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Leadership Vision Statement

As a teacher that adheres to the flight curriculum, I will provide my students the opportunity to
take an active role in their lives and help them accomplish their unanticipated goals. I hope to
help my students reach their full potential by incorporating technology into my lessons. A
comprehension of technology will be gained by integrating conceptual learning strategies that
focus on the specifics of the subject matter at hand. Teaching my students will be made easier
with the help of educators, teachers, parents/guardians, and the community. I want the best for
my students. Being a good resource for your students can be easier via honest self-reflection and
continuous growth. For the time being, my strategy is to keep working on honing my early
childhood leadership abilities to reach my goals. To become a licensed teacher, you must
complete this curriculum. Bachelor's degree in their subject field, passing the basic skills test,
and obtaining licensing from approved school are all part of these prerequisites. Effective
teachers stay up to date on the latest educational trends and technologies. This can be
accomplished by partnering with other educators or visiting conferences and organizations that
provide professional development opportunities.
As technology advances, keeping student data and private information secure is becoming more
challenging. Ethics and responsible practices must be followed to protect students' information
privacy. Parents or administrators can be informed of a student's academic progress by teachers
who access student records. With this, the requirement for proper security measures in the
classroom, particularly concerning technology, becomes even more apparent for teachers. There
should be no sharing of student information outside the educational community and parents.
Educators must teach their students how to protect their personal information while also avoiding
storing student information in places that are easily accessible.

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