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PHFI Centre for eLearning PUBLIC


Capacity Building in Public Health


training online Maternal & Child Health

Skill development Research Ethics
knowledge eLearning Programs
M&E Health
recorded lectures Capacity Building
Public Health Nutrition Health Economics
eLearning Programs offered by IIPH-Delhi

About Public Health Founda on of India (PHFI) and Indian Ins tute of Public
Health (IIPH)-Delhi
PHFI is a public private ini a ve that has collabora vely evolved through consulta ons with mul ple cons tuencies
including Indian and interna onal academia, state and central governments, mul & bi-lateral agencies and civil society
groups. PHFI is a response to redress the limited ins tu onal capacity in India for strengthening training, research and
policy development in the area of Public Health through establishment of Indian Ins tutes of Public Health, across the
country. IIPH-Delhi is one of the five academic ins tu ons under PHFI. The ins tute is ac vely involved in conduc ng
academic programs, both on- campus and eLearning.

eLearning Programs offered by IIPH-Delhi

ePost Graduate Programs (One year)

ePost Graduate Program in Public Health Nutri on

The course aims to provide comprehensive training in public health nutri on in a global
se ng coupled with an exposure to a number of topics. The program focuses on the
fundamentals of food science and nutri on, epidemiological methods of research,
community nutri on and new innova ons in aspects of nutri onal science.

ePost Graduate Program in Management of Reproduc ve and

Child Health Programmes
The course aims to develop an in-depth understanding of technical and programma c
issues related to reproduc ve and child health programmes. It also intends to strengthen
the capacity to plan, manage and monitor RCH programmes at the state and district level.

ePost Graduate Program in Epidemiology (Only for Indian Na onals)

The course aims to build a pool of trained public health professionals with a special focus
on applica on of epidemiology in public health. The course covers broad content areas in
epidemiology, including basic principles of epidemiology, basic sta s cal principles and
methods for epidemiological research, prac cal aspects of design and conduct of
epidemiological studies, epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable
diseases, and skills related to scien fic wri ng.

ePost Graduate Program in Health Economics, Health Care

Financing and Policy
The course aims to provide a fundamental understanding of key issues in health
economics, health care financing, pharmaceu cal economics and economic evalua on
for public health prac ce for informed decision making and implementa on.
eLearning Programs offered by IIPH-Delhi

eCourses (6 months)

eCourse on Monitoring & Evalua on of Health Programs

The course aims to strengthen the capacity and update current knowledge about
monitoring & evalua on of professionals working in the field of public health globally.
The course covers broad content areas of Monitoring and Evalua on including:
Introduc on to M&E, Overview of M&E plans, frameworks and indicators, gender
integra on in M&E, informa on sources and systems, rou ne and non-rou ne data, data
demand and informa on use, and evalua on designs.

eCourses (3 - 4 months)

eCourse in Clinical Research Methods

The course aims to provide par cipants with a mul disciplinary perspec ve to facilitate
their skills in health research. This course will expose them to fundamental concepts and
basic analy c methods to cover topics spanning from conceptualiza on of research idea
to dissemina on of research findings to fully equip them to carry out original research
and report their findings.

eCourse in Maternal, Infant, Young Child and Adolescent Nutri on

(Only for Indian Na onals)#
This course will sensi ze par cipants on the importance of first 1000 days of life with
specific emphasis on the cri cal importance of maternal nutri on, breas eeding,
complementary feeding, adolescent nutri on, health systems protocols and evidence
based approaches for quality MIYCAN programming.

Eligibility Criteria*
Ÿ Applicants with graduate / post-graduate degree in medicine, AYUSH, dental, nursing, pharmacy, health sciences,
physiotherapy, occupa onal therapy, natural / life sciences, management, social sciences, social work or any equivalent
qualifica on.
Ÿ Applicants and researchers currently engaged in public health related ac vi es such as health professionals working with
directorates of health services, central and state governments, officials engaged in health services at na onal, state and
district level government ins tu ons, or working in health organiza ons.
Ÿ Applicants engaged in health services with Na onal Health Programmes like Na onal Health Mission, Ayushman Bharat, &
other programs.
*Please refer to website for more details on program specific eligibility criteria.
System Requirements Teaching and Course Delivery
Ÿ Internet Bandwidth: 1 Mbps All eLearning programs u lize a blended online teaching/
Ÿ Processor: Intel Pen um 4 or equivalent and above learning techniques. The basic structure includes a
Ÿ RAM: 512 MB and above (1 GB recommended) combina on of interac ve online computer based
Ÿ Supported Browsers: Recent-Google Chrome, Mozilla, sessions, online virtual lectures, online assessments and
Safari, Internet Explorer and Microso Edge examina ons. eLearning sessions will be conducted by
Ÿ Supported Opera ng Systems: Windows 7 or higher designated faculty members with students logging in from
with latest updates installed, Mac OS X 10.3 higher with their loca on through their personal laptops/computers.
The courses are offered using PHFI's Learning Management
latest updates installed, Linux and Android etc.
System (LMS). The greatest advantage of eLearning is that
Ÿ Headset with microphone (web camera - op onal)
students can learn at their own pace.

Course Fee
South Asian Other Interna onal
Programs/Courses Indian Na onals Na onals** Candidates
ePost Graduate Programs (1 year) 36,000 INR 600 USD 1200 USD
eCourses (6 months) 18,000 INR 300 USD 600 USD
eCourses (3-4 months) 9,000 INR 150 USD 330 USD
South Asian countries include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka
Please check the website for course fee details

PHFI Centre for eLearning

Online Automa c
Applica on Automa c Online Valida on
Online payment student
status email Lectures & of Online
Applica on via payment registra on
monitoring no fica on Assessments Cer ficate
gateway in LMS

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For program related queries, please contact:

Manager (eLearning)
Indian Ins tute of Public Health–Delhi
Public Health Founda on of India
3rd Floor, KIIT College of Engineering, KIIT College Campus,Sohna Road-Mumbai Expressway,
Bhondsi (Near Maru Kunj), Gurugram-122102, Haryana, India
Tel: +91 124 4722900; Email:
For more informa on & online applica on, please visit: h ps://
Website: h ps://

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