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Research methods for the behavioral sciences 5th edition pdf free stangor

CHAPTER 3 Ethics in research training objectives 1. Understand the concerns of ethical research. 2. Understand the potential psychological threats to participants in behavioral research projects. 3. Understand which facets may interfere with participants' freedom to choose whether or not to participate in research. 4. Understand the
function of informed consent. 5. Be aware of the potential for abuse of power by the researcher in the research relationship. 6. Determine when and why deception is used in research design. QUESTION 1. Describe the purpose of the interview after experimental. When is it used and why does it serve as such an important tool in
behavioral research? 2. Describe the four principles of ethical research with human participants as outlined in Chapter 3. Specify the procedures used by behavioral researchers to help ensure that their research upholds these principles. 3. Why is deception used in research and in what cases is it justified? 4. Outline the guidelines that an
experimenter must take into account when designing a research project and set ethical goals that the researcher will seek to maintain throughout the administration of the experiment itself. 5. Explain the purpose and composition of the Institutional Evaluation Committee. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Ans: one page: 42 Type: F LO: 2
1. One of the main difficulties associated with studying people is that a. they often behave differently when studied than they would otherwise. B. suspicion checks show that fraud measures rarely work. c. Participants will rarely give their informed consent to participate. d. The IRB only allows about 5% of all proposed studies
to be carried out. Ans: one page: 43-44 Type: F LO: 1 2. Why is ethics a problem in behavioral research? A. Because participants are people and researchers are required to protect them from harm. B. Because researchers can be fined by the American Psychological Association if they don't follow ethical guidelines. c.
Because animals do not receive equal rights during an experiment. d. Behavioural researchers do not normally need to consider ethical issues when conducting research. Ans: d Page: 42 Type: F LO: 1 3. Which of the following are the potential benefits of scientific research? A. Knowledge gained for society as a whole b. The
participant's knowledge of how scientific research is carried out c. for the researcher on the area under investigation on 1 January 2007. All of the above are potential benefits. Ans: d Page: 43 Type: F LO: 1 4. What scientific areas face ethical dilemmas? A. Only behavioral science b. Medical and behavioural sciences
c. Physics and medicine d. All scientific fields Ans: d Page: 42-43 Type: F LO: 1 5. It is not appropriate to argue that research should not be carried out because a. research is carried out. B. a wide range of scientific fields use research. c. the results of famous scientists are well known. d. there are potential benefits
from carrying out research. Ans: d Page: 44 Type: F LO: 1 6. Which IS NOT one of the four basic objectives of ethical research? A. To grant freedom of choice b. To keep the participant free from physical or psychological harm c. Honestly, the research carried out on 1 January 2007 describes the number of people who
have been a member of the European Use of deception to ensure that results are not hindered Ans: c Page: 45 Type: F LO: 1 7. Characteristics of an ethical research project include which of the following? A. The rights of the participants are taken into account before the rights of the experimenter, but the relationship between
them should be more advantageous to the researcher. B. The experimenter fully explains to the participants all the details of the research and the exact results calculated before take-off. c. When the experiment is over, any deception that has been used and the necessity of it is explained. d. The experimenter explains the underlying
research hypothesis and purpose of the trial procedure before the research begins. Ans: d Page: 44 Type: C LO: 2 8. Which of the following best describes the danger of psychological harm to the participant in behavioral research? A. Psychological damage occurs regularly. B. Psychological harm never occurs to participants.
c. Psychological harm is not part of the ethical concerns of researchers. d. Psychological harm is not likely, but researchers should always keep an eye on the possibility that it may occur. Ans: one page: 47 F LO: 2 9. Research carried out outside the laboratory a. may have more ethical concerns because participants may not
know they are being investigated. B. have fewer ethical concerns because the experimental procedures are less extreme. c. cannot be performed ethically. d. is subject to ethical principles other than laboratory testing. Ans: c Page: 48 Type: F LO: 4 10. The purpose of informed consent is to a. assess the participant's reactions
to the experiment. B. explain the hypothesis of the experiment and what exactly is being studied in the experiment. c. provide participants with information about the experiment so that they are free to choose whether to participate. d. raise awareness of the difference in power. Ans: c Page: 48 Type: F LO: 4 11. Which of the
following is NOT part of informed consent? A. A declaration that participation is voluntary b. A description of risks c. To ensure that there will be no long-term effects on the participant d. A description of the procedures Ans: c Page: 48-49 Type: F LO: 4 12. Which of the following is part of informed consent? A.
Information on the research hypothesis b. An account of the results of the research c. Information on how the collected data will be kept confidential d. A statement requiring the participant to complete the experiment Ans: one page: 48-49 Type: F LO: 3 13. A participant who chooses not to conduct an experiment after
starting a. must not result in loss of benefits. B. be asked to return to the experiment at a later date. c. must be informed that his or her decision may affect the validity of the research. d. should instead participate in another experiment. Ans: d Page: 48-49 Type: F LO: 4 14. Which of the following is a dish for the experimental
participant? A. The right to be informed of all the results of the research b. The right to sue the university if he or she is injured c. The right to fully understand the research hypothesis d. The right to withdraw from participation without At any time Ans: one page: 57-58 Type: F LO: 1 15. Which of the following organisations
provides ethical guidelines for research? A. American Psychological Association b. U.S. Department of Research c. The United Legion of Ethics d. American Ethical Association Ans: b Page: 51 LO: 3 F 16. Which of the following best describes the likely behavior of a research participant? A. The participant will
usually be willing to leave the experiment if he or she experiences discomfort. B. It can be difficult for the participant to express a desire to leave the experiment. c. The experiment will cause psychological discomfort for many individuals. d. The participant will normally pay attention to the research hypothesis. Ans: c Page: 52 Type: F
LO: 3 17. When no information identifying the participant is taken by the researcher, the data collected is said to be one. Confidential. B. Unmarked. c. anonymous. d. wasted. Ans: b Page: 53 Type: C LO: 1 18. The Stanford prison experiment, in which college students were recruited to play the role of guards and prisoners in
a prison, is an example of an a. deception investigation. B. simulation study. c. correlation study. d. mutual disclosure study. Ans: b Page: 53 Type: C LO: 1 19. A study in which participants are fully informed about the nature of the research and are asked to behave as if they were in a social context of interest is called a(n) a.
acting experiment. B. simulation study. c. simulated realism experiment. d. misleading investigation. Ans: b Page: 53 Type: F LO: 6 20. According to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association, deception can be used a. when the experimenter needs to study natural behavior. B. only if the experiment could not
be carried out without the use of deception. c. never - deception is always unethical. d. when necessary, as long as the participant is debriefed. Ans: c Page: 53 Type: F LO: 6 21. Why is deception used in research? A. Because the scientific method requires b. Because the experimental method requires c. Because some
research topics could not be studied without it d. So that the participants cannot tell others about the research hypothesis Ans: c Page: 53 Type: F LO: 6 22. Which of the following is a potential negative consequence of the use of deception in behavioral research? A. Participants may believe in the deception. B. The
deception can make participants guess what is being studied. c. Participants can learn to expect to be deceived in future experiments, making these experiments harder to conduct. d. The deception may undermine the researcher's ability to fully understand the data collected. Ans: b Page: 55 Type: F LO: 3 23. The process of asking
participants questions to help determine how they interpreted and responded to the experimental procedure is known as a. informed consent. B. interview after experimental experimentation. c. debriefing simulation. d. hypothesis check. Ans: one page: 54-55 Type: F LO: 3 24. Debriefing is often combined with which of the
following? A. The post-experimental interview b. Informed consent c. Data collection d. Deceived Ans: one page: 55 Type: F LO: 3 25. When is a suspect check used? A. During the post-experimental interview b. Only in studies that do not use deception c. During the experimental procedures d. Only in
simulation studies Ans: c Page: 55 Type: F LO: 3 26. Which of the following is NOT a target for the post-experimental interview? A. To see if the participant suspected the nature of the experiment b. To educate participants on behavioural research c. In order to get the participant interested in participating in follow-up
experiments d. To eliminate any long-term consequences of having participated in the experiment Ans: c Page: 55-56 Type: F LO: 3 27. The difference between debriefing and process debriefing is that process debriefing involves passively undo any harmful effects. B. shows the participants' data to them. c. actively eliminate
any adverse effects. d. to ensure that participants are sent back to their original state. Ans: d Page: 55-56 Type: A LO: 3 28. After an experiment in which participants have been put into negative mood, participants complete a questionnaire in which they show all the positive things about themselves that they can think of. This technique
is probably part of which of the following? A. A simulation study b. Informed consent c. An unethical study d. A process debrief Ans: b Page: 55 Type: F LO: 5 29. Researchers use many procedures to help prevent long-lasting negative consequences for research participants. These usually include all but which of the
following? A. A thorough debrief b. Allows participants to leave the experiment at any time c. To provide participants with a phone number that they can call with additional concerns d. To provide participants with a list of research articles on the subject of the study Ans: c Page: 58 Type: F LO: 1 30. Which of the following
is part of the ethics of animal research? A. The animals are allowed to move freely around the laboratory. B. If necessary, the animals are slowly killed to minimize the amount of pain. c. The researchers who use animals are trained to care for them. d. The animals shall be kept in cages. Ans: d Page: 58 Type: F LO: 1 31. Which
of the following applies to the use of animals in behavioural research? A. Scientists do not use animals for research. B. Animals are never harmed in any way. c. Animals are not exposed to stress. d. Animals can sometimes be harmed during research, but in general they are treated as humanely as possible. Ans: d Page: 59 Type:
F LO: 1 32. There must be at least ____________ people on the IRB panel, including at least one person whose primary interest is in a non-scientific domain. A. four b. seven c. six d. five Ans: one page: 59 F LO: 133. The main objective of the Institutional Review Board is to: cost-benefit ratio for the proposed
research. B. ensure that the animals are treated humanely. c. answer questions about informed consent and debriefing. d. advise researchers on proper laboratory procedures. Ans: c Page: 42-43 Type: C LO: 1 34. Which of the following best represents the objectives of ethical research? A. To ensure that the participants do not
know the experimental manipulation b. To give participants a chance to guess what the research is all about. c. The welfare of the research participants shall be taken into account and research shall be reported honestly and fairly. d. Allows participants to discuss the study with the researcher when it is finished Ans: d Page: 48-49
Type: F LO: 1 35. Which of the following is an important APA guideline to follow when conducting research with human participants? A. To have one or more control groups b. Sufficient importance test c. Using either sampling or random assignment d. Give informed consent Ans: b Page: 48 Type: F LO: 4 36. Which
of the following is an important aspect of informed consent? A. Informs the participant of the results of the survey. B. Inform the participant of any discomfort and risk c. Keep the names of the experimental confidants d. Information to the participant on whether he or she is in the test or control mode Ans: a Page: 51 Type: C
LO: 5 37. Which of the following best describes why the power and status difference between the experimenter and the participant should always be taken into account? A. The researcher has great power over the behavior of the participants while in the experimental session. B. Unless the researcher uses his or her power, the
participant cannot pay attention to the experimental script. c. Experimental demand may arise if the participant feels more powerful than the researcher. d. It is important that all participants feel a similar degree of powerlessness in an experiment Ans: c Page: 56 Type: F LO: 6 38. within an experiment can become unethical when
one. the participant behaves more like how he or she would act in natural surroundings. B. the participant is debriefed as to why they were deceived after the experiment was over. c. a participant feels frustrated during the survey and continues to feel that way for several days. d. despite being suspicious of the study, the participant
has confidence in the goals of the researcher. Ans: c Page: 55-56 Type: F LO: 3 39. In an experiment in which participants have been asked to think about their mistakes, the experimenter asks them to think about their successes before traveling. This is an example of which of the following? A. Suspicion check b. Interview after
experimental experiments c. Process debriefing d. Significance test Ans: d Page: 58 Type: F LO: 1 40. Which of the following is important when using animals as research participants? A. Pain or stress should only be inflicted at the end of the study. B. Animals should never be given medication. c. Informed consent shall
always be used. d. All psychologists using animals shall have proper training in the care, maintenance and handling of the species. Ans: c Page: 48-49 Type: C LO: 1 41. A researcher would be engaging in unethical behavior if he or she a. conducted an experiment using deception approved by the Institutional Review Board. B.
reported only the results that rejected the null hypothesis. c. required the participant to continue the trial session, although they expressed a desire to leave. d. shared his ideas with other faculty members before submitting them to a journal. Ans: one page: 54-55 Type: F LO: 1 42. Correctly identify the following processes in the order in
which a participant may experience them in a research study a. Informed consent, suspicion check, debrief b. Informed consent, debriefing, suspicion check c. Suspect check, informed consent, debrief d. Suspicion check, debriefing, informed consent Ans: one page: 52 Type: F LO: 2 43. When information identifying the
participant is collected by the researcher but is not shared with others, to be a. Confidential. B. Unmarked. c. anonymous. d. wasted. CHAPTER 5 Objectives for learning reliability and validity 1. Define random and systematic errors and understand how they affect measurement. 2. Define reliability and understand why measures
must be reliable. 3. Understand how test tests and alternative form reliability are measured. 4. Determine how split-half reliability and coefficient alpha are used to assess the internal consistency of a measured variable. 5. Understand interrater reliability. 6. Understand face and content validity. 7. Understand how convergent and
discriminatory validity is used to assess the design of a measured variable. 8. Define criteria validity. 9. Determine which methods can be used to increase the reliability and validity of a self-reporting measurement. 10. Understand similarities and differences between reliability and construction validity. QUESTION 1. What is meant by the
reliability of a measure? Describe three different ways to measure reliability and specify when each one would be most appropriate to use. 2. What is meant by the validity of a measure's construction? Describe three different ways to measure validity. What is the difference between reliability and validity? 3. What is the internal
consistency approach to measuring reliability? When would it be appropriate to use the internal consistency approach to assess reliability instead of the test test or alternative form approach? What statistics are used to assess reliability when using the internal consistency approach, and what does this statistic conceptually represent? 4.
What are genetic effects and what difficulties can they cause in research? 5. Define facial validity, content validity and design validity. Be sure to discuss the two subcomponents of the validity of the construction. Which of the three approaches is most objective and why? Is it possible to have a measure that is construct valid but does not
face valid? MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Ans: one page: 89 Type: F LO: 1 1. Which of the following is true about the difference between random and systematic errors? A. Random errors are self-cancellation, while systematic errors tend to increase or decrease the score of the measured variable. B. Random errors tend
to increase or decrease the score of the dependent variable, while systematic errors are self-cancellation. c. Both random errors and systematic errors are self-cancelling. d. Because systematic errors are self-cancellation, it is less problematic in research than random errors. Ans: one page: 89 Type: C LO: 1 2. in a person's current
mood, a misreading or misunderstanding of the question, and measuring individuals on different days or different places are all likely to contribute to one. random error. B. systematic errors. c. reliable error. d. operating defects. Ans: one page: 91 Type: F LO: 2 3. The reliability of a test refers to the extent to which the test is
free of a. random error. B. measurement bias. c. systematic errors. d. individual features. Ans: c Page: 89 Type: F LO: 1 4. Errors in recording scores on a test that occurs because keypuncher is not paying attention are likely to produce one. false relationships. B. low face validity. c. random error. d. systematic error.
Ans: one page: 91 Type: F LO: 2 5. A measured variable that contains a large part of random errors is said to be one. Unreliable. B. Invalid. c. a condition variable. d. a property variable. Ans: b Page: 92 Type: C LO: 5 6. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) uses what approach to assess reliability? A. Interrater b.
Corresponding forms c. Total item d. Unexpected item Ans: d Page: 92 Type: A LO: 3 7. Donna's in a two-part experiment. She completed a self-esteem measure a week ago and is now taking the same measure again. Which of the following problems may arise as a result of this process? A. Systematic error
phenomenon b. Violation of facial validity c. Equivalent form effects d. Test effects Ans: b Page: 93 Type: F LO: 1 8. If it is found that people's self-esteem changes rapidly - for example, from day to day - then self-esteem should be considered one. For example, a property variable. B. a state variable. c. an
unreliable variable. d. an invalid variable. Ans: one page: 91 Type: F LO: 1 9. Which of the following equations represents the relationship between true score, actual score, and reliability? Reliability equals true score divided by actual score. B. Reliability equals true score plus actual score. c. Reliability equals actual score divided
by true score. d. Reliability equals actual score minus true score. Ans: c Page: 94 Type: F LO: 4 10. Cronbach's coefficient alpha is a measure of which of the following? A. The average validity of an item b. The correlation between an element and the total scale score c. The average correlation between point d. Validity
of the facial of scale Ans: one page: 95 Type: C LO: 4 11. A researcher is developing a Likert scale to measure the self-esteem of a group of college students. He considers self-esteem to be a state in the sense that it will change from day to day based on a person's experiences. Which of the following forms of reliability should he use
to assess self-esteem? A. Internal consistency b. Interrater c. Test test d. Corresponding forms Ans: one page: 94 Type: F LO: 4 12. Cronbach's coefficient alpha is a measure of which of the following? A. The internal coherence of a scale b. Test-test reliability c. Interrater reliability d. Construction
reliability Ans: one page: 94 Type: F LO: 4 13. Which of the following two techniques can be used to assess the internal coherence of a scale? A. Coefficient alpha, split-half reliability b. Coefficient alpha, test test reliability c. Test-test reliability, corresponding forms reliability d. Test-test reliability, split-half reliability Ans: c
Page: 95 Type: F LO: 2 14. Kappa is used a. to test the validity of a measure's construction. B. to test the validity of a measure's criterion. c. to calculate the reliability of a set of nominal variables. d. removing items from a Likert scale. Ans: b Page: 95 Type: C LO: 5 15. A form of reliability used to assess the consistency of
judgment when more than one person has observed a set of events is called a. reliability of the judgment. B. interrater reliability. c. construct d. internal reliability. Ans: one page: 95 Type: C LO: 1 16. Which of the following statistics will be used to assess the reliability of a set of raters who used a nominal variable to code
behavior? A. Kappa b. Coefficient alpha c. Pearson R d. Reliability statistics Ans: a Page: 95-96 Type: C LO: 6 17. Consider the following element that can appear on a Likert scale: I don't usually get along well with other people. Such an element has a high _____________ A. face; construction b. construction;
face c. face; criterion d. construction; criterion Ans: b Page: 95-96 Type: A LO: 1.6 18. A researcher has developed a new test of interpersonal skills. It consists of measuring a person's shoe size. The test shows a test reliability of 0.85. It appears that this test has ___________ and ___________ A. high reliability; high face
validity b. high reliability; low face validity c. low reliability; high face validity d. low reliability; low face validity Ans: one page: 97 Type: C LO: 6 19. Consider a researcher who developed a test of driving skills that involved measuring the ability to effectively shift gears in a manual gearbox. One can criticize this test for having
low a. content validity. B. validity of the criterion. c. predictive validity. d. discriminatory validity. Ans: d Page: 97 Type: C LO: 7 20. A researcher has found that his new measure designed to assess the conceptual variable exoticism correlates around +.85 with an existing measure designed to assess unusualness. The
researcher needs to worry about _____________ of his measure. A. random error b. measurement bias c. face validity d. 9497 Type: A LO: 6 21. The students in Dr. Miller's class complain that although the exam was supposed to cover Chapters 1 to 5, the test only included Chapters 1 and 2. Why are students sad?
A. The test is not B. The test does not have facial validity. c. The test shall not have its content validity. d. The test shall be incomplete. Ans: one page: 97 Type: F LO: 7 22. Discriminatory validity refers to a. the extent to which a measured variable does not correlate with other variables intended to measure different
conceptual variables. B. the extent to which a measured variable correlates with other measured variables designed to assess different conceptual variables. c. the extent to which a measured variable correlates with another measured variable over time. d. the extent to which a measured variable discriminates against other measured
variables. Ans: d Page: 97 Type: C LO: 6 23. Of the following, which is the least objective measure of construction validity? A. Converging validity b. Discriminatory validity c. Validity of criterion d. Content validity Ans: one page: 97 Type: C LO: 7 24. Stanley developed a measure of hope that correlates around -.90
with a measure of despair. Stanley should now worry about ___________ of his new measure. A. discriminatory validity b. face validity c. content validity d. predictive validity Ans: b Page: 98 Type: F LO: 7 25. Where a measure has a good convergent and discriminatory validity a. the correlations measuring
convergent validity will be around r = 1.0, and correlations assessing discriminatory validity will be around r = 0.00. B. the correlations will not approach r = 1.0 or r = 0.00, due to random errors and the fact that many different conceptual variables are likely to be at least somewhat related to each other. c. it will not be possible to
distinguish the size of the correlations representing convergent validity from the size of the correlations representing discriminatory validity. d. the simultaneous validity of the relationships will be greater than the criterion of the relationship. Ans: one page: 99 Type: F LO: 1 26. The nomological network refers to a. correlations
between many different measured variables. B. Pearson correlation between two measured variables. c. the relationship between a conceptual variable and measured variable. d. Pearson correlation between two conceptual variables. Ans: one page: 99 Type: A LO: 9 27. A researcher who used a self-reporting survey of job interest
to predict results on a management assignment would be interested in _____ of her self-reporting measurement. A. predictive validity b. construct validity c. content validity d. facial validity Ans: b Page: 99 Type: F LO: 2 28. The nomological network refers to a. reliability of a measure. B. correlations between
variables that measure different constructions. c. the content of a measure. d. the network of reliability among conceptual variables. Ans: one page: 100 Type: F LO: 2 29. To better understand how individuals respond to a questionnaire before using the questionnaire in a research project, the researcher may want to a. pilot test.
B. calculation coefficient alpha. c. calculate kappa. d. Delete all distractor elements from the scale. Ans: one page: 102 Type: C LO: 10 30. Which of the following statements is correct? A. A scale must be reliable to have the validity of the design. B. A scale must have design validity to be reliable. c. A scale must have facial
validity in order to be reliable. d. A scale must be reliable to have face validity. Ans: one page: 93 Type: F LO: 2 31. A semantic differential scale containing 15 percent random error is considered one. Reliable. B. Unreliable. c. valid. d. invalid. Ans: c Page: 102 Type: A LO: 4 32. A scientist is interested in developing a scale to
measure people's mood states. Which of the following forms of validity is likely to be most appropriate? A. Test test again b. Corresponding forms c. Internal consistency d. Content Reliability Note: one page: 99-100 Type: A LO: 6,7,8 33. Which of the following statements are true? A. A scientist who studies
constructing validity will be more the conceptual variable actually measured than a scientist dealing with criterion validity. B. A scientist who studies criterion validity will be more concerned with the conceptual variable being measured than will a scientist dealing with construction validity. c. Construct validity is usually used to make
predictions about a behavior that will occur in the future. d. The validity of criterion may be regarded as the validity of another type of face. Ans: d Page: 90 Type: F LO: 1 34. Which of the following is an example of systematic error? A. The participant misinterprets the question. B. The experimenter misprints the question. c. The
participant forgets to answer a question. d. The participant shall show socially desirable answers. Ans: b Page: 92 Type: A LO: 3 35. Andrea gets a questionnaire about her shopping habits. Two weeks later, she receives a similar questionnaire, which also assesses shopping habits, but which contains various questions. The
researcher is likely to assess which of the following? A. interrater reliability b. reliability of corresponding forms c. face validity d. construction validity Ans: c Page: 99 Type: A LO: 2 36. A test designed to measure baseball performance skills would be said to have high predictive validity if a person who scores low on the
test also one. Scores low on a test measuring basketball performance. B. Scores high on a test measuring basketball performance. c. has a poor batting average during the baseball season. d. scores highly on the same test given two weeks later. Ans: one page: 101-102 Type: C LO: 10 37. Reliability is used to assess
_____________ while validating _________ A. the consistency of a measure the accuracy of a measure b. the accuracy of a measure in a measure c. the general size of a measure the effect of a measure d. The test-reactive reaction of a measure The general size of a measure Ans: c Page: 100-101 Type: C LO: 9 38.
Which of the following is likely to improve the reliability and validity of a measure? A. To use only one measure to assess the conceptual B. Reduction of the number of questions on the test c. Use pilot test to choose good questions d. Reduction of variability of measures Note: c Page: 94 Type: C LO: 4 39. If the average
correlation between the points on an anxiety scale is r = 0.95, we can say that the scale has one. high content validity. B. low internal consistency. c. high internal consistency. d. high design validity. Ans: c Page: 97 Type: C LO: 6 40. A measure of schizophrenia, which measures only elements of auditory hallucinations but not
other symptoms of schizophrenia, would be said to have one. low reliability. B. high convergent validity. c. low content validity. d. low face validity. Ans: d Page: 98-99 Type: F LO: 10 41. The main advantage of assessing similar conceptual relationships in many different studies is that a. it reduces the need for the
nomological network. B. random task is less important. c. a higher parking value may be used. d. the greater the number of relationships tested and confirmed, the greater the construction validity of the relationships. Ans: b Page: 92-93 Type: F LO: 2 42. Individual difference variables that are expected to vary over a period of time
are called ___________ while variables that are not expected to vary over time are called _________ A. measured variables conceptual variables b. States; drag c. moving variables; stable variables d. traction; called Ans: b Page: 94 Type: F LO: 2 43. If the average correlation between the points on a scale from self-
esteem is r = 0.15, we can say that the scale has one. high content validity. B. low internal consistency. c. high internal consistency. d. high design validity. Ans: c Page: 103-104 Type: C LO: 44th. Hillyer and Joynes (2009) created a new measure of movement in rats. Which of the following methods they used to determine the
reliability of the new measure. A. Coefficient Alpha. B. Split half reliability c. Reliability between installments d. Test test reliability again b Page: 103-104 Type: C LO: 45. In Hillkyer's and Joynes' study (1995) of movement in rats, the researchers tested for productive validity by correlating an existing measure (BBB) and a
new measure (HUK) with a physiological assessment of mobility. Which of the following was found? A. The new measure was more sophisticated. B. The new measure was better able to predict mobility. c. HiJK correlated negatively with the existing measure. d. HiJK was not reliable. Reliable.

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