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Writing A Comparison Contrast Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Writing a Comparison Contrast Essay" can be a challenging yet
rewarding task. The difficulty lies in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the subject
matter, as well as the ability to analyze and articulate the similarities and differences between two or
more subjects.

One of the challenges is the depth of research required to gather relevant information on the topics
being compared. This involves not only finding credible sources but also critically evaluating and
selecting the most pertinent details for inclusion in the essay. Crafting a well-structured and coherent
argument that effectively highlights both the similarities and differences adds another layer of

Additionally, maintaining a balanced and unbiased perspective is crucial in a comparison contrast

essay. Striking the right tone and avoiding bias requires careful consideration of language and
presentation. It demands a refined skill set in expressing ideas clearly while ensuring that the essay
remains objective.

Organizing the essay is another aspect that can pose difficulties. Deciding on the appropriate
structure, whether it's a block method or a point-by-point approach, and ensuring smooth transitions
between ideas can be a meticulous process. This requires a keen understanding of the flow of
information and the logical progression of the essay.

Moreover, achieving a captivating introduction and a thought-provoking conclusion can be

challenging. These sections play a crucial role in engaging the reader and leaving a lasting impression.
Crafting an introduction that provides context and a thesis statement while avoiding clichés and
generic statements is an art in itself.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Writing a Comparison Contrast Essay" demands a
combination of research skills, analytical thinking, objectivity, organizational abilities, and
proficiency in language use. Despite the challenges, the process can be enriching as it encourages a
deeper understanding of the subjects being compared and the development of critical writing skills.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, various resources are
available, including online writing services. Platforms like offer a range of services
where expert writers can be enlisted to help with the complexities of essay writing.
Writing A Comparison Contrast EssayWriting A Comparison Contrast Essay
Organ Donation Shortage
An average of twenty people pass away due to organ donation shortages these numbers
could represent you or your family don t let these numbers stagnate. The following
research shows how organ donation is very serious and could be increased with
compensation for live donors. In 2013 the list of people waiting climbed all the way to
one hundred twenty one thousand two hundred seventy two while there were only
fourteen thousand two hundred fifty seven donations including live and dead donors.
The facts stand organsale could help the amount of people that die every year, the amount
of poor and unhealthy people waiting, and the crime that would easily be eradicated. The
department of health and human services states that every ten minutes someone is added
to the waiting list S2 this means in... Show more content on ...
Also the department of health and human services states that everyday, an average of
seventy nine people receive a transplant. However twenty two people die each day
waiting for transplants that can t take place from shortages of organ donations. S2 Even
if you can get a organ you body still has a
Plastic Water Bottles Persuasive Research Paper
Persuasive essay 3, Grady

Do really want to pay extra money for just filtered tap water that pollutes the earth, if you
don t want to, then STOP buying bottled water. For just that one bottle to be made, it
caused pollution in the earth.

Plastic water bottles cause pollution in the earth. Pollution is not good to breath in, it
could lead to severe lung damage. Pollution is also really bad for the earth. If we keep
polluting our planet, it will be bad for future generations and the world will not look like
the way it looks now. We should quit polluting the earth now because pollution can even
kill plants and any types of animals.

Another reason why plastic water bottles should be banned is because it is just filtered
tap water. Converse
Hypocrisy In Ghosts And Tartuffe
The two plays deal with similar issues of deception and hypocrisy present in the
society and how people wear masks in order to conform to the social norms of their
respective societies. Both the authors, Henrik Ibsen and Moliere have made effective
use of deception in order to bring their ideas and views through to their audience. Ghosts
is a perfect example of a realistic play which attacks the hypocrisy present in the society
and in its value systems. Ibsen therefore was known as the father of modern theatre.
Tartuffewas written by Moliere in the age of reason. During this period writers usually
wrote in a common genre which was known as the comedyof manners. As a form of
satire, the genre of comedy was aimed at ridiculing human... Show more content on ...
Mrs Alving goes to the extent of constructing an orphanage in his name, so as to keep up
his appearance in society and thus uses deception as a tool to do so. And in Act II we get
evidence of this deceit, I had always before me the fear that it was impossible that the
truth should come out and be believed. That is why the Orphanage is to exist, to
silence all rumours and clear away all doubt. But shortly afterwards we hear of the
burning down of the orphanage. Here Ibsen has made use of great irony in order to strip
the deception and bring out the truth. The orphanage was built in the memory of Mr.
Alving and therefore its burning down acts as a symbol of the corrupt life which had
been lead by him.
The tragedy of the burning of the orphanage was that it was not insured. The
orphanage had not been insured as Manders (the priest) thought that people would not
take it in the correct manner and will accuse Manders of not having enough faith in
god. Mr. Manders is a priest in the local church but is very conservative and narrow
minded and is also very gullible, as he gets deceived very easily by Engstrand.
Engstrand also uses the tool of deception in order to hide his true intentions from the
society. He is very corrupted and immoral to the extent of turning Regina (his daughter)
into a whore in his very own whore house. Engstrand is a compulsive liar and he makes
Fighting In Ice Hockey
The summer of 2011 was catastrophic, seeing the deaths of many former NHL players
such as Leafe Wade Belak, Rick Rypien, and Derek Boogaard. In 2002, the death of
Mike Webster shocked many, but sparked the minds of many scientists and doctors. It
had been discovered that after playing in the NFL for 17 years, Mike Webster was
found with symptoms of dementia. Dr. Omalu described it as a brain of an old person
who is suffering from Alzheimer s disease. After many other players were diagnosed
with CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), they filed a lawsuit against the NFL. In
2011, top enforcers in the NHL passed away, and they all shared common symptoms of
CTE. The sufferers of CTE become depressed, causing them to use drugs and alcohol.
After... Show more content on ...
The author states, NHL s superior knowledge of material medical information that was
not readily available to players and by virtue of the NHL s undertaking to
communicate some safety information to player and the public. This supports the
player s claim that although the opportunity to warn the players about the possible
dangers of playing, they don t. The NHL has a lot of medical knowledge, but they don
t inform the players about the dangers of playing hockey. Also, according to the text,
the NHL s alleged knowing concealment of material information regarding the risks of
head injuries suffered while playing in the NHL...fraud by omission and failure to warn.
The NHL hides information concerning head injuries. These health informations weren t
provided to the players, so the players just played hockey without knowing any risks
that they are taking. Overall, the NHL doesn t warn its players of possible head injuries
Twin Studies In Behavior Genetics
Twin Studies Twin studies are part of the methods used in behavior genetics, which
includes all data that are genetically informative siblings, adoptees, pedigree data etc.
Monozygotic (identical) have all of the same genes and dizygotic (fraternal) have 50% of
the same genes. Twin studies are very unique.
One set of twins sisters are being raised 275 miles apart by a kind of accidental science
experiment. Two sets of couples traveled together to Chenzhou, a city in China s Hunan
Province. When they saw the babies they were adopting, the couples had their first twin
moment. When the kids come off the elevator the couples said that they were shocked
that the fact that they were getting twins and didn t know it. They said they laughed the
same and cried the same... and they couldn t tell one kid from the other. Before ... Show
more content on ...
The infants were six months old at them time and the couples wondered if they were
sisters. They asked the people at the orphanage to see if they were and they said they
were not even related even though they were listed as having the same birthday. The
couples feared that if they did not continue with them adoption that the girls would get
separated far away from each other. So the couples took the girls back to Canada with
them. They wanted to do what was the best for the babies, even if it they had to raise
the twins apart from each other. The family s now are trying to get together as much as
possible, so that their kids can bond with each other. One of the twins after she got a
little older said I don t hate it. I don t love it. Both of the girls took their first steps on the
same. They both
The Role and Significance of the Monastic Life in Medieval...
The Role and Significance of the Monastic Life in Medieval Christianity

What is monasticism?

The central and original role of the monastic life can be drawn from the meanings of
the words monk and hermit . the word monk comes from the Greek word monaches
which means solitary and hermit from heremites a desert dweller. The early monks and
nuns were just that: men and women who fled the worldliness of urban life and the ethos
of a church that was at the time of Anthony and St. Paul and established institution of the
Roman Empire. They fled to the desert to repent and seek God by prayer, fasting and
hard manual labour. In the desert they practiced an aesthetical lifestyle of great poverty ...
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Therefore to begin with in order to set the monastic life in context I am briefly going to
look at society in the medieval Christianity civilisation.

For many centuries in the medieval west the rule for monks composed by Saint Benedict
provided the standard pattern of monastic observance.

What was the Benedictine rule?

Richly endowed, and sometimes exploited by lay rulers, the great Benedictine abbeys
came to hold a prominent place in the social landscape of Europe as landowning
corporations, ecclesiastical patrons and centres of learning.

we must wrote Benedict in his preface create a scola for the Lord s Service. in the
language of the sixth century the word scola had a military as well as academic sense; it
meant a special regiment of corps d elite.

(Lawrence: :28)

The Benedictine monastery was not a place of quiet retreat or leisure, neither was it a
school in the academic sense; it was a kind of unit in which the recruit was trained and
equipped for his spiritual warfare under an experienced commander the abbot.

The central objective of the Benedictine monasteries was the conquest of spirituality
and self will that made a man receptive to God. In order to achieve this the rule
prescribed careful ordered routine of prayer, works and study which filled the day,
varying only according to the liturgical year and

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