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Cultural Competence in Language Development and Academic Success of English

Language Learners

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Learning a language by ELL entails more than understanding words, sentences, and

grammar. It extends to comprehension and interpretation within the cultural environments where

the terms are expressed—the significance of cultural competence as an aid to language growth

and superior performance for ELLs. The relationship becomes central to multicultural learning

environments (Lou & Noels, 2019). This study aims to understand how culturally relevant

teaching methods can contribute to creating a more democratic learning atmosphere.

Understanding the nature of this relationship is crucial as it greatly informs teaching approaches

aimed at different students to prepare them for an interconnected globe. First, this study aims to

add language education discourse, where cultural competency is emphasized as its major source

for achieving maximum language fluency and academic performance.

Historical Context and Literature Review

Some of these theories about language learning (especially ELLs) were very helpful in

understanding good practice. The theories and models applied in language learning include

behaviorism, which focuses on environmental settings and reinforcement, and constructivism,

which considers learning a constructive process for forming knowledge. g., B. F. (Wang & Bai,

2023). According to Skinner, one acquires language through habit formation based on stimulus-

response and reinforcement processes.

In contrast, the constructionists' approach, such as Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, argues

that language learning is a social interaction between the learner and the people around them, not

an instinctive procedure (Savicki, 2023). One of the pivotal methodologies in language learning

is Stephen Krashen's Monitor Model, which includes five hypotheses: the Acquisition-Learning

hypothesis, the Monitor hypothesis, the Natural Order hypothesis, the Input hypothesis, and the

Affective Filter hypothesis. The model also focuses on the significance of communicating and

notes that language acquisition occurs. At the same time, people experience language that is

higher than they can manage.

Jim Cummins contributed significantly and is famous for Basic Interpersonal

Communicative Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP). Savicki

(2023) emphasize varying processes of attaining conversational fluency and academic

proficiency in foreign languages. These theories and models have greatly influenced language

learning methodologies, but there remains an inconsistency in cultural capability in the current

literature. Most previous studies have focused on linguistic and cognitive aspects of language

acquisition, with little being said about cultural awareness and knowledge's impact on language

learning and academic success. The present research aims to bridge this gap.

This study aims to uncover how the intersection of cultural competence and language

acquisition manifests itself in the learning process and eventually influences the performance of

ELLs students. The research question, therefore, positions itself within the broader academic

discourse by bridging a crucial gap: it combines the concept of cultural comprehension with pre-

established language learning methods. Apart from advancing academic knowledge on the topic

of language learning, such an approach can offer some helpful pieces of advice for educators

who are working with youngsters from different cultural backgrounds. This study emphasizes the

importance of culturally competent language education, implying a more profound meaning for

successful language acquisition than just knowledge of the mother tongue.


The present study will employ a mixed-methods approach to systematically investigate

the influence of cultural competence on language acquisition and academic achievement among

English Language Learners (ELLs). This uses mixed methods, providing holistic perceptions

about the matter. For the qualitative part, the survey method shall be used to obtain quantitative

information about student's proficiency in a chosen language and marks/ grades in various

subjects. Such surveys will be disseminated in various educational contexts comprising ELLs

(Tedick & Lyster, 2020). These questions will determine their language competency levels, the

student's performance in school, and any cultural education the children may have engaged in.

The findings will then be subjected to statistical analysis to establish the relationships among

language development, cultural competence development, and culture. In terms of the qualitative

aspect, intensive interviewing of ELL students and teachers is expected to be undertaken.

These interviews aim to gather focused information on individual experiences, views, and

opinions about cultural approaches to English teaching. There will be open-ended interview

questions allowing participants to narrate their experiences about how culture influences the

language learning process. This quantitative data will allow a proper comprehension of the

subtlety and intricacy of often unclear quantitative data. To this end, a mixed-methods study was

chosen to capitalize on the advantages of qualitative and quantitative research traditions.

Quantitative data will be useful in providing measurable proof that cultural competence affects

the process of language acquisition. However, the qualitative data will give us richer information

about how language is affected by learners' personal experiences and circumstances. Combining

statistics with experience enables us to get a more holistic picture of our theme, encompassing

trends and people behind those numbers. Adopting this approach, the study hopes to present an

encompassing viewpoint regarding the intersection of cultural sensitivity and language education

that could benefit educators and policymakers.

Expected Results and Implications


This study is anticipated to indicate a strong relationship between cultural competency,

educational advancement, and language proficiency development. Accordingly, students with a

heightened appreciation for their culture and the ability to incorporate it into their new

environment may possess superior language and academic competencies (Savicki, 2023). This

would point out the need to include culture-based learning in language instruction. Such findings

would add greatly to the available research knowledge base by providing the necessary link

between cultural competence and language learning effectiveness. The gap is crucial as such

studies are few and mostly concentrate on linguistic and cognitive variables that inform language

learning rather narrowly.

These findings have significant practical relevance for teaching approaches and

educational policy. On this premise, they recommend that language educators incorporate

cultural education into their teaching methodology. Additionally, education policymakers may

need to review curricula to ensure cultural competence is part of language education (Zhang &

Zhou, 2019). It may facilitate the development of better language teaching strategies, especially

when teaching in multicultural classrooms. Moreover, it can enable students to learn to be

scholars who aspire not only to academic excellence but also to become global citizens in this

modern era of globalization.

Annotated Bibliography

Bai, B., & Wang, J. (2023). The role of growth mindset, self-efficacy, and intrinsic value in self-

regulated learning and English language learning achievements. Language teaching

research, 27(1), 207-228.

 The article by Bai and Wang examines the deep role played by psychological factors in

the self-regulation of learning and English language achievement. These psychological


elements explain the processes of language learning acquisition about academic results,

as Bai & Wang stated in 2023. The well-researched study that known psychologists on

linguistic psychology have done is a good book that one can take advantage of. It is

important to this research as it deals with internal psychology that supports the main

purpose of the research and focuses on external cultural competence factors. This article

adds to the knowledge base on language learning by focusing on the learner's internal

attitude and motivation.

Lou, N. M., & Noels, K. A. (2019). Promoting growth in foreign and second language education:

A research agenda for mindsets in language learning and teaching. System, 86, 102126.

 In this article, Lou and Noels consider a new viewpoint on the role of mindsets in foreign

language education, arguing that a growth mindset must be developed not only on the

part of learners but also teachers. This work advocates for an innovative research plan

highlighting the need to promote amiable mindsets for perennial learning in language

development. The uniqueness of this article comes from its focus on psychology and the

mental attitude that plays a critical role in determining the success or failure of language

learning (Lou & Noels, 2019). Their research is very helpful in comprehending how

cultural perceptions and students' attitudes impact language learning outputs and

processes. The contribution is crucial, offering significant perspectives on the link

between psychosocial issues, culture, and language education and expanding discussions

on improving language learning effectiveness.

Savicki, V. (Ed.). (2023). Developing intercultural competence and transformation: Theory,

research, and application in international education. Taylor & Francis.


 The book "Developing Intercultural Competence and Transformation" edited by

Savicki, is broadly based on the development and influence of intercultural

competence within international education. Savicki is an influential contributor to the

intercultural competency field, compiling a collection of diverse works of different

researchers comprising many theories, empirical findings, and implications relevant

to intercultural competency. A complete analysis is made on developing intercultural

understanding, with its implications in education contexts (Savicki, 2023). It is

important as a compilation with wide coverage and a valuable source of information

concerning and practicing intercultural competence. The theory underpins most key

strategies in promoting cultural competencies among learners; therefore, its

importance in this study must be considered. In addition, focusing more on the use of

language in daily life rather than theory makes this book even more advantageous,

supporting the objective of promoting cultural competence in language teaching and


1. Tedick, D. J., & Lyster, R. (2019). Scaffolding language development in immersion and dual

language classrooms. Routledge.

 A good illustration is in Tedick and Lyster's book "Scaffolding Language Development

in Immersion and Dual Language Classrooms," which gives practical tips for boosting

language learning within bilingual contexts. They center more on scaffolding strategies

based on prior learner's knowledge and promote efficient second language learning.

Tedick and Lyster (2019) write about their rich experience in second/additional language

teaching. It is an important element in their work, making it a very useful material for

teachers. The book's relationship with the present inquiry cannot be underscored since it

provides firsthand information on cultural competence in language training. Firstly, these

strategies provide great insight into how cultural competency affects language teaching.

As such, this has ensured that the above book is an important part of this research's


Zhang, X., & Zhou, M. (2019). Interventions to promote learners' intercultural competence: A

meta-analysis. International journal of intercultural relations, pp. 71, 31–47.

 Zhang Zhou (2013) provides a detailed qualitative synthesis for developing intercultural

skills in learners. Using a rigorous and valid methodology, the authors assess the efficacy

of different strategies for building intercultural understanding in educational settings

(Zhang & Zhou, 2019). The study comprehensively overviews the empirical research on

intercultural competence development and synthesizes different studies. The relevance of

this meta-analysis to the current research must be emphasized and help provide valid and

factual information on incorporating cultural competence within language education. This

describes the impacts of these interventions on learners as the foundation upon which we

build culturally competent strategies. These results are fundamental and instrumental in

understanding cultural competence and its relation with successful language learning


2. Conclusion

This study explores how cultural competence affects ELL's language development and

academic performance. The study aims to apply a mixed methods approach involving

quantitative and qualitative surveys to explore the impact of cultural understanding on language

learning and academic achievement. These results confirm an association between cultural

competency and language learning effectiveness, thus adding to scholarly knowledge and

suggesting best practices for teachers and policymakers. This study confirms that cultural

learning can be integrated into language education, and it may play a role in better student

performance in class and the intercultural competence needed in our modern world. This study

has immense implications that may transform educational practices into ones that prepare multi-

linguistic students who live in an interconnected world.



Bai, B., & Wang, J. (2023). The role of growth mindset, self-efficacy, and intrinsic value in self-

regulated learning and English language learning achievements. Language teaching

research, 27(1), 207-228.

Lou, N. M., & Noels, K. A. (2019). Promoting growth in foreign and second language education:

A research agenda for mindsets in language learning and teaching. System, 86, 102126.

Savicki, V. (Ed.). (2023). Developing intercultural competence and transformation: Theory,

research, and application in international education. Taylor & Francis.

Tedick, D. J., & Lyster, R. (2019). Scaffolding language development in immersion and dual

language classrooms. Routledge.

Zhang, X., & Zhou, M. (2019). Interventions to promote learners’ intercultural competence: A

meta-analysis. International journal of intercultural relations, pp. 71, 31–47.

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