot see distant
objects clearly, which causes accidents.

2. some ways to save fuel are-

(i) public transport should be used more.
(ii) Use more solar energy.
(iii) We should switch off the engine of our vehicles while waiting at the red
signal or railway crossing.
(iv) We should use car pool and reduce the use of private vehicles.

3. Tashi’s house had no windows on the ground floor. due to this the ground floor
always stays warm. Due to this Tashi and his family live on the ground floor during

4. Changpas take their goats to very high and cold places for grazing because the
higher and cooler the place the longer and smoother the hair of these goats. From
these special goats they get the world famous Pashmina wool.
5. two steps that should be taken when there is a flood. Are- [any two]
(i) Take shelter in a high safe place.
(ii) Stay away from river banks.
(iii) Shut off electric supply in the house.
(iv) Be careful around open gutters and potholes.

6. The difficulties faced by the people during floods are –

(i) Water may enter into the roads and houses of people.
(ii) There is loss of life and destruction of property.
(iii) There is scarcity of food and drinking water.
(iv) Children cannot go to school and people cannot go from one place to

7. Give two examples of the following-

i. Man-made disasters – Fire Accident, Communal Riots
ii. Natural disasters – Flood, Earthquake
iii. Gaseous fuels – CNG, LPG
iv. Solid Fuels – Coal, cow dung cakes, or wood
v. Liquid Fuels – Petrol, Kerosene


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