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Paul Jastine J.

2nd year BSBA – Marketing Management
Dean. Maria Paz A. Magsalin


NOW. It can be a Political Leader or a Business Leader. Students will draw
upon their knowledge of executive leadership characteristics, challenges, and
ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE of the global leader that you chose.

Title: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

In today's interconnected world, effective executive leadership is crucial for
navigating complex challenges and fostering collaborations. The leadership
qualities, challenges faced, and collaborative efforts of Prime Minister
Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand. By observations and conducting a critical
analysis, we can shed light on her global leadership approach and its

Leadership Characteristics:
Prime Minister Ardern embodies several exemplary leadership
characteristics. Firstly, she demonstrates exceptional communication skills,
effectively engaging with the public, and displaying empathy and
compassion. Additionally, Ardern exhibits strong emotional intelligence,
calmly responding to crises and prioritizing collective well-being. Her
authentic leadership style resonates with people worldwide, fostering trust
and transparency. Moreover, Ardern values teamwork, inclusivity and
consistently promotes diversity and equality, setting a progressive example
for global leaders.

Challenges Faced:
Ardern has faced unique challenges during her tenure as Prime Minister. The
Christ church mosque shootings in 2019 tested her leadership abilities,
requiring her to address the immediate crisis while uniting her nation against
hatred and extremism. Furthermore, implementation of stringent gun control
policies showcased her commitment to decisive action and prioritizing public
safety. More recently, Ardern faced the arduous task of managing the
COVID-19 pandemic, striking a balance between health measures and
economic stability.

Ardern's collaborative efforts have been noteworthy, both within New
Zealand and on the global stage. Domestically, she formed a coalition
government with multiple parties, highlighting her ability to bridge diverse
ideologies to create a progressive and inclusive governance model. Ardern
also values international cooperation, actively engaging with global leaders
through initiatives such as the Paris Agreement on climate change,
demonstrating her commitment to addressing pressing global issues.

Analysis and Critique:

The Prime Minister Ardern exemplifies exceptional executive leadership in
the global scene. Her communication skills, coupled with her empathetic
approach, have garnered widespread praise, making her a respected and
influential figure worldwide. However, there are areas for critique. While her
focus on well-being and social justice is commendable, some argue that
more pragmatism is needed in addressing economic challenges. Additionally,
sustained efforts are required to ensure the inclusion and representation of
marginalized groups.

Ardern's response to crises, such as the Christ church shootings and the
COVID-19 pandemic, highlights her strong leadership qualities. However,
critics contend that addressing long-term structural issues remains a
significant task for her administration. Challenges such as affordable
housing, income inequality, and education reforms have yet to be fully
tackled, requiring sustained and focused efforts.
In terms of collaborations, Ardern's efforts deserve commendation. Her
advocacy for climate change and involvement in global forums strengthen
New Zealand's position on the international stage. Nonetheless, there are
limitations to her impact due to New Zealand's limited economic and military

In observing Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's executive leadership in the
global arena, we find many commendable qualities such as effective
communication, empathy, and collaborative initiatives. While there may be
areas open to critique, and ongoing challenges to address, Ardern's
leadership has undoubtedly left a positive impact, demonstrating that
embracing progressive values and prioritizing the well-being of the collective
can inspire broader global change.

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