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Architectural Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Architectural Essay" poses a unique set of challenges that can be
both intellectually stimulating and demanding. The intricacies of architecture require a deep
understanding of historical, cultural, and technological aspects, making it a multidimensional topic
that demands comprehensive research and analysis.

One of the difficulties lies in navigating the vast landscape of architectural history, ranging from
ancient civilizations to modern innovations. Each era brings forth its own set of architectural
principles, styles, and ideologies, requiring the essayist to adeptly traverse through time and draw
connections between disparate periods.

Furthermore, delving into the technical aspects of architecture adds another layer of complexity.
Exploring the evolution of construction techniques, materials, and the symbiotic relationship between
form and function necessitates a keen eye for detail and a grasp of engineering concepts.

Artistic interpretation also plays a pivotal role in an architectural essay. Describing the aesthetic
elements, the symbolism behind designs, and the influence of cultural movements requires a nuanced
understanding of art and design theory. Striking a balance between the technical and artistic aspects
while maintaining a coherent narrative is a delicate task.

Moreover, the contemporary relevance of architecture introduces a dynamic element to the essay.
Analyzing the impact of architecture on society, sustainability, and urban planning demands a current
awareness of ongoing trends and debates within the field.

In summary, writing an essay on architecture is a challenging endeavor that demands a synthesis of

historical knowledge, technical understanding, and artistic interpretation. The complexity of the topic
requires a careful and thoughtful approach to weave together a narrative that captures the essence of
architectural evolution.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic endeavors, various resources are
available. Services like offer support in crafting essays on a wide range of topics,
ensuring that students and scholars alike can navigate the challenges of academic writing with ease.
Architectural Essay Architectural Essay
Essay On Anselm And Aquinas
Anselm and Aquinas on the Existence and Nature of God
The great philosophers Anselm and Aquinas both endeavored to convince their peers
through philosophical argument that the existence of God was irrefutable. In the process
they made claims regarding the nature of God, concerning issues such as His character
and being. Despite seeking to discover the same truth about God, Anselm and Aquinas
approached the issue at hand in strikingly dissimilar ways. Anselm s primary argument
for God s existence is found in his literary work Proslogion which seeks to ontologically
provide inarguable proof. In contrast, Aquinas seeks to unequivocally prove His
existence through cosmology which is evidenced in his work Summa Theologica. In
order to ... Show more content on ...
In the same way, if God is the greatest thing we can imagine, He must also exist in
reality because in order to be the greatest version of Himself he must exist both in
imagination and reality. Through the explanation of Anselm s beliefs, it becomes quite
evident that he is approaching his argument from a place of belief that all men can
come to both acknowledge and believe in God s existence without any other resources
than their own mind. This is something which Anselm most likely adopted from
Augustine who posited that God instilled in each soul something that propels the soul to
continually seek for the fulfilment in God (Nnaeme). He alludes to Psalm 19 to back
up his argument writing, Truly there is a God, although the fool has said in his heart,
There is no God (Anselm). In essence he claims that the only reason for anyone to claim
that there is not a God is that out of their own foolhardiness and sin nature, refuse to
accept what they already know to be true. Aquinas had a difficult time with this argument
though he too believed that God exists indisputably. He decided to approach the issue of
God s existence through a cosmological argument based on the evidence found in the
natural world (Bonevac). In particular, he wanted to provide evidence outside of his own
personal persuasions as support for God s
The Founding Principles Of The Fourier Series
P. Sathyabama
Assistant professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Bharath collage of science and management, Thanjavur 5
The Fourier Series, the founding principle behind the field of Fourier Analysis, is an
infinite expansion of a function in terms of sines and cosines.In physics and
engineering,expanding functions in terms of sines and cosines is useful because it
allows one to more easily manipulate functions.In particular, the fields of electronics,
quantum mechanics, and electrodynamics all make heavy use of the Fourier series. Key
words: Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Convolution Transforms
The Fourier Series, the founding principle behind the field of Fourier Analysis, is an
infinite expansion of a function in terms of sines and cosines or imaginary exponentials.
The series is defied in its imaginary exponential form as follows: ... Show more content
on ...
Since sines and cosines (and in turn imaginary exponentials) form an orthogonal set1,
this series converges for any moderately well behaved function f(x) .Examples of the
Fourier Series for different wave forms are given in figure I.
The Fourier Series is only capable of analyzing the frequency components of certain,
discretefrequencies (integers) of a given function. In order to study the casewhere the
frequency components of the sine and cosineterms are continuous, the concept of the
Fourier Transform must be introduced. The imaginary exponential form of the Fourier
Transform is defined as
Analysis Of The Article Death Of High School By Kim...
The two articles that I chose both went hand in hand with the struggle of learning and
teaching literature. I chose the article One High School English Teacher because it
complements my first article, Death to High School English . In this essay, I will
summarize and interpret the first article to show the deeper meaning of it. Then I will
research my second article and show the author s credibility to help prove my argument,
and finally I will tie together all my main points of my essay.

In the article Death to High School , written by Kim Brooks, she is a college English
professor who has noticed that her students coming into college their first year are still
not understanding the basic rules of Literature. She expresses how she did not do so
well in certain subjects her high school years and that English was her only way out.
She goes into more detail about how it stresses her out to grade student s papers, and
to have to re teach those students are even more stressful. Brooks emphasizes that
strongly by saying, For years now, teaching composition at state universities and
liberal arts colleges and community colleges as well, I ve puzzled over these high
school graduates and their shocking deficits. I ve sat at my desk, a stack of their two to
three page papers before me, and felt overwhelmed to the point of physical paralysis by
all the things they don t know how to do when it comes to written communication in the
English language. She is
Juxtaposition In The Sound And The Fury
4 Lack of Human Commitment
Modernist literature also investigates the human relationship and commitment in the time
of spiritual death. Relationship became very superficial and real love faded away. In
Faulkner s The Sound and the Fury this has been very well depicted. The Compson
children longed the love that was absent in the family. Mrs. Compson was lost in her
hypochondriac attitude and did not pay attention to any of them except Jason. Which
caused Quentin s famous line, if I d just had a mother so I could say Mother Mother
(Faulkner 84). Mr. Compson on the other hand shows no paternal love toward his
children, of course he had sold the pasture for Quentin s education at Harvard, but beside
that no more affection is received. His presence ... Show more content on
It is interesting how Faulkner use the stream of consciousness in each chapter differently.
The reader could hardly understand anything in Benjy s section due to his severe mental
disorder. Benjy s wording is not difficult but since he only relies on images, sounds,...
the reader would be lost in its complexity. Quentin s section seems to be more
complicated in vocabulary however his mind is only focused on two major ideas, Caddy
s promiscuity and his father s ignorance. His mind shift back and forth in past and
present as he prepares himself in his last hours before his committing suicide. Jason on
the other hand is concerned not about others, or any kind of values. His mind is
occupied with his passion for money and hatred toward Caddy and Miss Quentin. He
blames Caddy for robbing her out of the promised jib at Herbert s bank and thus his
unfulfilling life. Unlike Benjy and Quentin he is not obsessed with Caddy and the past,
but he focus aimlessly on the present and

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