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Goodnight Mister Tom Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Goodnight Mister Tom" can present a unique set of challenges. First
and foremost, it requires a thorough understanding of the novel itself, including its plot, characters,
themes, and the historical context in which it is set. This means dedicating time to reading and
analyzing the text, taking notes, and identifying key elements that will be crucial in forming the
essay's arguments.

The next challenge lies in crafting a coherent and well-structured essay that effectively communicates
the chosen thesis or main argument. Developing a strong thesis statement and supporting it with
relevant evidence from the novel is essential. It requires critical thinking and the ability to synthesize
information, connecting different aspects of the story to build a persuasive case.

Moreover, discussing the characters and their development throughout the narrative adds another
layer of complexity. Understanding the motivations, conflicts, and relationships between characters
is crucial for providing insightful analysis. This often involves delving into the psychological and
emotional dimensions of the characters, making the writing process more intricate.

Balancing summary and analysis is another challenge in writing an essay on this topic. Striking the
right proportion between summarizing key plot points and offering insightful interpretations requires
careful consideration. This balance ensures that the essay is not merely a reiteration of the story but
an engaging exploration of its deeper meanings.

Finally, proper citation and adherence to academic conventions are crucial for any essay. This
includes citing specific passages from the novel to support arguments and following the prescribed
formatting style.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Goodnight Mister Tom" demands a combination of close textual
analysis, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. It is a process that requires time,
dedication, and a genuine interest in exploring the nuances of the novel. However, with careful
planning and attention to detail, one can navigate these challenges and produce a compelling and
insightful essay.

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Goodnight Mister Tom Essay Goodnight Mister Tom Essay
Equal Pay Act Assignment
Equal Pay Act Assignment
HRM6010 Total Compensation
Submitted by
Prapatsorn Ratanasait
Presented to
October 28, 2014
College of Professional Studies
Northeastern University
Research the Equal Pay Act of 1963: why is it important to know this law when designing
the internal alignment piece of your compensation program?
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Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis;
and are organized logically.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
Readability and Style 15 percent Percent Earned Comments: Paragraph transitions are
present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper. The tone is appropriate
to the content and assignment. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentences are
well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences. Sentence transitions are
present and maintain the flow of thought. Mechanics 15 Percent Percent Earned
Comments: The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices,
follow APA guidelines for format. Citations of original works within the body of the
paper follow APA guidelines. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font
styles, and white space. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling
is correct. Word count is within specified instructions. Total 100 Percent Percent Earned
Comments: Points Possible 20 Percent Earned x Points Possible Points
Food Security Regulations
There are different levels of regulations for food security in Australia such as Federal,
State, and local levels.
Food safety can be defined as a scientific regulation expressing treatment of food, its
preparation, transportation and most importantly its labeling and storage in ways that
blocks foodborne virus. This includes a number of practices that should be trailed to
prevent possible food related health hazards in all the ways.
A Policy is signed by the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial
Council (Ministerial Council) which is used by the statutory authority Food Standards
Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to develop food standards for the Australia and New
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( )

Food Regulation Agreement s main aim is to provide safe food panels to protect public
health and safety; reduce the regulatory problems in the food business and provide
economical compliance and enforcement measures; provide a consistent regulatory
approach across Australia; recognize that food safety responsibility encompasses a variety
of portfolios across all levels of government; support the joint Australia and New Zealand
efforts to harmonies food standards; and facilitate harmonization of domestic and export
standards and their harmonization with New Zealand and other international standards.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) develops food standards in line with
this policy, which are then published in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
And this comes under Federal Level

The Department of Agriculture administers relevant legislation at the border. All

imported food must meet Australian quarantine requirements (under the Quarantine Act)
and is then subject to the requirements of the Imported Food Control Act. Federal

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