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Dear Editor,

Pleased attached herewith the response sheet for all the queries received earlier from the
editorial office for the manuscript entitled Here we are resubmitting our 1rd revised
manuscript entitled with “Isolation, molecular characterization of okara for the
development of synbiotic yogurt”. The response sheet has been prepared after mutual
consensus and incorporating expert opinion of all the research team members. with all the
suggested modifications in yellow highlighted portion up to best of our potential and
knowledge. We have tried our best to remove all the issues highlighted by the
reviewers/editors. Looking forward for your kind considerations!

Reviewer’s Comments Response

Reviewer 1
1) Line 43 Now a day change by Nowadays Thank you for your kind response, The Word Now
a day changed to “Nowadays”. The suggestion has
been incorporated

2) Line 43- 46 This introduction would be if the Dear reviewer, as per your suggestion leaves the
dose had been evaluated to have a functional all COVID-19 perspectives in introduction and
effect, but it was not the case, delete and leave it as highlights the importance of function foods and
perspectives to evaluate effect. healthy life style. The required suggestion has
been incorporated as per reviewer’s comment.

3) Line 50: animal health ?Or human and animal The suggestion has been incorporatedThank you
health? for your kind response the sentence changed to as
per your suggestion.

4) Line 102: Milk of... complete. Dear reviewer, The specific sentence has been
rewritten according to your suggestionThe
suggestion has been incorporated at line # 102 as
“Milk of buffalo was purchased from local dairy
farm of Faisalabad.”
Line 132: You mention the incorporation of 3%, Thank you for your kind response, Author
why was that concentration decided, in a reference preferred 3 % okara because it contains greater
cited by you (Ref 20, mention that 1% is the most nutritional, antioxidant profile than 1 % okara
fortification.Our research team observed
significant role of 3% okara incorporation on the
adequate), justify. nutritional and therapeutic attributes of the end
product while minimally effecting the organoleptic
properties. However at 1% incorporation level
sensory properties were slightly improved by
nutritional and therapeutic features of the end
product were significantly reduced.
Line 138-139: All the physicochemical analyses Thanks for your valuable suggestion about latest
were from the same reference...? Verify. references. Change the old reference to new
reference and verified.The references have been
updated in the mentioned section of the manuscript
after proper verification.

Line 125: In the yogurt preparation section, how Thank you for your response, in yogurt preparation
much was the initial inoculum of the yogurt and 2.5% initial inoculums culture was used in
probiotic, add it. OSY1and OSY2, on the other hand in control
yogurt only 2 % starter culture are used The
control sample of the yoghurt was inoculated by
2% starter culture of L. Rhamnous while OSY1
and OSY2 were inoculated with 2.5% starter
Lines 189-190: how many panelists performed the Thank you for your kind response, 30 members
sensory tests and age ranges. included in this panelist and their age varied
between 26 to 45. The panel comprised of 30
members aged 26-45 years
Lines 203 - 204: remove the values in parentheses Dear Reviewer, as per user suggestion values are
because they are shown in Table 1. removed from these lines.The suggestion has been

Line 216: put the particle size data, as it how Dear reviewer, we study the morphology of okara
impacts on the product. by SEM images, therefore, Okara particles have
wrinkled or aggregative surface and less dispersed.
Our experts on scanning electron microscopy
studied the morphology of okara through SEM
imaging technique and found okara particles to be
wrinkled or having aggregative surface with less
dispersion rate.
Line 233: put the link C=O correctly. Thank you for this correction, C=O indicates
presence of carboxyl group therefore the
correction have been donemade in line # 233.

Line 246: change to Fig. 3. Check in all the Thank you for suggestion, All the writing: Figure
writing: figure, fig or Figure homologate. are homologateThe changes have been
Lines 254 - 260: what about water holding Thank you for your valuable and critical
capacity. Because it is higher as it is affecting the comments. We have made the correction
added ingredient, in line 260 they mention that the accordingly. The reference was only available for
results match with ref. 26, but they are referring to okara not for yogurt. So the ambiguous statement
okara alone not yogurt. Other yogurts as they are has been removed.
in composition. It is not valid just to say that the The reference was only available for okara,
results coincide, that is validating, it is necessary however the outcomes of the current study
to discuss the results better. In Figure 3 modify the strongly supports improved water holding capacity
WHC graph, put the days correctly. of end product after incorporation of okara. The
graph was has been modified accordingly.

Lines: 267-269: reference 27 mentions between Dear reviewer, Aas per your suggestion references
dry and wet okara, but the milk has an impact on was changed updated with and most relevant
the color, change reference, better to put reference. was added, this reference justify the
application in other yogurts, okara was already color variation of yogurt
added with respect to those studies as impact on
the color,

Table 1 shows that the Lightness is the same in Thanks for your valuable suggestion about color
OFY0 (control) and OFY2, but they mention that parameters. In current study There are no change
okara affects the color. You could to change the in L* and a* color parameters of all yogurts was
parameters a and b by chromaticity and hue value, observed. On the other hand the color parameter
would show better if there are differences or not. b* showed significant change of OFY2 as
compared to OFYo and OFY1. Moreover OFYo
and OFY1 showed no change in a* and b*
Line 141 and Line 270: In the antioxidant analysis Dear reviewer, Thanks for your valuable
section, why didn't they do it in the okara product, suggestion, we add the more latest data, Dry okara
as part of the characterization or put references on is a rich source of antioxidants such as TPC
how much it has as a dry ingredient. (130mg GAE/100g), FC (2 mg QE/100g), DPPH
(34.7 %) and ABTS (37.84%) radical scavenging
capacity. Therefore, okara could be added in
different food items. It enhances the functional as
well as therapeutic potential of food items and
according to available literature is most suitable to
be used for treatment of different diseases.

Is the amount of okara in the yogurt product Thank you for this comment,
enough to have a functional effect (antioxidant Yes okara hasve functional effect in yogurt due to
potential)? especially if you are mentioning that it its strong antioxidant potential. Please see line#
can be an option as a functional food, but in this 141 and 270 therefore we added explanations as
section they should discuss or justify better, they “Therefore, okara can be added in different food
only mention that it is a high activity, but other items. It enhances the functional as well as
studies that have reported functionally to have a therapeutic potential of food items and used for
possible benefit. treatment of different diseases.”
Line 279: in the microbiological analysis section, Thank you for your kind response “in the
review L. rhamnosus, lactobacillus rhamnosus or microbiological analysis section, L. rhamnosus
lactobacillus Rhamnosus. homologateThe suggestion has been incorporated

Lines 314-330: these lines are repeated, delete. Thank you for your correction and delete this
repeated lines The changes have been made

The article mentions storage conditions On what Thank you dear reviewer for this critical point, we
day was the evaluation at the beginning and at the evaluated the okara fortified yogurt at first day of
end? and sensory evaluation of different storage. All parameters are important in sensory
parameters, including texture, which is an evaluation of okara fortified yogurt, on the other
important parameter in the finished product, hand consistency of okara fortified yogurt was is
especially the consistency of the yogurt. rough not smooth as compared to control yogurt.
The consistency of OFY0 and OFY1 are were
How is the consistency of the control yogurt Thank you for this comment, Control yogurt has
smooth and fine consistency.

The consistency data can be compared with the Thank you dear reviewer for this critical comment,
sensory texture. In the current study texture was assessed through
sensory evaluation along with we cannot compare
the consistency of yogurt with texture, we only
observed appearance or overall acceptability of
Physicochemically you mention than WHC Thank you for your valuable comment, schematic
increased, this is not seen here, the yogurt 2 diagram are made at day 1 of storage, at day 1
presented syneresis? there is no syneresis observed and WHC are
increased. The yogurt 2 showed syneresis after
5th day of storage
Physicochemically, how is okara affecting yogurt? Thank you dear reviewer for this comment,
oOkara fortification significantly improveds the
fiber contents, nutritional profile as well as
bioactive profile of yogurt. Concisely we can say
that okara acts as prebiotic for probiotics and
improves the gastrointestinal function of human.
There are studies where the addition of fiber does Thank you dear reviewer for this comment, okara
not affect the consistency of the yogurt, so what is a fine yellow powder. It present in yogurt as a
else could it affect in your developed product? try suspended form therefore yogurt color and
to relate all your results. appearance changed The incorporation of Okara
significantly improved the nutritional profile of the
end product, additionally yellow color of okara
also effected the color of the end product.
Line 345 - 347: The panelists were asked prior to Thank you dear reviewer for this comment,
the evaluation if they consumed fermented panelist did not know the okara and its nutritional
products?, this is important in the selection of a profile, they just suggest or evaluate the yogurt on
population to evaluate the acceptability of a appearance, color or aroma. Therefore panelist
product. And ref. 20 suggests the addition of 1% more prefers the simple yogurt because they know
because 3% changes the properties of yogurt. this product. The panelist only graded the product
on the basis of appearance, color, aroma etc.
However they had no idea about the nutritional
profile of okara, therefore simple yoghurt was
preferred by the panelists.

In ref. 20 1 % addition more preferable because

this apparently produced less changed in yogurt

In view of ref. 20 1% incorporation of okara in

yoghurt improved the nutritional status of yoghurt
while minimally effecting its sensorial properties.
Lines 352-355. Eliminate lines, only indicate that Thank you dear reviewer for this comment, The
the product obtained has good characteristics in mentioned sentence has now been removed, The
fiber, protein. Put the most representative of what specific line has been rewritten according to your
was generated from Okara, as it influences suggestion. The changes have been made as per
nutritionally and functionally. reviewer’s comment.
The amount is sufficient to have a functional Thank you dear reviewer for this comment, The
effect. Lines 363-364 why do they mention that, specific line has been rewritten according to your
what results show it? Lines 366-367 do not show suggestion. The mentioned line has been improved
the texture values in the developed product. as per provided guideline.
370-372 these lines refer to fiber and not to okara. The mentioned sentence has now been
improved/rephrased and completed The needful
has been done in the specific section of the
Reviewer 2
Line 51- The data pulled are too old, please update Thank you for this correction, In line 51 placed the
the data at least to within nearly five years. latest data with latest reference The data has been
updated along with latest reference available on
specific study.
How guaranteed in 2.2.7 to count only the Dear reviewer, thank you critical comment, 2.7
probiotic (Lactobacillus rhamnosus)? Because S. showed only probiotics because we use selective
thermophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus media for L. Rhamnosus count. This media only
may also grow in MRS medium. give the specific colonies growth. Before the
initiation of the microbiological studies, on the
recommendations of our expert on microbiologh
sslective medium was used for the growth of L.
Rhamnous. So that to prevent the growth of
undesired microorganisms and to further
harmonize the outcomes of this study.
Line 129- “and” Italics were used In line 129 “and” changed to “and”Suggestion has
been incorporated
How soluble is okara in milk? dissolution? Dear reviewer okara is not soluble or dissolve or
Suspension? Precipitate? Please specify. not precipitate but it suspended in the yogurt. Due
to presence of high fiber content Okara is
suspendable in aqueous medium, and its
distribution was further made uniform due to
natural stabilizing properties of yoghurt
Line 34- Please state what properties of yogurt are Thank you for your suggestion nutritional and
significantly affected. Because the properties do antioxidant properties of yogurt significantly
not permit a determination of how much. effects. During the storage period the research
team observed a significant improvement in
nutritional as well as storage stability of yoghurt
after incorporation of Okara. Please see results of
talble ----- clearly elucidating improvement in
nutritional properties of the end product.
Line 37- Why would the number of probiotics be Dear reviewer, thank you for your critical
higher than the total viable count ? “probiotic comment, Our research team has observed during
count” should be in plural form. the current study that the Okara dietary fiber
possesses promising prebiotic potential Okara has
dietary fibers, this dietary fiber acts as a prebiotic
source for probiotic L. Rhamnosus. Therefore
probiotic growth was increased during storage.
Moreover probiotic is a singular word.
The conclusion paragraph is too lengthy, please Dear reviewer, as per your suggestion cConclusion
summarize the full text. And speculative content has been revised as per provided guidelines
should not appear in the conclusion incorporating the key outcomes of the current
study summarized

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