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During photosynthesis light energy is converted to the energy in chemical bonds.

What also happens

according to the predictions of the second law of thermodynamics?
a. matter is lost in the process
b. chemical energy is converted to light energy
c. light and chemical energy are equal
d. heat is released in the process

what results from the removal of a phosphate group from ATP?

a. the release of energy
b. the production of chemical energy
c. the creation of energy
d. the absorption of energy by chlorophyl

in which of the following processes is chemical energy converted to mechanical energy?

a. photosynthesis
b. muscle contraction
c. a rock rolling down a hill
d. cellular respiration

Which is the biological importance of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?

a. creates glucose from light

b. makes biological proteins
c. provides chemical energy
d. repairs cell membranes

Which is an autotroph?


Which describes the process of cellular respiration?

a. anabolic pathway that breaks molecules into energy
b. anabolic pathway that builds molecules of stored energy
c. catabolic pathway that breaks molecules into energy
d. catabolic pathway that build molecules of stored energy

Autotrophs that convert light energy into chemical energy is called

a. photoautotrophs
b. heterotrophs
c. chemoautotrophs
d. omnivores

All of the chemical reactions that occur in a cell are called

a. homeostasis.

b. metabolism.

c. heterostasis.

d. cytoplasm.

The study of energy flow and transformation is called


An organism that uses hydrogen sulfide as a source of energy is categorized as which of the following?
a. photoautotroph
b. heteroautotroph
c. chemoautotroph
d. thermoautotroph

Which of the following metabolic pathways is anabolic?

a .photosynthesis
b .breakdown of actin in muscles
c .respiration
d .alcohol fermentation
which of the diagrams in figure 8-1 show how energy is produced in a cell?

Which of the processes shown in figure 8-2 do not use a cell's energy?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

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