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Candidate: Akrista-Kay Williams

School: Hampton School
Centre Number:
Teacher: Ms. M. Williams
Territory: Jamaica
Year: 2023-2024

Statement of problem 3
Objectives 4
Background 5
Methodology 6
Sample of Questionnaire 7
Presentation of Data 8
Analysis of Data 11
Conclusion 12
Recommendations 13
Bibliography 14


Topic: Demand
An investigation into the pricing strategy used at Hampton School Cafeteria and its impact on
students’ demand for its products.

The aim of this investigation is:

● To define demand

● To find out if the prices are reasonable for the products

● To identify whether the prices of these specific products affect the demand

● To analyse search findings and give recommendations

The cafeteria or canteens at school provide a service to the school community. At
Hampton School just like any other high school, they provide a variety of presented
food and drinks at a ‘reasonable’ cost.
However, over the years as inflation occurs the prices of everyday items and
necessities increase. From the extraction of the materials to the finished product and
the means of transport all cost money. When the price of the overall production
process increases then the price in which it is sold for, also increases in order for the
business/establishment to make a profit. After which, the price which products are
sold for can often be exaggerated.
This investigation will dive into whether the products received at the school cafeteria
are worth the price that are paid for them, if these prices affect the demand for these
products at school and if the school should provide a wider range of products and how
this new change would further affect demand.

The Data Collection Method that was used in this assessment was a questionnaire. According
to the Oxford Dictionary, a questionnaire is a set of printed or written questions with a choice
of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study. The questionnaire
consists of ten questions that were issued to be completed. The questionnaire was used
because it is the most affordable and can be used to gather information from a large number
of people with different opinions.

Instructions: Please select the answer of your choice
1. Do you usually buy patties at the cafeteria?
● Yes
● No

2. What type would you USUALLY buy?

● Beef
● Chicken
● Cheese

3. Have you noticed an increase in prices in patties?

● Yes
● No

4. Based on the increase, which type of patty do you purchase now?

● Beef
● Chicken
● Cheese

5. Does the increase in price affect your choice?

● Yes
● No

6. Would you normally purchase lunch?

● Yes
● No
● Sometimes

7. Has the increase in box lunches affected your choice in buying?

● Yes
● No

8. Based on the quality of patties and box lunches received, would you say it is worth
the money it has increased to?
● Yes
● No
9. Would you recommend that the school cafeteria get a better variety of food/snacks?
● Yes
● No
10. Would your choice of food change if a better variety of snacks/food were provided?
● Yes
● No

Figure 1 Shows how the increase in price affects which patty is brought now

Figure 2: Graph below shows whether the increase in price affects the choice of
purchasing lunches

Figure 3: Pie chart showing whether the quality of food are worth the prices

Figure 4: Graph showing whether the school population thinks the cafeteria should get a
better variety of foods

Figure 5: Chart showing if demand would change if other products were provided


Demand is an economic concept that relates to a consumer’s desire to purchase goods

and services and willingness to pay a specific price for them. An increase in the price
of a good or service tends to decrease the quantity demanded.

From the study conducted, 50% of students usually buy cheese patties, 42.9% buy
chicken and 7.1% for beef. However, Figure 1 above shows that after the increase in
food prices 71.3% now buy chicken and an equal amount of 14.3% for both cheese
and beef patties.. It is observed that the demand for chicken and beef has increased by
28.4% and 7.2% respectively and has decreased by 35.7% for cheese. This goes to
show that cheese patties have increased the most and students have found another
alternative to buy.

A similar set of circumstances could be recognized for box lunches. From a total of
85.7% that would or sometimes purchase lunch, 57.1% of students’ decision has been
swayed to not purchase due to the increase. Again, the demand falls by 28% .

Figure 3 is a cause of concern. Normally when prices are raised, the product made is
of a better standard and quality and persons would see that the money paid, is worth
the food/product received. This is not the case and all 100% of the persons who
completed this questionnaire believe so too. The prices were raised but the quality is
still the same..

From absurd prices to poor food alternatives. Another 100% believes that the school
should upgrade food products sold at the cafeteria. Yes it may be a bit expensive but
atleast the children would understand that it costs so much due to extended raw
materials used to manufacture it and the quality given would be worth it. 92.9% of the
students’ population choice would change and they would purchase, if better snacks or
lunches were introduced.

Box lunches and patties were chosen as the main focus of the SBA as they are the
most frequently brought from the cafeteria. They are not inelastic but elastic, therefore
if the price increases the quantity demanded will decrease. Unlike a necessity like
water that is inelastic no matter the price increase it will always be bought.


Based on the investigation conducted, it is evident that prices affect the demand of
elastic items in society. This can be proven by Figures 1 and 2. Figure 5 also shows
that demand would change from the day to day items brought by students if other
items were introduced to the school cafeteria.


Suggesting to lower the prices of the food products provided by the school would not
be a realistic ideal, as the prices in society are in a cost push inflation limbo. Prices of
the finished products increase due to the increase in production costs. This occurs as
the aim is to create a profit off what you are selling. So, the suggested idea would be
that quality is given for the price paid and better options be made available.
Purchasing what the school population wants would prevent the buying of products
that may go to waste.



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