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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we are moving

away from the simple pleasures of life. The joy that was
derived from having a nature walk, sitting near the bonfire,
playing outdoor games, enjoying the fresh air, having a
cup of coffee with friends, having heartfelt conversations
with our loved ones, reading books, and trying out new
things is no longer a part of us. All these little moments
what many would consider the essence of life's true
enjoyment have fizzled out.

2ND PARAGRAPH- Online games are time-consuming

Unfortunately, the simple pleasures of life have been
slipping away as technology has advanced. Video games
and online games providing their own entertainment brand
can be time-consuming. The hours spent in front of the
screens, immersed in virtual worlds can easily replace the
genuine joy of connecting with our near and dear ones.
We are wasting our precious time which can be easily
devoted in learning new things. We should move towards
a life driven by simple pleasures where we have 5 minutes
for screen and 10 hours for us.
3rd Paragraph- Harmful effects of video games and how it
is detaching us from the real world

The immersive nature of video games can lead to a sense

of detachment from the world outside the screen. The
allure of achievements and progress within these games
can overshadow the simple pleasures of a good book and
a peaceful afternoon nap. Video games are leading to
changed behaviours and our mental health is getting
disturbed from it. The engaging and pervasive nature of
video games are overpowering human minds and leading
them towards becoming a slave of technology.

4th Paragraph Conclusion

It’s important to strike a balance between the digital and
analog aspects of life. While video games offer their
unique experiences and can be a source of enjoyment, its
crucial to not let them overshadow the simpler joys.
Finding time to unplug, appreciate the nature around us
and savour those everyday moments can help us maintain
a healthier and more fulfilling connection to the simple
pleasures of life.

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