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a. Announcement text (2 butir soal)

1. Inti jawaban tentang teks.
2. Informasi rinci tentang teks.

b. Announcement text (2 butir soal)

3. Informasi rinci tentang teks.
4. Pernyataan yang benar tentang teks.

c. Recount text
5. Tujuan teks.
6. Topik teks yang terpaparkan.

7. Sinonim underlined word.

8. Sinonim (refering word). Example: they refers to…
9. Kesimpulan dari teks yang terpaparkan.
10. Pikiran utama dari report text.
11. Tujuan dari report text.
12. Informasi rinci terkait bacaan report text.
13. Kesimpulan dari analytical exposition text.
14. Informasi rinci terkait dengan analytical exposition text.
15. Jawaban rinci terkait analytical exposition text.
16. Pernyataan yang benar terkait analytical exposition text.
17. Jawaban rinci terkait Explanation text.
18. Informasi rinci terkait Explanation text.
19. Informasi rinci terkait Explanation text.
20. Melengkapi rincian paragraf ketiga dari explanation text.
21. Melengkapi rincian paragraf kedua dari explanation text.
22. Kesimpulan dari teks (Hortatory exposition text).
23. Akibat rinci dalam teks (Hortatory exposition text).
24. Tujuan utama dari teks (Hortatory exposition text).
25. Synonym underlined word on 3rd paragraph.
26. Conclusion from the text (Explanation text).
27. Detailed information from the text (Explanation text).
28. Complete the detail information from the text.
29. Detailed information from the text.
30. Past perfect tense (grammar).
31. Past continuous tense (grammar).
32. Completing the dialogue in simple past tense (grammar).
33. Completing a sentence in simple present tense (grammar).
34. Completing a sentence with an adjective clause (where, who, whose, when, which).
35. Completing a dialogue with an adjective clause above.
36. Completing a sentence with an adjective clause.
37. Completing a dialogue with an adjective clause.
38. Completing a dialogue with an expression.
39. Answering a dialogue.
40. Completing a sentence with a noun clause.

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