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Maintaining aseptic technique in the operating room is paramount to prevent surgical site

infections (SSIs) and ensure optimal patient outcomes. Nurses play a crucial role in upholding
these standards throughout the perioperative process. In this discussion, we'll delve into the
multifaceted nursing considerations for maintaining aseptic technique in the operating room.

Preoperative Preparations:

Before the surgical procedure begins, nurses participate in several key activities to establish a
sterile environment:

Ensuring proper hand hygiene: Nurses must thoroughly wash their hands and forearms with
antimicrobial soap or use an alcohol-based hand rub before entering the operating room.

Donning sterile attire: Nurses wear sterile gowns, gloves, masks, and hats to minimize the risk of
introducing microorganisms into the surgical field.

Setting up the operating room: Nurses assist in organizing sterile supplies and equipment,
including surgical instruments, drapes, and other disposable items, in a manner that minimizes

Verifying patient identification and surgical site: Nurses collaborate with the surgical team to
confirm the patient's identity, surgical site, and procedure, reducing the risk of errors.

Maintaining Sterile Field:

Nurses are responsible for preserving the sterility of the surgical field throughout the procedure:

Creating and maintaining the sterile field: Nurses assist in draping the patient and positioning
sterile drapes to isolate the operative site from non-sterile areas.

Monitoring traffic flow: Nurses control access to the operating room and enforce strict protocols
to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering or leaving during the procedure.

Handling sterile equipment and supplies: Nurses must handle sterile items with care, avoiding
contamination by touching only sterile surfaces and using proper aseptic techniques during
instrument exchange.

Anticipating and addressing potential breaches: Nurses remain vigilant for any breaches in
aseptic technique, such as torn drapes or contaminated instruments, and take immediate
corrective actions to maintain sterility.

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