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Frozen whispers

DEEL 1: We join this programm already in progress

The characters and the Harper agents (see Handout 1: Sidekicks) teleport into the portal room under the Harper’s
Xorvintroth safe house (area Y4 on the Xorvintroth Safe House map in appendix A), returning from a supply run and
recruitment trip to Waterdeep. Expecting to find a guarded, well-lit room, instead the lanterns and torches have been
allowed to run low and it’s eerily quiet.
The characters can hear sounds of distress and occasional loud exchanges or clashes of combat down the hall.

Doel 1:
Help the Harper agents without harming them


Xorvintroth Above
The characters emerge from the safe house, marked Y on the Central Xorvintroth map in appendix A, to the city
above. Above the dungeons, certainly, but still buried deep beneath the Spine of the World. Areas of Xorvintroth’s
protective, green glass sphere have failed over the years, allowing the stone and earth overhead to pour in and
destroy portions of the city.

Doel 2:
The characters must find the other slivers of the key, avoid detection by the Thayans, and track Wren.


drawn by their slivers, the characters approach the Shadow in the Ice’s prison. Part of the western wall has been
destroyed by a cave-in. Several star spawn have finished clearing a way in.

Doel 3:
Having found the Shadow in the Ice, the characters must banish or destroy it. And save the captive Wren!

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