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3. Melody - Horizontal element of music. Pleasing

succession of tones.
A. Melodic range - Distance between the

MUSIC highest and lowest notes

B. Narrow Range - 1 - 3 tone interval
● MEDIEVAL MUSIC C. Wide Range - 4 to 5, or 6-8 tones
- Dark Ages or Middle Ages - Melodic Direction
- Gregorian Chant → Monophonic Plainchant A. Upward - Notes or tune flow in an ascending
- Roman Empire direction
- Centonization → Used to Create families of B. Downward - Notes or tune flow in an
Related Chants descending direction
- Hexachords → Six-note patterns C. Repetitive - Notes or tune recur in the
- Neumes → Early form of music notation passages of the musical composition
- Organum → Multi or several voice D. Smooth Flowing - Notes may go up and
elaborations of a gregorian chant down in a smooth and connected manner
- Organum, Alleluia 4. Dynamics - Refers to words or signs indicating
- Adam de la halle → French Poet, degrees or changes in the loudness or softness of a
- Do-re-mi musical sound or passage.
- Ut quent Laxis 5. Tempo - time; the rate of speed of a compositionor
- Imitative Polyphony → Imitated each other A. Tempo marks - Indications are usually italian
- Madrigal → terms
- Mass - Ritardando - Slackening
- My heart is offered still to you - Ritenuto - Holding back
- Rebirth or renaissance - Accelerando - Quickening
- Giovanni Pierluigi de palestrina
- Thomas morley
- My song shall be always
- Oddly shapes pearl Principles of Art
- Barroco → Are the rules and techniques that artists use to
- George frideric Handel create works of art.
- Johann Sebastian Bach 1. Rhythm, movement - Refers to the repetition of a
- Antonio Vivaldi motif or elements of art
2. Balance - Refers to the idea of maintaining
Musical Elements consistency of art elements in various areas in an
1. Harmony → Simultaneous occurrence of musical artwork
tones whether constant or dissonant. Refers to the A. Symmetrical Balance - Same shapes, colors,
vertical structure of music. and other art elements are evenly distributed.
A. Major Tonality - known as Major key. B. Asymmetrical - Different shapes, colors, and
B. Minor Tonality - Known as Minor Key other art elements are evenly distributed.
C. Undetermined Tonality - Refers to music C. Radial Symmetry - Various art elements
pieces, which has neither a major nor a minor branch off from a central point
key 3. Emphasis - Extraordinary or a different line, color,
2. Rhythm - Combination of long or short duration of or shape.
musical sounds
4. Harmony - Complement one another → According to records, dodgeball is an ancient
5. Unity - Sense of oneness, wholeness, or order in a game, maybe the oldest sports known to people. It
work of art also appears on the records that a caveman dodged
6. Variety - Concerned with diversity or contrast a rock thrown to him by the other caveman and the
7. Proportion - Refers to the relationship of certain one who dodged it threw it back. The first to throw,
elements threw another rock but this time, the other caveman
was not able to dodge it and got knocked out. This is
believed to be the beginning of dodgeball.
Now, this simple action of throwing and dodging
P.E serve as the basic actions used in this sport.

Fitness Assesment
● Nature/Background
→ We need to do to prevent lifestyle diseases
→ Game of two opposing teams who try to pitch
● Lifestyle
balls to the opposing team while avoiding being hit
→ behavioural pattern that refers to a person or
by the other.
group of people lives
→ In US, it is played by children 6 to 12 yrs. Old
● Health Related Fitness
→ Internationally, it is played among middle school,
→ Ability to achieve and maintain a physically
highschool, and college students
healthy body
→ Used in recreational event and informal Event
● Weight Managment
→ Can be played on a playground or inside a gym
→ Set of practices and beheviours that is necessary
to keep one’s weight at a healthful level
● Rules of the game
● Waist Circumfurence
- Teams
→ Determining Visceral Fats
→ Each team shall have 6 to 8 plates
● Overweight
- The Game
→ Weight in excess of the average for an individual
→ The objective of the game is to eliminate all
● Pinggang PInoy
opponents' players by hitting them out with the
→ model of the right food group proportion to meet
the energy and nutrient needs of filipinos
- Beginning of the Game
● Cardiovascular Endurance
→ Eight Balls are required to be used
→ Deliver/supply oxygen through working muscles
→ The players will be positioned behind the line
and tissues
- Stalling and 30-second Violation
● Flexibility
→ If one team has all the balls in possession, they
→ Ability of the joint to move through a full range
must throw at least two balls within a 30-second
● Agility
- Match Play
→ Change in Direction quickly
→ Matches will be decided using a "best-of-three"
● 3-minute Step
(10-minute games) format in which the first team to
→ Measures Cardiovascular Endurance
win two games will be the winner of the match.
● Sit and Reach
→ League play consists of three 10-minute games
→ Measures Flexibility
regardless of the outcome.
● Shuttle Run
- Declaring a Winner
→ Measures Agility
→ The first team to legally eliminate all opposing
players will be the winner.
● History
→ If neither team has been eliminated at the end of Rest: Rest the injured part until it feels less
regulation, the team with the greater number of painful.
remaining players will be the winner. Ice: Wrap an icepack or cold compress in a
→ in all overtime periods, the first team to legally towel and place over the injured part
eliminate any one opponent will be the winner. immediately. Continue for not more than 20
minutes at a time, four to eight times a day.
● Facilities and Equipment Compression: Support the injured part with
- The Ball an elastic compressio bandage for at least
→ 7-inch foam ball with a thin plastic covering two days.
→ Size of a volleyball Elevation: Raise the injured part above heart
- The Playing Area level to decrease swelling.
→ 60 feet long x 30 feet wide - If swelling or severe pain is experienced,
→ Front Line: 10 feet bring the injured to the doctor.
→ Attack line: 20 feet
First Aid D. Heat Exhaustion - Is a condition that occurs after
● What should you do when injuries and you have been exposed to a high temperature
emergency situation happen? ● What should one do in case of heat
A. Muscle Cramp - sudden contraction of muscles exhaustion?
that is extremely painful resulting from inadequate - Get out of the heat and rest in a
blood supply to muscles. well-ventilated room
● What is the first aid treatment for cramps? - Drink plenty of water or fruit juices
1. Gently stretch and massage the cramping - Remove any tight or unnecessary clothing
muscle - Take a cool shower, bath, or spong bath
2. Ice massage to the cramped muscle is a must. - Apply other cooling measures such as fans or
3. If you are experiencing leg cramps, straighten ice towels.
the leg fully and bend over by grabbing the
end of the toes. The cramp will eventually be NON-COMMUNICABLE AND LIFESTYLE-RELATED
relieved. DISEASES
4. Apply muscle pain relief cream RISK FACTORS FOR NON-COMMUNICABLE
5. Drink beverages containing potassium, such - 1. Smoking → It can harm diffrent organs.
as water with salt Causes cancer and heart diseases that may
lead to death. Also aggreviates to diseases
B. Sprain - is a stretched or torn ligaments. This may
like diabetes and tuberculosis
be caused by falling, twisting, or being hit by an
- 2. Alcohol → Linked to numbers of diseases
and injuries. May lead to cancer of the mouth,
esophagus, and liver. Drinking alot may
C. Strain - is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon.
damage the heart, leading to high blood
This may be caused by twisting or pulling a muscle
pressure, stroke, and heart attack
or tendon during a physical activity.
- 3. Physical Inactivity → It could lead to
● What are the first aid measures in cases of different acute disorders such as obesity and
sprain and strain? high blood pressure which may results to
- Make sure to stop activity right away other diseases like diabetes, stroke, and heart
- Think R.I.C.E. for the first 48 hours after the attack.
- 4. Unhealthy Diet and Nutrition → Good
nutrition can lead to a better health. Poor diet 1. Illegal Mining
can lead to chronic diseases. - Illegal mining activities lead to deforestation
and loss of biodiversity in land and aquatic
PREVENTION FOR NON-COMMUNICABLE life. Lead to deforestation and loss of
1. Engage in regular exercise biodiversity in land and aquatic life.
2. Eat a balanced diet 1. Pesticide Drift
3. Get enough sleep and rest - Movement of chemical pesticides from the
4. Sustain the body with enough water
intended place to another, caused by wind
5. Reduce stress
and other factors. This causes accidental
6. Quit smoking
exposure of human, animals, or plants to
7. Asses fitness level
8. Doing an hour of exercise a day
1. Deforestation
9. Engaging in low-calorie and low-fat diet
- Clearing forests on a massive scale results to
10. Not skipping breakfast
the degradation of the quality of the land.
11. Checking weight regularly
1. Oil Spill
12. Observing the same diet in weekdays and
- is a form of pollution where oil or liquid petrol
is released to the environment, either on land,
or on a body of water.
1. Coral Reef Degradation
HEALTH - Indirect damaging of coral reefs include
silting of reefs, pollution by nutrients that
● Health - absence of disease leads to algal growth, overfishing, and global
● Community - geographical area, group of
warming which sickens and kills corals.
● Community Health - health status Physically killing the corals is the direct way
● Environment - refers to all things of damaging them. These include dynamite
● Environmental health - prevention and and cyanide fishing, and uninformed divers
control catching marine life, ripping corals in the
● Improper waste disposal - contaminates the
soil, air and water
● Pollution - adverse effect 1. Climate Change
● Pollutant - harmful substance - global climate cause a variety of risks to our
● Air pollution - contamination of air health, ranging from altering patterns of
● Water pollution - contamination of water
infectious diseases to deaths in extreme
● Land pollution - contamination of land
● Disease control - spread of disease
● Drug abuse, prevention and control - Prevention and Management of Environmental
habitual taking Health Issues
● Peace and order ● Solid waste Management


- is a method to minimize solid waste effect on
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES human health by proper segregation,
→ Environmental issues threaten our quality of life. effective collection, transportation, and
Worldwide issues concern population growth, disposal of wastes.
poverty and hunger, the greenhouse effect and ● Zero Waste Management
global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, and - is an efficient way in making the most of
destruction of rain forests. recycling, reducing waste, and ensuring
products are reused, repaired, or recycled
back into the environment and market.
● Community Recycling
- is a program supported by citizens interested
in a clean environment to contribute
improvement in the community.
● Community Action Program

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