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Polsotin, Moana Marie G.

Contemporary World November 16, 2023

Module 4 – 6

Reading through Module 4, I have understood and realized the interconnection between Globalization and
Internet/Social Media. The internet has helped our community to help spread information among the
world, and with this Social Media it has aided produce a venue for socialization among people. One good
example for this scenario is that for cultural groups, when their geographic boundaries hinder them,
Social Media and Internet help them to connect with each other. However, at the same time due to being
widely accessible to the Internet, excessive cases may occur due to the possibilities of misinformation or
discrimination. Mentioned also on our Module 4, Political Activism has been impacted to their mindset so
they can easily spread awareness all over the world. On the other hand, Fundamentalism states the idea of
the current religions has vanished away from its pure essence to which they thought to return. Module 5
discusses Global Demographics, it focuses on the trends and challenges of our global population. One
problem of the world today is the high population of the world that causes economic deflation of
countries. With this, according to the statistics, it is expected that the number of today’s population will
bloom twenty years from now which is a problem again. Global Health also was not that arguable way
back until late 1700’s, due to the said high rise of population, these health organizations could not
guarantee a hundred percent services to its patients due to the low resources way back then. Module 6 on
the other hand focuses mainly on the Sustainable Development Goals that helps be a guide to the world
we live in. It is a collection of 17 objectives made to make our planet livable in the future. These 17 are the
following: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean
Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry,
Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduce Inequality, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible
Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life below Water, Life on Land, Peace, Justice, and Strong
Institutions, and Partnerships for the Goals are those things we would need to sustain a well-balanced life.
But of course, there are challenges, problems, and hindrances in achieving the mentioned SDG’s that
should also be a concern to the community–and one of them is our failure to commit and make possible
these Sustainable Development Goals.

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