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Checklist for LDP Project

Checklist to collect urban physical data

1. Location (Absolute and relative)

 area
 Shape
* Describe the area from different Angles. (eg. How far the area is from the city, location the
relative location from the country)

2 Topography
2.1 Elevation

2.2 Slope with appropriate classification (Slope map)

3 Climate

3.1 Temperature (Minimum, Maximum and Mean)

3.2 Rainfall (distribution)

3.3 Relative humidity (optional)

3.4 Wind Speed and direction

* Recommend on critical climatic problems for urban Area

4. Drainage

4.1 Perennial and intermittent rivers

4.2 Condition of rivers

5. Natural Vegetation and wild life

5.1 Types of vegetation

5.2 Types of wild life

5.3 Vegetation Coverage

6 Natural and manmade constraints for future expansion direction

6.1 Natural constraints

6.1.1 Relief features (steep slope, flood prone and marshy areas, etc)

6.1.2 Dense forests, etc

6.2 Manmade constraints

6.2.1 Camps(military, etc)

6.2.2 Quarry sites

6.2.3 Substations and high tension lines

6.2.4 Airport, etc

* Map them on the base map

7 Urban Land use and location of municipal services

7.1 Urban land uses

7.1.1 Built up area, farmland, vegetation, swampy area and vacant land

7.1.2 Compatibility issues and land use conflict (cause and solution)

7.1.3 Future expansion/development area

7.2 Location of Municipal services

7.2.1 General markets

 Centrality and accessibility

 Size of space

 Types of facilities

 Soil type and topography (slope)

 Crowdedness (free mobility of marketeers)

7.2.2 Cattle market

*Flow direction of cattle and compatibility

*Traffic problem


7.2.3 Mini markets

 Public need and centrality

7.2.4 Cemetery and Religious centers

 Location based on preference, settlement pattern of religious group(s) and their


 Cemetery should be selected based on location (Peripheral area), sanitation, bed rock, soil
type and compatibility (with geologist)

7.2.5 Solid and liquid waste disposal sites

Solid waste
 Soil type, wind direction and drainage
 Distance and access of the site
Liquid waste
 Drainage system

 Soil type, thickness and structure

8. Urban Transport

8.1 Transport
 Means of urban transport
 Data on traffic count
8.1.1 Bus station
Existing condition and Facilities
Centrality, topography, compatibility, congestion, size of space
8.1.2 Freight terminal
Compatibility, Congestion, Size of the space
8.1.3 Truck and other cars
 Parking stations
 Size of the main road
8.1.4 Motorized and non motorized stations
9. Urban Utilities
 Availability (fixed, mobile and internet)
 Capacity, Office availability and accessibility
 Problems & prospects
9. 2 Electric power
 Capacity, service duration and consumption by customer
 Street lighting and office location
 Problems and prospects
 Buffer for high-tension lines and sub-station
9.3 Postal service
 Availability, accessibility and service sufficiency
 Problems and prospects

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